Page 171
Pasini, L., 858
Passport code, 14
Patrick, J. N. H., 222-23
“Pats.” See microdot
Patterson, R., 193, 195
Peano, G., 954
Pearl Harbor attack, 1-67 passim
cryptologic results of, 674
debate on, 604-08
Peckham, H., 859
Penkalas, 317
Pepys, S., 777-79
Pering, A. V., 2, 11
Pers Z, 436-46 passim, 450, 452, 496, 497, 499, 501
Persian ciphers, 96
Personal advertisements, 775
Peter the Great, 614-15
Petersen, J. S., Jr., 690-92
Petersen, T. C., 871
Peterson, E. F., 845, 849
Petrov, E., 641-42
Petrov, V. M., 641, 644, 661-63, 686
Phaistos Disk, 917
Phelippes, T., 121-23
Phi Beta Kappa, 772
Phi test, 380-82, 388
Philippines, U.S. Navy cryptanalytic unit, 10, 25, 47, 563, 564
Phillips, W., 367
Physiology of Marriage, 781
as interstellar language, 958-62
secrecy in, 827-30
Pig Latin, 822
Pigpen cipher, 180, 219, 770
Placode, definition, xv
Plaintext, definition, xiii, xvi
Planas, R. R., 860
Playfair cipher, 6, 202, 312, 321, 324, 326, 404, 592
invention of, 198-202
Playfair, L., 198, 200-02
Pletts, J. St. V., 309, 372
Plotinus, 902, 903, 904
Plutarch, 82
Poe, E. A., 783-93, 818
Pokorny, F., 973
Pokorny, H., 318, 628, 631, 633
Poland, 973-75
Polyalphabetic substitution
as a field cipher, 191, 628
contrasted with use of homophones and polyphones, 125, 129
definition, xiv
first letter-by-letter, 136
first literal key, 136
general solution of, 236-37
invention of, 127
Kasiski general solution of periodics, 207-13
modern concept of, 141-42
myth of unbreakability, 148
nomenclator preferred in pre-telegraph era, 150-51
pre-Kasiski solutions of, 142, 148-54, 155, 205-06, 218 see also monalphabetic substitution
Polybius, 83, 86, 203
Polygrams, definition, xiv
Polygraphia libri sex, 133-36
Polygraphic substitution, 405-08
Polyphonic substitution
contrast with polyalphabetic substitu-tion, 125, 129
definition, 113-14
in cypher SA, 279-80 see also homophonic substitution
Porta, G. B., 137-43, 180, 230, 404, 788
Porter, E., 176
Postal Telegraph Cable Company, 403
POTOMAC, 327, 332
Potsdam Declaration, 610
Potter, R. K., 559
Powers, F. G., 720, 969
“Practical cryptanalysis, ” 636-38, 685-87
Prakrit, 915
Praun, A., 458
Price, B., 515, 517
Price, D. J., 859
Price tags, 824
Prick holes, 83
Primary Alert System, 717
Primary alphabet, reconstruction, 374
Primrose, F. J., 840
Prinsep, J., 915
Prisoners, 821
Private Office, 171
Probable word techniques, 140, 739
Probus, 84
PROD, 718-21
Progressive key, 136
Prohibition, 802-13, 817
Protocryptography, 76
Public-key cryptography, 982-83
Pueblo, 971-72
Pulse code modulation, 711
Pumpkin papers, 638
Purcell, E., 951, 952
PURPLE, 1, 11, 25, 49, 385, 437, 486, 508, 574, 718
destruction of, 43, 44
distribution of machines, 23
Japanese title, 18
most secret Japanese system, 18
operation, 18-19
origin of codename, 20
solution of, 18, 19-23
Puzzle cryptograms, 749, 769
Pyle, J. G., 877
Pyramid theories, 889-90
Qalqashandi, 95, 96, 97
Qirmeh, 95
Quadratic Code, 546
Queen Mary, 528-30
Rabelais, F., 779-80
Racial discrimination, 821
Radar, 718-24
