Reluctant Mate

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Reluctant Mate Page 17

by H Q Kingsley

  The inside was dank and dark, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and death. Looking into the first small cell I came to, I sucked in a breath when I realized I was looking at Dimitri. His eyes were swollen shut, purple and black bruises peppered his face along with several deep laceration marks. The Shadow Moon tattoo had been completely cut from his chest, and I winced knowing how painful that must have been.

  My chest tightened at the sight of him. If Dimitri looked like this, what did the rest of my council look like?

  “Alpha? Elspeth is that you?” Dimitri’s voice was hoarse and rasped, barely more than a whisper.

  I immediately dropped to Dimitri’s side and snapped his chains with the little strength I had left.

  “It is me, Dimitri,” I said gently. “Do you know where the others are?”

  His head fell forward and I had to reach out to help him hold it up.

  “Alfred… Alfred is dead,” he said, making my heart sink.

  “What of the others?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  Find the others, I told the clan and heard the footsteps of my men entering the building.

  Dimitri started coughing up blood, and I was suddenly struck with the terror of wondering if he’d live.

  “Adrian, he went after—”

  “Iosefa. I know, my friend.” I let out a breath. “I wanted to make sure that you were alright and in safe hands before I go and end this once and for all.”

  Dimitri tried to get up and hissed in pain. “I...I have to help, help you fight.” he said in an exhausted voice.

  “The only thing you will be doing is resting and healing,” I told him. “I’ll leave you here with the clan, and they will get you home. Mishel has been worried sick about you, and I’m sure he’ll be waiting at the door to take care of you. You’ll be better in no time, old friend.”

  I climbed to my feet as the wolf standing behind me took my place to help Dimitri.


  “I have to go for Iosefa,” I told him. “And I have to go alone.”

  Turning around, I saw the rest of my council laid out of the floor being readied for the long journey to Capri. Alfred, whose wisdom that spanned decades I had come to value, was being wrapped in a sheet, his lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling. I crouched down next to him and pushed the hair from his forehead before closing his eyes and whispering a silent prayer to the goddess that he find rest in the forest above.

  Next was Mark. He had fared no better than Dimitri. He was still, of course, shirtless, but his usual bravado was gone, and he stared blankly at the floor.

  Low moans dragged my gaze to Jonah. The smaller man seemed to have fared the worst. His face was swollen and almost unrecognizable, his tattered clothes soaked through with blood. They were securing his left arm, as a bone had broken through the flesh and rendered it completely useless.

  As Elspeth went to leave, he cast one more glance toward his council members and understood that these men had gone through so much for him, their Alpha, and they truly were his friends. He knew he had Iosefa to thank for finally realizing this, and he would do everything in his power to get him back.

  “I’m not going to hurt anyone, I promise,” I told the Maehelio villagers as I docked. As I stepped off my boat, they continued to stare at me wide-eyed and terrified.

  “I have to find my mate. Where is Iosefa?” I asked.

  The villagers looked around nervously at one another. I didn’t really blame them. I hadn’t exactly made a great impression on my first visit. If this was the reception from a peaceful people, I could hardly wait to run across clans I’d had dealings with who were less pacifistic.

  A voice from behind the panicked onlookers called out, “It’s alright everyone, he’s doesn’t mean us any harm. This time.”

  The small crowd parted to let their alpha through and they all slowly pulled back away from the dock.

  “Alpha Rayden,” I said addressing him with a slight bow. “If you don’t mind, I was looking for—”

  “Iosefa, yes. He went to the house to see his family.” Alpha Rayden frowned. “Is everything alright? He ran off up the hill suddenly, and I haven’t heard back from him.”

  I shook my head. The last thing I needed was mass panic. “No, everything is fine. Thank you,” I said, taking off to hurry up the path and following my mate’s scent to the home of the Henare’s.

  I focused on our connection to try and discern Sefa’s condition. Now that we were so close, I could feel Iosefa’s fear hit me like a ton of bricks. I ran faster until his scent led me to a house that was almost hidden by the trees.

