Japanese, 7, 15-16, 23-24, 563, 588
Russian, 616, 644-45
solution of, 258-59, 268-69, 440-44, 496-97, 564, 749
U.S., 252, 491-92, 493, 496-97
Encode, definition, xv
Engstrom, H. T., 705
Enigma, 6, 18, 421, 422, 423, 425, 459, 461, 510, 649, 972-77, 984
public discourse of, 978-79
“Enigma” Variations, 800
Enigmaduction, definition, 879
Enigmaplan, definition, 879
Enigmatology, 878-91
definition, 878
Ennes, J. M., Jr., 970
Eno, A. L., 394
Entick’s Dictionary, 177, 183, 186
Entropy, 759-62
Epsilon Eridani, 950-51
Eriksson, B. E. G., 652
“Erring Siamese,” 85
Error detection and correction, 747
Erskine, D. G., 511-12
Ethiopia, 251
Etruscan, 916
Euler, L., 765
Evans, A., 918-23
Evans, A. R., 591
Ewing, Sir Alfred, 266, 275, 276
Eyraud, C., 478
Ezra, I., 810
Ezra, J., 810
F and P inks, 353
Fabian, R. J., 10, 25, 40, 563, 564, 568, 573
Fabyan, G., 370, 401, 867, 886, 888
Falconer, J., 155
Fall, A. B., 815-17
Family codes, 521
Farquhar, C., 845
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 26, 41, 524, 528, 530, 531
Cryptanalytical and Translation Section, 819-21
Federal Communication Commission, Radio Intelligence Division of, 526-29
Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46, 980-81
Federal Register, 979, 980
Feely, J. M., 870
Feistel, H., 979-80
Fellers, B. F., 473-76 passim
Fellgiebel, E., 455, 458
Fenner, W., 457
Fernmeldeaufklärung, 459, 475, 476
Ferrett airplanes, 719
Ferret satellites, 720
Fersen, A., 775
Féval, P., 772-73
Fiber optics, 829
Field cipher, 202, 234-36
in World War II, 459
invention of, 191
most famous, 339
requirements for, 235
Fielder, K. J., 52
Figl, A., 316, 449-53 passim
Filter, noise, 752
Fingerprinting, electronic, 539
Fingerprinting apparatus, radio, 708
Finland, 644-45
Fish, H., Jr., 635
“Fists” of radiotelegraphers, 32, 527, 536, 539
Five-letter commercial codes, 843, 844, 847
Five-numeral system. See JN-25
Five-Power Treaty, 358, 364
Fleet Radio Unit, Pacific Fleet. See FRUPAC
Fleming, I., 800, 977
Fletcher, F. J., 565
Flint, C., 509
Flivos, 976
Florence, 110, 114
Foote, A., 650-51, 659-60
Forschungsamt, 446-48, 450
Forschungsanstalt, 555-57
Fosse, G. P., della, 903
Fourier, J.-B., 907
Fousché, L., 862
Fractionating ciphers, 203-04, 243
Bureau de Chiffre (Army), 305-06; (Foreign Ministry) 255-56, 259
Commission on Military Cryptography, 261, 262, 299, 304
diplomatic codes, 402, 481-82
Foreign Ministry, 255-61, 303
interrupted columnar transposition, 312-13
military codes, 312, 314
nomenclators, 162-63
pre-World War I, 239-40, 262, 264
Service du Chiffre, 305
Vichy, 478, 487
War Ministry, 299-301, 303-09 see also Babou, Cabinet Noir, Rossignol, Viete
Franklin, B., 185
Franz, W., 458
Freemasons’ cipher, 772
Frequency of letters, analysis of, 99, 100, 107, 127, 201, 210, 738
Frequency counts
comparison of, 380-83
digraphic, 202
in solution, 97-99, 99-102, 209, 210-11, 748
stability of, 739-43, 748
Freud, S., 755
Freudenthal, H., 954-47
Friedman, E. S.
