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Captain Elliot and the Founding of Hong Kong

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by Captain Elliot

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  1. Captain Charles Elliot c. 1855 while Governor of Trinidad.

  (Photograph courtesy of the Governor of Trinidad and Tobago c. 1953, from Clagette Blake, Charles Elliot RN) (Cleaver-Hume, London 1960).

  2. Minto House, Hawick, c. 1910.

  (Historic Environment Scotland)

  3. Rt Hon. Hugh Elliot.

  (The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)

  4. Reading School and Playground, 1816.

  (Edmund Havell. By kind permission of the Old Redingensians Association)

  5. Bombardment of Algiers, 1816.

  (Thomas Luny. Private Collection [Copyright], Royal Exchange Art Gallery at Cork Street, London/Bridgeman Images)

  6. HMS Minden off Scilly, 1842.

  (Lieutenant Humphrey J. Julian. Copyright National Maritime Museum, London)

  7. Slave ship captured by boats of the Royal Navy, 1824.

  (Image Reference Magasin8, as shown on, compiled by Jerome Handler and Michael Tuite, and sponsored by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and the University of Virginia Library.)

  8. Emma, Lady Hislop (née Elliot),

  (Thomas Charles Wageman. Courtesy of Private Collection)

  9. Georgetown Harbour, British Guiana c. 1850.

  (Courtesy of Private Collection)

  10. Henry John Temple, third Viscount Palmerston, 1844–45.

  (John Partridge. Copyright National Portrait Gallery, London)

  11. Howqua.

  (Lamqua. Pictures from History/Bridgeman Images)

  12. William Jardine.

  (Thomas Goff Lupton, after George Chinnery, 1830s. Copyright National Portrait Gallery, London)

  13. Commissioner Lin Zexu.

  (Lamqua. Courtesy of Gibson Antiques)

  14. The Hongs of Canton, early 1830s.

  (Sunqua. Photo: Martyn Gregory Gallery, London)

  15. (Thought to be) Clara Elliot c. 1838.

  (George Chinnery. Courtesy of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)

  16. San Francisco Green: Houses of Mr Whiteman (‘the forty-pillared house’) and Captain Elliot, and Monte Fort, Macao.

  (George Chinnery, 1836. Copyright Victoria and Albert Museum, London)

  17. The Bocca Tigris from the South.

  (Chinese Artist c. 1840. Photo: Martyn Gregory Gallery, London)

  18. Commissioner Lin Zexu overseeing the destruction of Opium at Humen, June 1839.
/>   (Chinese Artist. Pictures from History/Bridgeman Images)

  19. James Matheson.

  (Henry Cousins, after James Lonsdale, 1837. Copyright National Portrait Gallery, London)

  20. Emily Eden, 1835.

  (Simon Jacques Rochard. Copyright National Portrait Gallery, London)

  21. Nemesis destroying junks in Anson’s Bay, 1841.

  (Edward Duncan. Copyright National Maritime Museum, London)

  22. Major General Sir Hugh Gough.

  (after Sir Francis Grant, 1854. Copyright National Portrait Gallery, London)

  23. Hong Kong Island and Harbour, c. 1860.

  (Nam Ting. Photo: Martyn Gregory Gallery, London)

  24. Sir Henry Pottinger.

  (Sir Francis Grant, 1845. Copyright UK Government Art Collection)

  25. George Hamilton Gordon, fourth Earl of Aberdeen, c. 1847.

  (John Partridge. Copyright National Portrait Gallery, London)

  26. President Sam Houston.

  (Daguerreotype, studio of Mathew Brady. Courtesy of the Library of Congress LC-USZ62-110029)

  27. President John Tyler.

  (Charles Fenderich. Courtesy of the Library of Congress LC-USZ62-7266)

  28. Port of Galveston.

  (Illustrated London News, January 1845. Courtesy of the Library of Congress LC-USZ61-293)

  29. Government House, Mount Langton, Bermuda, mid-1850s.

  (from Bermuda: a Colony, a Fortress, and a Prison by Anonymous, Ferdinand Whittingham) (London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts, 1857).

  30. Convict hulks at Ireland Island Bermuda.

  (from sketch in Illustrated London News, July 1848. Private Collection [Copyright] Look and Learn/Illustrated Papers Collection/Bridgeman Images)


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