Radar-invisible materials, 722
Radio, 298-99, 348, 611
Radio Corporation of America, 13, 42, 55, 61, 64, 554, 829, 871
Radio fingerprinting apparatus, 708
Radio intelligence, 8 see also communications intelligence
Radio intelligence companies, 577-79
Radio Intelligence Division, 526-30
Radio Intelligence Publications, 48
Radio telescope, 938, 949-51
Radiophoto, 830
Radiotelephone. See telephone
Rado, A., 659
Ras Shamra tablets, 899
Raven, F. A., 23, 718, 719
Rawlinson, H. C., 912-13
Rāzsahrīya script, 86
RB-47 aircraft, 720
R.C.A. See Radio Corporation of America
Ream, J. H., 705
RED (German), 976
RED (Japanese), 12, 20, 437
RED (U.S.), 489
Redl, A., 621-22
Redman, J., 573
Redundancy, 744-51, 759-62
Reichling, W., 543-44
Reichssicherheitshauptamt, 449-53
Reid, W., 222-29 passim
Reik, T., 755
Rejeweski, M., 973, 974
Renault, G., 539
Rendezvous, 368
Rennenkampf, P., 622-28 passim
Reparto crittografico, 318
Retail ciphers, 824
Reynolds, S. W., 696
Rhodes, R. A., 685
Rhyming slang, 822
Ribbentrop, J. von, 436, 451
Rickert, E., 354
R.I.D. See Radio Intelligence Division
Ridderhof, G., 532
Rihani, 93
Rin-spuns, 84
River series, 327
Riverbank Laboratories, 370, 371, 372, 384, 401, 886
Riverbank Publications, 374-84
Rivest, R., 982
RKO General Corporation, 836
RO, 588
Robot cryptanalysts, 440, 443-44, 458
Rochefort, J. J., 7, 40, 48, 562, 563, 564, 573 see also Combat Intelligence Unit
Roehm, E., 447
Rogers, H., 838
Rogers, J. H., 551
Rohrbach, H., 438, 499
Rök stone, 87, 88
Rommel, D. C. von, 473, 474, 860
Ronge, M., 316, 317, 318, 319, 320
Room 40, 226-97, 309, 354, 465, 490, 799
acquires German naval codes, 268, 273-74
directors, 266-67, 275-76
effects of cryptanalyses, 280, 297
German naval solutions, 268-69, 270, 271-73
German political solutions, 280-81, 282-97
naming of, 269
origin of, 266-67
radio intelligence, 270
relations with Allies, 277-78
staff, 267, 269-70, 274-75
Room 100, 478
Room 2646, 387
Roos, W. R., 519
Roosevelt, F. D., 24, 30, 51, 53-54, 56-57, 59, 62, 67, 367, 495, 499, 554-55, 556
Root-and-terminal systems, 841
Rorschach tests, 882
Rosetta Stone, 905-06, 908, 910
Rossetti, G., 888
Rossignol, A., 157-61, 162
Rossignol, B., 162
p; Rössler, R., 659, 660
Rote Kapelle, 652, 657-58
Rotors, 411-15, 420, 510
solution of, 385
Rotscheidt, W., 458
Rowlett, F. B., 9, 386, 392, 730
Rozycki, J., 973
RSA system, 982-83
R.S.H.A. See Reichssicherheitshauptamt
RSK, 631
Rubinstein, W. C., 835
Rumrunners, 802-13
Runes, 86, 87
Running keys, 375
Russia, 614-71, 973
code thefts and losses, 636-39, 685-87, 696-97
Communist agents, 634-36, 654-61, 663-70
cryptology appears in, 614
Czarist diplomatic cryptology, 614-17, 621
Czarist military cryptology, 617, 621-22, 623, 628, 629, 631-33
effect of cryptology on, 627, 633, 649
electronic warfare, 719-20
enemy solutions, 628-629, 631-33, 644-49
Lodz, battles around, 629-31
Nihilists and revolutionaries, 619, 620-21
quality of cryptology, 670-71
secondary spy systems, 666-70
secret police, 618-21, 639-40
Six-Day War, 970
