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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

Page 62

by Lakes, Krista

  “What’re you going to do with that? You going in through my throat? Shouldn’t you give me something to knock me out first?”

  He looked at her, silently questioning whether she was really stupid enough to think he’d really have to do that or not. She grinned just to reassure him. Clearly not appreciating her attempts—as lame as they may be—at breaking the ice, he shook his head and parted her hair again, searching for the stinger. “This won’t require surgery, I promise.”

  “Good. I...uh, ate a little snack a couple of hours ago. I’ve heard it’s dangerous to go under general after eating.”

  “By any chance did you have a few drinks with that meal?” he asked as he worked on her head, scraping her scalp with the wooden stick.

  “Not unless you count diet cola as a drink. I’m perfectly sober, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Just wanted to make sure. We need to know if you have any substances in your bloodstream before we prescribe medications.” He thought she was stoned! Just because she’d cracked a few stupid jokes?

  “Sure you do.”

  He stepped back, dropped the stick in the trash and removed the gloves. “All right. The nurse will be in to give you that medication. Do you have any questions?”

  “Yeah, just one. When do I get to leave?”

  “In an hour or two. We want to make sure you won’t have another attack. Your reaction was severe. You wouldn’t want to leave and have another one.”

  “True.” She turned her head when she heard Jason’s voice outside the curtain. He was evidently speaking to a nurse.

  “Can I go in?” he asked. Within a heartbeat he was standing beside the doctor.

  Dr. Herner introduced himself and asked, “Are you Mr. Starke?”

  “No, there is no Mr. Starke, at least none that I know of. I’m Jason Foxx, the guy responsible. Brought her a bouquet of flowers infested with bees. How’s she going to be?”

  “She’ll be fine. We’re ordering some blood tests and medication to prevent the symptoms from returning. She’s a little bit anxious to leave so I hope you’ll be able to convince her to sit tight for a while.”

  “I’m starving,” she interjected.

  “I haven’t been able to convince her of anything but I can try,” Jason answered the doctor, ignoring her comment.

  “That’s all I ask.”

  “Can I eat?” she asked, hoping he wouldn’t be so cruel as to let her starve.

  The doctor turned his attention back to Jane. “It’s probably not a good idea for you to eat yet. We’ll let you know as soon as you can. Okay?”

  “Why did I know you’d say that?” When she nodded, he smiled, pulled the curtain aside and stepped through.

  “The nurse will be in shortly to give you that medication and draw some blood,” he said just before turning away.

  “What’s the blood for?” she called out, hoping to catch him before he disappeared for the next six hours. Blood tests meant a longer wait. The hospital lab was notoriously slow. “I had an allergic reaction. What more do you need to know?”

  Glancing over his shoulder, he answered, “Just trying to be thorough, Miss Starke.” And then he closed the curtain.

  She looked at Jason and shook her head. “We’ll be lucky to get out of here by morning. I think they’re running a drug test on me to make sure I’m not stoned. Can you believe it?”

  “They are not.”

  “Then what else could it be? Who heard of a blood test for an allergic reaction?”

  “Maybe they want to make sure it was the bee sting that caused your attack and not something else.”

  She sighed, wishing she was a million places besides stuck in a hospital. In Jason’s bed was at the top of her list, even though she knew that even if she wasn’t in the hospital, that was one place she couldn’t visit, at least not with a good conscience. “This stinks.” Those two words summed up a whole lot more than the present situation.

  He walked closer, and she curled her legs up to let him sit on the foot of the bed. He rested a hand on her knee. It felt warm, even through the cool sheet covering her legs. Her heart stuttered a few irregular beats in her chest when he gave her leg a subtle squeeze. “Maybe it won’t be as bad as you think.”

  Giddy, even though it was an innocent touch, certainly not very erotic, she held in a shudder of delight and expectation. Was it time to play doctor? “Do you know something that I don’t?”

  His crooked grin gave her the answer she wanted. “Maybe.”

  Fighting another shudder of pleasure, she asked, “What?”

