JN25d, 603
Johnson, H. W., 365
Johnson, L. B., 687, 730
Jones, E., 756
Joseph P. Muller 972
Joyce, James, 745, 767
Jp, 358
Jutland, Battle of, 272-73
Kabbalah, 91-92
Kaeding, F. W., 743
Kakimoto, G., 582
Kāma-sūtra, 74
Kameyama, K., 31, 49
Kapany, N. S., 829
Kappa sub p, 378
Kappa sub r, 378
Kappa test, 378, 380, 385, 413
Kasiski examination, 209, 398, 399
Kasiski, F. W., 207-08
Kasiski solution, 207-13
Kata kana, 14, 356, 570
Kautilya, 74, 75
Kautiliyam, 74
Keill, J., 169
Keitel, W., 455
Keller, H., 944
Kempenfeldt, R., 837
Kempf, S., 456
Kennamer, C. B., 810
Kennedy, J. F., 592
Kennedy, J. P., 494, 495
Kent, T., 494, 495
Kerckhoffs, A., 230-39, 240, 754
Kerckhoffs superimposition, 236-37, 378, 380, 399, 413
Kesselring, A., 459, 461
Kettler, H., 456
definition, xv
distinguished from general system, xv, 235
endless and random, 397-98, 402
first mnemonic, 113
generation of, 732
literal in polyalphabetic substitution, 137
progressive, 136
recovery of in monalphabetic substitution, 103-04
recovery of primary alphabet, 374-75, 376
to mix cipher alphabets, 113 see also autokeys; progressive keys; running keys
Key escrow, 983
Keynumber, definition, xv
Keyphrase, definition, xv
Keyphrase cipher, 787
Keyword, definition, xv
length in polyalphabetic solution, 208
KFF-58, 826
KG-13, 715
Kharkevich, 641
Khnumhotep II, 71
Khrushchev, N. S., 687
King, E. J., 567
Kinkaid, T. C., 609
Kinsey, A. C., 773
Kircher, A., 154, 846, 864, 904-05
Kirilyuk, V. A., 685
Kirk, D., Jr., 831-35 passim
Kita, N., 13
Kitāb al-mu’ ammā, 97
Kiwi, 590
Klein, M. H., 696
Knatchbul-Hugessen, Sir Hughe, 451
Knights of the Golden Circle, 772
Knights Templars, 823
Knock cipher, 821
Knossos tablets, solution of texts, 934-35
Knox, F., 3
Kober, A. B., 923-27, 937
Koch, H. A., 420
Koenig, W., Jr., 558-59
Kök-Turki runes, 916
Köthe, G., 438
Kowalefsky, J., 357, 579
Kramer, A. D., 2, 3, 4, 11, 27, 50, 56 see also OP-20-G
Kraus, H. P., 863, 871, 872
Kreuger, I., 824
Kripo, 449
Krivosh, R., 642
Krivosh, V., 642
Kroger, H. and P., 664, 665, 666
Krohn, C. H. C., 236
KRU, 315
KRUSA, 315
Kryha, A. von, 825
Kühn, B. J. O., 42, 50, 66
Kullback, S., 386, 390, 576, 612, 707
Kunze, W., 402, 436-37, 439, 446, 563, 612, 755
KW-1, 714
KW-7, 714
KY-3, 715
KY-8, 715
KY-9, 711, 715
LA, 14-15, 43
Lagoruna, 88
Lais, A., 486, 487
Lake series, 328
Lalita-Vistara, 74
Langlotz, E., 402, 438
decipherment of lost, 895-932
interstellar, 953-56
pictorial, 958-62
reconstruction of, 900-01
secret, 822-24
Lanphier, T. G., Jr., 599, 600, 601
Largonji, 823
LARRABEE, 324, 489
Laser, 708, 732-33
Lasswell, A. B., 48, 595, 598
Lauenburg, 977
Lauwers, H. M. G., 533, 534, 536, 537
Lavinde, G. di, 107
La wan, 73
Lawrence, J., 801
Lawrence of Arabia, 312
Laws and judicial decisions, 364-67, 390-92, 687, 691, 700
Layton, E. T., 39, 40, 596, 597
LeFebure Corporation, 829
Leichty, E., 76
Lenticles, 828
Leopard, 971
Lesson, J., 770
Letter opening device, 618
Letters of the alphabet, characteristics of, 96-97, 99-102, 127
Levine, J., 404, 405
Lexicography, Arabic, 96
Lexington, 565
Liberty, 970
Lieber, B. F., 839
Lilly, J. C., 963
Lim, G., 809
Lincoln, A., 215-16, 220, 862-63
Lincos, 954-57
Linofilm, 743
