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Reluctant Mate

Page 5

by H Q Kingsley

  Elspeth stared down at his glass for a moment. “Emotion is for the weak and doesn’t get one anywhere in life. Pure, raw dominance and power do.” He nodded. “I still sense him through our bond. It is not just fear. He feels the desire just as I do.”

  I raised my brow wondering if he truly believed that he could make an omega fall for him by brute force, fear, and anger alone. Was that really him, or just more broken pieces of his father?

  I tapped a finger against my glass. “Has the thought not occurred to you that when he’s finally in heat, he may refuse the claim or even to mate with you? Or he may simply not be able to produce an heir.”

  Elspeth groaned in irritation as he tossed back the rest of his scotch and set the empty tumbler down on the table behind him harder than necessary. “It won’t come to that, I won’t allow...” He trailed off.

  His eyes glazed over as he looked off into the distance for a moment as if deep in thought.

  “But...” he finally continued. “You make an interesting point, my friend.” A terrifying grin spread his lips. “I will play along and be nice.”

  I sighed. “That wasn’t what I meant.”

  But Elspeth wasn’t listening. “No, no. You’re right. I need to put on a happy face. Get him to trust me.”

  I put my fingers to my temples. There was only so much I could do.

  I shrugged. “I guess that’s all we can hope for.”

  “Very well,” Elspeth said as he pushed off from his desk. “Are you joining us for dinner this evening?”

  I gently placed my glass down on the small circular table beside my chair. “Not tonight, Alpha. Mishel and I…” I dropped my gaze. “We’re going to be trying again.”

  It had been nearly a year that we’d been trying, and each month it got harder and harder to face the disappointment of not being successful.

  I was ashamed. I was ashamed that I couldn’t seem to do my duty to my mate. The stress it put on Mishel was almost unbearable. I loved him more than life itself, and I couldn’t give him the one thing he wanted.

  Elspeth grunted in indifference as he poured himself another glass. I couldn’t tell if his disapproval was from my declining his invitation to dinner or commentary on our efforts to get pregnant.

  “Is there something you wish to say, Alpha?” I asked.

  Elspeth shook his head and tossed back his scotch.

  “No, nothing.” He shrugged. “I wish you the best.”

  “Good,” I said combatively as I climbed to my feet. “I guess I’ll go then.”

  “I guess you will.”

  I scoffed as I headed for the door, stopping when Elspeth called me back. “Please tell Iosefa that dinner will be ready shortly, so he’ll need to be ready,” he said.

  I gave him a curt nod as I left the study.

  Once I made it back to the foyer, I turned up the grand staircase to head for the bedrooms.

  I reached Iosefa’s room and knocked. I could hear him shuffling on the other side, and I waited patiently for him to open the door.

  Slowly, the door cracked open and he peeked his head out.

  Apparently, I interrupted his shower. He was dressed in a towel, his long hair tied back in a pony-tail.

  The smell of fear and look of nervousness on his face disappeared when he saw that it was me, and I assumed he initially thought it was Elspeth.

  He let out a sigh of relief as he stepped to the side to let me in.

  “Dimitri, right?” he asked. He still seemed wary of me, but there was no curtness in his tone.

  I nodded. “Dinner will be served soon. Elspeth wanted me to let you know.”

  Iosefa frowned. “Yeah, I know. I was just about to get in the shower.”

  “Alright, well... I’ll let you get back to getting ready. Have a good night, Iosefa.” I turned to leave and stopped when Iosefa called out to me.

  “You… You aren’t joining us?” he asked, his face so full of misery, I immediately felt guilty. But I had my own mate to tend to. I couldn’t babysit him forever.

  I sighed. “He’s your True Mate, Iosefa. You’ll have to learn to deal with him sooner or later. Why don’t you use tonight as an opportunity to get to know him? Dinner together would be as good a place as any to start.” I knew it was easier said than done, especially with someone like Elspeth.

