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Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation

Page 10

by Angela Castle

  “I like knowing you submit to only me. I thought I would try binding you. I can see by your reaction, you want this.”

  “Yes, I do. I’ve never done anything like this. But with you, I want to.”

  Oh boy. From his seductive smile, I knew I was in trouble. It was trouble I was going to love.

  “I am going to play with you, watch you to see if you enjoy what I will do, but promise me, you will tell me if I do anything you do not like.”

  “I promise.” I gazed at him, trusting him implicitly. Surrendering to whatever he wanted to do. “I am yours.”

  The hardened gleam in his gaze made me shiver. “Yes, you are mine. Everything I see, touch and taste is mine.”

  He lowered his head back to my breast. I cried out when he went back and took my nipple between his teeth, tugged on it, stretching it. The exquisite pinch of pain made me pant. He followed through, soothing the burn with his tongue, wetting the area thoroughly before pulling back and blowing on it. My breathing shot through the roof, as the cool air made my nipples extremely sensitive. It seemed to have a direct connection to my clit, which pulsed with blood, needing to be touched. I glanced down to see him studying my reactions. He nodded to himself, then switched to my other breasts, tormenting me all over again.

  “Oh God!” I tugged heavily on the ties at my wrist, my body writhing as he again blew air onto the other nipple.

  One hand skimmed over my abdomen and down between my legs.

  “Open your legs.” His deep commanding tone made my stomach drop, and my body shiver. I complied. “Place your feet together and let them fall open.”

  Cool night air bushed over my heated wet pussy, leaving me both excited and nervous.

  “No matter what I do, do not close your legs. Tell me if something hurts, or you do not like it.”

  “I will, my Shah.”

  The words popped into my head from nowhere. I glanced up, worried I’d said the wrong thing, but by his cheeky grin, I knew he liked it.

  His fingers brushed though my curls and into my swollen folds. My body jerked when a finger brushed over my clit. He slid lower and pushed that finger into me, in and out, moving up to circle my clit, but not directly touching it, before pushing back in again. He repeated this a few times before adding a sting of pain by a nip of his teeth to my skin, every time he pushed his finger in.

  My eyes closed my head thrashed from side to side, my hips rose off the blanket to meet his thrust, the mingling of pain and pleasure wound my body tighter. A thin sheen of sweat broke out over my body, my whimpers and mewls filled the air, drowning out the sounds of night.

  “Oh, oh, Morrdrook, yes, more, please!”

  He added as second finger alongside the first, upping the pace in which he fucked me.

  I was teetering right on the brink, my legs trembled and I fought not to close them to relieve the painful ache. Oh god I needed…I needed…

  Pulling his fingers from my sodden folds, with one stroke of his thumb over my clit, my breathing seized in my lungs, the whole universe suspended in time for a split second, then shattered into tiny atoms. Lights flashed behind my closed eyelids.

  Even as my body shook with the explosive orgasm, he pulled away. I barely registered the sound of him hastily removing his clothing, before his arms lifted my body, turning me onto my knees. My legs still splayed wide, my belly supported by pillows.

  His hard cock stroked through my swollen folds and he thrust straight into my still quivering channel. The sudden hard intrusion of his cock shocked me into a second climax.

  Relentlessly he plowed into me over and over. My body so hypersensitive, my brain shut down. AllI could feel was him—in me, around me, possessing me. My body quaked with the overload of ecstasy. For a moment, everything dimmed around me, until I heard him roar into the sky, his heated seed spilling into my depths. He pulled out and fell onto his side dragging me with him, feeling his hot rapid breath on the back of my neck.

  I had no will or strength left to even twitch any part of my body, but my lungs, which struggled to draw in air.

  “I hope…you told everyone…we’d be here…for a week.”

  “Why?” he managed.

  “It’ll take…us that long…to recover.”

  He chuckled breathlessly, I felt his hand slide up over my arms. He cut the scarf and my arms fell free. He rubbed gently at my wrists.