Baconian studies, 885, 879-82, 887-88
children, 389
early life, 371
I’m Alone case, 814-15
International Monetary Fund, 826
rumrunning solutions, 802-14
Friedman, W. F.,
and Yardley, 361-62, 369
as teacher, 384, 517
at Riverbank Laboratories, 371-74, 384
Baconian studies, 390, 879-82, 885, 886-88
characteristics, 21, 369-70, 389
children, 389
codeword construction, 848
Congressional compensation, 390-92
contributions to cryptology, 21, 392-93, 612
decorations, 390
early life, 370-71
first writing on cryptology, 374
greatest single creation, 384
Hindu solutions, 371-72
in G.2 A.6, 333, 374
in N.S.A., 390
in Signal Corps Code & Cipher Compilation Section, 5, 360, 384-86
in S.I.S., 5, 386, 388-90
Index of Coincidence, 376-80, 382-84, 973
interest in cryptology, 371
inventions, 385, 389, 391, 510
makes U.S. world leader in cryptology, 385
Mars messages, 385, 948
nervous breakdown, 23, 389
Pletts machine solution, 372, 374
PURPLE solution, 1, 9, 21-22, 389, 508
retirement, 390
Riverbank Publications, 374-84
rotor solution, 385
rumrunning solutions, 806
Teapot Dome, 385, 815-17
Vernam-device solutions, 401
Voynich manuscript, 870, 953
word coinages, 384
writings, 374-84, 385, 388, 390, 699, 706
Friedmann, P., 857-58
Friedrichs, A., 438, 439, 446, 497-98
Frisch, K. von, 945
Fromm, E., 755
Front-Line Code, 327
Frost, L. H., 702, 703
FRUPAC, 573, 594, 595
Fuchs, K., 661
Fuchs, R., 860
Funkabwehr, 661
Funkaufklärungsdienst, 461
Funkspiel, 531-38 passim
Für GOD, 310, 464
Furness, Lady Thelma, 776
G.2 A.6, 326, 329, 331, 333-39, 678
Gabbrielli, D. P., 859
Gabuli tana, 85
Gadsby, 740
Gallery, D. V., 504, 506
Gallup, E. W., 371, 885-88
Galton, Sir Francis, 957-58
Gamba, V., 469
Gambling, 817-19, 821
Gamma epsilon, 273
Gamma u, 273
Gangga malayu, 85
García-Icazbalta, D. F. M., 860
Gardner, M., 982-83
Gauss, K. F., 958
Gaussin, J., 240, 397
Geheime Kabinets-Kanzlei, 163-65
Geheimklappe, 315, 336
Geheimschrijfmachine, 420
Gematria, 92
General system, xv, 235
Generator, multiple-target, 723
Generatrix, definition, 248
Geometrical systems, 155, 519, 521
Geometrical transposition ciphers, formulae solution of, 376
Georgiev, V., 923
Germany, 730
Abhorchdienst, 313-14
Abwehr, 453-54, 531, 533, 534, 535, 537
Army, 454-60
-Dienst, 465-68, 484
Chiffrierabteilung, 456-58
Fernmeldeaufklärung units, 459-60, 461, 475-76, 477
Forschungsamt, 446-48, 450
Forschungsanstalt, 450, 555-57
Funkaufklärungsdienst, 461-64
Geheimschreiber, 482
Heeresnachrichtenwesens, 458-61
Kriegsmarine, 972-73, 977
Luftwaffe, 454, 461-64, 976
Nachrichten-Verbindungswesen, 461
Navy, 465-68
Pers Z, 436-40, 443-46, 450, 452, 596-98
pre-World War I, 239-40, 263
Reichsicherheitschauptamt, 449-53
Sicherheitsdienst, 448-49
standard Nazi spy cipher, 530
Volunteer Evaluation Office, 454
Wehrmachtnachrichtenverbindungen, 455, 456, 458
World War I miscellaneous systems, 307-09 see also 0075; 13040; ADFGVX; ADFGX; Befehstafel; Enigma; Für GOD; Geheimklappe; Satzbuch; Schlusselheft; UBCHI
Gerry, E., 176
Gestapo, 449
Gex, W., Sr., 812
Gherardi, B., 401
Gherardi, L., 472
Gifford, G., 122
Gilgamesh, Epic of, 913
Gillmore, R., 333
Gisevius, H. B., 498-99
Giskes, H. J., 531-38 passim
Givierge, M., 299, 348, 349
Glavnoye, Razvedyvatelnoye Upravlenie, 639, 642, 643, 650
Goggins, W. B., 573
