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Infection Series (Book 1): Preservation

Page 11

by Nelson, S. L.

  “HOLD ON TIGHT!” Lucas screamed, tightening his hold on Dana and Colby, while bracing a foot on the wheel well and his other hand gripping the edge of the bed.

  “We’re not going to make it,” Veronica moaned, gripping her seatbelt in one hand and Cody’s hand in the other.

  The group watched, terrified as the semi inched closer by the second. Cody turned to look at the old man, expecting to see fear. Instead, he saw a spark that he could only describe as excitement at the oncoming impact of semi to truck.

  “Don’t you worry over a thing son, I know how semi’s work,” the old man maneuvered his pickup to follow the sway of the semi.

  “Here we go!” the old man swerved as the semi fluttered past the bumper, pushing hard on the break, easing the old truck into the ditch and up a small hill, the bank of trees ending their momentum.

  Chapter 25

  “Is everyone ok?” Bethann asked, unwrapping her arms from Matt and checking for scrapes and bruises.

  Veronica reached over and placed a hand on the old man, “Are you alright?”

  The old man lifted his head from the steering wheel, a gash along his brow, blood sticking to his eyelash, “Yes, I’m ok but I think we ought to get out of here, fast.” He replied as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

  Veronica nodded her head in agreement, looking behind her to make sure that everyone in the back was safe. Cody reached over and unbuckled his belt then pushed his shoulder against the passenger door pushing against the bent hinges, opening it just enough to slip out.

  Jake and Caleb pulled themselves from the bed of the truck, pulling out the duffle bags behind them and loading up their guns.

  “Did you hear that!?” Dana gasped

  The screech of the infected echoed through the trees. One followed by two, followed by six. Soon there were too many to count.

  “Now we’re surrounded and it’s all her fault!” Ian growled, pointing a finger at Veronica as she slid from passenger side of the truck.

  Everyone ignored Ian’s accusation, sending Ian into pout.

  “Listen, we know what we need to do. We just need to stay quiet and make our way through the trees,” Cody continued, “We will have to head East, away from them. We ended up on the wrong side of the road but we can still get through this.”

  “Yeah, well, we’ll still have to cut through them at some point. You saw how many people passed us, at least one of them had to be infected!” Ian jeered, “We have no idea what we will be walking into.”

  Cody just stared at Ian, unable to deny the possibility. “By the way, what’s your name?” Cody asked the old man.

  “Ralph,” the old man responded to Cody’s question, looking at the people he picked up and listening to the screeching over the hill. “You weren’t kidding about all that stuff,” he said, swiping a hand through is graying hair, “Looks like I’m going with you. There’s no way that I am heading down that road by myself.”

  “Thank you for picking us up and for the quick thinking,” Bethann remarked, “If we were still walking, we would have been in the middle of all of that.”

  They were all quiet as the screeches of infected started to outnumber the screams of the living.

  “Help,” Samuel moaned. He was leaning up against the side of the truck, his right arm pinned between the fender and a large oak tree.

  Everyone turned at once. Samuel had not moved when the truck came to rest against the trees. It did not occur to anyone that he couldn’t. Caleb walked around the truck to get a better look at Samuel. Squatting down, Cody looked along the side of the truck. The back end of the fender was flat. Samuel had reached down and held on to the curve of the wheel well, not knowing that he would be pinned to the tree.

  Samuel was panting, sweat covering his brow at his effort to keep still and quiet, “Wha...What do we do?” he stammered, “I think my arm may be broken.”

  The truck was level, the tree was too wide to try and hack through it, “We need to move the truck away from the tree just enough to slide Samuel’s arm out.” Cody directed.

  “How the hell are we supposed to do that?” Ian sputtered, “We can’t start the truck up and move it, the noise will attract those things out there. Besides, moving the truck forward will take his arm off or at least rip it to shreds.”

  “I hate to admit it, but he’s right. Besides the noise will attract the infected.” Jake admitted.

  “All we have to do is push the truck away from the tree just enough to slide his arm free.” Caleb instructed, “Lucas, you and I will take position to Samuel’s left. Jake, Cody, get on the other side of the tree and push from his right. Veronica, can you pull Samuel’s free?”

  Veronica slid in between Cody and the tree, placing her hands gently on Samuel’s elbow.

  “Wait, before we push,” Cody pulled his Glock and handed it to Ralph, “You know how to use this?”

  Ralph nodded, checking the clip and chambering a round.

  “You need to shoot the head. That is the only way to kill them.” Cody instructed, moving to his position next to the truck.

  Dana took hold of the duffle bags, she strapped two over her shoulders and then handed Matt and Colby the other two, “Just in case we need to leave fast,” Dana offered.

  Bethann stood next to Ralph and pulled Cody’s compound bow from the case, notching an arrow. Ralph smiled and nodded at her, “There’s nothing more beautiful than an armed woman.” Bethann laughed at the compliment, “Thanks for the back up. I have no idea what I am up against.”