  “Are you alright? It was not too much?”

  I didn’t care if we were both sweaty. I shifted in his arms to face him, wanting to show him my big ass grin.

  “No, it was beyond words. You never cease to amaze me. I hope we have hundreds of years to explore just what we can do to each other.”

  With a proud grin, he leaned in and gently kissed my lips. “I shall see to it. There are many things I wish try with you.” Rolling over onto his back, he pulled me snugly against his body. “I think we both need a rest. Our night is not over yet.” It took a while for my hammering heart to calm and my breathing to return to normal as he absently stroked his hand over my back.

  I loved having him all to myself, forgetting about the rest of the world, even if it was just for a short while.

  As my mind drifted, I knew it wasn’t the place that mattered. It was the man with his strong, loving arms around me who was more special than anyone in existence. My heart and soul.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Someone shone a bright light in my face, waking me from my deep sleep. I recognized the scent of early morning from the times I had slept on the ground during my journey to find the Zakiu city.

  “Morrdrook, turn the moon down it’s too bright.” I turned in his arms, but he bolted upright, making me startle.

  I blinked and rubbed my eyes. Suddenly he seized me roughly by my arms and hauled me to my feet.

  “What?” I glanced up and gasped, it wasn’t the moon which had awoken me. The light was getting steadily closer. “Is that a ship?”

  “The Druel. They have returned early.”

  “Oh shit.”

  Every muscle in my body tensed, my hands protectively covered my stomach. They were early, why were they early?

  Morrdrook ripped the sheet from the ground and wrapped it around me. Quickly he retrieved his pants and shoved his legs into them, jumping to pull them up and secure them on his hips.

  He grabbed my hand, almost painfully tight, pulling me after him as he ran up the hill. I cried out in pain as my toes and the soles of my feet landed on hard objects.

  Morrdrook growled, pausing to haul me up into his arms and resume running at breakneck speed.

  With only one moon visible in the sky, I could just make out the marker stone, the large circle with the hover platform. Standing in the center he put me down and held me close.

  “Essence, get us down now and alert every city. The Druel have returned.”

  The platform dropped like a lead balloon, launching my stomach up in my throat. I wrapped my arms around his middle, pressing my face against his bare chest.

  “It will be alright, Aunna.”

  He squeezed my shoulders and I nodded against his chest unable to talk until we came to a standstill.

  The platform slowed and landed on a large open square, which I supposed would have been a lovely garden at some stage in the city’s history.

  I sucked in a needed breath, letting it out slowly and trying to calm the rising nausea. Now was not a good time for morning sickness.

  Releasing his grip around my waist, he snatched up my hand. I needed to jog to keep up with Morrdrook’s fast stride. Zakiu scrambled about. Although we’d planned for this contingency, the air was thick with a sense of panic.

  “Shah!” Killiu and one of Morrdrook’s top military commanders came to a skidding halt in front of us. They bowed.


  “There are three Druel battle cruisers, and one transport ship in orbit. Drones are already searching the surrounding areas. If they were able to lock on to our energy signature
s as before, it won’t be long before they know we’re in the city. If they don’t already…” Commander Jurra’s face shadowed with dark rage. He had survived the first Druel onslaught. “The cities only have a light protective shield up. It will not be able to withstand a full attack from three battle cruisers.”

  “They are going to want the bulk of us alive for their twisted games,” added Killiu.

  “How long before Galvan can activate the Guardian Shield?”

  “Within the hour, all the other cities have finished installing their parts. Ours is the only one left.”

  “Then we only have to wait out the hour. But we have to be ready just in case. I know they will also want all the impregnated human women and I won’t allow that to happen. Killiu, take Aunna and the other human women to the vault as we discussed. It is up to you to protect them.”

  “What?” This was the first I’d heard of this. “No, I’m staying with you.”

  The men turned their gaze to me. I swallowed under their angry gazes.

