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Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 7

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  Igor nodded wordlessly. “If Elga is not going to say it, we will,” Zimah continued. “Your children received life both from you and from two elements. You prayed for a family, and we granted you this desire through the things you most loved, snow and fire. But now, as it happens, their destiny is at a turning point.”

  “This is a dream,” Igor said. “You are all mad.”

  Alexei shook his head. Taking a deep breath, he searched for the fire inside him. This time, he found it with ease. He experienced no difficulties in summoning a small blaze to his palm. It came up in the figure of Eva, a burning silhouette of her sleeping in her icy sanctuary. The reality behind the image didn’t come up clear, as flame could not picture ice, but his parents grasped the essence of it.

  For a few moments, he thought his father would call him a demon or something equally as horrid. But Igor did no such thing. Instead, he asked, “How did this happen? When? You were not like this when you left this morning.”

  “We were attacked by wolves in the forest,” Alexei answered. “It just burst out. I can’t explain it.”

  “Either way,” Visnah said, “I believe you wanted to see your daughter. There are things that need to be arranged regarding her.”

  Igor nodded. “We will go with you. I trust Alexei. Take us to Eva.”

  Visnah and the others whistled once again, and the spirit horses appeared. Igor gaped and stared at the magnificent animals in dismay. “I don’t suppose I can take my own, right?”

  “You could, Papa,” Alexei answered, “but it’s so much faster on theirs.” It was the understatement of the century.

  Faced with this argument, Igor agreed to ride with Ohsyn. Alexei took position on Lyetah’s horse again, while Elga mounted Zimah’s stallion. In absolute silence, they took off toward the forest. The freezing wind intensified, but it no longer bothered Alexei so much. He didn’t like it, but neither did it hurt him.

  His parents, however, didn’t have his luck. Even with the speed the horses ran, or perhaps because of it, the chill affected them. By the time their group reached the forest, they were visibly trembling. When Alexei dismounted, he went to his mother. She’d ridden behind Zimah, her preference for ice showing in her fascination with Zimah’s white horse. Unfortunately, Zimah’s nature couldn’t provide any heat for her. Alexei took her hands and rubbed them between his own. As he blew into Elga’s palms, he felt heat travel between him and his mother and saw her regain a healthier color. “Better?”

  Elga nodded and gave him a strange look. Before Alexei could ask her about it, Visnah said, “We should go. It’s best not to linger here excessively.”

  They entered the forest and, led by Zimah’s footsteps, they headed toward the grove. Riding at full speed wasn’t as an option in the woods, and Alexei’s parents needed a bit of physical activity to warm them.

  With a brisk and quick step, they soon reached their destination. Eva’s icy sanctuary sparkled in the moonlight, drawing all gazes. Elga gasped and ran toward it. She tried to reach between the frozen vegetation to touch the ice coffin, but she couldn’t.

  “No one but her fated love can touch her now,” Zimah said at her cry of dismay.

  “Her fated love?” Igor repeated. “And how is she supposed to find this person while she’s trapped and hidden here?”

  “She may be trapped, but she won’t be hidden,” Ohsyn answered. “You will tell folk about her and ask them to come help. We will drop some words in the appropriate ears as well. It may not happen tomorrow, but her true love will come.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Elga sobbed, falling to her knees next her daughter’s resting place. “Oh, my poor baby. How can you possibly know she will be saved?”

  “The Goddess sees what we do not,” Visnah answered.

  Lyetah helped Elga up. “Now come. It’s far too cold to stay here. She will be here tomorrow, and we will always be watching.”

  “You can’t expect me to leave her here,” Elga shot back. “Frozen, alone, in the wilderness. No. I refuse.”

  Her stubbornness didn’t surprise Alexei. It made sense that she would not want to leave Eva. Alexei’s own heart felt heavy when he acknowledged what needed to be done. But he did acknowledge it, and he realized their tears would not melt that prison of ice. They would find the person who could. “Mama, there is no other way. We must trust and hope all will be well.”

  Elga turned toward him, her expression torn between disbelief, relief, and pain. “I don’t understand it. Why are you standing there, free of all constraint, just like before, while she is trapped beneath thick ice? I just… Oh, Alexei. I can’t believe you’re still alive.”

