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Tricks & Treats: A Romance Anthology

Page 13

by Candace Osmond

  “Do I sense something unspoken between you and your roommates? Are you looking to get me drunk?”

  “You give my roommate far too much credit,” he said. “He could not pick up on a cue like that no matter how hard I tried. He is just being a nice guy and a good host. And believe me, you are safe with me and everyone here; we are all like family. We have all been through a lot and know each other well. You’ll make life long friends this evening.”

  Ashley sensed the connection between them grow as though an invisible tether joined them. Turning to lay the wine bottle on the end table, she made sure to rub her breasts against his legs. She could feel his leg lift off of her lap and push back against her breast, enough to limit her movement. She turned back to toward him with an inquisitive look, but his glowing smile wiped any question from her mind. Two could play at this game.

  Again placing her hand on his thigh, even higher and more inside she asked, “So how long have you lived in the city and what do you like to do for fun?” This time she didn’t pull her hand away and stroked his thigh a little with her fingertips and got the look and reaction she was hoping for. He was in pleasurable discomfort.

  “I” then he stopped and cleared his throat. “I have lived in the city for five years now and had a very nice bachelor apartment in an amazing high rise, but when the guys came to stay with me for a weekend, and ended up staying a few months, we decided to get this place.”

  She could tell he was having a hard time with her rubbing his thigh like that and that was exactly what she wanted.

  Still with her hand on his thigh and pretending not to notice, she asked, “How did you get a place like that?”

  “I was in much the same situation as you, new to the city and I met someone who lived in the city, in that building actually, and she got me the place.” It was obviously hard for him to concentrate on what he was saying. By her estimation everything was getting harder for him. There was just enough light for her to see a large bulge growing in his pants and getting closer to her hand without her having to look directly at his groin.

  “Sorry, is this position or something making you uncomfortable? It seems like it is getting hard for you to sit still.” Ashley said with the most innocent look in her eye that she could conjure.

  “No, no, I mean yes, well I do not want to move if that is what you are asking. What do you think of that drawing on the wall there to the other side of you?”

  Knowing this was just a distraction tactic, Ashley slowly turned her head toward the drawing on the wall, but left her hand in the same position. There was a quick fidgeting movement as she felt him adjust himself. His bulge passed right under the fabric of his pants beneath her hand, she was impressed with what she had felt. Slowly she turned her head back to see his flustered face but more relaxed body.

  “Very nice drawing, are you more comfortable now?”

  With a smile and only responding to the first part of the question Alex said, “I drew it, but it’s just a copy of one of my favourite artist’s drawings, Boris Vallejo.”

  “I do not know him but he must like and enjoy the female form just as much as you obviously do.”

  “From his work I would think that’s true although I’m not sure he could enjoy female forms like you more than I do. I’m not sure that’s possible.” Now he was fighting back and enjoying it.

  With an exaggerated turn toward Alex and a head tilt that let her hair flirtatiously fall to one side, Ash’s eyes were hidden from view of everyone else as she looked Alex in the eye, “Thank you, very much, so nice of you to say,” She let her gaze boldly leave his and slowly trace every inch of him down to where his large bulging manhood pressed for release.

  Just at that moment, the door at the other end of the room opened with a bang and a flash of light. Every person’s head turned toward the door and without a second thought Ash gave into her craving and grabbed Alex’s hard cock. His yelp of “HEY” seemed to be a little delayed to everyone else’s response to the new guests and people just gave him a quick look but not a second thought. The timing was perfect.

  With Alex’s eyes bulging as well, and an ear-to-ear smile, he looked directly into Ash’s innocent eyes “Wow, you are fun, I like you. Not many people can catch me by surprise, but you most certainly can.”

  Ash smiled innocently, “You seem like a lot of fun too, I hope we get to spend some time together.” All the while she kept thinking, Wow that is the largest cock I have ever felt and it wasn’t even fully hard, I have to see more.

  “Seems like everyone is here so let's head to the party, no way we will get taxis here by phone on Halloween so let’s just head out and flag them down,” said a voice on the dark side of the room. With that, everyone started finishing up their drinks and gathering up all the parts of their costumes. Some girls decided they were not going to cover up on the one night of the year they get to dress so provocatively without too much judgement despite the cool night air.

  Since Alex and Ashley were at the far end of the room, they took their time getting ready and out the door. As they walked down the hall of the high ceiling old warehouse it was obvious people would have to split up and get a few taxis. “Everyone stick with someone with the address and knows where they are going,” Alex yelled out from the back of the crowd; easily heard from his towering height in his costume.

  “I will stick with you if you don’t mind,” Ashley said to Alex and she was overheard by her sister directly in front of her who turned just enough to give her a quick approving smile.

  “With your large size it maybe hard for you to fit in … the taxi. With your costume on I mean of course.”

  Alex laid his hand on Ash’s shoulder and pulled her close to his hip, hardly having to bend his arm. “Come with me and no worries I will get you there and I will make sure I fit, no matter how long and hard I have to work at it.”