Soviet diplomatic cryptology, 650, 661-63
Soviet military cryptology, 642-49
Spets-Otdel, 640-42
standard post-war Soviet spy cipher, 663-64
standard World War II Soviet spy cipher, 650-54
Tannenburg, Battle of, 622-27
U.S. defectors to, 692-96
S boxes, 980
S code, 593
Sabhasa, 75
Sacco, L., 318, 319
Sacy, S. de, 906
Safford, L. F., 10, 387, 392, 503, 573
St. Boniface, 89
St.-Cyr slides, 238-39, 243, 382
Samarasekara, D., 685
Samford, J. A., 702, 703
SAMOS satellite, 720
Sampson, G. P., 715
Samsonov, A., 623-28 passim
Sandler, R., 481
Sarnoff, D., 13
Satake, T., 581, 583
Satellite and Missile Observation System, 720
Sato, N., 610
Satzbuch, 315, 334
Savinsky, A. A., 621
Sayers, D., 799
Scarbeck, I. W., 686
Schauffler, R., 402, 436-37, 439, 446, 848
Schellenberg, W., 449, 450, 452
Scherbius, A., 420-22, 423, 612, 825, 972
Scherschmidt, H., 438
Schimpf, H., 447
Schindel, J. B., 28
Schleyer, J. M., 231-32
Schliemann, H., 917-18
Schlüsselheft, 315, 334, 335
Schmidt, H.-T., 973, 974
Schott, G., 155, 245
Schulze-Boysen, H., 657-59 passim
Schutzstaffel, 447-49
Schwartz, R. N., 947
Science, 981
Scientific Advisory Board, 677
Scientific American, 982-83
Scientists, 773-74
Scramblers, 60, 550-60, 711-12, 714, 715, 716-17, 826-27
audio, 708
video, 708, 831-36
Scripta Minoa I, 922
Scripta Minoa II, 929, 930
S.D. See Sicherheitsdienst
SEALION, operation, 484
Sebold, W. G., 530
Secret Office, 171
Secret societies, 772-73
Security check, 533, 534, 535
Seeböhm, A., 475, 476
Selchow, K., 436, 439
Selenus, Gustavus, 154
Sellers, L. W., 333
Semagram, 519-22, 884
Senate, U.S., 981
Series 65 code, 312
Service du Chiffre, 305
Servizio Informazione Militaire, 469-72 passim
Servizio Informazione Segreto, 468
SH, 319
Shah-dabiriya, 86
Shakespeare-Bacon controversy, 370-71, 750, 781, 873-91
Shakespearean Ciphers Examined, The, 390, 879
Shakespeare, W., 781, 873
Shamhart, E. J., 814
Shami, 93
Shamir, A., 982
Shannon, C. E., 743-52 passim, 759, 761, 766
Shaw, H. R., 517, 518, 524
Sheinwold, A., 540
Shelta, 822
Shelton, T., 777
Shimizu, Lieutenant, 583
Shivers, R. L., 51
Shoho, 565
Sholes, C. L., 740
Shorthand, 82, 777-79
Shungsky, 642
Sicherheitsdienst, 447-49
Siemens & Halske machine, 482
SIGABA, 510-12, 548
Signalbuch der Kaiserlichen Marine, 972
Signal Intelligence
outline of, xvi
School, 9, 388
Service, 2-5, 6, 9, 11, 20-23, 29, 31, 42, 44, 49-50, 54-57, 386, 388, 486, 509, 575, 595
Signal Security
outline of, xvi
Agency, 508, 575-76, 678
Service, 575, 611
Battalion, 576
Company, 9, 576
Signature-encoding systems, 829
SIGTOT, 403, 501
Silence, 753
S. I. M. See Servizio Informazione Militare
Simonetta, C., 110
Simpson, W. W., 777
Sinclair, H. F., 815-17
Sinkov, A., 386, 390, 577, 612, 718
S.I.S. See Signal Intelligence Service
Sittig, E., 923, 933
Sittler, F. J., 839
commercial code, 252, 317
Six-Day War, 970
Skeat, W. W., 765, 873
Skiatron Electronics and Television Corporation, 833
Skytale, 82, 788
Slide, 152, 238-39, 243-44, 463
Smith, A. V., 489
Smith, E. See Friedman, E. S.