  She shook her head fiercely, tears streaming down her cheeks, and Alexei didn’t know how to tell her the truth. It seemed to him that she’d changed. He’d expected her to blame him for surviving when Eva hadn’t. Instead, she seemed torn between doing so, and being thankful he’d lived. He decided to hide the glum details from her. “Mama, I’m not like before,” he whispered. “I can’t go back either.”

  Elga froze. She obviously hadn’t expected his words. “W-What do you mean?”

  Strikingly, Igor spoke next, revealing what Alexei wanted to hide. “You were trapped, too, but in fire.” Alexei’s father stared somewhere to their right, and when Alexei looked that way, he realized Igor spotted the remnants of the pyre.

  “I don’t understand,” Elga said. She followed Igor’s gaze to the pyre. “This is some sort of weird nightmare.”

  Alexei wanted to comfort them, to tell them the pyre had been there for ceremonial purposes alone. But the lie wouldn’t leave his lips. Thankfully, Zimah intervened. “The important thing is that both Alexei and Eva are safe. Since he cannot live with you any longer, he will come with us.”

  “Where?” Igor asked. “Where will you go?”

  Alexei nearly broke down right then and there at the sorrow in his father’s voice. “Papa, I will always be with you. I promise. And I will be watching over Eva. You needn’t fear a thing.”

  He didn’t know if they believed him or not, but after much insistence, his parents in the end agreed to return home. During the trip back home, everything still felt very surreal. After they said their good-byes, his shaken parents entered the house, leaving him standing outside with his men. For a few moments, the situation didn’t really compute. He’d no longer live here. He’d lost his life and his home.

  It was a strange thing that he’d never panicked about this until now. But he’d been concerned about Eva, and now that he’d made certain she’d be safe, the rest struck him with full force. Visnah wrapped his arms around him and whispered, “It’s all right, Alexei. You’ll always have a home with us.”

  He mounted with Alexei on his stallion and together, they once more headed the way they’d come. Alexei didn’t register much of the ride, and before he knew it, they’d reached his men’s house in the spirit world.

  Visnah led him to a large room which held the huge bed. Alexei identified it as “the common room” mentioned before. “You can get some sleep here,” Visnah said as he placed Alexei down on the soft sheets.

  Ohsyn smiled at him. “You definitely need it. Don’t worry. We’ll watch over you.”

  Lyetah and Zimah didn’t speak, but their mere presence served as testament to their agreement.

  “Come lay down by me,” Alexei said. He guessed that if the bed fit four large men, it would fit five.

  His lovers obeyed and joined him on the comfortable sheets. Alexei ended up spooned between Lyetah and Zimah. He closed his eyes and forced himself to relax. At one point, he must’ve dozed off, but he awoke when he felt something amiss.

  As the sleepiness faded, he realized he now slept in an empty bed. Startled, he looked around, only to spot his men sitting on various chairs and settees around the room. “What are you doing?”

  Lyetah gave him a strained smile. “We couldn’t sleep and we didn’t want to bother you.”

  Alexei arched
a brow. “It’s your absence that bothers me.”

  Oddly, none of them replied. As he took in their stance, however, Alexei understood. Judging about the single sexual experience they’d shared, they were clearly attracted to him. Proximity would make their attraction rise to the fore.

  Heat awoke inside Alexei as his body responded to the mere recollection of one their time together. He wanted it again. He wanted it so badly, but it seemed his men intended to do the noble thing and allow him to rest.

  Perhaps he should have followed their lead and simply gone back to sleep, but neither his body nor his heart allowed him to do so. “Please,” he whispered. “Make me feel like I’m home like you said.”

  Lyetah got up from his seat and knelt next to the bed. He gripped Alexei’s hand and squeezed it. “Oh, Alexei. You don’t have to do this.”

  Alexei used Lyetah’s hold on his hand to pull the other man on the bed. Taken by surprise, Lyetah fell face front on the soft mattress. Alexei flipped him over and promptly pounced, attacking Lyetah’s mouth. At first, Lyetah seemed too shocked to respond, but soon, passion and instinct took over, and the other man began his own assault on Alexei’s senses. His hands caressed Alexei’s back and went down to knead his buttocks.

  When the kiss broke, Alexei lifted his head and stared down at Lyetah. “Stop thinking I’m some fragile flower. I know what I want.”

