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Zombies Attack!

Page 21

by Mark Cheverton

  He drew an arrow back and aimed slightly over the monster’s head. He was just about to release when he was knocked to the side by Mapper. At the same time, a flaming skull hit the ground where he had just been standing, the explosion barely missing him.

  “You cannot hurt me. I am of the undead, and will regenerate.” Kaza laughed from behind one of the rafters.

  “Did he say undead?” Watcher glanced at Mapper as they stood.

  The old man nodded. “Undead … I didn’t even think about it.” He pulled out a potion of healing and held it in his wrinkled hand.

  Watcher reached into his own inventory and withdrew one of the healing arrows, the shaft shimmering with red sparks. He glanced at the bookcases, then instantly identified the proper course.

  “Cutter … to the rafters.” Watcher kept his voice low. “Planter, extinguish the torches. We don’t want Kaza to know where we are.” He turned to Mapper. “You have any more night vision potions?”

  The old man nodded, then threw a splash potion on him. Instantly, colored spirals floated about Watcher’s head. The old man threw potions on the others, giving each the ability to pierce the darkness with their eyes.

  “Follow me,” Watcher said.

  He took off running. When he reached a low bookcase, he jumped into the air, then leapt onto the next shelf and the next until he reached the first set of rafters. Drawing his bow back, he fired the healing arrow at the wither. Before the shaft hit, Watcher sprinted across the narrow beam to the other side. He kicked at torches that were within reach, extinguishing them.

  Kaza groaned when the sparkling projectile hit him, the healing effect like poison to the terrifying monster.

  Watcher drew and fired again, then jumped to a small ledge, climbing higher into the huge chamber. When he reached the second level of rafters, a flaming skull streaked toward him, hitting the young boy in the chest. The blast pushed him against the wall, tearing at his HP. Pain erupted throughout his body, causing every nerve to scream out in agony. Quickly, he dragged himself to another ledge and climbed higher along the wall, trying to get away as another skull headed toward him. Pulling out another healing arrow, Watcher gripped the shaft and stabbed the sharp point into his leg. Pain shot through his thigh, but at the same time, a soothing coolness drifted across his body; his HP was regenerating.

  Cutter jumped onto the next ledge.

  “You okay?” the warrior asked.

  Watcher nodded.

  “Stay here, I’ll drive him down to you.” Cutter bolted away, jumping from ledge to ledge, then crossing the next rafter and climbing even higher.

  “Be careful, a fall from this height would be fatal,” Watcher said, but Cutter was already too far away.

  He stood and hugged the wall, watching the big warrior’s progress. Blaster shot past him and climbed the opposite side of the chamber, both NPCs trying to close in on the wither king.

  A splashing sound drifted up from the ground. That’s strange, Watcher thought.

  Notching two healing arrows, Watcher stood and climbed the wall, wanting to get closer. He knew shooting multiple arrows was only useful if the target was close. Reaching into his inventory, he pulled out a third arrow and notched it to his bowstring; he would have to be really close now.

  The sound of battle erupted from high overhead. Cutter shouted as he swung his sword. Blaster laughed as he added his knives to the attack. Glancing upward, Watcher could see the two NPCs standing on a beam above the wither. Their blades crashed into the monster’s skulls, making him flash red, taking damage. Suddenly, a sparkling blue sheet of energy enveloped the wither, causing the swords to do less damage. At the same time, the wither sank downward, which always happened when the monster’s shimmering shield was present.

  “It’s rejuvenating,” Mapper shouted from the ground. More splashes sounded from below.

  Kaza drew closer. Pressing his back to the wall, Watcher tried to merge with the shadows, waiting for the monster to draw close enough. He passed right by him, but the blue-white shield was still present. Watcher knew his arrows would have no effect until the rejuvenation was complete.

  Leaping from ledge to ledge, Watcher descended with the monster, waiting patiently for his opportunity. He moved to the next set of rafters and ran across while Kaza drifted even lower, the energetic shield lighting the darkness that now covered the floor.

  Leaping down the ledges to the lowest rafter, Watcher sprinted across, hoping to get close enough to attack. But the monster was too far away; he had to get onto the ground. Watcher leapt from the beam to a bookshelf, then followed it to the floor. Scanning the chamber, he spotted the monster and sprinted toward him.