  “Iosefa!” I yelled when I burst through the door.

  I stilled in the kitchen as I saw Iosefa’s family, tied, and gagged, with two large, brown wolves circling them.

  “Elspeth!” Iosefa called out to me and jumped up from his seat.

  “Uh-uh, Sefa, darling,” Adrian said and grabbed Iosefa by the arm.

  I bared my teeth as he yanked Iosefa closer to him.

  “Adrian, let him go. Let his family go. This is between you and me!”

  Adrian nodded. “That it is, but your omega is an extension of you. You brought him into this, Elspeth. when you kidnapped him from his home.” He turned to Iosefa who flinched when his grip tightened on his arm. “Remember that, Sefa. Your mate did this to you and your family.”

  A low growl built in my throat. “Don’t call him that!”

  Adrian waved me off. “Don’t worry, we had a discussion about it. Sefa and I have become quite fast friends.”

  He gave Iosefa a wink that sent a white, hot bolt of rage through me. My wolf was clawing to the surface, wanting to rend and tear apart the one who dared to touch our mate.

  “You’re a coward, Adrian,” I spat. “You’ve always been a coward. Isn’t that why you’re alive today?” I took a deep breath, hoping that taunting him might work in my favor and enrage his enough to attack me, forgetting about his captives.

  He let go of Iosefa, pushing him backward into his chair. “Excuse me?” he asked, his eyes flashing.

  “Where were you, Adrian?” I grinned, keeping Adrian’s attention on me. “When I destroyed your village? When I killed mommy and daddy? Where were you?”

  Adrian barreled toward me. “You shut your fucking mouth!”

  Run, Sefa. Now!

  Iosefa jumped, and I knew he heard me. He looked over and shook his head.

  I mean it! Run! Now! Save our child! I hated to do it to him, but I used some of my Alpha powers to get him to obey.

  Iosefa looked to his family, his eyes filling with tears and exuding a sadness that broke my heart, but he obeyed, turning and quietly letting himself out of the back of the house.

  “Why, Adrian? What are you going to do about? Run and hide like you did that day?”

  “I will fucking end you, Elspeth. I’m not a child anymore. I am stronger, faster, and smarter than you will ever be.” His eyes flashed manically.

  “Then why the theatrics. If you’re a big boy now, why not take me one-on-one?”

  Adrian scowled. “Because I’d kill you, and you deserve to suffer.”

  I shrugged. “How are you going to do that? You’ve lost your leverage.”

  Adrian’s brow furrowed before he turned and walked back to the living room to find that Iosefa had gone.

  “Where the fuck did he go?” he snapped on his wolves. “You useless shits! Go find him!”

  His wolves took off, and I worriedly watched after them. This was Iosefa’s home. If there was anyone who could evade them, it was Iosefa on his home turf.

  “Adrian, let all of this go or fight me like a man. If you’re the big bad wolf you think you are, then you’ll kill me, and we’ll be done with this once and for all.”

  “Fine,” Adrian snarled. “If you’re so eager to die, so be it.”

  We stood in a large open field with a high hedge of vegetation, surrounded by a thick forest. Ten
sion was thick in the air, and I wondered if Adrian was really all that he thought he was, or if he was counting on the fact that I’d already taken a beating from his Beta recently and had yet to heal.

  We stood facing one another from opposite sides of the clearing and Adrian immediately shifted into his wolf. His jaw extended and razor-like fangs could be seen in his mouth,.. while sharp claws appeared where his fingernails were as his hands transformed into large paws. As thick black hair covered his body, Adrian dropped on all fours and his transformation was complete. The only noticeable feature to set him apart from other wolves was the streak of grey fur that ran across his eye

  I, too, turned into my wolf and craned my neck up to howl before eyeing Adrian’s cold and unforgiving green eyes. He had become crazed by his hatred and there was nothing that would turn him from his current course.

  You stole everything from me, Callum, and now you will pay with your life!

  Adrian sprung at me with a speed that I hadn’t expected, and his body slammed into mine, causing me to fall to one side, but I quickly regained my footing.