  “With all due respect, my Shahess, you must protect your bud, the future ruler of Zakiu.” Jurra gestured towards my lower stomach. “Females do not fight in battles.”

  I glared at Jurra, taking a step forward.

  “My place is by my husband’s side, to do whatever is needed to win against the Druel.”

  Morrdrook moved to stand in front of me and gripped my upper arms. I tilted my head back to meet his intense gaze.

  “Aunna, I have never commanded anything of you that is not within reason. If anything happens to me, you are queen and everyone will look to you for leadership. Go with Killiu and the other women. Take them to the stasis vault, it is the safest place on the planet, even against the Druel. The other women will look up to you, so stay calm and help them through this.”

  I pursed my lips, not liking this but I found myself sighing in acceptance. From his hard tone I knew I would not win this argument, not here.

  “Alright, I’ll take the women down to the vault.” But that didn’t mean I would stay.

  “Thank you, Aunna. All will be well, trust me.”

  It wasn’t that I didn’t trust my husband. It was the Druel on our doorstep I didn’t trust.

  “Quickly go change and I will see you when this is over.” He placed a swift kiss onto my lips and turned to walk away with Jurra.

  “Our ships can’t match the power of the battle cruisers, so we’re going to have to rely on the fact they want most of us alive. I know it will come down to a ground fight…”

  Morrdrook’s words trailed off as he turned and disappeared around the corner. A hand on my arm startled me.

  “Shahess Anna, please hurry.”

  I nodded, turning in the other direction to our chambers.

  * * * *

  “It’ll be alright. The Guardian Shield is almost ready, once it’s up and running we will be protected. No more Druel, no more aliens out to take what doesn’t belong to them.” I announced over the worried chatter of the women.

  The men had come to drop off their women at the entrance of the tunnel that lead to the stasis chambers, kissing their tearful mates, before heading back out to take up stance against the Druel.

  “Come on. Nothing can get beyond these walls, not even the Druel.”

  The women, along with the Zakiu females were here, about a hundred in all. They walked through the large doors.

  Rachel lingered at the back of the group, her pretty blue eyes filled with worry.

  “What happens if one of our men gets killed?”

  I put my arms around her shoulders, giving her a hug.

  “Anything is possible, Rachel, but think about your man. He, along with all the other Zakiu are strong fighters, and they now have the added advantage of superior weapons. The city even has a shield over it to stop any bots getting through. Trust he’ll be back to get you real soon.”

  She nodded, pulling from my embrace, and hurried through the door.

  “That is everyone except Augurra, she and Galvan are mates and she refused to leave him.”

  I knew the feeling. Everything in my mind and heart screamed at me to go back to him, and I was not going to ignore it. I’d done my duty and helped get the women to safety.

  “Come, my Shahess, go through and I will lock the vault doors,” Killiu urged.

  I took a step back. “Go ahead, but I’m not going in.”

  “I thought you would resist. I admire you wanting to fight, but I have to do my job.” Killiu stepped in to grip my wrist and drag me forward.

  In a practiced move, I twisted my hand in a sweeping motion, breaking free of Killiu’s grip and darting backwards out of his reach. Killiu’s eyes widened in shock.

  “And at the command of your Shahess, seal the vault. I’m not staying here. I hold you responsible for these women, but not me.”

  “Anna, Morrdrook wants you to be safe.”

  “My place is fighting at my husband’s side, not hiding away like a coward.” I turned and jogged back down the cavernous corridor. I took one of the anti-gravity lifts back up into the palace.

  The ground shook under my feet as the Druel fired directly at the cities’ shield. I pursed my lips in determination, weaving my way through the palace corridors, out down the steps through the grounds and into the streets.

  Many of the soldiers were on high points around the city ready with their weapons. Several hover bikes flew around, ready to engage the enemy.

  “Aunna!” I turned to see Morrdrook—with weapons strapped to his body—come barreling down a side street, flanked by several of the Zakiu soldiers from the stasis chambers. “Why are you not with the other women?”