  The answer came from Zimah. “So it would seem.”

  Alexei looked toward Zimah and saw him, Visnah, and Ohsyn approach. They joined Alexei and Lyetah on the huge bed, and Alexei’s daring melted as he realized exactly what he’d initiated. But he could not back down now. He refused to.

  His men must have guessed his thoughts. Their clothing dissipated into thin air. Alexei licked his lips as all that naked skin became revealed in front of his greedy eyes. He wondered if he could pull off this little trick, too, because he certainly couldn’t muster enough coherence to disrobe the traditional way. He tried to will it to happen and a tingle over his skin signaled his own clothes vanish. He didn’t realize he’d achieved his goal until he felt Lyetah’s warm hand on his skin.

  “You’re so beautiful, solnyshko moyo,” Lyetah murmured.

  Visnah crawled toward them, drawing Alexei’s attention to him. “You two look so amazing together.” He pressed his lips to Alexei’s in a gentle, yet insistent kiss. It felt almost as if the hidden passion within Visnah’s tender nature started to become unleashed. Their tongues dueled in a lazy, delicious dance that promised so much more.

  When they broke apart, Visnah pressed Alexei down to lay on top of Lyetah. Alexei ended up chest to chest with Lyetah, his naked ass up and exposed to the other three men. He felt Lyetah’s erection against his own hard cock and couldn’t help but rub against his lover. Lyetah crushed their lips together once more, and as they kissed, Alexei felt a slick finger prod at his backside.

  At the surprising sensation, Alexei tensed a bit. He’d done some exploring in that area, but no one else had touched him there so far. But Lyetah’s mouth felt so good on his own that he didn’t have any trouble in relaxing and accepting the touch. Even without seeing, he knew who it belonged to. Ohsyn’s contained strength always swept over him decadently, like sweet flowing wine, just like now.

  Ohsyn pressed his finger deep inside Alexei, pushing it in and out of Alexei’s passage. Sparks flew over his skin as Ohsyn hit a certain spot inside Alexei. Any discomfort or misgiving vanished, Alexei’s body demanding to be taken. Ohsyn stretched him gently, preparing him for further invasion, but the caresses soon began to be insufficient. Alexei thrust against Ohsyn’s digit, then back against Lyetah’s cock. Kissing, being touched so intimately, it all felt so amazing, but Alexei wanted more, so much more.

  All of a sudden, Lyetah disappeared from beneath him and reappeared to his right. Before Alexei could figure out how his lover had done that, Lyetah gestured him on all fours. The shift separated him from Ohsyn, but Alexei ended up with Lyetah’s cock pointing at him. The hard shaft looked delicious and Alexei wanted nothing else but to have it deep in his mouth. “Come on, miliy moi,” Ohsyn whispered. “Suck him.”

  Alexei obediently parted his lips and Lyetah pushed his dick inside. A myriad of flavors exploded on Alexei’s tongue, Lyetah’s taste even stronger now. He wiggled his ass, wordlessly begging for more. Ohsyn thrust two fingers into his wanton hole, and Alexei moaned. Above him, Lyetah groaned and began to thrust inside Alexei’s mouth.

  At first, it was difficult to get used to such a large thing invading his mouth. To a certain extent, it distracted Alexei, and he gagged, unable to take his lover fully. A distant thought made him realize he was in the spirit world. Anything would be possible, if he just focused and tried. He breathed through his nose and focused on relaxing. With each passing second, it became easier and easier, until he could actually take his lover fully. With each motion from Lyetah’s hips, Alexei’s arousal increased more and more. He could almost bury his face in his lover’s pubes now, and the scent drove him wild. Even so, he focused on giving his lover pleasure. He must have been doing something right because Lyetah’s grunts of passion increased in volume.

  Ohsyn’s fingers retreated, and Alexei felt something harder and much larger prod at his backside. This was it, the moment he’d been waiting for. Lyetah stilled, gently caressing Alexei’s hair, soothing him. And then, Ohsyn pushed inside, stretching him, hurting him so deliciously. Alexei’s eyes filled with tears, half of pain, half of awe. But Ohsyn went slow, so slow and careful. By the time Alexei felt Ohsyn’s balls flush against his ass, he’d already begun to get accustomed to the sensation of being filled.