Linotype, 742
Lipograms, 740
Literacy, 74, 84, 732
Literature of cryptology
American, 323-34, 374, 384, 388
Arabic, 94, 95, 97
fiction, 767, 779-800
first biography, 159
first printed book, 133
first text, 82
French and German pre-World War I, 239
great books, 230
in Middle Ages, 90
most famous book, 360-61
most important publication, 376
on World War I, 379
poems, 95, 159
16th and 17th centuries, 154-56
Venetian, 109
West’s oldest text on cryptanalysis, 127 see also Lost Books
Littlefield, J., 851
Livesey, F., 355, 357
Livingston, R. A., 184
Lockwood, B. F., 970
Logograms, 910-11
Lohr, L. R., 376
Lonsdale, G. A., 664, 665, 666
Lost Books, 84, 95, 97, 109
Lovell, J., 181-86
Lovers, 774-77
Löwenstern, I., 913
Lucifer, 980
Ludendorff, E., 344, 346, 623, 626, 630, 631
Ludwig, K. F., 514
Luftnachrichten, 461
Luneberg lens, 722
Luning, H. A., 515
Lynch Communication Systems, Inc., 827
Lynn, G. W., 11
M-94, 325, 385, 584 see also multiplex system
M-134, 575
M-134-C, 391, 510
M-138, 325, 476, 493, 495, 499-501 see also multiplex system
M-138-A, 325
M-209, 427, 428-32, 460, 540
M-228, 391
M-325, 391
MacArthur, D., 31
Macbeth, J. C. H., 845
McCloy, H., 799
McCollum, A. H., 3, 4
Macfarlane, J. R., 755
Macgregor, D. C, 311
Machida, Major, 584
McIntosh, A., 527
McKay, H. C., 828
Mackay Radio & Telegraph Company, 55
Mackensen, A. von, 339, 629-31
McLean, E. B., 815-17
Madison, J., 181, 184, 186, 188
Magdeburg, 268, 972
MAGIC, 1-67 passim, 93, 360, 674
distribution, 24-26, 27-28, 30-31
14-part message, 2, 3, 49-63 passim
naming of, 3
one o’clock message, 1-2, 3-4, 55, 57, 58, 60
post-war, 610
production of, 14-24, 28-30
role of, 31
security t
hreats to, 26-27, 601-08
Magic, 91-93, 117, 131-33, 783, 792
Magnus, A. von, 295
Mail opening, 163-64, 171-72, 188, 448, 618, 639-40
Makarov, M., 657
Malaya, 85
Maldive Islands, 85
Man in the Iron Mask, 860-62
Mancini, G., 469
Manly, J. M., 352, 354, 360, 362, 867, 869, 871
Mannerheim, C., 645
Manual for the Solution of Military Ciphers, 323-24
Manutius, A., 873, 903
Maquis, French, 539
Marble, M., 222
Marci, J. M., 309, 864
Marconi, G., 947
Margoliouth, D. S., 888
Marnix, P. van, 118-21
Marryat, F., 837
Mars, 940-59 passim
Marshall, G. C., 11, 24, 28, 30, 31, 45, 57, 59-61, 601-08
Martin, W. H., 692-95, 719, 728
Maru code, 594
Mary, Queen of Scots, 122-24
Maser, 722
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 982, 983
Mata Hari, 278
“Mathematical Theory of Communication, A,” 744
Mathematics, 207, 240-42, 384, 405, 408-10, 612, 737
Mauborgne, J. O., 321, 401, 563
as Chief Signal Officer, 6, 21, 389
cryptologic highlights, 6
invents unbreakable cipher, 397-98
Maximilian I, 134
May, A. N., 661
Maya hieroglyphics, 917
Mayfield, I. S., 13, 42, 51
Meals, F. M., 806
Mecano-Cryptographer Model A 1, 424
Medical Greek, 822
“Melancholy Notes on a Cablegram Code Book, ” 851
Melchior, Ib, 750
Mellenthin, F. W. von, 646, 647
Meltzer, R. J., 829
Mendelsohn, C. J., 357, 846, 848
Menet Khufu, 71
Mengarini commercial code, 317
Menninger, K. A., 755
Mergenthaler, O., 742
Mesopotamia, 75
Mexican Army Cipher Disk, 322
Mexican microdot ring, 526
Meyer, A., 415, 417 see also Driscoll, A. M.