  Iosefa snorted. “Yeah, a mate who almost killed my father had I not stepped in to stop it, and he would have felt no remorse”

  I ran my fingers through my hair, looking up at the ceiling. There wasn’t much I could say in the way of a disagreement. Elspeth definitely had a violent streak, hell, we all did, but Elspeth’s was particularly devoid of emotion.

  I met Iosefa’s eyes. Poor kid. I was his beta now. I at least owed him some sound advice.

  “Listen, Iosefa. As annoying as it might be, watch what you say around him, even if he pisses you off…” I held up my finger. “Especially when he pisses you off. He is not only your mate but also your Alpha now. He won’t take shit from anyone, and that includes his mate. Just keep quiet when necessary and pay attention to his actions. It won’t always work, but you’ll learn to work around his moods. That’s the best piece of advice I can give you, Iosefa.”

  Iosefa nodded stiffly. “Okay,” he said softly. “I’ll do my best.”

  As I walked into my house, I immediately set my things down by the door. I was exhausted. Between traveling and watching Elspeth shoot himself in the foot with Iosefa, I was completely drained.

  I stepped forward to leave the entryway and stopped when I heard Mishel shout from the living room.


  I groaned as I slipped my shoes off and set them into the neat shoe case we’d set up by the door.

  “I know! They were already off,” I lied, knowing he was probably reclined on the couch and couldn’t see me to call me out for it.

  “Liar!” He called back with a chuckle.

  I grinned as I walked through the living room to the sofa where I knew I would find him.

  “Hey, baby,” I said, leaning down to give him a soft kiss before sliding in next to him with a sigh of relief. Nothing cured a long day like sitting on the couch with Mishel.

  “Rough day?” he asked, reaching out to run his hands through my hair.

  I relaxed into his touch, softly moaning in appreciation as he stroked my hair.

  “You know. Same shit, different day.”

  I whined in disapproval when Mishel stopped playing in my hair.

  He groaned. “Let me guess. Elspeth?”

  “Come on, don’t start.”

  Mishel pushed me away from him, his lips pursed in a pout. “I’m not starting anything.” He folded his arms across his chest. “It’s just—”

  “I thought you weren’t starting.”

  He narrowed his eyes on me. “It’s just,” he started again. “Elspeth is like, the actual worst. You’re his beta, not his servant.”

  “I’m his best friend.”

  “Does he know that? Because he sure as hell doesn’t treat you like it.”

  I let out a long sigh. We’d been having the same argument for far too long. Mishel was the greatest love of my life, but Elspeth was my Alpha. I was devoted to Mishel and loyal to Elspeth, and they both wanted more from me than the other. Particularly Mishel these days. He was stressed and desperate for a positive pregnancy and so hopped up on hormones it made him out of his mind some days.

  “Mish,” I said gently, reaching out for him. “He’s the Alpha.”

  I pulled him into me and he nuzzled into my chest. “I know,” he said softly. He leaned up to place his hands to the side of my face, looking deeply into my eyes. “I just miss you sometimes, you know.”

  I leaned in to kiss him. “I miss you too,” I said, brushing my nose against his. “All day, I just think, ‘Man, I can’t wait to get home to Mishel.’”

  Mishel chuckled. “You do not!” he said, smacking my chest.

  I held up my hand. “I
swear. It’s true.”

  He grinned as he looked up at me and shifted his weight. He threw a leg over mine to straddle me before untying his robe and opening it just enough for me to see there was nothing underneath.

  I bit down on my lip and reached out to push at the side of the robe to see more of him.

  He was still the sexiest man I’d ever laid eyes on. His perfect chest was muscular without being overdone, his hips were round and full, and every inch of him was dusted bronze perfection.

  I gripped his hips and leaned forward, making a gentle circle around his nipple with my tongue.

  He let out a soft coo, and I groaned as my cock pulsed for him.

  “I guess we’re done talking about work then,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

  “Yeah, definitely done thinking about work.” I nodded, mesmerized by the feel of him in my lap, the taste of his skin on my tongue.