  “You think you can pull back that string?” Ian scoffed, “You better let the men take care of protecting the women and children.” Ian reached to grab the bow from Bethann.

  Bethann spun out of Ian’s reach, dropped down to one knee, and pulled the string back, aiming the arrow right at Ian’s head.

  “Ian, I think you forget who my best friend is,” Bethann held the bow steady, no hint of muscle strain. “I am a woman and don’t mind help, but that does not mean that I am weak.”

  Ian raised his hands in the air and slowly backed up, anger all over his face, “The next time you need help, don’t look for me.”

  Ian turned on his heel and stomped off past the tree line, making sure to send a sneer at the group surrounding the pickup truck.

  “I take it you all don’t get along with him much?” Ralph commented.

  Bethann shook his head, “He’s trouble, but we don’t leave people behind.”

  Veronica watched as Ian stomped off into the woods, hopeful that he is able to keep noise to a minimum, though she wouldn’t be surprised if he started banging trees with a stick. She had no idea what she was thinking when she started to date the man. He is nothing more than a child in a man’s body, constantly throwing tantrums. Veronica turned her head and looked right at Cody, smiling at the concentration on his face. Knowing that he truly cares for every person he meets, willing to help no matter what. Turning her focus back to Caleb, she waited for instructions.

  “Samuel, you need to try and stay as quiet as possible. We’re going to push the bed at the count of three, and then Veronica is going to help you lift your arm out.” Caleb kept his eyes locked with Samuel, making sure that his instructions were clear.

  Samuel gave a quick nod of his head in understanding, then bit down on his lip, hoping that would help to prevent any noise coming out.

  Caleb turned his attention back to the group, “Ok, everyone on the count of three...One, two, three!”

  Samuel tried to hold it in. He knew what could happen, what sound could bring, but he just couldn’t stop it, “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!”

  Veronica lifted Samuels arm, “Oh Samuel. Please be quiet,” she begged.

  It was too late; Samuel’s outburst created a massive tremble as hundreds of new infected answered his call. Samuel whimpered, cradling his arm against his chest. Breathing hard, he tried to get his feet under himself and get to a standing position. Lucas hefted Samuel out of the bed of the truck as Dana took
the hands of Colby and Matt, pulling them into the shade of the forest. Jake threw the strap of his small backpack over his head, searching through it for a weapon.

  Samuel didn’t wait for directions. He clutched his arm to his chest and ran after Dana as fast as he could.

  Ralph didn’t know what to expect when the first infected person came over the hill. He served time overseas and had seen his fair share of torn up bodies, he just never saw them walking around. Aiming carefully, he popped a round into an infected man’s forehead as it reached the top of the small hill.

  “GO!” Ralph cried.

  Jack and Cody raced from the truck, closely followed by Caleb and Ralph.

  “Don’t you dare stop to use that bow,” Veronica warned Bethann as they dodged trees.

  “Keep going! Faster!” Jake yelled.

  Lucas broke from the group, running faster to get ahead of Dana and the boys, “Follow me, don’t turn around no matter what you hear,” he directed as he ran by.

  Ian made his way to Cody and Jake, pushing past Caleb and Ralph without a thought to their safety.

  “Give me a gun!” Ian demanded as he ran alongside Jake.

  Veronica heard Ian, “He’s a good shot.” She offered, hoping she wouldn’t regret arming him.

  Jake shook his head but reached into his pack and pulled out a six-shooter. Ian groaned in disbelief but took the gun anyway. Trees cracked and dirt flew through the air as the infected gained momentum in their crazed race to fresh prey. Groans and screeches fill the air, the stench of death thick like a fog, getting closer by the second.

  Fear clawed at each member of the group. Ralph struggled to keep up, successful only because of Caleb’s pushing.

  Ian stumbled over a root, losing speed. Breathing hard, fear taking over, he turned and aimed the barrel of the six-shooter at Caleb’s leg. Ian pulled the trigger, sending a round into Caleb’s thigh.

  Jake and Caleb turned at the scream that tore from Caleb’s throat. They saw Ralph scoop Caleb up, wrapping Caleb’s arm around his neck, Ralph’s arm around Caleb’s waist to keep him up right, dragging him in order to keep moving.

  The burn that spread through Caleb’s leg was painful. Caleb has never been shot, however, the shock of impact didn’t compare to the feeling of betrayal. Caleb knew that Ian wasn’t a nice guy but he would not have considered him a murderer. He also knew that his friends wouldn’t survive if they tried to help him.

  “Stop Ralph, leave me. I’m just slowing you down.” Caleb begged.

  “Not a chance kiddo,” Ralph huffed, “Do me a favor, find my son. Nick Thompson, 612 Bauman Ave, Eau Claire.”