  He lifted his hand, and she nearly screamed with bitter disappointment. “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, would it?”

  “But I want to know.”

  “You’ll know soon enough.” He stretched his arms overhead, the motion setting all those scrumptious muscles on his arms, shoulders and chest rippling and flexing under his snug T-shirt.

  He had to know what that was doing to her.

  She swallowed a groan. This just plain wasn’t fair. Not only was their evening ruined, but she was trapped in a six by eight cubicle with a man who could practically elicit an orgasm with a smile and a how-do-you-do.

  Damn you, Monica. Why couldn’t your zillionaire jewelry broker be ninety years old and ugly?

  Why did he have to be so good-looking, and kind, and generous, and sexy, and...tempting. Jason Foxx was nothing but six-foot-something of extreme temptation. And she couldn’t do a darn thing but charm him with her wit.

  It was like having fasted for a month and then sitting down to a mountain of your favorite ice cream and not being able to eat it.

  Couldn’t I have just one little taste?

  Chapter Eight

  Uncomfortable, Jane shifted her weight, resting it on her other hip. “Thanks for hanging around and keeping me company. This isn’t exactly a rockin’ place to spend your Friday night.”

  “At least the company’s good.”

  She couldn’t drum up an appropriate answer quickly and was grateful for the interruption when the nurse arrived to draw her blood and administer her medication. But she quickly retreated to the world beyond the pink curtain, leaving Jane to try to untangle her tongue. “Sorry,” she finally managed after several bloated minutes of torturous silence. “I guess I’m not much of an entertainer.”

  “Actually, since I’m the healthy one, I should be entertaining you.”

  Images of not-so-wholesome forms of entertainment flashed through her mind. “Good! What’s in your repertoire? Do you sing? Dance?”

  “Nope. Can’t sing a note.”

  “I happen to know you’re a fine dancer.” She lifted her arms and folded them behind her head, using them as a makeshift pillow. “How about showing me some of your moves?”

  A hint of a blush stained his cheeks. “I can’t dance without music.”

  “I can sing for you.” She bellowed out a few lines of Prince’s International Lover in her best falsetto, including the little high-pitched ohhs and ahhs for effect. It seemed fairly appropriate.

  Unfortunately, Jason didn’t seem to agree, at least it seemed that way based on the disgusted look on his face, which did nothing to detract from his charm. “What is that?”

  “International Lover by Prince. A 1980s classic in my opinion.”

  “Not in mine.”

  “Okay. I can give you an alternative. How about...Like a Virgin? She sang the first line in her best Madonna impersonation. The lyrics were accompanied by a half-hearted attempt at some seductive dance moves, well the best she could manage in a hospital bed.

  Clearly not impressed, he scowled and shook his head. How could a man look so cute scowling? “That isn’t much better.”

  Feigning insult she dropped her arms to her sides. “Well, pooh! You’re making this difficult. My repertoire is limited, you know. I don’t frequent karaoke bars.”

  “That’s okay. I wouldn’t want a nurse or doctor walking in and catching
me shaking my groove thang. It might be a bit embarrassing.”

  But I’d sure love it. “Take my word for it, if they’re female, they’ll appreciate the view. You’d probably get a standing ovation and a few dollars tucked in your drawers.”

  He grinned, the sparkle in his eyes doing a host of heavenly things to her insides. “As pleasant as that sounds, I think I’ll find a less embarrassing way to pass the time.”

  “Like make love to me?” Shoot! Did I just say that aloud?

  “In here? You’re kidding right?”

  No. Well, maybe. Well, no. “Of course I am.” She leaned closer and whispered, “But don’t you wonder if anyone’s ever tried such a thing? The doctors and nurses leave you alone here for hours...with nothing else to do.” She nudged his backside with her toe and winked. “What do you say? Come on?” she said, knowing full well what his answer would be.

  “No way.”

  No surprise there. But how much willpower did Jason Foxx possess? Willing to give it a small test—how much would that hurt?—she pulled at the tie holding the back of her gown closed. “I’m not wearing any undies. Easy access.” She lowered her voice, aiming for a seductive whisper, “Wanna see?”

