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Here and Now (Forever and Always #13)

Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  “You’re embarrassing me,” I hissed.

  “Too bad.” He stepped away and Flynn followed him. They moved into a corner and had a quiet conversation. They kept their voices low, so I assumed it was going well.

  I looked at Monnique. “I can’t believe he’s acting like this.”

  She smiled. “He cares about you.”

  “Well, he could show it in a different way.”

  “I think it’s cute.”

  “To you,” I said.

  “He understands this guy must be something special to you if you introduced him to us. So Cortland wants to set everything straight before it gets too late. If Flynn really likes you, he won’t be upset about it.”

  “If he does ditch me, I’m going to punch Cortland in the nuts.”

  “You better not,” Monnique snapped. “Those are my nuts.”

  “Fine. I’ll punch him in the face.”

  “That’s okay.”

  Cortland and Flynn walked back. Neither one of them looked angry.

  “Let’s go, baby.” Cortland hooked his arm around Monnique’s waist. “Night.”

  “Night,” Flynn said.

  They left the hallway and took the stairs.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said immediately. “I really had no idea he would act like that.”

  “Is he your brother?”

  “No.” I laughed at the absurdity of it. “What did he say?”

  He shrugged his shoulders then grabbed my hand. “It’s a secret.”

  “Why won’t you tell me?”

  “Because it’s a secret.”

  I glared at him. “Come on. Spill it.”

  “Basically, he threatened to kill me if I hurt you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “What else did he say?”

  “Now that’s the part I can’t tell you.” He guided me out of the building and to the street. We headed to my apartment while I wondered what Cortland said to him. It was odd that Flynn wouldn’t tell me.

  When we reached my door, Flynn pulled me close to his chest. “I had a great time tonight.”

  “You did? My crazy family didn’t rub you the wrong way?”

  He smirked. “They rubbed me the right way, actually.” He gave me a serious look. “Not many people have what you have.”

  “What is that?”

  “Friends who genuinely love you.”

  My eyes softened at his words.

  “I can tell each one of them would have your back until the end of time. Good friends are hard to come by, and great friends are impossible. You’re very loved.”

  “They are all really great people.”

  “So are you,” he said. “And I’m honored you introduced me to them. I knew you were into me.”

  “Don’t get carried away…”

  He smirked, the playful look in his eyes. “I really like you too, Hazel. More than I should.”

  Those words went straight to my heart.

  “I’d like it if we didn’t see other people.”

  “I thought we weren’t seeing other people.”

  “That was my assumption. But I wanted to make it clear.” His hands gripped my hips. “Because, I kinda, sorta, like you a lot and I don’t want to share you with anyone—besides your friends.”

  “I’m glad they didn’t scare you away.”

  “It takes a lot more than that.” His hands moved up my sides. “Especially if the prize is something as special as you.”

  How did he make me melt like that?

  “So, I have a feeling this is where our night ends, and I’m fine with that. But, I’d like it if we had a hot make out session on your couch until dawn. What do you say?”

  Only he could pull that off. My cheeks blushed, and my lips burned at the idea. I definitely wanted to do that. And the fact I did was a little frightening. Since he held me outside my apartment and brought me groceries, my infatuation for the guy increased. I used to think he was a jerk who went through women like a deck of cards, and maybe that was true at one point in time, but I didn’t believe he was like that with me.

  He gently pressed me into the door, his warm breath falling on my face. “I can tell you want to.”

  “You’re the most conceited man I’ve ever met.”

  “Just confident. You forget that I can read you fairly well. You can’t hide anything from me. Now let me come inside so I can kiss those lips I haven’t stopped fantasizing about since the moment I saw them.”

  “You’re a smooth talker.”

  He winked. “And I’m an even smoother kisser.”

  I got my keys out of my purse and got the door unlocked. As soon as were inside, Flynn grabbed the back of my neck and gave me a hard kiss, strong enough to make me melt to the floor. He picked me up then lay me on the couch, his body suspended over mine.

  With every kiss he felt my lips, massaging each one before he slipped his tongue inside. Every move he made was precise and carefully planned. He breathed into my mouth, making my spine shiver. My hands moved across his back and through his hair. The strands were soft and slightly curly. Just kissing made me more aroused than I could remember being. When my hands moved to this stomach, I felt the hills and valley of his muscles. He was lean and limber, but just the right amount of muscle definition was evident. I moved to his chest and felt the solid wall underneath. He was perfect.

  Flynn didn’t touch anything besides my waist and neck. His hands never moved up my shirt and he never tried something more than I was ready for. He was content kissing me and running his fingers through my hair. I never knew kissing could be so satisfying. Every brush of his lips against mine made my heart beat a little faster. I wanted to pull him closer to me but there was no room. He couldn’t get any further into me.

  He pulled away then brushed his lips against mine, teasing me.

  “You’re a really good kisser,” I blurted.

  “No. You make me good.”

  “Wow. I guess you aren’t conceited after all.”

  He grinned then kissed the corner of my mouth. “You taste good. I don’t want to stop.”

