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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

Page 46

by Lakes, Krista

  “Love means nothing to me,” Shane said gruffly. “No one deserves to be with me. No one would ever even want to. Not now. Not for real – and certainly not forever. But I guess it is what it is.”

  Oh Shane, Angela thought tenderly as her heart swelled for him. She was so busy being touched by his words, she almost didn’t realize he’d pulled her close and set his cheek against her belly. At first she didn’t know what to do but then, found her fingers cupping his full head of hair, combing through the soft, silky locks.

  His hands on her waist began to travel higher. He rubbed his face into her stomach and made her secret places quiver. He must have felt the tiny, tell-tale tremors; the next thing she knew her ass was planted against the desk as he rose from the chair to edge her flat on her back while his frame quickly covered hers. Shocked with arousal, Angela didn’t know what to do as she felt his lips trace kisses in the open V of her dressing gown. He nuzzled at her breasts half-spilling from the neckline of her gown. Just when she thought to protest, he dove far lower, making her gasp as his face became level with her crotch, thankfully encased in her somewhat baggy satin pajama shorts.

  “I want to taste you,” he groaned deeply. “Inside out. Every single luscious inch until I make your juices run down my lips and tongue.” For emphasis, he buried his nose in the apex of her thighs and inhaled deeply. Angela wanted to faint with mortification and desire.

  “Damn you smell so good. I just know you’ll taste even better.”

  Merely thinking about Shane putting his mouth on her sex had her mind short-circuiting, but it took his hands reaching for her waistband to get her senses returning in earnest.

  “Shane, don’t. You aren’t yourself. You’ve been drinking. Please stop.” She couldn’t believe it was Shane saying and doing these things. Her fingers were fisted in his hair, before she realized what she was doing and let the thick locks go abruptly. Her thrill at his touch and the feel of him seeking to master her with his passion had her body reeling. She wanted to, so much. He was lonely and so was she, in her own way. Love hadn’t been kind to her either. She would give Shane so much comfort with the softness of her desire and she knew his powerful arousal would be a rock-hard manifestation if she only gave them the chance.

  With a groan, he moved back up again, leaning over her while his hand rested flat on her belly, only gently pinning her down. He ghosted his mouth close to her lips, his breath warm with a hint of scotch and a truckload of passion. “It will be so good. I promise,” he whispered thickly. “I will spend all night making it good for you.”

  God, he was always doing that. Making her imagine the possibilities. I can make you want me, he’d dared her that night of their first kiss. Angela had wanted to give in to the challenge, but instead she’d turned to anger and then walked up to her lonely, cool bed. Would tonight be different? Would she finally yield to what swelled like a giant wave inside her core?

  She already wanted him; he didn’t even have to do anything. It was just something that happened, like breathing. She couldn’t imagine how much irresistible he must have been to the women in his past, who’d never had to look beyond the surface, such as his looks and wealth. But Angela wasn’t that shallow; she was grown enough to know the difference between what was real and what wasn’t.

  And her desire for Shane was real; beyond skin-deep or the money and power he had. She didn’t understand the most of it yet, but it was potent enough to make her confused if she should stay or go. She wasn’t ready to walk away but she knew if she stayed any longer, she better be ready to face the consequences. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was some tease.

  Do it, Angela, her body told her. It doesn’t have to mean anything. Just hot, wild sex. Here on the desk, on the floor – against the wall if they could manage it. Heaven knew she’d been without for so long and besides; she’d never felt this height of arousal even at the best of times. But with Shane, her hormones were off the roof. She didn’t think she’d be able to fight him off if he persisted...

  Angela stuck out her elbows as she tried to balance herself up on them, and somehow managed to knock the tumbler off the desk. The resounding crash sounded like thunder in the darkened room. Shit! Angela thought, even as Shane stiffened on top of her. For a second, all her brain could register was that the thickness of him was nudging long and hard against her thigh even through his pants. She shivered with want, only to feel the loss of his heat and solidness when he suddenly moved off her.

  He swore harshly, spinning to face the window, pushing open the blinds and resting his forehead against the cold pane as he seemed to struggle to catch his breath.

  The length of his body was outlined in the moonlight streaking into the otherwise dim room. The rigidness in each muscle in his back was defined beneath the thin fabric of his dress shirt.

  “You need to go,” he said gruffly, not looking back at her.

  Angela scrambled off the desk, trembling hands tying her sash more snugly. She ran her hand through her now tousled hair. “Shane, I...”

  “Go,” he repeated, his harsh tone making her jump. “Please. Before I change my mind.”

  Angela backed away slowly until she got to the door. Without a peep, she fled the silent, charged and dark study.

  Chapter Eight


  Angela needed a cool drink after her run. It was the morning after, and she’d woken early to go jogging to clear her head. She’d hardly had any sleep and even when she had, it had been filled with steamy dreams and fantasies.

  Once, she even imagined she saw the handle of her bedroom door turn, as if someone wanted to come in. But it was just her mind playing tricks on her, conjuring hopes that Shane had indeed changed his mind and had come up to continue from where he’d left off in the study. Besides, her bedroom door was always locked securely.

