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Galaxy Warrior Favian: Alien Abduction: Galaxy Series 8

Page 12

by K. L. Wallen

  The sound of sirens blared in the distance. Dr. Randall stood and moved from behind the tree. She was momentarily surprised when she saw a man pull the door off one of the vehicles, and then reach in and push the metal roof of the car up as if it were made of tin rather than steel.

  Dr. Randall ran to the other vehicle and used her key repeatedly to stab at the airbag that should have deflated. The driver’s head was smashed between the bag and the back of the seat. Stacy ignored the blood that was trailing down her arm as she continued to hammer the airbag. The driver’s side window was broken in the crash and the door dented to the point Stacy was unable to open it. Stacy didn’t feel the driver had time for her to try to get in through the passenger door, so she gritted her teeth as her arm was torn by the glass, with each thrust of the key she made. She more felt the wet flow of her own blood, seeping into the palm of her hand making her keys slippery, than she felt the pain of her flesh being ripped.

  As the bag deflated, Stacy reached in and placed her hand on the driver’s forehead to keep her from slumping forward and hitting the steering wheel, which was not far from the woman’s chest now. With her other hand, she checked for a pulse. She turned her head and yelled for the man at the other vehicle to help her.

  Favian checked the human in the vehicle and placed his fist over his heart. The human was dead. He heard Stacy call for help and sped to her.

  “She’s not breathing,” Dr. Randall exclaimed.

  “Step back,” Favian ordered.

  “Can’t. Her head will hit the steering wheel, and I haven’t been able to check her neck.”

  “Move your feet back and stretch,” Favian told her, and was pleased when she did as asked. He grabbed hold of the glass and broke it free from the frame. He then placed his hands on the frame and slowly pulled the door free.

  “I’m going to slide the door out of the way. I’ll do it slowly so you can switch hands and keep the female’s head steady. Ready?”

  “Yes.” Stacy moved slightly to the right as the stranger moved the door. She reached over the doorframe when he lowered it, and put her left hand on the woman’s forehead as she released it with her right hand. She moved her right arm out of the way so the stranger could pitch the door away from the vehicle. Stacy moved her fingers behind the woman’s neck and made sure her vertebrae were exactly where they should be.

  “Can you help me get her out of the car and onto the ground? She’s not breathing.” Stacy pleaded as she freed the woman from the seatbelt.

  Favian reached in, pulled the steering column free from the vehicle, stepped back and pitched it away from the crash. He now had plenty of room to get to the human female. He moved quickly when Stacy stepped back and out of the way. Gently, Favian lifted the woman and then quickly carried her and set her down at a spot clear of debris. He moved back when Stacy knelt next to the woman and began breathing into her mouth and then performing compressions on her chest.

  Dr. Randall was temporarily in awe of the strength it took to pull the entire steering column, connected wires and all, out of the vehicle. However, she wasted no time pondering the act and dropped to her knees next to the woman, so she could begin C.P.R. “What of the other driver?” Stacy asked in-between counts.

  “The other one has moved onto the land of the gods and goddesses,” Favian replied. He listened closely and heard the female’s heart restart at nearly the same time as her breath flowed. “Your arm is injured.” Favian saw the swirling colors coming forward and knew he had but a second before the humans in the approaching transports spotted him. One brief glance was all he could afford before he transported up.

  “I’ll be fine.” Stacy put her fingertips on the woman’s neck and sighed in relief. “Thank God,” she reverently spoke as she sat back on her heels. “Looks like miracles come in pairs.” She turned her head to thank the handsome and very strong stranger, but he was gone.


  “Was she able to save the female?” Dorn inquired.

  “Yes, she did. Dr. Randall has the translator in her ear canal. She is remarkable,” Favian commented and watched the activity on the ground. He wished he could have left a monitor on Stacy, but that wasn’t feasible.

  Varun had moved a satellite in place and projected the humans scurrying about on the front screen. Many vehicles arrived, including ones from the fire department. Varun narrowed the satellite lens as much as possible.