  “Then don’t.”

  He rubbed his nose against mine. “I think you like me, cocky and all.”

  My hands moved up his chest. “What gave me away?”

  “Those lips.” He sucked the bottom one then sealed his mouth over mine.

  We kissed for hours, my lips becoming dry and chapped. But I didn’t want to stop. I could kiss this man forever. After the beginning of our relationship, Kyle never kissed me. It was always straight sex, no foreplay. Flynn aroused me more with just his lips than anything else ever had.

  When it was five in the morning, our eyes were both at half-mast. I had to get to work in just a few hours and I knew he did too.

  “Can I sleep here?” he whispered.

  I snuggled with him on the couch and pulled a blanket over us. “Of course.”

  His arm hooked around my waist and he pressed his head to mine. I listened to his steady breathing and realized how much I missed sleeping with someone. It was more comfortable despite the lack of room. I hooked my leg over his thigh then rested my hand on his bicep.

  “Why do you keep telling people you’re my boyfriend?” I whispered.

  “Because I am.” He didn’t open his eyes.

  “You never asked.”

  “I asked a few hours ago.”

  “But you were telling people before we spoke.”

  He opened his eyes. “Because I wasn’t going to give you the chance to say no. You’re my girl and I’m your man. We have all the time in the world to get to know each other, but I want you to understand I’m only hooked on you, no one else. I will earn your trust and heal your shattered heart. But you have to let me.”

  My heart thudded in my chest painfully. I was damaged goods and he knew that. He still saw the hesitation in my eyes, the depths of despair.

  “Like I said, I’m a patient man.” He cupped my face and kissed me. The he closed his eyes and fel
l asleep.



  I wasn’t looking forward to this visit with my mother. But I promised my dad I would and I’m a man of my word. If Mike wasn’t going through the worst break-up of his lifetime, I’d drag him with me but I couldn’t do that. And my wife already went. I would subject her to that torment.

  Perhaps I was biased, but the empathy I had for my mother was non-existent. After seeing her treat my wife like shit, I wasn’t exactly concerned about her divorce. She did this to herself, so why should I care? My dad got upset with her numerous times, but she continued the behavior until she drove away the most sympathetic and generous man in the world. And honestly, I was pretty pissed at the way she treated my dad. You couldn’t find a better guy. He was the greatest father in the world, and I was on his side until the end of time. I would die for that man.

  When I got to the house, I took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened, and I was surprised a servant wasn’t on the other side. My mom stood still, looking thinner than I’d ever seen her. She didn’t recognize me for a moment. After an instant of staring, recognition flashed in her eyes. “Sean?”

  “Hey, Mom.” I tried to act like I was happy to see her even though I pretty much despised her.

  “Oh. What are you doing here…?”

  Even her voice sounded different. Her hair wasn’t styled like it usually was. She was wearing glasses even though she always wore contacts anytime she left her room. “I wanted to see you.”

  Man, this was awkward. I felt like I hardly knew her. I bit my tongue then gave her a hug. “You doing okay?”

  She pulled away. “You don’t love me, Sean. Don’t act like you do.” The hurt was in her eyes.

  I wasn’t expecting her to say that. “Would I be here if I didn’t care?”

  “I’m sure your father made you.”

  He did but I wouldn’t admit it. “I was passing through and I thought we could get dinner together or something.”

  “Scarlet didn’t come with you?”

  If she said a single bad thing about my wife, I’d turn my back on her and never look back. “No. She had plans.”

  “Oh.” She seemed sad.


  She shrugged. “I was hoping she’d come back. I enjoyed talking to her. She listened to me. She understood.”

  Because Scarlet was the only one capable of forgiveness and empathy. “I’m sure she’ll stop by when she has time. Her brother is getting married so she’s busy with that.”

  “Ryan is engaged?” she asked in surprise.

  I nodded. “To Janice.”

  “Oh. That’s wonderful.”

  “So…can I come in?”

  “Oh. Sure.” She stepped inside so I could enter.

  The house was totally different. All the expensive decorations were gone, and the house had been stripped to the bare essentials. “Mom, where is everything?”

  She shrugged. “I gave it to charity.”

  What the fuck did she just say? “Sorry?”

  “I don’t need any of that. I sold it and gave the revenue to charity.”

  My mom never gave a penny to charity, and every time my dad gave a donation to a college or church, she was livid with him. “Why…?”

  “Like I said, I don’t need any of that.”

  Was this the same woman that raised me? “Oh. Why the change of heart?”

  She shrugged. “Andrew taught me money wasn’t important. I just didn’t learn that lesson until I lost him.” The sadness was in her voice. “All the people I thought were my friends abandoned me because my husband left me. I’m just a crazy woman who only cares about the gems in her vault. No one loves me for me. No one cares. I chased my kids away with my paranoia, and my best friend in the world doesn’t love me anymore. Having a mansion with expensive crap brings me no happiness, no joy.”

  Wow. She was a completely different person than I used to know.