Meyer, H., 542-44
M.I. 1(b), 309, 484
M.I. 8 (Great Britain), 484
MI-8 (U.S.), 352-53
Mi-544, 826
Michiel, G., 858
Microdot, 525-26, 666
Mid-Pacific Strategic Direction-Finder Net, 8, 10
Midway, Battle of, 561, 566-73, 603, 606
Milan, 110-11
Military Cryptanalysis, 388, 706
Miller, E. C., 273
Miller, F. M., 887, 888
Miller, S. L., 942
Minckler, R. W., 9
Mind-reading acts, 824
Ming commercial code, 690, 698
Minimotion keyboard, 741
Ministerstvo Vnutrennykh Del, 639
Minoan civilization, 918-37
Misirli, 93
Mitchel, W. J., 845
Mitchell, B. F., 692-95, 719, 728
Mitchell, J. W., 599
Mlecchita-vikalpa, 74
Mobasheri, J., 667-68
Monalphabetic substitution, 979
definition, xiv
solution of, 97-98, 99-105 see also polyalphabetic substitution
Monks, use of ciphers, 106
Monoalphabetic substitution, 977
Monographic substitution, 404
Monroe, J., 185
Montdidier, Battle of, 346-47
Montgomery, B., 477
Montgomery, W., 282, 285-86, 483
Moore, W. H., 28
Moorman, F., 327, 331, 333, 336, 337, 361, 362, 768
Morehouse, L. F., 397
Moreo, J. de, 116-17
Morgenstern, O., 752
Mori, M., 48, 52, 60
Morikawa, H., 579, 581
Morimura, T. See Yoshikawa, T.
Morris, R., 771
Morrison, A. M., 810, 813
Morrison, P., 943, 946, 947, 948, 952, 960, 961
Morse code, 741, 754, 838
Morse, S. F. B., 189, 741
Motion pictures, 800
Motorola, 981
Mourão, J., 74
Moyzisch, L. C., 451
Mügge, K.-A., 462
Muirhead, M., 321
Muladevïya, 74
Müller, F. W. K., 901, 915
Müller, H.-K., 497
Multiple anagramming, 226, 303, 305, 309
Multiple-target generators, 723
Multiplex systems, 376 see also Bazeries cylinder; CSP-642; Jefferson wheel cypher; M-94; M-138; NCB; strip cipher
Multiplexing, 376, 394, 712
München, 977
Murphy, R., 497-98
Murray, A. A., 11
Musefili, P., 110
Music, 563, 800, 818
Mussolini, B., 471
Mycenaean civilization, 918, 920
Myres, Sir John, 929
Nachrichten-Verbindungswesen, 461
Nagasaki, 610
Napoleon, 617
Narcotics smuggling, 817
Nathan, J. P., 333
National Bureau of Standards, 979
National Communications System, 713
National Defense Research Committee, 558
National Puzzlers League, 769
National Security Agency, 672-733, 984
amateur inventors, 709-10
Communications Security, Office of, 705, 709-18
computers, 726
Congressional relations, 698-702
cryptanalysis, 724-30
Data Encryption Standard, 980-82
deputy directors, 704-05
directors, 702-04
employees, 677, 689-90, 706-07
expenditures, 684, 700
functions, 675
intelligence results, 728-29
library, 705
offices, 676-77, 700
organization of, 705
origin of, 674-75
Personnel Services, Office of, 705, 706-07
position in government, 675
Production, Office of, 705, 718-19, 724-30
relations with other organizations, 677-84
Research and Development, Office of, 705, 707-09
security of, 684, 688-90, 697-99
security breaches, 690-97
spy ships, 970-71
supplies cryptographic equipment, 711, 714-18
Training Services, Office of, 705, 706
National Security Council, 681
nautical signaling, 837
Navahos, 550
Naval Communications System, 672
Naval disarmament, conference for, 358
Navy Code Box, 387
NCB, 387 see also multiplex system
Neff, R. A., 862-63