  “Because my place is here with you.”

  “Foolish woman.” Yet the pride in his gaze negated his words.

  Another round hit, harder than the last. Morrdrook gripped my arm, pulling me against the building and covering my body with his as the dome reached its breaking point. It sizzled and sparked before exploding into a blinding light. Sparks rained down around us.

  With the city’s protective dome gone, sunlight flooded down. “This is it, go to your posts!”

  “Yes, Shah!” They bolted past him and down the street.

  The machines came swarming in like thousands of flying ants. Energy bolts filled the air as the soldiers fired at them. When hit, they shot out sparks and exploded into bits before dropping down into the city.

  “Attack drones, the worst of the Druel’s mechanical army.” Anger added a deadly edge to Morrdrook’s tone.

  As fast as the soldiers cut them down, more flew in to take their place. He tugged me to my feet, glancing around, before his gaze met mine.

  “How are we going to fight against three ships?”

  “Not you, Aunna,” he drew in a deep breath, the markings on his arms glowing brightly in anger. “We only have to hold them off long enough to get the Shield running.”

  He shook his head. “But I sense something is wrong. Will you go and see what is taking Galvan so long? He said it should be working by now. I wouldn’t ask you but every available male is fighting.”

  I didn’t want to leave him, but from the determined look in his eyes, I knew he was going to forge straight into the heat of the battle.

  “I’ll go.”

  “Here.” He unhooked a Put disruptor from his belt, placing it into my palm. My fingers curled around the handle. “Aunna, hurry. I know they will send additional ships soon and we will be more outnumbered than we are now.”

  I nodded, taking a step back to look into his eyes. “Don’t you dare get yourself killed, you hear me?”

  His lips curled up in a smile. “Never, my Aunna. I promised you forever, and forever with me is what you are going to have.” He closed the short gap between us, hooking his hand into my hair, drawing me up onto tiptoes, his lips crashed over mine in a brief, passionate kiss. He broke away. “Go quickly, we’ll hold them off for as long as we can.” He turned and ran after the other
soldiers. I knew he was heading straight for the front line. No other place would do for him.

  Heading for the military installation, I turned and ran as fast as I could through the winding streets. I jogged up the steps, pushing open the door of the main building.

  I ran through the twisting corridors, made the last turn to the right and came to a skidding halt at the sight of an attack drone, hovering over Galvan’s slumped body.

  Bloody hell! How had a drone gotten into the building? My lungs burned, as I held my breath for a second, before giving into the need to gulp down much needed oxygen after running so hard. It didn’t matter how it had gotten in, it was here and a deadly threat.

  “Galvan!” Augurra’s scream got both mine and the drone’s attention. She ran out from the control shield room, directly in line of the droid.

  Oh shit, this wasn’t good. “Augurra, no! Get back!” I bolted forward raising the disrupter, but it was too late. The drone shot out its power bolt hitting Augurra in the chest. Her body jerked violently before she slumped to the floor beside Galvan.

  The drone’s high pitched whine as it powered up again made me wince. It swung around towards me.

  “Oh no, you fucking well don’t!” I jabbed the trigger, hitting the drone head on. It sparked wildly before bursting into flames, smashing to the ground and rolling in into the wall. Never had I been more thankful I’d learned to fire the weapon.

  Stepping around the drone wreckage, I knelt down beside Augurra and Galvan, checking to see if they were alive. I sighed in relief, feeling the beat of their hearts, when I pressed two fingers, each in turn, to their pulse points.

  The whine of another drone made me glance up. I took aim and fired, before it could get any closer.

  I stood to grip Galvan’s legs and dragged him backwards into the control room. I pushed aside the rippling pain in my abdomen as I raced back to get Augurra out of harm’s way. Two more attack drones hummed around the corner towards me.


  “E is here Anna.”

  “Seal the control room door, now!”


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