  “Good,” he said, pushing off the rest of his robe and tossing it to the floor. “So, how about you unbutton those pants and get me pregnant.”


  Iosefa Henare

  Fresh out of the shower, I toweled my hair dry but let any excess water just drip from the ends. It took me a few minutes to decide what to wear because I wasn’t sure what Alpha Callum would not find too repulsive.

  I sighed as I held a black shirt in my hands. It was the best I could do. I didn’t know how to not irritate my new Alpha, and I especially didn’t know how to dress for him.

  I angrily swiped at a tear that made a path down my cheek. This was my life now and I had to stop crying about it.

  I seemed to only have two emotions lately. Sorrow and hate. If I wasn’t feeling sorry for myself, I was hating Alpha Callum. The only solace so far had been Dimitri. He was a little rougher around the edges than I was used to, but he was kind. Much kinder than my Alpha, and I was oddly thankful to have him as a beta.

  I gathered myself and slipped on my clothes, heading out of my room. I was pretty sure being late to dinner wouldn’t do anything to ease my situation with Alpha Callum.

  As I stepped outside, Ally was waiting for me. She had also shown me kindness. It made me a little uncomfortable that she curtseyed every time she saw me, but she had helped me to my room and unpacked my things. And when she spoke, it was soft and sweet and comforting.

  “Alpha Elspeth is waiting for you,” Ally chirped.

  Of course he is. I smiled at Ally and let her lead me down the staircase and through a hallway that led into a large dining room where Alpha Callum was sitting at the head of the long mahogany table. He was already eating and didn’t even bother to look up from his plate as he gestured to Ally with a go away flick of his hand.

  Ally bowed and, before she could close the door, I smiled and whispered a quick “Thank you.”

  “You’re a little late, Iosefa,” Alpha Callum said through a mouth full of food, and I cringed. “You may take your seat.”

  I pulled out a chair at the other end of the table, but before I was able to sit, the Alpha cleared his throat.

  He stared expectantly at me and I felt my blood run cold. I hated when he looked at me… and yet it made my heart beat faster.

  “You may sit closer,” Alpha Callum said flatly. “At the place that is set for you.” He pointed to the dish next to him.

  I knew better than to misinterpret the word may. It wasn’t a request. It was an order.

  Hesitantly, I pushed the chair back into place and slowly approached the spot at his right-hand side as if I was walking to my death.

  “That’s better.” Alpha Callum grinned. “You should always be near your Alpha and mate, especially when we have company.”

  I fought back a scowl. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanted to be around him willingly.

  Alpha Callum reached for his wine glass and drank from it as he watched me curiously.

  My entire body felt rigid and stiff, every muscle tightening under his gaze. I hated the way he made me feel. The two sides of myself warring. Part of me wanted as far away from him as possible… but then… there was another part of me—the wolf part— that had found its alpha. I shook my head, forcing myself to center on the part that couldn’t stand him.

  “You smell very nice.”

  I blinked at him in surprise. “Oh, um…”

  “Your scent was masked before under all of the dirt. But a shower has done wonders for you. My wolf approves and appreciates the new, clean you.”

  I frowned. Of course. He doesn’t have one complimentary bone in his body. Why expect anything more?

  “Thanks, I guess,” I said dryly.

  Alpha Callum took another sip from his wine, his eyes still on me.

  I fidgeted. “Do you think you can stop staring at me?” I asked.

  He raised a brow and tilted his head to the side. “Why? Am I making you nervous?”

  He grinned, and I gritted my teeth. It was all just a game to him. My life was a game to him.

  “No,” I shot back. “But you’re making me feel like a possession instead of a person.”

  Alpha Callum pursed his lips. “Well, you are mine.”

  I gripped the edge of the chair so hard the wood began making a cracking sound in my grip. He made me so angry, but my wolf... my wolf was a fool that wanted to be claimed. My wolf felt a jolt of electricity to hear him call me his.

