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Captured By A Royal Thug 2

Page 10

by Heiress

  The wild and crazy torture continued for what seemed like forever. I was starting to think that this man wasn’t human with how long he was fucking me.

  “Let’s see how Adonis likes it when you’re giving birth to my babies,” he spat, cumming inside of me. I wanted to feel relieved, but I was still in so much pain. Feeling him untie me was the best feeling of my life. I fell on the bed drenched in sweat, blood and tears. Enzo came and stood in front of me.

  “Next time, do as I say, or this will be only the beginning.” He turned around and walked away. When he left, I cried. I cried so hard that I ran out of tears. Dust could have come out of my eyes. I cried for Adonis to save me. I prayed on it. I couldn’t take another day in the black room. I just couldn’t.

  I thought that it was going to be my only night in the black room, but it wasn’t. Over the past month, I had been there more times than I could count. So much, I felt like I now resided there. I tried to be as obedient as I could, but some things were unacceptable. This last time was the worst. He had a few of his ladies join us. They all took turns abusing me. I had so many whips on my body that I couldn’t recognize my own skin color. There were too many bruises.

  “I’m going out of the country for a few days. If you need anything, let my mother know or Abigail. If they tell me you haven’t been on your best behavior, you will be punished. Understood?”

  “Yes, your highness,” I mumbled not wanting to anger him. He walked over and kissed me on my forehead before leaving. I tried not to cry but I couldn’t help it. I was literally living in hell.

  “Queen Bella, would you like to be escorted back to you room?” Nora asked.

  “No. I can see myself there. Thank you,” I spoke up. I then excused myself from the table and slowly walked away. My body was sore, but I managed to walk. I didn’t want anyone to help me. His staff had done enough. As I was walking, I noticed a room with a do not enter sign on the door. Curiosity got the best of me and I entered.

  “Wow,” I gasped. The room was beautiful, but it was empty. The only thing that it had was huge paintings of women on the wall. They all read Queen before their names. “These must be his previous wives. I walked the room, gazing on all of their beauty. Then I came to one painting that shocked me to my core.

  “What?” I squinted my eyes to see if it would change but it didn’t.

  “Bella!” I heard Abigail’s voice. “You shouldn’t be in here. It’s King Enzo’s private room. We must leave at once,” she spoke.

  “Not until you tell me why my mother is up on this wall!” I quizzed.

  King Adonis

  After listening to the proposition that Zara came up with last month, I started making plans to put it into motion. It was a good idea, though I didn’t know how the council was going to take it. Neither did I know what the people’s response to such drastic change would be. At this point, I could care less. All I wanted was to have Bella back and take her and my babies as far away from Droga as I can.

  “We should all have supper together. You, Amir and me. Maybe mother and father, like old times. I would love to tell you both what I’ve been up to in the states,” Zara said as she hovered over me while I was mapping out our plan.

  “Or you can give me some damn space, so I can focus. What you breathing down my neck for, Z?” I laughed.

  “I just miss you, that’s all. Can you please take a break? I know you want your precious Bella back, but you’ve been working yourself too hard. All you do is stay in this study, figuring out ways to attack Zlato and rescue Bella. If you’re not doing that, then you’re in the nursery with the triplets.”

  I only shrugged in response.

  “Brother, you haven’t seen Amir since he’s been back. You haven’t spent any time with me since I came home. Our father is still in the dungeon along with your oldest dearest friend who happens to be your half-brother. You haven’t seen or talked to either of them. My mother is leaving soon, and you haven’t said your goodbyes and I’m not sure why you’re not speaking to Aunt Madame. We are all about to go through a lot of changes and we need to resolve these family issues and beefs before they manifest into a health issue,” she finished.

  I glanced over my shoulder at my little sister who sounded so grown and mature. I could only smile. She wasn’t always like this. Her and Amir were just alike. Always getting into trouble and doing dumb shit that I had to clean up and get them out of. The only thing different about them was that, Zara enjoyed being a princess. She was good at it.