  “No.” His ears were turning redder by the minute and she had to concentrate really hard to keep from cracking up.

  Swallowing to keep from laughing, she reached down and pulled on the sheet covering her legs. The bottom inched higher and higher, exposing her feet then shins then thighs.

  His eyes glued to her exposed legs, Jason’s hand trembled as he ran his fingers through his hair. Without a word, he caught the sheet with the other hand and gave it a sharp yank, covering her up again. “What are you trying to do to me?” He sounded breathless, definitely a step in the right direction. She figured he was dangling from the end of his proverbial rope at the moment. Would he fall?

  “Drive you crazy?”

  He chuckled nervously and stood, backing toward the curtain. He swiped an arm over his glistening forehead. “Well, it’s working, you little fiend. But just wait until we get out of here.”

  “Promises, promises. Are you running away? Don’t leave me here alone.”

  “I’ll be right back. I need to check on something.” Before she could say a word, he slipped out of sight behind the curtained partition.

  “Well, so much for that.” Sure she’d be alone for a while as he found a cure for the case of stiffness she’d given him, she turned on the small TV suspended from the ceiling and settled back to take a catnap. The medicine the nurse had given her was sure making her sleepy...

  Moments later—or what seemed moments later—a small commotion outside the curtain woke her. Still half-asleep, she lifted her heavy eyelids and focused her eyes.

  A broadly smiling Jason, who had clearly regained his composure, was pushing a cart heaped with foam carryout containers. “Since I couldn’t take you out to dinner, I brought dinner to you.”

  What a sweetie! Can I keep him? Please? “But didn’t the doctor say I can’t eat?” She scooted up and straightened out the sheet that had somehow tangled around her knees.

  “He cleared you for solid foods.”

  “Lucky me.” She rubbed her hollow stomach.

  “I wanted to bring in the fiddlers too, but the door Nazi wouldn’t let them in.”

  Violins? How romantic. “Unromantic bastard.”

  “Tell me about it.” He scooted the full cart next to her then opened the top foam container. “I didn’t know what to order for you after the last meal I saw you eat. So I went for surf...and turf.”

  Her eyes swept over the scrumptious hunk of beef in the container and her mouth instantly filled with saliva. Next to the sinfully thick steak curled a steamed lobster tail.

  The aromas of grilled meat, onions and lobster filled her nostrils and she inhaled, wishing to fill her entire being with the delectable scents.

  “Don’t just sit there and sniff. Eat.” He handed her a plastic fork and knife wrapped in a paper napkin. “This isn’t exactly the elegant setting I’d planned but it’s the best I could do.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “I have candles, but with the oxygen I figure that’s not such a good idea.”

  “Probably not. This is wonderful, perfect.” Starving, she set to work slicing the meat and savored the first bite. Her eyes closed, she merely moaned and chewed.

  “I take it you approve?”

  She swallowed then carved off a second bite. “It’s absolutely delicious,” she said around the second piece of meat. Suddenly aware of the fact that he wasn’t eating, she motioned toward the other containers with her plastic knife. “What’s in those? Aren’t you going to eat?”

  “That’s all for you. Salad, baked potatoes with the works, a seafood pasta dish, and an appetizer.”

  “Holy smoke. I can’t eat all that. She’ll kill me if I gain another pound.”

  “Who’ll kill you?”

  “Er...” Duh! That was a stupid thing to say. She took another bite of meat as she thought of a logical answer to his question. “ personal trainer?”

  “You won’t gain any weight from one meal. You’d have to eat over three thousand calories to do that.”

  “You’re right. I’m going to enjoy this.”

  He looked pleased as she dug some of the flaky white meat from the lobster shell and dipped it in the plastic container of butter. The sweet sauce coated her lower lip as she opened her mouth and closed it around the fork. Her tongue jutted out to lick away the delicious wetness as she chewed and she couldn’t help feeling a little self-conscious. He was watching her every move.