  She’d woken up with her thoughts in a whirl. Emotions and sensations she’d never expected filled her heart for Shane. But he’d warned her from day one not to fall in love with him. Not that she thought this was love. It was just the ‘situation’; all the enigma that surrounded him plus the proximity they had to share as they played lovers.

  She’d put in her quarter mile distance for the morning, and was now thirsty as hell. She traipsed over to the kitchen which was empty. She had her ass in the air and her head in the fridge, when she felt his presence behind her.

  She straightened quickly to the sound of a stifled groan and turned to find Shane standing at the doorway. Half of her wanted to fly to him and be crushed in his warm embrace which would match the unguarded heat in his eyes at that moment. But then he schooled his features and pushed his fingers through his hair that tumbled over half of the scarred side of his face.

  “I apologize if I startled you,” he said calmly enough, though he let out a harsh breath as he added, “I actually thought you’d be gone by now. Or at least thinking about it, especially after last night. I’m sorry about that too. There you were simply trying to be a friend and I...well, I was being an ass as usual.”

  Angela wanted to lighten the air. “You won’t get rid of me that easily,” she teased. “Besides, we had a deal.”

  His lips tilted in a relieved smile. “Yeah. We did.”

  Angela shifted on her feet. Wished he wasn’t looking at her like he’d readily devour her. She’d worn her form-fitting running gear in lemon green with black tights. The weather was cool outside for September but she’d managed to work up a sweat. She felt a droplet of perspiration slip down her jawline to slither down in between her cleavage, gathered up by the tight neckline of her top. She noticed Shane watching that one bead of sweat and her breath caught in her throat.

  But Angela had been thinking and had figured a way out of this constant state of awareness. Shane had said it himself; she’d been trying to be friendly. That’s what they needed to do. Be friends. Get to know each other better.

  “I need to go up and shower,” she said light
ly, “But I was thinking, when I come down that maybe we could chill. You know, maybe try out that fine-looking chess set I saw in the library.”

  Angela wondered where she found the audacity. She fully expected Shane to tell her to go to hell. And yet he didn’t.

  “Yeah; we could chill,” he replied. And then he grinned, transforming his face from handsome to devastating. Whoa. His eyes lit up so bright when he did that; and he had the nicest, whitest teeth she’d ever seen. What her friends would call a panty-dropping smile.

  Thankfully, her hormones could be kept well in check even though it was damned hard to keep Shane at arm’s length.

  The sexual tension would always be there, simmering beneath the surface. But at least they could have something else going for them while the arrangement lasted. So when he agreed to meet her in the library in half an hour for a chess match, she returned his smile and then flounced quickly from the kitchen before he could change his mind.

  Angela wore a simple pair of pants and a top after a brisk shower. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and she couldn’t help a little vanity as she glossed on some lip color and mascara.

  When she went down, she had a stupid smile on her face. Damn but the girl’s got it bad, she thought self-deprecatingly as she opened the door of the library and felt relief to see Shane waiting by the antique chess set.

  She didn’t expect Shane to be anything less than a master chess player. Turned out she was right. Thank goodness for the skills she’d learned playing with her dad from her childhood. Cassidy Neil had always been a man of many sides and had loved to tackle not just chess but also played jazz piano in a band when he was much younger. Angela had no musical leanings to speak of so she’d stuck with mastering chess and getting the opportunity to bond with her father while her sister preferred cooking up a storm with their mother in the kitchen until the day she left.

  “I’ll have to warn you though; I was known as a legend in my day at college,” Shane said lightly as they took position at a table he’d set for the purpose.

  Angela had to grin widely at that. “Then I can only hope to prove a worthy opponent,” she returned with a slight incline of her head. “So how was college?” she asked, hoping to learn why someone with an MBA ended up as a racecar driver.

  “Boring,” he returned with a laugh. “I was at the top of my class in high school and received a full scholarship to an Ivy League school based on that and my SAT scores. Of course, all I’d ever wanted to do was drive. My grand plan was to get a job on a pit crew right out of high school and work my way up to a driver’s position. My parents wouldn’t hear of it. We weren’t exactly dirt poor but we didn’t have spare cash to throw around either. They insisted that I take the scholarship and go to college. When I graduated I would be free to do whatever I wanted. So I did.”

  “And what did you parents think about you throwing away a college education to race cars?” She couldn’t imagine they would’ve been pleased, at least in the beginning; before the fame and the money.

  He moved a chess piece before answering. “Well, I didn’t exactly throw it all away. The money, this house, most of it comes from my business investments. I invested all of my race winnings and spokesperson fees I received from my corporate sponsors into other businesses. So as you can see my Ivy League education hasn’t been wasted after all, especially lately. So tell me about your family, Angela. How is your father doing?” He quickly turned the conversation around to her.

  The atmosphere between them was light and cheerful compared to last night’s charged encounter in the study. Angela was a strong chess player but found herself rightly tested by the more intensely strategic Shane. Angela didn’t care how many times she lost; she was happy seeing Shane relax for once. He was in his element while he played, sometimes letting her think she had a fighting chance and then...well, it turned out to be a somewhat brutal trumping at his hands. He really was very competitive and he acknowledged her well executed moves. Angela enjoyed the fact that they could relate on an intellectual and cultural level, and it seemed like they played for hours. The more she learned about him, the more she wanted and needed to know. He never failed to surprise her. There was more to Shane Davis than a half-pretty, half-scarred face. It took Angela’s growling stomach for Shane to announce an end to the chess match.