  “Who made you the big sister?” I chuckled.

  “Being away in America did some justice.” She smiled, showcasing how beautiful and white her teeth were. “Now, I’m going to tell the cook to prepare supper. I’ll have her make everyone’s favorite just in case things go wrong. That way, at least we could still eat good.”

  I shook my head as I laughed at her growing sense of humor.

  “Fine, Z. I’ll have supper with our dysfunctional lying ass family. Just know that as soon as were done, our old man and Iman are going back to the dungeon to await their deaths and your mother is going back to her own country. Don’t expect shit to change because it won’t,” I let her know so she wouldn’t get her hopes up.

  I was over my family, the drama and unrealistic expectations that came with them. Everyone had secrets. Everyone was lying. Everyone pretended to be someone that they weren’t, and I was done with the fake shit. I just needed to move on and if having one last supper was gone do that, then I was fine with it.

  “I’ll let you know when everything is ready. I’ll even invite, Leah. She still hasn’t told, Amir that she’s pregnant,” she quipped.

  “What? She’s like five months pregnant now. She thick as hell and her stomach is poking out. How can he not even be suspicious?”

  “It’s our brother we’re talking about, Adonis. Amir pays attention to nothing,” she joked, but it was indeed the truth. “It should be ready in like an hour, so you should go freshen up. You smell funny and you look like you haven’t bathed in months. That’s not proper royal etiquette nor is it sanitary.” She patted me on my back before she walked away.

  Supper with the Swali’s

  As I sat at the head of the table, I stared at the chair across from me and thought about Bella. It was moments like these were I wished I had a damn time machine and could reverse what had been done. The love I have for Bella only grew stronger every day. The saying is very much true about absence making the heart grow fonder. I was fonder as hell right now.

  The room was dead silent. So quiet that you could hear everyone’s heart beat rapidly pounding in their chest. I don’t know if it was that we all had so much to say and didn’t know how to say it, or if we actually didn’t have anything to say. Everyone seemed to just steal glances at each other and quickly look away when we’d been caught.

  “So… my time in America was delightful. I learned new traits and I even decided on what I want to go to college for,” Zara spoke up.

  “That’s good, Zara. What do you want to do?” Leah asked in between stuffing her face. I could tell she was in the hungry stage of her pregnancy.

  “I want to be a psychiatrist. I think I will be really good at it and my guidance counselor thinks that-”

  “I’m not sure why you’re entertaining this, but this conversation needs to end,” my old man spoke up. “You are a princess, Zara. You don’t attend college. After you graduate high school, you return to your country and finish your princess duties. When I’m gone, it is your brother’s responsibility to find you a new suitor since you are no longer… untouched.”

  “But father-”

  “Don’t sass me young lady,” he barked.

  “You gone be dead and gone, so you can’t tell her what she can and cannot do. I’m not making her marry someone she doesn’t love. That’s why we got so many secrets and betrayal now. If we would have been able to marry the person we loved, we would be too damn happy to betray or lie to anyone,” I said my p

  “So, you think, son.” His brows raised with a smirk.

  “No, nigga I know. It was so easy for me to fall in love with, Bella because I was forced to marry someone, I didn’t even find attractive. Amir ran away because you tried to get him to marry Creola’s snobby ass. Your own daughter fucked a damn guard because her ass got sexually frustrated from trying to stay a virgin for a hundred-year-old King,” I explained.

  “Let’s not forget about the generation before us. Madame was forced to marry someone she didn’t love which caused her to fall in love with another nigga. You get mad and rape her on some nasty shit and she got pregnant with me. You fucked up her life. I’m sure you were forced to marry Akeena, who I’m sure you didn’t love because you took on mistress after mistress and then got one pregnant. You fucked up Iman’s life. You don’t see the pattern in this?” I quizzed.

  “No. It is normal to marry someone you don’t love for the good of the country. It is normal to have more than one woman in your bed.