  A sparkling iridescent circle of light appeared against one wall. Watcher could see it was Planter, her enchanted shield in one hand and Needle in the other. The wither turned toward the light.

  Oh no. A feeling of dread enveloped Watcher.

  The sparkling shield faded from Kaza. The monster laughed as his rejuvenated health gave the creature renewed confidence.

  “I see a little creature hiding in the darkness.” Kaza’s voice boomed through the chamber.

  Watcher sprinted as fast as he could, but water now covered much of the floor, making him move too slowly. He still wasn’t close enough to shoot.

  “I think it’s time to show the might of Kaza, the king of the withers.”

  The left head laughed a harsh, scratching laugh as the right head smiled. The center head nodded, then each skull leaned forward and fired flaming skulls at Planter, the barrage impossible to survive.

  Planter brought her shield up, but Watcher could see it would be too late. Dropping two of the healing arrows, he drew a single arrow back and fired it at his friend. Once it left his string, he picked up another and fired, then launched the third shaft directly at Planter.

  The arrows struck her at the same time as the flaming skulls. The blast of the explosion pushed her against the wall, landing right where Watcher expected. His second and third arrows stuck just after the last two flaming skulls. She flashed red with damage, but the healing arrows helped keep her alive.

  Watcher pushed his way through the layer of water covering much of the floor, drawing more of the healing arrows from his inventory. Loading his bow with two more shafts, he fired them at Kaza, then pulled out more. The arrows struck the monster, splashing the healing potion across his ashen body, the liquid dripping from rib to exposed rib.

  Kaza screamed in pain, then turned and fired a skull at the archer. Watcher leapt to the side, submerging himself in a block of water, as the terrifying projectile flew just overhead. When he rose from the water, he fired again, launching more of the shafts. The sparkling arrows hit the monster in the chest and shoulder, making him flash red again. Seeking safety, the monster started to rise into the air. But this time, there were threats overhead as well.

  Blaster slashed at the monster as it rose, his curved knives tearing into his charred bones. Once it had moved past, the young boy dashed for the walls of the chamber and started climbing in pursuit.

  Watcher dashed to Planter’s side. She was slumped against the wall, her shield falling to the ground.

  “Planter, are you okay?”

  She opened her eyes and looked up at him, then nodded. “I know you saved me … thank you.”

  Planter reached out and grabbed his hand. It was trembling … but so was his. Her normally bright green eyes looked up at him, but now they were dulled with pain and fear.

  “Don’t worry, Planter. We’ll take care of the monster that did this to you.”

  “Just be careful. I couldn’t bear it if you got hurt.”

  “No problem. I’ll be careful … I’m always careful.”

  Suddenly, a flask shattered against Watcher’s chain mail. A potion of healing coated them both, restoring Planter’s health. He looked up and found Mapper smiling at the pair.

  “Watcher, the wither is going back up into the rafters.” The old man h
ad emerged from behind a bookcase with Er-Lan at his side. “You can’t let that monster rest. If you stop doing damage, the regeneration shield will appear and revive its HP. You have to keep hitting Kaza with damage or we’ll never survive this contest. But I don’t know if your arrows will be enough alone. You’ll need Blaster’s and Cutter’s blades at the end.”

  “Got it.” Watcher stood and looked up toward the ceiling. “Blaster and Cutter are up there waiting for him.”

  “You must to get up there with your bow,” the old man said. “Keep the pressure on Kaza and take out his HP as fast as you can.”

  Watcher stood and pushed his way across the soggy floor. When he reached the lowest bookcase, Watcher shouted at the top of his voice, trying to draw the wither’s attention to him and away from the others. The monster fired a volley of flaming skulls down in his direction. Climbing the shelves, he moved out of the blast zone, the flaming skull exploding harmlessly below. Dashing across the rafters, he charged at the wither and firing healing arrows as fast as he could draw and release. The sparkling shafts struck him in the ribs and spine, making Kaza flash red as one of the heads howled in pain. The monster glared down at Watcher as it floated higher up into the air.