  “I’m sure you’ll want to get some lunch,” he said lightly, rising to his feet. “I’m not that hungry so I hope you’ll excuse me while I make a few calls.”

  Angela felt bereft that they couldn’t spend more time together. She really would’ve liked to have had lunch with him. As if reading her mind, he suggested catching up with her later when he was done in a couple of hours. Angela wanted to kick herself for the girlish pleasure she felt at his willingness to share her company.

  It was a big old house after all, and neither Bess nor Linda worked on the weekends. Usually Angela spent time by herself, calling friends and family, watching a movie or reading. But she couldn’t help being fascinated by Shane and she told herself the more time she spent with him, the better she could handle her ‘girlfriend’ role especially as they drew so close to the time they were to visit his parents.

  Angela didn’t want to think about that upcoming event, because she knew that it would signal the conclusion of their contract. Once they convinced his mother that he was truly healing both physically and psychologically, he wouldn’t need a fake girlfriend. And if he ever did, he could easily find himself another one. Maybe one for real.

  Oh sure, she’d seen the subtle changes in him. He seemed far more confident now, less uptight. Even women seemed to sense it too. She remembered how he’d gotten looks from many females at the last outing they went to; saw the look of interest that was more than just curiosity or dismay at his scars. He carried himself with such virility that one could imagine that behind closed doors, it would be easy to forget everything else but the man and his specialty of making a woman scream with pleasure.

  Angela didn’t want to think about that, either. Didn’t want to depress herself with thinking of something that was never going to happen. Not that there was anything stopping them. They were both adults; it would be so easy to give in and then walk away when it was over. “Merrily” walk away he’d said, she kept reminding herself.

  But Angela couldn’t see that happening this time around. She’d already begun to form a connection and she was hungry to find out where it would lead. Even if she daren’t show it, she really liked him and wanted to get closer to him. It wasn’t all about the sex or romance, but her own need for a friend. She couldn’t exactly see herself inviting her friends over and having a nice time. Shane hadn’t expressly said her friends weren’t welcome but Angela had a sense that he wouldn’t want anything to disrupt his self-imposed isolation. Not with her type of crowd anyway.

  Those girls could be nosey as hell and they’d want to know Angela’s millionaire ‘boyfriend’ better. Thankfully, Angela didn’t have that many close pals, just girls she hung out with. There was Sasha of course, but there was no way Angela wanted her sister mixed up in this.

  Sasha had seen the papers and Angela had had to explain it was nothing serious, just a PR thing as part of a new project she was about to take on. It was at times like this Angela was glad that her father couldn’t really follow the news or gossips for now. She wouldn’t have been able to explain how come she was now dating a famous racecar driver that none of her family members could meet.

  Angela wandered into the kitchen and picked a couple of the delicious ready-made courses the chef had waiting for them in the fridge. She learned he came in a few times during the week to whip up different dishes from a menu Shane picked out. Shane leaned toward heart-attack-on-a-plate meals with lots of red meat and potatoes. Always watching her weight, Angela was glad to find a few healthier meals she could enjoy. She wondered how hard it would be to convince the chef to cut back on some of the fatty meals. It couldn’t be healthy for Shane to eat the way he did. Unfor
tunately she wouldn’t be around long enough to find out. Pushing that thought aside, she finished with lunch, eager to see what the rest of the day would bring.

  After taking a brief walk she returned, hoping to find Shane around. But he was nowhere to be seen so she figured he was still busy. She strolled into the entertainment room and instead of opting to watch a movie as usual, she turned on the radio connected to the hi-tech surround sound speakers. She found her favorite station and instantly her spirits rose. Nothing like some good music to ease one’s troubles.

  Angela didn’t want to worry about anything: her less than amazing career, or her lack of a love-life. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the music, swaying from side to side. The station was playing the charts and Angela recognized some of her new favorite hits. She liked to listen to most music genres and wasn’t picky so long as it made her ears and heart feel good.

  She half-way hoped the sound of music would lure Shane out. She wasn’t surprised when ten minutes later, Shane came into the room. She turned to him with a ready smile and waved her arm in a beckoning manner. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  His face showed a playful grimace. “Sorry, not much of a dancer. I’d rather just watch if it’s all right with you.” His grey eyes held a teasing light in them as he settled into a nearby couch. Well it wasn’t all right with Angela, but she only gave him a mock frown while she started moving to the music, which was a new Robin Thicke song dripping with his trademark beats. “I love this song!” she said exuberantly over the sound from the speakers, her hips shaking to the beat. She couldn’t help being unselfconscious when her kind of music started playing. She’d always been good at dancing and wasn’t shy about showing off. She kind of liked the way Shane followed her movements with eyes that spoke volumes of want. She didn’t mean to tease, but...well, it was just music, wasn’t it. Not like she was dangling from a stripper pole or giving him a lap dance.


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