  “Besides, I like a little softness on a woman,” he said, his gaze riveted to her mouth. “No offense, but if I wanted to date a hard body, I’d date a guy.”

  “No offense taken. But I’m curious. How much softness?” She couldn’t help asking. He’d never see her as plain old Jane, but she had to know if he’d find her more voluptuous figure repulsive—not that she’d ever get the chance to do anything about it even if he didn’t.

  Jason was Monica’s ex-boyfriend, she reminded herself for the umpteenth time. And it was painfully clear, despite his claims to the contrary, he was in love with her, wanted to take her back. He had that look, the one she’d never seen a man have for her. Still, it couldn’t be mistaken. Something of a cross between the look a man would give toward a Lamborghini or a movie screen-sized flat screen TV with surround sound and multi-feature remote and the look a boy would give his new puppy. It was darn cute.

  “Let’s not go there now.” He handed her a foam cup with a straw protruding from the plastic top. “Diet soda?” After she accepted the proffered drink, he added, “We’re having a nice time. I don’t want to wreck it. I’d much rather talk about something else, something safe.”

  “I’m fine with the subject matter. You can tell me the truth.” She sucked, drawing some of the cold liquid into her mouth. The carbon bubbles tickled her tongue and throat as she swallowed.

  Looking quite firm, he shook his head. “No. I’d rather talk about other things.”

  “Like what? Like...marriage?” She followed a second bite of lobster with some more beef, her gaze not once straying from his adorable face. The dimple that appeared every now and then on his left cheek was just too cute. She wanted to kiss it. She wanted to kiss all of him.

  There it was again!

  Grinning, he said, “Well, it’s a little soon to be talking about that, considering it’s our first date.”

  “Maybe officially, but we’ve known each other long enough to broach this topic I think, unless you’re scared.” She offered him a bite of steak but he declined with a shake of his head.

  “I’m not scared of anything.” The way he made that proclamation reminded her of a little boy who’d just been teased by a group of kids. She wondered what he’d been like as a child. What his children would look like. What it would feel like to carry his child...what it would feel like to make his child.

  A little warm all of a sudden, she fanned her face. As much as she didn’t want to, she forced her mind out of his bed and back to the conversation. “I didn’t think you were scared. So, what do you think about marriage?”

  “You’ve never asked me that before. You were dead set against it, end of subject.”

  Why did that not surprise her? What was wrong with that woman? Who wouldn’t want to marry Jason? He was incredibly sexy, sweet, caring, giving...the list went on. “That was before.”

  “Yes, before this unbelievable transformation. Is that really you inside of there?” He leaned forward and tapped on her head.

  “Oh yes, it’s me all right. I’m afraid you’ll have to take my word for it. There’s no such thing as a personality transplant.”

  “If there was, I’d be highly suspicious.” He shifted his weight as if he was uncomfortable. “Okay, so what about now? What do you think about marriage?”

  “I’d like to be married...someday.” To you! “Have kids.” Your kids. I’d name the oldest Jason Junior, assuming he was a boy. “A family. I think about those kinds of things more and more these days, especially with the holidays coming up. Not that I’m unhappy with my life the way it is, er...was,” she added. “Lately, I’ve learned to appreciate what I have.”

  “Okay. I have to know. What made you learn that lesson so suddenly?” If he’d written it in black ink on his forehead, his curiosity couldn’t have been plainer on his face.

  “Well...” She struggled to come up with an explanation that he would accept but wouldn’t really explain much of anything. Kind of like what politicians did. “Recently I had the opportunity to see what a friend’s life is like, to practically walk in her shoes. I’ve always envied this person, thought she had things so much better than me. But I learned she didn’t. And she taught me a few hard lessons, really helped me open my eyes. I wasn’t living right. I needed to make some changes.”

  “That’s interesting.” He shifted again, this time moving closer.

  A mere fraction of an inch of air was between her leg and his rump. She fought the burning urge to close that gap. The need to touch him blazed through her body.


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