  “You’ll have to do better than that, fool,” the left head said.

  The monster spat another barrage of skulls at him.

  Watcher smiled, knowing Blaster and Cutter were taking advantage of the distraction and closing in.

  He knelt and grabbed the beam, swinging his body over the side and dangling in the air as the dark projectiles streaked past, barely missing him. Watcher climbed back up and quickly fired another round of arrows, then sprinted to the end of the beam, hiding against the wall.

  The first arrow flew upward and hit the monster, making him flash red. The Punch enchantment on the bow pushed him backward, right toward Blaster. The young boy reached out with his dual knives and began to slash. Instantly, a sparkling shield formed around the dark creature, protecting it from Watcher’s arrows and rejuvenating Kaza’s health, but it was not strong enough to protect him from Blaster’s curved knives. He cut at the monster again, then sprinted across the wooden beam that stretched across the chamber. The wither fired at the boy, but Blaster was too fast, sprinting across the rafter, leaping effortlessly from one beam to another to avoid the flaming skulls.

  Then the wither’s sparkling shield disappeared, leaving his dark body vulnerable. Watcher fired another three arrows in quick succession, hitting the monster with the health-infused shafts, the poison spreading across the ashen bones. The Punch enchantment pushed the monster backward, right toward Cutter who was waiting on a higher beam. As soon as the monster was within arm’s reach, Cutter swung his diamond sword. The sparkling shield went up, but it was not strong enough to deflect the warrior’s blade. Cutter tore into the monster’s HP, swinging his weapon as fast as he could.

  The right head screamed in fear as the monster was hit again and again. The left head shouted in an angry rage while the center head just surveyed the chamber. Ignoring Watcher’s arrows, the center head turned toward Cutter and fired a blue, flaming skull. It struck the warrior in the chest and knocked him off the beam, causing the big NPC to fall. Cutter let go of his diamond blade as he fell, reaching out to hopefully avoid the lethal fall to the ground. His weapon clattered to the floor far below. He grabbed a lower beam and held on with one hand as he dangled in the air, helpless.

  The center head on the wither laughed an evil, maniacal laugh, then slowly descended, ready to finish Cutter off. Watcher reacted without thought. He leapt to the ground and sprinted across the chamber, scooping up the diamond blade. Without slowing, the boy charged up the book shelves as if they were stairs. He reached the first wooden beam and ran across it. Stuffing the sword into his inventory, he fired arrows as fast as he could draw and release. The fourth arrow left his bow just as the first one struck home. A great scream echoed through the chamber as the healing arrow pierced the monster’s flesh, followed by another and another.

  As soon as he saw the shield materialize around the monster like a sparkling skin, Watcher sprinted across the beam, then leapt up to get to a higher one. He had to reach Cutter before he fell.

  Blaster snuck behind the monster as the three heads tracked Watcher’s progress, waiting for a clear shot at the NPC. The young boy saw his friend skulking along the edge of the chamber and smiled.

  “Come on, Kaza,” Watcher shouted. “Let’s see if you’re as cowardly as I’ve heard.”

  A screech like that of a wounded animal echoed off the walls of the chamber. It was a terrible sound, filled with such venomous rage that it hurt his ears. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Watcher saw the left head screaming uncontrollably, firing flaming skulls in all directions.

  Watcher ducked just as one of the projectiles streaked over his head. He jumped up to the next rafter, then fired more arrows back. The creature was hit by the Punch enchantment, moving right into Blaster’s waiting blades. The villager, in his black leather armor, struck out from the shadows. He tore into the monster’s flesh, making Kaza scream in pain again.

  With the monster distracted, Watcher ran across the rafter and knelt, grabbing Cutter’s hand just as he lost his grip. Watcher held onto the villager, then pulled with all his strength, every muscle straining. Sweat trickled down his forehead and dropped onto his arm. If the beads of sweat made it to his hand, he’d likely slip and Cutter would fall to his death.

  “Cutter, reach up here … fast,” Watcher said.

  “Leave me, I can’t do it,” Cutter said. “I can’t tell how much health I have, I must be almost dead.”