  It was at this exact moment that I could feel a panic rush through me, but it wasn’t mine. Iosefa. Was he so near that I could sense him?

  A sudden rush of adrenaline coursed through me as I remembered what I was fighting for. I lunged for Adrian, my jaws opened wide, and I brought my head down to his thigh, biting down into his flesh.

  He howled in pain but recovered more quickly than I anticipated. He whipped around and sunk his teeth deep into my back.

  Sharp pain shot through my body and I struggled out of his hold. I whimpered, flinching as the pain traveled up the length of my spine. When I twisted my neck to check the injury, there was bright red blood beginning to stain my white fur.

  Adrian came at me again, sinking his teeth into my leg and taking another chunk out of me.

  He hadn’t lied, he was definitely faster. Much faster than I had anticipated or was ready for, and I limped, trying to get away from him. I needed just a moment’s reprieve to collect myself, but he just kept coming, biting off piece after piece until I was covered more by blood that fur.

  I crumpled to the ground, nearly ready to call it quits as Adrian pressed his paw down on my head.

  “Elspeth!” Iosefa’s voice rang in my head and I closed my eyes and sighed, ready to welcome the peacefulness of death.


  My eyes popped open as I realized that voice emanating from inside my head. I shot up, pushed Adrian off me, and looked around the field. There he was, disobeying a direct order to leave and keep himself and our baby safe.

  Oh, well, look who showed up. Adrian’s voice invaded my head. After I kill you, I think I’ll have him after all. He’ll need a new mate anyway.

  Suddenly, anger invigorated me, bringing me back from the brink. All of the pain was gone, and I was focused on one task. Kill Adrian.

  I jumped at him, my mind going blank as I slipped into a blinding rage. Everything happened in a blur—one minute I was biting into Adrian’s side, the next I had him pinned. My wolf towered over Adrian. With my jaws firmly around his neck, I hesitated for a moment until I saw the look of blind hatred in his eyes. He would never stop coming for me, for my family.

  I quickly squeezed my jaw shut around his neck until I heard it snap and his body went limp. I released his throat from my jaws and slowly backed away from him. I could still taste and smell his blood, and I stared into his lifeless, cold eyes.

  Was I truly a monster as he said, and would I be doomed to relive my past forever?

  “Elspeth!” Iosefa ran toward me, holding up his arms to me. “Are you still in there?”

  I nodded. The rage had only been brief this time. Somehow, I’d managed to snap out of it, though I had no idea how.

  Iosefa leaped at me, wrapping his arms around my neck, and I nuzzled my head into him and licked his cheek. When he let me go, he turned and looked at Adrian, his expression unreadable.

  “Is he dead?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  I had to, Iosefa. If there were any other way…

  Iosefa nodded. “I know. It’s okay. I’m not angry.” He turned back to me. “But you killed the Astro Shade Clan’s Alpha, Elspeth… Doesn’t that mean…”

  They’re my clan now.


  Three Months Later. . .

  “Surprise!” My father and Elspeth jumped out at me as I entered the mansion.

  I blinked as I looked around the room. People spilled from the foyer all the way out into rooms I couldn’t even see. Everyone I had ever known must have been in the mansion that was suddenly decorated with streamers and balloons.

  “I’ve only been gone for two hours!” I shouted in surprise. “How did you do all of this?” I asked, moving to hug Elspeth and then my father.

  “I had a lot of help,” Elspeth said. “But you deserve a baby shower after all you’ve…” He trailed off as he ran a thumb across my cheek. “Is that dirt?” he asked, accusation in his tone.

  I blinked innocently. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Mishel padded through the door behind me wearing a big grin. “Happy baby shower!” he said.

  “Did you take him training?” Elspeth asked him, wiping the grin off his face.

  “You said keep him busy,” Mishel argued.

  “I meant safely,” Elspeth said harshly. “Not taking a three-month pregnant wolf to combat train.”