“Gold-Bug, The,” 790-92, 783, 818
Goldberg, N., 810, 813
Goodman, W. H., 713
Gorgo, 82
Göring, H., 446-47, 450
Gorman, F. J., 806
Gothic language, 900
Goudy, F. W., 888
Gouzenko, I., 643
Government Code and Cypher School, 975-76
Graham, J., 333
Grant, U.S., 217
Graves, R., 799
GRAY, 490-91, 495, 579, 638
Gray, H., 324
Great Britain
Admiralty, 484, 977-78
codebreaking establishment, 975-76
diplomatic codes, 452
Foreign Office, 483-84, 485-86
in Singapore, 10, 563, 564
Intelligence E(c), 2nd echelon, 311-12
M.I. 1(b), 309-11
naval codes, 279-80
nomenclators, 173-74
Playfair, 202, 312
pre-World War I, 263, 264
War Office, 309, 484 see also Decyphering Branch; Phelippes; Room 40; Wallis; Willes
Great Cryptogram, The, 875, 876
Greece, ancient, 80-83
Greek language, 920-21, 931-36
GREEN, 490
Green Bank, radio telescope, 938
Greenwald, H., 756
Grew, J. C., 495
Griffiths, R. T., 741
Grilles, 180
Cardano, 144-45, 519, 521
turning, 308-09
Gronsfeld, Count of, 245
Grosvenor, W. M., 223-29
Grotefend, G. F., 912
Groves, L. R., 545-48 passim
G.R.U. See Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravlenie
Gūdhalekhya, 75, 799
Gusev, 641
Gyldén, O., 424, 478
Gyldén, Y., 426, 428, 478, 479, 480, 817, 824
HA, 588
Hagelin, B. C. W., 425-34 passim, 612
Hagelin machines, 469, 691 see also B-21; B-211; C-36; M-209
Haggard, H. Rider, 798
Hague Convention articles of war, 46
Hahalruna, 88
Hall, W. R., 276, 280
Halsey, W. F., 608, 609
Hamel, G., 825
Hames, M. R., 799
Hamilton, V. N., 696, 728
Hammer, C., 772
Hancock, C. B., 613
Harha tana, 85
Harnack, A., 657, 659
Harness, F. A., 604
Hartfield, J. C., 839, 845
Hartfield, J. W., 839, 847
HARUNA, 42, 43, 44, 67
Harvey, H., 839
Hassard, J. R. G., 223-29
Harris, Stephen R., 971
Hawley, E. H., 215
Hay of Seaton, M. V., 309-11 passim, 329
Hayes, R. B., 221
Hayhanen, R., 668, 669, 670
Hebern, E. H., 385, 388, 392, 415-20, 612, 825
Hebern Electric Code Inc., 417-19
Hebrew ciphers, 77-79
Heeresnachrichtenwesens, 458, 459
Heilman, G., 511-12
Hellman, M., 982
Helstrom, C. W., 752
Henry, O., 799
“Hermit metamorphosing letters,” 85
Hermoni, D., 826
Herodotus, 81-82, 780
Hieroglyphic cryptography, 71-72
Hieroglyphics, solution of, 901-12
Hill, L. S., 404-10, 612, 739
Hime, H. W. L., 889
Himmler, H., 447, 449, 450
Hincks, E., 913
Hindenburg, P. von, 623, 626, 630
Hindus, 371-72
Hinman, C., 888
Hinsley, F. H., 977
Hippisley, B., 268
Hira gana, 570
Hiroshima, 549, 610
Hiss, A., 639
Histaieus, 81-82, 780
Historians, 854-72
Hitchings, O. J., 311, 329, 563
Hitler, A., 445-46, 447, 451, 460, 498, 555, 975
Hitt, P., 321-25, 329, 362, 388, 392, 403, 492, 493, 768
Hittite cuneiform, 914
H. N. W. See Heeresnachrichtenwesens
Hoboes, 824
Hoffmann, E., 438
Hogan, D., 815
Hogben, L., 956-57
Hohenburg, J. F., Herwath von, 904
Holden, E. S., 224
Holland. See Netherlands
Holland, E. J., 604
Hollerith tabulating machines, 576
Holmes, W. J., 566, 594
Holmes, S., 794-98
Holtwick, J. S., Jr., 20, 566
Homer, 80-81, 917, 918, 935-36
Homophonic substitution
contrasted with polyalphabetic substitution, 125, 129
definition, xiv
expansion of, 108
first, 96
first Western, 107
solution of, 113 see also polyphonic substitution
Hoover, H., 359
Hope, H. W. W., 274
Horapollo, 903
Hornbeck, S. K., 24, 364, 492
Horner, E. W., 550