  “Don’t be an idiot,” Watcher growled. “That’s just the wither effect … don’t you know anything. Just get up here and help me. Don’t you dare give up.”

  He glared down at the warrior, determination in his blue eyes. Cutter looked back at Watcher, then nodded and reached up to the beam. He grabbed it with one hand, then swung his legs up over the edge. Slowly, Cutter made it to the beam and stood. Watcher drew a healing arrow from his inventory and poked it into the warrior’s arm. Color flowed back into Cutter’s skin as his HP returned. And then, without warning, Watcher shoved Cutter onto his back to avoid a trio of flaming skulls that buzzed just over the top of them.

  “What’s the big idea?” Cutter complained.

  “Yell at me later,” Watcher said.

  He stood, then helped the big warrior to his feet. Reaching into his inventory, Watcher pulled out the diamond sword and handed it to Cutter. “Let’s finish this.”

  Cutter smiled, then turned and ran to the opposite end of the beam. He climbed up to the next wooden support and crouched, waiting. Watcher nodded, then moved to the other end and took aim with his bow.

  Blaster was running across a lower rafter, Kaza’s flaming skulls in hot pursuit, but the little boy was just too fast for the monster. Suddenly, the smell of apples wafted into Watcher’s nose. Planter! She had an enchanted shield out and took up a position in front of her friend.

  “Shoot that thing,” she growled, then patted him on the shoulder.

  Her touch was like electricity all through his body. Drawing an arrow, he fired at the monster as it moved to the center of the chamber. The arrow struck Kaza and pushed him back. He shot again and again, each healing arrow taking more of the creature’s health. Instead of using his shield, the monster fired flaming skulls at his attacker. Planter braced herself and held the enchanted shield up high, blocking the projectiles. Her shield started to crack, but she held it firm while Watcher fired over her shoulder. They were the perfect team; Planter lowering her shield for Watcher to shoot, then raising it to block the wither’s attack.

  Kaza screamed in rage, then moved closer. He didn’t see Cutter’s attack from behind. The warrior slashed at the creature, tearing into his HP with reckless abandon. Watcher could see the right head slump to the side as the monster’s HP was nearly consumed. Cutter slashed again a
nd again. The left head closed its hate-filled white eyes and lulled to the side; the monster was almost dead. But then the wither turned quickly and fired a devastating shot into Cutter’s chest. It knocked him off the beam. The warrior reached out for a beam to catch his fall, but his fingers just grazed it, grabbing only air as he fell.

  “No!” Watcher yelled as Cutter plummeted the impossible distance to the floor.

  He heard a scratching sound over his left shoulder, but didn’t bother to look. The grief over Cutter was too great. The scratching sound moved up the wall, getting higher and higher.

  “Cutter … I couldn’t save you.” Watcher wanted to weep, but he knew the big warrior wouldn’t want that. Instead, his sorrow morphed into anger, then exploded into rage, pure uncontrolled rage.

  “Take this and finish that monster off. I’ll hold the shield.” Planter handed Needle and her shield to him.

  When he touched the handle of the enchanted blade, it felt as if a bolt of lightning had just flowed into him, energizing every fiber. He stared down at the sword in wonder, then shoved it and the shield into his inventory. Moving by Planter, he sprinted across the beam, firing arrows as he dodged flaming black skulls. His pointed shafts struck the wither king again and again, causing the monster to flash red as it took more damage. Kaza screamed in rage, then floated higher up into the chamber, maneuvering around rafter and wooden beams.

  Lost in a rage, Watcher followed the monster, using the narrow ledges that lined each window as a parkour track, moving up the walls, then jumping onto the next set of beams. He fired again, but the monster activated his sparkling shield. The arrows bounced harmlessly off the wither, but still pushed Kaza backward from the Punch enchantment on the bow. Watcher sprinted across the wooden beam, then followed the steps up the walls to the next rafter. The wither king seemed to know what Watcher was doing and drifted all the way to the roof, beyond any of the beams that spanned the tower. Watcher fired again, hitting it with two healing arrows. The monster screamed in pain, then fired a pair of flaming skulls at him. Quickly he brought up his shield and blocked the two shots, but after the second impact, the shield shattered into a million pieces.


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