  Dorn and Favian approached the screen and watched as Dr. Randall stepped back and indicated that those involved in the accident be attended to first. Her motions displayed her anger when one of the attendants persisted in trying to help her, rather than assisting his partner with the woman Stacy saved. Stacy shoved at the man and walked back over to the woman on the ground.

  “She’s dedicated,” Dorn remarked. “And stubborn. How injured is Dr. Randall?”

  “Dr. Randall’s arm sustained significant injury when she aided the female. I can repair the damage. She won’t have any scars,” Favian replied as he stood next to Dorn and watched the humans work. He stiffened when he saw one of the firemen approach Stacy, then relaxed when he saw that it wasn’t Logan.

  “Will she be able to perform the stem cell procedure on her patient with her arm in its present condition?”

  “I highly doubt it, Commander. I’ve studied Earth medical practices and they will most likely stitch her arm. I believe she injured the short muscle in her arm that connects her upper arm bone to her forearm. If I’m correct, she’ll experience difficulty rotating her arm and will need surgery.”

  Dorn took a step closer to the screen and studied the fair-haired healer. “From what you’ve studied, will she receive excellent and expedient treatment down there?”

  Favian mentally reviewed the information left behind by Healer Gorgo Scorpak. “Given that she is a healer, I expect she will be thoroughly examined by her peers and given excellent treatment; however, the healing, given their archaic technology, will not be rapid. She may require physical therapy after they operate.”

  “I didn’t realize their medical technology was so far behind. Then tonight, I think another miracle should come her way. Coordinate with Blaize. She’s not to know of this.” Dorn took one last look at the screen, then told Adal he would be in his quarters.

  Favian remained on the bridge and watched, up until Stacy stepped inside one of the larger transports with the woman she saved. “I’ll be in medical,” he announced. He wanted to get the sleeve of his shirt, that contained Stacy’s blood, analyzed before the blood coagulated within the threads. The fresher, the better to work with. On his way, he sent a message to Blaize to meet him.


  Dr. Randall proved the old adage that doctors make the worst patients to be true. Not having any money with her, she had little choice but to ask the nurse if he could contact, she paused when she realized she didn’t have anyone to call. She sat back and sighed.

  “Dr. Randall? I’ve just started my shift so I’m not able to run you home. I would if I could. I do have some money with me if you need it for a cab,” the nurse offered.

  Stacy smiled. “Thank you. I’ll repay you tomorrow. Will you be here?”

  “Yes. I’m on this shift for the next three days.” He pulled out his wallet, handed Stacy a couple of twenty-dollar bills, and told her he’d call a taxi. Forty dollars was more than enough money to pay for the cab.

  Stacy noted his wedding band and planned to pick up a gift card for him and his wife on her way back here tomorrow. She took the money he handed her and headed to the entrance.


  Favian noticed her wrapped arm as soon as she entered her home. He knew they had not repaired her damaged muscle, based on the amount of time until she was home. Dr. Randall’s adrenaline is such that she probably doesn’t realize yet how harmed she is, he thought. As much as he wanted to watch, he turned away when Stacy entered her bedroom and undressed. He turned the video portion off but kept the audio going. Favian turned the vide
o back on when he heard her pull down the covers on her bed and climb in.

  Before she completely settled in for the night, she placed a pill in her mouth and then raised a glass of water to her lips. Once she swallowed the pill, she set the glass down on the bedside table. Stacy climbed into bed, grabbed the other pillow, and lay it next to her midsection so she could rest her arm upon it as she slept. She groaned as she pulled up the cover at the same time as she rolled onto her uninjured side, and lowered her arm into the downy depths of the pillow. “Damn this hurts,” she grumbled as her eyelids fluttered closed.

  “She has a home security system. Ivanoff taught me how to bypass her security when we set up the monitors earlier. There are motion detectors on the downstairs windows and doors. None upstairs. Transporting directly into her bedroom will not be a problem,” Blaize detailed as he approached Favian.

  They listened as the communication device in her home rang. She did not stir.

  “I saw her take a pill just a short while ago,” Favian remarked. “Now would be a good time to retrieve her, while she is sedated.” He wanted enough time to not only repair the damage done to her arm, but also give her a complete physical.