  The crowd spilled through the industrial building doors and down a couple of steps onto the street. Because of the costume, Alex was slow on the steps and with one hand on the rail and the other on Ashley, they followed the crowd to the end of the small street to the main road to get taxis.

  “Alex you may be slow on the steps but I have to almost run to keep up with your stride.”

  “Sorry I did not realize. The last thing I want to do this evening is to leave you behind.”

  The streets were full with the sounds of parties from the surrounding buildings and lots of wild noises from the people in costume in cars and walking the streets. “It’s a wild night for sure,” Ashley said with a slight concern in her voice.

  “No worries. This is not a bad part of town and the party is in an even nicer part of town. You’re safe, just stay with me.”

  Some people walked in a different direction and the group in front of them got a taxi and called out to them to hurry. “You go ahead, we will catch the next one,” Alex yelled out. “I know there is no way we could fit in that taxi with them and me in my costume.”

  “I am in no rush to go anywhere without you, especially this evening.”

  Alex whistled and waved at the next taxi that slowed and had a good look and then kept driving. “Why did he do that?” Ash asked.

  “I guess my costume is better than I thought, you give it a try, I’ll stand back a bit and don't be afraid to open your coat.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, no harm at all and it will be fun.”

  The next taxi to come their way slowed a little; Ashley put her hand on hip, which opened her coat up. The taxi screeched to a halt. “I told you, what man could resist you?” In two large steps Alex was at the cab pulling his boots off to get in.

  Side-by-side they sat close with Alex’s modified ski boots taking up so much space. “I have never done anything like that and I am loving your friends and this city.”

  “You are a natural and it is obvious everyone likes you and you will make great friends this evening.” Alex turned, spoke quietly and reached over and
laid one hand on her lap while looking her in the eye. There was a slight intimate delay before she reached her hand behind his neck and pulled him close for a deep passionate kiss. Instinctively, with a passionate hunger, Alex’s left hand went behind her neck to pull her closer.

  She felt his hand slide from her left thigh and toward her hip, but his hand was so large that his thumb caressed the top of her inner thigh at the same time. The kiss lingered as his hand continued up her side as she wondered if she was ready for this and wondered where his hand was going.

  Alex’s large, strong hand caressed the side of her breast and slowed, but continued on to hold the other side of her neck. Gently, but assertively, he held her as their kiss seductively continued as their breathing and heart-beats increased. Still holding her, Alex released the kiss and looked her in the eye. She smiled to reassure him and pulled him back in for more.

  Ashley's other hand was by her hip and in between them, she moved to slide it around his waist, then slid her hand up his thigh only to be halted once again by his massive erection pushing against his pants. This time it was not for the shock factor. This time she wanted to feel and hold his thick hard cock.

  Without pulling his lips completely away Alex gasped for a breath and let out a low guttural groan. “I want you”.

  They continued to kiss as Ashley stroked him through his pants and could tell she would not likely get her hand around him when he was fully hard and released from the constraints of his jeans. The feeling of his manhood in her hand, his large strong hands on the back of her neck and his passionate kiss nearly drove her over the edge, but she kept stroking and he kept holding her while she longed for his hands to caress her all over.

  Thoughts of “Is he teasing me by not running his hands over my tits and warm body or is he being a gentleman? Either way it has to stop and he needs to touch me.” With that she pulled slightly back from the kiss to tell him just that. Just as she took a breath to speak, the taxi stopped.

  “Crap I can’t believe we’re here already. Maybe I should tell him to do a few laps of the city?” Alex said under his breath with an obvious ache in his voice and a want for more.

  “No we should get into the party, my sister and friends will wonder what happened to me. If it is not going to be too hard for you to walk,” she said with an impish grin and a wink.

  Alex paid the man and then grabbed his boots as they slid out of the taxi and crossed the sidewalk to take hold of the fence to put his boots back on. For the first time, Ashley saw his real height while standing next to him and felt more of a connection than ever before.

  Ashley grabbed his hand, “With my heels on, and you barefoot, you are only a little taller than me now.” Pushing her breasts up against his chest, she leaned in for a kiss while at the same time reaching down to stroke his cock through his jeans. It hung down the inside of his thigh, she would not be able to stroke the full length of him without breaking the kiss and that just made her kiss him harder and push up against him more.

  Standing there on the dark residential street, Alex turned and, with his body against hers, he pushed her against the fence. As they kissed, he slid his hands down her arms to her wrists and lifted both her hands over her head without unlocking their lips. With one hand, he held both wrists over her head against the tall fence. His hand was large enough to wrap around both of her wrists and pin them there.

  Alex pulled away from her just enough to look in her eyes. “You know I am only human and can only be a gentleman for so long.” He then leaned back in to kiss her lips again. This time his free hand slid from her hip up her body beneath her vampire jacket as if savouring her every curve. Ashley had never wanted anything more in her life.