Smith, F. O. J., 189, 190, 838
Smith, G., 920
Smith, L. C., & Corona Typewriters, Inc. 427
Smith, W. W., 386
Snifter, 526
Sonderdienst Dahlem, 438
Sorge, R., 654-57
Soro, G., 109
Souchon, W., 267
Soviet Union. See Russia
Spain, 114-16, 250, 487, 635, 855-57
Special Operations Executive, 535-38
Spectrograph, 559-60
Speech codes, 549-51, 822-23
Speech compression, 712
Spets-Otdel, 640-42
Spurt communication systems, 712
Spy cipher, 539, 541, 634, 650-54, 663-64, 666, 669-70
Spy ships, 969-72
Square table, 135
S.S. See Schutzstaffel
Staff Code, 329, 332
Stager, A., 214, 215
Stain, 180
Standard Elektrik Lorenz, 826
Stanton, E., 862
Stark, H. F., 3, 4
Starziczny, J. J. J., 528
Statistical-combinatory analysis, 953
Statistics, 376, 384-85 see also mathematics
Stator, 238, 244
Stawell, F. M., 922
“Steganographia, ” 131, 132, 866
Steganography, 73, 81-83, 131, 133-34, 513, 515, 516, 519-26, 827, 873, 882
definition, xiii see also cryptography
Stein, K., 458
Stereoscopy, 828
Sterling, G. E., 526
Stimson, H. L., 3, 5, 360, 547-48, 758
Stoker, B., 799
Stone, E. E., 702
Stopfruna, 88
Straddling checkerboard, 635
Strategic Air Command, 673, 718
Street, G., 42
Strip cipher, 325, 493
Japanese solution of, 582-83 see also multiplex system
Strong, L. C., 870
Stuyt, G., 691
Subh al-a ‘sha, 95
basic solution of, 99-105
compared with transposition, 250, 304, 307, 764
definition, xiii
distinguished from transposition, 139
earliest recorded, 71
Suetonius, 84
Suez crisis, 729
Superimposition, 236-37, 378, 380, 399, 413, 972
Superencipherment, 251-52, 751-52
definition, xv see also enciphered code
Susa, 76
Svensson, E., 9
Sweden, 87, 284, 478-83, 730
Swift, J., 889
SYKO, 463, 464
Sylvester II, 89
Symmetry of position, 237-38, 243-44
Syria, 970
T-55, 433
Tableaux, 135-36, 139, 147-48, 149, 180, 220-21, 238-39, 489
Tables à chiffrer, 161
Tables à déchiffrer, 161
Tabula recta, 136
Tabulators. See computers and tabulators
Tachygraphy, 777
Tadmuri, 93
Tallmadge, B., 177-79
Talmud, 79
Tannenberg, Battle of, 622-27
Tau Ceti, 949, 950
Tax officials’ cryptography, 95
TC-534, 826
T.D.S. See time-division scramble
Teapot Dome, 815-17
Technical Operational Division, 517, 518, 524
Telautograph, 306, 830
Telconia, 266
Telecommunications Operations Division, 714
Teleglobe Pay-Television System, 833
Telegraph, 189-92, 298-99
Telegraphic Japanese, 29
Telekrypton, 560
Telephone, 550-60-712 see also wiretapping
Teletype Corporation, 420, 714
Teletypewriter, 388, 394-97, 459, 850, 883
Television, 831-36, 961
Temurah, 92
TEN, 588
Tesla, N., 947
Thackeray, W. M., 793
Thailand, 85
Thiele, F., 455, 458
Thomas, F. W., 788
Thompson, B., 180
Thomsen, H., 26, 494
Thomsen, V., 916
Thorpe, A. E., 486
Thucydides, 82
Thurber, J., 491
Tibbals, C. F., 845, 847
Tibet, 84
Tilden, S. J., 221-29
Time-division scramble, 554, 560
Times, The, 776
Tinker, C. A., 216, 218
Tito, 460
T.O.D., See Technical Operations Division
Togo, S., 31, 46, 61-62, 610
Tojo, H., 31, 46
Tokharian, 901
Tokumu Han, 579-83, 610
Toland, W. B., 840
Tomographic substitution, 203
Tompkins, P., 539, 541
Tordella, L. W., 677, 705
Torre, L. de la, 799
Townes, C., 947
Townsend, R., 177
Toye, F., 269
Traicté des Chiffres, 146
Traffic analysis, xvi, 7, 8, 300, 333, 455, 566, 578, 583-84
Traffic volume, 300, 575, 712-13
Transistor, 722
Transmission errors, 839-40
Transmission security, definition, xiii
compared with substitution, 250, 304, 307, 764
computer memory, 980
difficulties of mechanizing, 764