Hot line, 715-16
Höttl, W., 449-53, 613 passim
Houdini, H., 769
House of Representatives, U.S., 981
Housel, C. A., 803
Hoy, H. C., 274
Hrozný, B., 914, 916, 923, 928
HUDSON, 328, 332
Huffduff, 504
Hull, C., 3, 33, 49, 494
Hungary, army intelligence, 452 see also Austria-Hungary
Hüttenhain, E., 458
Huxley, A., 756
Huygens, C., 773
HW-28, 714
Hydrogen emission line, 949, 962
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 873, 903
I-1, 590
I.B.M. See International Business Machines Corporation
Ibn ad-Duraihim, 95-98
Ibn Khaldūn, 96
I.D. 25, 270
Identification-friend-or-foe system, 718, 979
I.F.F., 718, 979
Iliad, 80-81, 917, 935-36
Illusory complication, 304
I’m Alone, 814-15
Index of Coincidence and Its Applications in Cryptography, 376-85, 973
India, 74, 979
Indianapolis, 609
Indians, American, 549-50
Indus Valley script, 916
Influence letter, 424
Information theory, 743-44
INGO DENPO, 37, 57
Inman, B. R., 981
Institute for Defense Analyses, 709, 711
Integration (anti-jamming), 723
Intelligence Bulletins, MAGIC, 30
Intelligence E(c), 311
Interception, xvi, 11-13, 298-99, 677, 724 see also mail opening; traffic volume; wiretapping
International Business Machines Corporation
Data Encryption Standard, 979-81
Hebern patent interference, 419
7090 computer, 726
Stretch, 726
tabulators, 562, 563, 566, 568, 576, 582, 584, 595, 726
International code of signals, 837
International Code of Signals, 846
International Code Machine Company, 419
International Communication Laboratories, 403
International Radiotelegraph Conference, 846
International Telemeter Corporation, 833, 835
International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, 388, 403, 716
International Telegraph Union, 842, 848, 849
International Telemeter Corporation, 833
International Traffic in Arms Regulations, 981
Internet, 983
Interplanetary communication, 938-65
Interstellar language, 953-56
Inventors, 191, 709-10, 763-68, 825-26
Inversion, 552
Inverter, 554
Invisible inks, 95, 127, 138, 179-80, 187, 448, 513-14, 515, 522-25, 576, 616
Involutory transformations, 406
Isomorphic cryptograms, 20
Israel, 970
Isruna, 88
cifrario rosso, 316, 319
cifrario servizio, 316
cifrario tascabile, 317, 319
military attache, 259, 264
naval codes, theft of, 486-87
Reparto crittografia, 318-19
Servizio Informazione Militaire, 469-72
Servizio Informazione Segreto, 468-69
Ito, S., 46
J series of Japanese diplomatic codes, 16, 42, 444
J12, 27
Ja, 357
James, W., 274
Jamming, 722-23
Janssen, H. P. M., 519
Japan, 561-613, 730
Anego Kenkyu Han, 495
Army, 425, 584-88, 591
Foreign Office, 14-19, 23-24, 32, 33-37, 42, 43, 44, 45
INGO DENPO, 37-38, 57-58
J12, 27
J17-K6, 16
J18-K8, 16
J19-K9, 16, 32, 38, 41, 42
LA, 14-15, 43
maru code, 593-94
Navy, 10, 47, 562-63, 564-65, 567, 586-88
97-shiki O-bun In-ji-ki, 18-19, 22, 49
Oite, 15-16
PA-K2, 15-16, 42, 43, 47, 48, 49, 55, 66
S code, 27, 593-94
Tokumu Han, 579-84, 610
TSU, 16-18, 42 see also MAGIC; PURPLE; winds code
“Japanese Diplomatic Secrets,” 364
Jargon, 281, 519, 520, 541-45, 822
Jay, Sir James, 179
Jefferson, T., 184, 192-93, 194-95
wheel cypher, 192-95 see also multiplex system; strip cipher
Jellicoe, Sir John, 272
Jerdan, W., 764
Jerrold Electronic Corporation, 831, 836
JN25, 562, 587
JN25b, 7, 10, 564, 565, 567
JN25c, 564, 571