  “In what world? Yours? Our ancestors? If you truly love someone, there is no need for anyone else. I love the shit out of Bella. Once I get her back, you better believe that her pussy gone be the last on my lips and on my dick. I don’t want my cake and to eat it too. My cake makes me full already and it taste like no other, so I’m good. Your traditions got your kids fucked up in the head. Now everyone we truly love is close to dying,” I spat.

  “Adonis, maybe you should calm down,” Akeena contributed.

  “He has a right to be upset, Akeena. Don’t tell him to calm down. He just found out that his father raped his aunty who happens to be his mother too. He has three babies to take care of while his lover is being treated like God knows what by some crazy man. His ex-wife was a whore and now he’s sitting at a table with his family whose lives are all falling apart. He has a right to be upset!” Madame yelled. Tears trickled down her face, but she quickly wiped them away.

  “If you would have just done what I said, we wouldn’t be dealing with this,” my old man added.

  Madame’s face twisted up at him as if he had just grown two heads at the table. “You asked me to marry you, Zuse!” she snapped.

  “Yes! I did!” my old man confirmed. I think my mouth and the mouths of all my siblings dropped to the floor at the same time. He stood up from the table and directed his attention to me. “You want to talk about love? Fine, let’s converse about it. I was in love with your mother who happens to be my sister. I asked her to marry me and she denied me. So, I had no other choice but to marry Akeena.”

  “I am your sister, Zuse!” Madame shouted, shooting to her feet. “We share the same DNA and blood. Marrying you would have been sick,” she continued.

  “It would have been for love. You denied me, and I was hurt. Then I pick the best suiter any woman could have, and you bed another man who was beneath you. Everyone got to have you but me and I was furious, so I took it. I took it and I don’t regret it. Not one bit!”

  Not able to hear anymore, I slammed my cup down on the table. I couldn’t believe the disgusting shit I was hearing come out my old man’s mouth. Shit was so sick and twisted I could have thrown up all the shit I had just eaten. “You one nasty ass nigga. You fall in love with your sister and then rape her all for her to have your heir and you think there is justice in what you did?”

  “Yes! I do! I did it out of love!”

  “You did that shit out of perversion!” I barked back.

  “It made you didn’t it? So, what does that make you? Huh? You’re the greatest gift a man could have, and you continue to shame me with your judgment and lack of honor.” He looked down on me. He turned his attention to Madame with a grin on his face. “Madame and I were meant to be together and I will have her again.”

  “Eww. Father that is disgusting,” Zara displayed.

  “Yea, old man you on some white people type shit. True Africans like us don’t do that incest shit,” Amir disapproved.

  I looked at Leah to see if she was going to chime in, but she was too busy stuffing her face. She paid our family drama no mind.

  “King Zuse, I used to look up to you. I treated you like more than my father. You were my idol. A man I wished to be like when I grew up. Now.” He shook his head in disapproval. “I would rather die than be like you.”

  “Don’t worry, bro. You gone get that wish very soon,” I chimed in.

  The room fell silent again. Everyone was in shock and disbelief at what our old man had just confessed. I kept glancing at Madame who had tears in her eyes. I could see the hurt and embarrassment on her face. I wanted to console her, but a part of me was still upset with her for not telling me the truth.

  “Ahem,” Akeena cleared her throat as she stood up. “I do not wish to stay here any longer. I have just found out that the man I once loved is a sick pervert. I do not wish to be in his presence any longer. Children, I say my good bye to you and wish you all love, happiness and peace. Something that I didn’t have.” Her head fell down in shame.

  “But mother-” Zara was saying before Akeena raised her hand to stop her from talking.

  “Daughter please. I must go.” Akeena came around the table, kissed and hugged both Zara and Amir. When she reached me, she extended her hand to caress my face, but I backed away from her. “I can admit now that I didn’t fully accept you as my son. I made an agreement long ago with Madame that she could mother you and I’ll just love you from a distance. I couldn’t bring myself to it and for that, I’m sorry Adonis,” she apologized.