  “I should have accompanied you to Earth,” Blaize admitted in a way that it sounded like an apology.

  Favian didn’t take offense. “I know you take security seriously but I was never in any danger. If any threat presented itself, I’m more than capable of handling the situation,” he said with a hint of amusement in his voice. Favian clapped Blaize on the back and then led the way out.

  Chapter 15

  Favian was nearly finished with Stacy’s physical when Dorn, Blaize, and Adal entered medical.

  “How is Dr. Stacy Randall?” Dorn asked as he moved towards the medical bed.

  “It was as I suspected. The medic bots repaired her muscle. The inner layer of her skin has been repaired also. I’ve left the stitches intact but repaired enough of the outer layer of skin so she will not scar. Her physical,” he halted and stared at the data, “is now complete. She is in good health.”

  Adal approached the other side of the bed. “I’m glad she will be fine. I’ve taken a liking to the human females, Bridgett, Sherry, Nica, and Aideen. This one has very different hair color than the others,” she noted.

  “Not only hair color, but eye color as well. See,” Favian sent an image of Stacy’s eyes to the screen and then lined up images of Bridgett’s, Sherry’s, and Aideen’s eyes. Underneath, he did the same with Nolan, Conall, Robert, and Director Lee.

  “Amazing. The younglings have similar color to their fathers. Is the human father’s genetics stronger? Sherry’s eyes are a blend of blues. Bridgett’s are a mix of brown and green. Cheng’s are shades of brown, and Healer Randall’s shine like the glaciers with tinges of light blue and silver.” Adal lifted her finger and pointed to the various geometric designs in Dr. Randall’s eyes. She then pointed to Sherry’s eyes and commented how the hues, in some areas, appear to have burst into each other like sparks when live incompatible electrical wires connect.

  Blaize stepped beside her and uttered, “I wonder what color hair and eyes the female Nolan and Conall spoke of have.”

  “What female?” Adal softly asked.

  “The one who rescues younglings. I hope Nolan has more information to share when they join us again in a few days,” Blaize responded. He then turned to Favian. “Are you ready to take your patient home?”

  “As soon as I rewrap her arm, and I don’t know if human male genetics are inherently stronger than their mates. That would make an interesting case study.” When he was done, he scooped Stacy into his arms and walked with the others to the bridge. Favian liked the feel of her in his arms and slowly trailed behind the others, just so he could drag out returning her as long as possible.

  Blaize clipped a transporter on Favian’s uniform. “Not that you need me, but do you…”

  “I’ll be fine on my own,” Favian interrupted. “Ivanoff, are the coordinates set?”

  “You’re good to transport,” Ivanoff acknowledged.

  Favian gently set Stacy on top of her covers on the right side of the bed, then went to the left side and pushed aside the comforter. He ran his hand over the inside sheet, removing all the wrinkles so she would have a surface as smooth as her skin to rest upon. Favian circled back to the other side, lifted Stacy up, and carried her like a precious gem. He lay her down, being careful that her hair was not bunched up behind her. He smiled when she reached up for him. Favian knew she was still asleep but was pleased that even in her slumber she would seek out his touch. A touch he was helpless to deny.

  He took her soft hand and kissed the back of it. Favian then lowered her arm and pulled the comforter over her. He stood next to her bed and watched as she rolled onto her side, and wished he were lying next to her. He leaned over, whispered a few words in her ear, and was gone.


  Stacy woke to the sound of birds chirping and her phone ringing. She tilted her head so she could see the alarm. “Ah, shit. I’m late.”

  Expecting it to be Cora calling, she answered, “I forgot to set my alarm. I’m on my way in.”

  “Stacy, it’s Logan. I’ve been trying to reach you all night. One of the guys at the station told me about the accident and that you were hurt. Are you okay?”

  “Um, hold on.” Stacy swung her legs over the side of the bed and examined her arm. She flexed her fingers. “Huh,” she mumbled. She picked the phone back up and informed Logan, “Yes, I’m fine. They did a great job at the hospital. My arm feels fine. I’m sorry, I forgot to set the alarm and am late for work. Can I call you tonight? I’ll be home a little late. I need to stop by the hospital. Okay then, I’ll talk to you later.”