  Mishel wagged his finger. “Oh, no. Don’t ask me for favors and then tell me how to do them.” He smiled. “A simple ‘thanks, Mishel’ will do just fine in the future,” he said before disappearing off into the crowd, likely to find Dimitri.

  I bit back a smile and Elspeth gave me a sharp look. “Don’t even think about it,” he warned.

  He’d been giving me a lot of warnings lately. Apparently I was “catching Mishel’s sass,” and Elspeth didn’t appreciate Mishel’s boldness as much as I did.

  I chuckled as I folded into his arms. “I wasn’t,” I said innocently.

  A few more people ran up to hug me as Elspeth escorted me through the crowd.

  Everyone who spoke to me, of course, commented on how big I was. It didn’t matter how many times I heard it, I still never got used to it.

  “How much longer is it now?” Alpha Rayden asked as we made our way into the kitchen.

  “Two more weeks,” I said with a grin. “I cannot wait to meet our little person.”

  “Still refusing to find out what it is, huh?” Dimitri asked, lingering by the cake with his arm around Mishel.

  I shrugged. “It’s a baby. That’s all I need to know.”

  A few people laughed, and I grabbed a plate to pile food on. That was the one good thing about being as big as a house, people just seemed to let it slide that I ate incessantly and in massive amounts.

  Mishel flitted to my side. “I hid some midnight sliders for you in the back of the fridge,” he whispered to me with a chuckle.

  I grinned at him. “Have I told you I love you today?”

  He laughed. “Probably, but there’s no maximum. You can tell me how wonderful I am all day,” he said, fluttering his long dark eyelashes.

  “Hey, you’re still okay with all of this, right?” I asked, trying not to dampen the mood, but after learning about Mishel’s struggles to get pregnant, I was always worried about rubbing it in his face.

  “Sefa,” he said, reaching to hug me as tightly as he could, but with him being so small, his arms could never make it all the way around because I was so large. “You’re my best friend,” he said, placing a kiss on my cheek. “I want all the babies and good things for you.”

  I reached to hug him back. “Since there’s no maximum, I love you!”

  We both laughed for a moment before I stopped as a sharp pain shot up my side.

  “Ow,” I moaned, stunned by it.

  Mishel’s face quickly twisted into worry. “You okay?”

  I nodded.
“Yeah just… Ow!” Another pain shot up my back, but this one was twice as intense.

  Mishel’s eyes darted around the room. “Elspeth!” he shouted, waving him over.

  “Sefa, come, sit,” Mishel commanded, pulling a chair out for me.

  I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I’m…” I trailed off as the room started to spin. I reached out, trying to find the edge of the table to steady myself right before the room went completely dark.

  “Sefa, can you hear me? Sefa!” The sound of Elspeth’s voice brought me back to reality.

  I hadn’t known exactly when I had passed out or how I hadn’t busted my face when I did, but when I opened my eyes, I was on a hospital gurney as the doctor’s rushed me down the hall.

  The ceilings and walls were white, as were the lights that were currently blinding me.

  “Elspeth… What’s happening?” I called out to him and tried to reach out to him. I finally managed to grab onto one of his strong hands, and his grip tightened around mine. “What’s happening to the baby?” I asked, remembering the sharp pains in my body.

  “I don’t know. You passed out, and you wouldn’t wake up.”

  The worry in Elspeth’s voice shook me to my core. What had I done? I knew I’d been training too hard. I knew the doctor had told me to take it easy, but I was frightened. Half our clan came from the traitorous Astro Shade with vendettas against my mate, Rami was still out there on the loose, and I’d felt like I had to learn to defend myself. To be able to fight for me and my child, pregnant or not. But what if I’d hurt the baby? What if my relentless need to protect us had actually done us harm?

  I looked down at my stomach and I tried to sense the child inside of me. I frowned and snapped my head up to look at Elspeth.

  “Elspeth, something is wrong, I can’t sense the baby… It’s very weak… you don’t think…” Fear gripped my entire body.

  I could see it written in Elspeth’s eyes and the way his hand squeezed around mine.


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