  She loved the control he had over at this moment, physically and sexually and enjoyed every moment of his touch and just let him take over. Finally, his hand cupped one of her full breasts and pushed it up as he bent to kiss her cleavage. It was only the cool breeze on her chest that let her know the buttons were undone and then realizing where they were, she faintly struggled and moaned. “Are you sure we should do this here?” The words were not out of her mouth when she felt the breeze on her exposed breasts. She realized she was too distracted by her own passion and desire to do anything about it except to just give in to him and let him do anything he wanted.

  With that she felt him let go of her wrists, lift her by her waist, and hold her against the fence and in an instant was sucking her nipples, one then the other. Ashley held his head and pulled him into her full breasts. Without knowing why, he slowly lowered her and then she felt it, his rock hard cock pushed against her wet heat, aching to be fucked. As she felt her head fall back in anticipation of his manhood spreading her wide open she heard, “Ashley are you out here?” coming from only a few feet away on the other side of the fence.

  It was the fastest she had ever seen anyone move in her life as he instantly tried to set Ashley down and do up his pants without injuring himself or her. Ashley walked toward a gate she had noticed earlier, but she had no idea they were this close to the party.

  “Yes we are here, just got out of the taxi and I’m waiting for Alex to get his boots back on. He couldn’t fit in the taxi with them on.” As she offered her lie and prayed her sister would believe her, she walked slowly and tried to get her clothes back in order. She looked back to see Alex very dishevelled and leaning his back against the fence.

  “I am going to head on into the party with my sister if you are okay.” Ashley called back in a way to make sure her sister could hear and then mouthed “sorry” to Alex.

  A few minutes later, Ashley watched Alex make his way into the party back in costume but his mask was on his head and showing a face of what looked like someone confused and exhausted. Others noticed too and someone asked if it was awkward walking in that costume, but Ashley knew exactly what it was all about.

  She walked to him and handed him a drink and smiled, “Sorry about that, I hope you are okay.”

  “In one way I am great, to get that close to you and to experience our connection, but I am in desperate need to be with you more and very soon.

  “Believe me I know the feeling, but we have a long night ahead of us and I am not sure my sister will want me out of her sight for the whole night, we will have to see how it goes.”

  “You can see how it goes, but do not worry I already know how it will happen and I promise you will enjoy it as well,” he said with confidence and a hint of desperation at the same time.

  Again she loved his confidence without being cocky and was happy to follow his lead and let the night take her where she needed to go.

  After a short time and cordial interaction between them for everyone else's benefit, a few laughs and conversation with other people, Alex stood next to Ashley. “Soon we will all be going outside, I will need your help again getting outside and I need you to stick with me.”

  Before Ashley could ask for more detail, the party host yelled, “Time for everyone to move outside for the big surprise.” They were last to walk out the door again and took oversized sparklers like everyone else did as they walked out the door.

  The partygoers all crowded in the fence-lined urban back yard and lit their first sparklers as the music started pumping. People were dancing and writing their names in the night’s darkness while others took pictures.

  “Where are you taking me?” Ashley happily whispered as Alex walked with her hand-in-hand along the fence in the dark edge of the yard until they reached a gate that you would have to be told existed to know it was there, especially in the dark. The gate closed behind them and they were in complete darkness in what seemed like an unkempt field. The outline of a close, but dark, building was only visible because it blocked out the city lights.

  Once against the low building, Alex turned Ashley so her back was against the side of the steps. “A beautiful dark spot in the middle of the city like this, I love it, but I can see everyone at the party and still hear the music.” />
  “That’s the idea, we can see them but no way they can see us in the dark like this and no way they can hear us over the music.”

  “Do you think we will be saying things we do not want them to hear?” she asked with an impish grin. Before she could get the next word out, his lips were on her open mouth and his hands held her tight to him. Without her knowing, in the dark, he had stepped out of his boots and their bodies were pressed close.

  There was something in his lack of words, but when he spoke, everything he said affected her. That, along with his actions, left no question in her mind who he was and what he wanted. His physique, chiselled features, and long hair that initially attracted her to him, kept drawing her in more and more and now was making her wetter than she had ever been in her life.

  The more he kissed and held her, the hotter she became. Then she felt one hand slide down the back of her neck, enjoying every inch of her back and stopping at the top of her firm ass. His thumb reached around to the front of her hipbone and made her tingle between her legs. His large hand seemed to encircle half of her waist. He only stopped for a moment and slowly savoured the feel of her ass through her loose flowing dress. He then cupped her ass and once again lifted her until she sat on a large step.

  With her coat on, but open they were now face to face. His arms wrapped her whole body in an embrace and Ashley wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him down tight to her breasts while resting her head onto his. Instinctively her legs opened wide and wrapped around his body pulling him in.

  Alex’s hands stroked her body as they encircled her and almost pushed her away, but it was just enough for him to work his magic and easily open her top and undo her bra. Again, the cool air on her breast made her nipples even more erect, which she did not think possible. He kissed her breasts to the point her nipples ached to be sucked so she guided him into position.

  “Is he teasing me or trying to drive me nuts, I want this man inside me so much!” As if he read her mind, Alex gently pushed her back to lay on the large stone steps, with her breasts exposed in the darkness while he caressed them with one hand.


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