  Not meaning to be intentionally rude, Stacy didn’t stop to think about how she hadn’t given Logan the opportunity to respond. Upset with herself for not setting the alarm, she just hung up after her auctioneer style rant and dialed Cora to let her know she’d be in within the hour. Stacy quickly showered, put a fresh bandage on her arm, and dressed in casual slacks and a long sleeve blouse. She decided to keep yesterday’s activities to herself. ‘Woe is me,’ has never been her thing.

  As she darted out of her house, she recalled the handsome strong stranger and wondered what happened to him. Favian. I am Favian’s other half, she wondered where that thought came from. “Favian?” she said aloud as she slid onto her car seat.

  Favian glanced up and smiled when he heard her say his name. “Have a good day Stacy,” he uttered and went back to reviewing monitoring feed of his second potential candidate. When Stacy reaches her research lab, he would resume the monitoring of her.


  “Good morning Cora, is Dr. Carter in? I didn’t see his car in the parking lot.”

  Cora focused on the phone as if she were willing it to ring. “Ah, no, he’s at the medical center.” Cora then busied herself with her note pad.

  Stacy studied Cora’s posture. “Is everything all right?”

  Cora didn’t look up when she replied, “Yes. Of course. Have a good day Dr. Randall.”

  Disturbed by Cora’s sudden nonchalance, Stacy stopped by Dr. Everen’s office before going to her own. She discovered that Dr. Carter was at the medical center interviewing the technicians who allegedly ran Cory’s tests.

  “Allegedly?” Stacy questioned, and received raised eyebrows back as a response. “Dr. Everen, I did not, nor would I ever, have called that meeting yesterday if,” Stacy stopped when she saw Dr. Everen cock his head to the side as if she were lying. “I told you all it wasn’t a joke and agreed to set up an appointment for Dr. Carter to examine Cory.” She paused and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I suppose you and Dr. Carter are already arranging to have at least one of Cory’s tests rerun, with one of you present. Am I correct?”

  “That would be correct. Please, Dr. Randall, have a seat.” He motioned to the chair next to his desk. As soon as she was seated, he i
nformed her, “We all understand the need to have a little fun with your coworkers; however, I received a call last night. There’s talk going around the medical center about you, Cory, and a miracle. Dr. Carter went out there this morning to put a stop to it before it gets out of hand and the family is harmed.”

  Stacy experienced her first professional slap down, and didn’t like it one bit. She quietly retreated to her office and closed the door. “I thought they respected me,” she mumbled as she put her purse into the filing cabinet. Knowing that she would be proven accurate with her accounting did little to ease the pain she felt believing that her coworkers actually thought she would use Cory as the butt of a joke. Dr. Randall turned on her computer and tried but didn’t succeed in reviewing the latest research reports. Every few minutes she viewed the clock, shook her head, and huffed.

  None of her coworkers stopped by her office during the day. Near the end of the day, Stacy figured it was because they were expecting Dr. Everen to go into her office and either put her on probation or fire her. She decided she’d wait until the end of her workday for the axe to fall and not a minute later. She did have a nurse to repay and a stop to make on the way. Stacy still intended on stopping by a popular steak house and picking up a gift card for the nurse and his wife.

  On her way out of the building, Cora didn’t look up and wish her a good evening, as she had done every day since Stacy joined the research institute. Stacy figured Dr. Carter was probably at the medical center submitting Cory to another round of tests. The hurt she felt earlier was turning to anger. She got to her car with a new plan, medical center, steak house, hospital. It was time to track down Dr. Carter and confront him.


  Dr. Randall’s anger flowed into shock when she tracked Doctors Carter and Everen to a conference room with Cory and his parents. Stacy opened the door and froze when she saw that they had already told Cory’s parents of the miracle. Cory’s mother was crying and being held tightly by her husband, who was thanking Doctors Carter and Everen for everything they’ve done.


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