Netherlands, 532-38, 691 see also Marnix
Neugebauer, O., 76
Neumann, J. von, 752
Neutrino, 946
“New Directions in Cryptography, “ 982
New York Cipher Society, 769
New York Tribune, 221-29
Newbold, W. R., 867-69, 873
Newspapers, personal advertisements in, 775
Nicholson, A., 877
Nihilist substitution, 620, 650
Nimitz, C. W., 565, 566, 569, 573, 598, 599, 601, 608, 609
97-shiki O-bun In-ji-ki, 18, 49 see also PURPLE
Nirābhāsa, 75
N.K.V.D., 641, 650
Noise (in information theory), 751-52
definition, xv
development of, 107
earliest, 107
economics of, 173-74
evolve into codes, 190
extinction of, 192
one-part and two-part, 160-61
preferred to polyalphabetics, 150-51
Spanish, 115, 117, 119
Nomura, T., 582
Nonsecret code. See commercial code
NORDPOL, 533-38, 691
Normal profile, 210-11
Normandy, Invasion of, 509, 542-45
Norris, G. W., 366-67
North Africa campaign, 460, 474-77, 488
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 678
North Korea, 971-72
Norway, 465, 479, 480, 481, 484
Notarikon, 92
N.S.A. See National Security Agency
Nsibidi script, 84
Null, definition, xiv
Null cipher, 519, 520, 521
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, 454, 465, 484-85
Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, 454, 461
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, 453, 455, 475, 544
Oberkommando des Heeres, 454, 458
Occultism, 91-93, 131-33, 783, 792
Oda, Lieutenant, 583
Odyssey, 917, 935
Office of Strategic Services, 508, 539-41
Off-line encipherment, definition, 397
Ogham, 86, 88, 89
O.G.P.U., 637, 641, 642, 644
Ohnesorge, W., 555-56
Oite. See PA-K2
O.K.H. See Oberkommando des Heeres
Okhrana, 608
O.K.L. See Oberkommando der Luftwaffe
O.K.M. See Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine
O.K.W. See Oberkommando der Wehrmacht
0’Leary, J., 546
Oilier, R.-M., 685-86
Omenitsch, H., 889
On-line encipherment, definition, 397
One-time system (tape, pads), 403, 436, 438, 444, 452, 492, 539, 540, 650, 662-64, 666, 714, 715-16, 731
first diplomatic use, 402, 403
insolubility of, 398-400
invention of, 398
objections to use of, 400
O’Neal, D., 811, 813
O’Neal, J., 811, 813
OP-16-F2, 11
OP-20-G, 1-5, 9, 11, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 32, 45, 49-51, 55, 57, 58, 66, 388, 486, 562, 563, 573-74
OP-20-GX, 11
OP-20-GY, 1, 2, 11
OP-20-GZ, 2, 11
Open code, 32-37, 41, 516, 519-21, 541-45
ORANGE, 20, 437
OSAGE, 332
Oshima, H., 26, 38, 508
Osobyi Radio Division, 643
O.S.S. See Office of Strategic Services
Otiosi, 138
OTSU, 587
Ott, E., 654
Outer space, messages from, 938-65
Ovid, 774
Owen, O. W., 879
Ozaki, H., 583, 654, 657
Ozma Project, 950, 951
PA-K2, 15, 42
Pakistan, 979
Page, D., 935
Pahlavi script, 915
Painting, 801
Painvin, G. J., 277, 304-05, 306, 307, 315, 336, 347, 355, 563, 739
solution of ADFGVX cipher, 344-45
solution of ADFGX cipher, 340-43
Palin, N. G., 906
Panin, N. P., 616, 617
Pānini, 75
Panizzardi telegram, 255-62, 469
Papal cryptology, 106-107, 109, 112-14, 126-27, 141, 148-49, 151
Papen, F. von, 445
Parke, L. W., 11, 501, 712
Parker, R. T., 394, 397, 768
Parsons, W. S., 548-49
Paschke, A., 436-37, 439