  I didn’t say shit back to her. I had nothing to say. I wasn’t sorry for shit because I did her no wrong. I consciously accepted her apology and granted her access to leave.

  “I think I’m going to dismiss myself. This is all too much for me.” Zara stood up from the table and wiped down her gown with her hands. “Brother, do I have permission to bring food to Twan?” she asked me. I nodded my head for my approval, and she grabbed an extra plate before leaving. This night was not going as planned and I knew it was going to end up this way. I just knew it.

  Prince Amir

  “I could have stayed in my damn bed for this shit. So much for a last family dinner,” I spat. I looked over at Leah and cracked a smile. “Damn, Leah. You eating like you eating for two,” I laughed. My family all remained silent. When I figured out, I was laughing alone, I stopped. “What?” I quizzed, looking around at all of us.

  “Nothing,” Leah spoke, avoiding eye contact with me.


  “For heavens sakes son, your new wife is pregnant with twins,” our old man blurted out. “That’s why she’s eating like an oversized whale.”

  I began to laugh even harder because I knew this was a joke. Again, when no one joined in with me, I stopped. “Wait. Are you serious? Leah you’re pregnant with twins right now?”

  Leah stayed quiet.

  “Yes, Amir. I’m pregnant with twins. Twin girls to be exact,” she more so mumbled, but I heard her clear as day. “I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you but-”

  “You’re pregnant!” I shot up from my chair. “How the fuck? When the fuck? What? How could you be pregnant? I pulled out of you every time we had-” I was saying before I suddenly stopped. I had just realized that I had come inside of her the first time we had sex. It was a shock to me that I didn’t know this sooner. “Oh, shit. Damn.”

  “Oh, shit? Damn? See, this is why I didn’t want to tell you. Do you see how disappointed you look right now?”

  “Leah, you already knew I didn’t want to have kids. From my understanding, you weren’t ready either,” I shot back.

  “I wasn’t ready for kids, no. I’m still not ready for kids, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want any. I’ve always wanted kids. I just held back telling you that because you were so against it.”

  “If you knew I was so against it then why the fuck is you pregnant right now?”

  “Are you kidding me right now? I didn’t climb on top of myself an
d make these babies, Amir. You seduced me and came inside of me, not the other way around. That is the consequence for having sex unprotected. There is a possibility that one could get pregnant,” she snapped.

  “I didn’t ask for this shit!” I roared, swiping my hands across the dinner table and clearing it off. Food and plates went flying to the floor. Leah got up and stormed out of the room. “Leah,” I called out her name, but she only ignored me.

  “Amir behave yourself!” my old man ordered.

  “Nigga please. He’s not going to listen to you. You are about to die. Taking orders from you would be like taking orders from a ghost and that’s just dumb as shit, so save your breath,” Adonis contributed.

  “Don is right. After what you just told us today, you are no longer my old man. You just a dead man,” I spat, shaking my head at the fact that he thought he still had authority. He was beyond dead to me.

  “You’re not better than me, son. You don’t even want kids with the woman you claim to love.”

  “Look at this shit!” I widened my hands around the room. “Look how fucked up our family is. Look at all the secrets that’s been revealed. We are dysfunctional. We are liars, cheaters and perpetrators. Who in their right mind would want to bring their child into this shit? I don’t want kids because my family is too fucked up. That’s why I wanted to get away, so that if I did have kids, they would have a chance to be normal. We are not normal!” I expressed.

  Out the corner of my eye, I saw Iman shaking his head. “You got something to say?” I quizzed.

  “As a matter of fact, I do. You are you so ungrateful. You and Adonis are ungrateful. You were born into royal blood and given a chance to have riches, be beloved by all and have forever reign. I can’t believe I envied you both. I thought that if I killed Adonis that I would become the son of Zuse that I was meant to be. I thought this country could be mine. I thought that Mena could finally be mine and that I could raise my children in this palace.”


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