  Like Lyetah, Ohsyn was generously endowed, and being pierced from two directions overwhelmed Alexei. For a few seconds, he feared to even breathe, lest he break the amazing spell. It just didn't seem possible that he’d be able to take their mammoth cocks inside him.

  A male groan from his side drew his attention. With the corner of his eye, Alexei caught sight of Zimah and Visnah together, naked, touching each other’s hard cocks. “You look so beautiful, radost moia, so very beautiful,” Visnah said.

  Their eyes on him fascinated him. It felt as if their gazes turned into a palpable touch. When Zimah tweaked Visnah’s nipple, Alexei felt it as well. Their hands seemed to engulf his own hard shaft, jacking him in slow, sensual pumps.

  Alexei whimpered as sensations swamped him. Ohsyn and Lyetah pulled out of him at the same time, then thrust back in. Lyetah pushed in and out of his mouth, the incredible heat of his dick finding an echo in Alexei’s flame. Ohsyn’s cock filled him over and over, his motions deep, hard, and steady, his rhythm slow and penetrating. When Ohsyn hit that special spot inside, sparks of energy flowed over Alexei. He could feel his orgasm approach, so close, just within his reach.

  Zimah and Visnah’s eyes continued to watch him, as if fucking him just through their eyes. Alexei became a receptacle of his lovers’ pleasure, With each thrust from Ohsyn and Lyetah, he drowned more and more in the sensation. His anus throbbed, stretched by Ohsyn’s cock, and his jaw hurt from Lyetah’s enthusiastic thrusts. But such limits meant nothing, not anymore, not in this world and with the lovers bringing him so much pleasure. Alexei let everything go, losing his fears, until the slight pain dwindled into a beautiful burn, like the sun dancing over his skin.

  Under the assault of his lovers, Alexei couldn’t resist for much longer. Being taken and branded like this went beyond every dream he’d ever had. Sandwiched between the passion of two men, spoiled by the attention of two others, he found his peak. His orgasm took him in an overflow of sensation so intense Alexei almost thought he could not survive it. He’d never thought he could experience more pleasure than he had in the grove, but this amazing union nearly drove him crazy.

  Just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, Lyetah and Ohsyn came, too, filling his ass and mouth with their seed. It made everything so much better, and his climax went on and on, fueled by Lyetah’s heat an
d Ohsyn’s intoxicating scent. In one perfect instant, Alexei felt his fire element blend with Lyetah’s blazing passion and Ohsyn’s decadent and wicked generosity. For a few moments, he must’ve blacked out because when he recovered, Ohsyn and Lyetah had moved away, with Zimah and Visnah taking their respective positions.

  In the aftermath of his amazing orgasm, Alexei’s body turned pliant and relaxed. Zimah thrust his own hard shaft inside Alexei’s ass. Alexei’s hole greedily took in the new invasion, while Visnah’s dick invaded Alexei’s mouth.

  Unlike Ohsyn, Zimah chose an almost punishing rhythm, fucking him hard. In and out, violent and raw, he simply let go. His chill reached out to the flame inside Alexei, but instead of clashing, they molded together in the perfect balance. Their dance went on with the soft breeze of Visnah’s heart joining them within Alexei. As always, Visnah went slow, drawing the sensations out, allowing Alexei to savor the act, pushing farther every time, until at last, Alexei took him into his throat. Having them so deeply within him arose renewed pleasure inside Alexei. His cock hardened once again, throbbing, demanding release.

  As if intending to short-circuit Alexei’s brain, Lyetah and Ohsyn lay down next to him. Lyetah slid under him and began laving his balls, engulfing them in wet heat. Occasionally, the naughty touch reached Alexei’s perineum, caressing him in a delicious torture. Ohsyn’s hands traveled over his back and chest, awakening every possible nerve.

  In no time, Alexei reached the brink of orgasm again. This time, it took him by complete surprise, washing away his very sanity, every barrier he might have considered having.

  His mind could no longer take the amazing pleasure, and he lost track of all else except his lovers. When Zimah and Visnah found their peaks, too, Alexei surrendered the battle and slid into unconsciousness.

  He awoke exhausted but content in the huge bed. This time, however, his lovers remained by his side. Cuddled between Lyetah and Zimah, Alexei closed his eyes and fell asleep.


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