  “I’m selling the house too.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I don’t want to live in this mansion if I’m the only one here. I’m going to get something smaller, and give the rest to charity.”

  “Mom, are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She stared at the wall and wouldn’t look at me.

  “You’ve had this house since you got married. I grew up here… Maybe you should think about this.”

  “This place is full of happy memories, Sean. But that’s why I can’t live here anymore.” She moved to the couch and sat down.

  I came beside her. “Mom, I know you’re hurting right now, but don’t resort to anything you can’t take back.”

  “I have nothing left to lose.” She adjusted her glasses then sighed. “How’s Mike? I haven’t seen him…”

  “He’s…going through a hard time. He hasn’t been himself lately.”

  Her eyes widened. “Is he okay?”

  “He and Cassandra broke up.”

  “Oh.” My mom clutched her chest. “I thought he was serious about that girl.”

  “He was. She told him she never wanted to get married.”

  “Why?” she said loudly. “Why wouldn’t she want to marry my boy?”

  “I guess she doesn’t want to get remarried after the bad marriage she had.”

  My mother sighed. “So, I was totally wrong about her.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. You were wrong about everything.”

  She cringed at the comment. “Sorry will never begin to explain how horrible I feel, Sean.”

  “I know, Mom.” I patted her hand.

  “Is there something we can do?” she asked. “I mean, I know Mike hasn’t always been Man of the Year, but I could tell he loved that girl with his whole heart. I really wish she would reconsider.”

  “Scarlet tried.” I shrugged. “Nothing changed her mind.”

  My mom fidgeted with her hands, looking awkward. “What if I talked to her?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “And what would you say?”

  “I’d beg her to take my son back. He deserves to be happy more than anyone.”

  That was the first selfless thing I’d seen my mom do. “I don’t think it would make a difference…”

  “I should at least try.”

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “Do you know where I can find her?”

  “I know where her new apartment is.”

  “Sean, could you please take me?”

  I couldn’t believe this was really happening. My mother never went out of her way to help another human being. When one of the maids had to leave work because her son was in the hospital, my mom fired her without blinking an eye. My dad fought it, but of course, my mother won. Having her offer this was once in a million. “I guess…”

  “Let’s go.” She grabbed her purse then placed it on her shoulder.

  I couldn’t believe we were really doing this. “Okay.”

  We headed to the Ferrari and we drove into the city. The top was up because I knew my mom wouldn’t want the wind to ruin her hair even though she didn’t style it. Actually, it looked like she hadn’t styled it in a while.

  Her arms were crossed over her chest. Her usual perfect posture was gone. “How’s your father?”

  I knew he would come up eventually. “He’s hanging in there…”

  “Is he still staying with you?”


  She nodded. “What’s he been doing?”

  “He comes to work almost every day. If he stays home, he usually hangs out with Scarlet. Mike and I have been taking him golfing and out to eat.”

  “I’m glad you two are taking care of him.” There was no bitterness in her voice. I was surprised she didn’t demand to know why we hadn’t been visiting her. But she seemed to understand we were all disappointed in her. “Is he…seeing anyone?”


  She breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m not blind. I know your father is a catch, rich or not.”

  I decided not to mention
all the women who had been throwing themselves at my father. “He’s a good guy.”

  We reached the city and I parked on the curb in front of the apartment complex. I knew where she lived because Mike told me. He asked me to check on her a few times. I followed her home and made sure the complex was safe. She didn’t seem scared or frightened, just sad. Her skin was paler than normal.

  My mom and I took the elevator to the top floor then stopped at her apartment.

  “How long have they been broken up?” my mother asked.

  “Almost six weeks.”

  She cringed. “God, I’m too late.”

  “Mom, it’s not your fault. This had nothing to do with you.”

  “If I loved her like a daughter the moment I met her, perhaps she’d want to be a part of the Preston family. But instead, I accused her of using my son. And now he’s alone…”

  I didn’t feel like I was talking to my mom. She was a completely different person. She actually had the ability to think of other people and understand their emotions. Before, it was just her interests. No one else existed.

  Cassandra opened the door, her eyes filled with surprise. “Mrs. Preston?” The concern was in the tiny lines of her mouth. “Is everything okay? Is Mike okay?” She clutched her chest like Mike had fallen dead. I didn’t realize how much our presence would scare her. Maybe I should have called first…

  “It’s nothing like that,” I said immediately. “Mike’s fine.”

  Cassandra breathed a sigh of relief then clutched her chest. She had to take a moment to catch her breath. The stress was still etched on her face for several minutes. “I’m sorry…we just hadn’t spoken and I—”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “So…how can I help you?”

  “May we come in?” I asked.

  “Uh…” She looked over her shoulder then turned back to us. “My apartment is a mess right now. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I glanced through the crack and noticed her dining room table. Men’s shoes were under the chair and a black jacket was over the back. And there was a wallet sitting there…fuck.

  I wanted to get mad but how could I? They’d been broken up for over a month, and Cassandra made it clear she didn’t want anything serious. What else did I expect her to do? But either way, I felt betrayed.


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