  I inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly, blinking back tears that burned my eyes. There it was again, the hopelessness. But I didn’t want to cry in front of him. I didn’t trust him enough.

  I took another deep breath and pulled myself together.

  As a chef rounded the table behind me, she quietly set a piping hot plate of food in front of me with a smile.

  I smiled back at her, but the moment she disappeared back into the kitchen, I pushed the plate away.

  I couldn’t eat, no matter how good the food smelled. I wouldn’t eat his food. I wouldn’t indulge in his luxuries. I would be a shell, here in presence only. My own silent protest.

  “You should eat your food, Iosefa,” Alpha Callum insisted. “The cook will be insulted, and it’s quite rude.”

  “I’m not hungry,” I grumbled. It might have been more convincing if my stomach hadn’t roared at the time of my proclamation.

  Alpha Callum chuckled and placed his glass down. He folded his hands in front of him and rested his chin on them. “Do you think that starving yourself will make me send you away? Do you think I’ll get annoyed with you, or bored?”

  I blinked back at him, stunned at how easily he could read me.

  He leaned forward as he said, “Let me clue you in on a little secret.” His voice was low and vicious. “There is nothing that you can do or say that will make me ‘kick you out.’ There’s no escaping me, Iosefa. You are mine now.”

  My throat tightened. Every time he said that word. Mine. It rocked me.

  “I thought I was your mate, not your possession,” I said tightly.

  Alpha Callum’s lips pulled into a wide grin. He leaned over and gently gripped my chin. “You certainly have a lot to learn, especially if you are to live in my world.”

  Fear and heat flooded me. My wolf stirred and wanted to conquer and be conquered by whatever Alpha Callum would throw at me, but the human side of me was terrified at what that might actually entail.

  You seem to be thinking intently, Iosefa. Care to share?

  I pulled out of his grasp. I hated that. I hated that he could so easily get into my head.

  “Stay out of my head,” I nearly growled.

  Alpha Callum slammed his hands on the table and looked me directly in the eye. “The more you fight this, the harder things will be for you. Your place is as my omega. Your head is mine to intrude. You will know and understand your place here.”

  “And what if I don’t want that?” I said, challenging him. I couldn’t help myself. He intimidated me in every way. Hell, just looking him in the eye scared me shitless, but I couldn’t ju
st lie down for him. This was my life. I couldn’t spend the rest of it as his doormat. “What makes you think I would enjoy any part of having a life with you? You almost killed my father and took me from my home.”

  He shrugged. “Those were minor mishaps. I didn’t take pleasure in hurting your father, but when someone gets in the way of what I want, well, let’s just say, it won’t happen again.” He eyed me up and down, but it was different. It wasn’t like the idle, curious stares from before. This one had heat. This stare suddenly made me feel naked.

  “I enjoy this fire in you, Iosefa,” he growled. “It’ll make it all the more fun to break you.”

  I swallowed. “B-break me?”

  The right side of his mouth ticked up in a smirk. He reached out and twirled a strand of my hair around his finger. “Oh, yes, sweet wolf. And you’re going to love it. When I fuck you so good that you cry. When my hand is tangled in that beautiful hair and you’re calling me daddy… You’re going to love it. You’re going to love me.”

  I sucked in a shaky breath. My whole body was on fire, and this time, I couldn’t blame it on my wolf. Every part of me was aroused by that image. Every part of me instantly burned for him.

  I pulled the napkin from the table and quickly set it in my lap, trying to hide just how much his words affected me.

  He stopped twirling my hair and reached to push my plate back in front of me. “Now eat your food like a good boy. Your hunger strike ends here. I don’t need you collapsing on me later. You’ll need your strength for what you have in store for the next couple of days.”

  My eyes widened. “W-what does that mean?” I asked, terrified and filled with lust all at once.

  His eyes gleamed and he grinned. “Let’s just say, you’ll get a first-hand experience of my world.”

  The next morning, I was rudely startled from sleep by the sound of someone pounding on the door.


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