  Ralph shoved Caleb into the arms of Jake and Colby, “GO!” was all Ralph said as he turned and started to shoot infected, hoping to give the young group enough time to get away.

  Caleb twisted in their embrace, “NO! We can’t leave him!”

  Ralph gripped the Glock that Cody handed him, “Run!”

  One by one, Ralph released rounds, aiming carefully until his gun clicked empty. Reaching toward the ground, he grabbed a sharp rock and stared to bash in heads as fast as he could, fighting to stay on his feet as teeth and claws shredded his body.

  The three men raced away, tears streaming down their faces, knowing they would never see Ralph again. Cody and Jake held on tight to Caleb as they weaved through the forest to find a path that would allow the three of them to fit. They ran hard, not caring as branches scraped faces and tree bark tore skin from knuckles. They listened as the echo of gunfire faded and excited screeches filled the air.

  “Keep moving, we’re almost out of sight,” Jake encouraged, stepping over logs and slipping over boulders.

  They could hear the stomp of feet resume their chase. Cody’s heart raced, knowing they couldn’t out run them at this pace. Breathing hard, Cody loosened his hold on Caleb.

  Jake gripped Cody’s arm tightly, “We all make it, or none of us make it,” he whispered.

  Pride and love filled Cody’s chest. These men were his brothers, he wouldn’t let them down. With renewed strength, the three lumbered over another fallen log, just to be dragged down to the ground by reaching hands.

  Chapter 26

  “Fire in the hole!” Lucas warned just before he hurled a small pack into the horde of infected.

  The pack flew through the air, landing at the feet of an infected woman, causing her to stumble and fall. This created a domino effect, infected tumbled over each other creating a mound of bodies. When the pack exploded, it rocked the ground. Lucas took a chance and slowly raised his head over the the tree. Bodies were torn apart, pieces impacting trees in all directions. The weight of the bodies that fell on top of the explosive must have created some kind of pressure, the explosion was strong enough to create a hole the size of a small pond, catching any lingering infected.

  “So, you found my C4?” Jake noted with a smile. Pushing himself up from the ground, he peeked over the log with Lucas, “Looks like we got lucky.” Jake commented. Shaking his head, he turned and leaned back against the log and closed his eyes.

  “I didn’t know you knew how to make a bomb?” Cody said to Lucas, “And Jake, what were you doing with all of that stuff? Where did you get it?”

  Opening his eyes, Jake smirked, “I borrowed it from work?”

  “I didn’t make the bomb, Veronica did.” Lucas stated, “She was digging through the pack, looking for a clip when she pulled out a block.” Lucas was looking at Veronica, eyes shining. “We jumped over this log and she went to work unpacking all of the stuff you had and before I know it, she shoves the pack in my hands and you three are being pulled down.”

  Veronica held on to Cody, the effects of adrenaline causing a small tremble to run through her body. “Bomb making is not something that I offer up in any conversation.” Veronica let go of Cody and straightened her hair, a little uncomfortable with the looks she was receiving. “ You all need to stop looking at me like that. It was nothing special.”

  Cody’s eyes were twinkling. He looked at his friends and all he saw was admiration. “Well, I for one am extremely grateful,” Cody replied, moving to encircle her in his arms.

  “Does anyone have any disinfectant? I would even settle for a band aid,” Caleb asked with sharp intake of breath when he moved his leg.

  Letting go of Matt and Colby, Dana pulled an emergency medical kit from one of the duffle bags. “The shooting, was that Ralph?” Dana asked quietly as she cut the bloody jeans away from Caleb’s wound.

  “Ian, that no good piece of shit, shot Caleb in the leg. Where is he?” Jake snarled.

  “Ralph kept Caleb from falling, carrying him to us, then stayed to make sure we got away.” Cody replied angrily.

  Veronica bowed her head, sadness and shame washing over her. This was her fault. Caleb is hurt and Ralph is dead because she thought it might be better if Ian was armed, just in case they needed the back up.

  “Oh no you don’t! This is not your fault, I know that look. You have no control over what that idiot does.” Bethann chided.

  “Now we know why he kept going.” Dana commented as she cleaned Caleb’s wound. “Looks like the bullet caught the outside of your thigh, left a neat hole, little damage. I can sew it up but it is going to hurt. Can you handle it?”

  Caleb gripped the hand that Matt offered, touched by the young boys concern, “I can now,” Caleb responded with a nod at Matt.

  “If I ever see that man again, he’ll regret it!” Cody whispered harshly.

  “Oh, you and me both buddy. Right now we need to focus on Caleb.” Jake said, smoothing Cody’s anger, “Besides, people like him get what’s coming to them sooner or later.”

  Dana moved swiftly, making sure to keep all of the materials clean in their dirt fort. Wiping her hands with an extra sanitary wipe, Dana finished, “We need to get some antibiotic, just in case, we don’t want Caleb to get an infection.”

  Caleb was impressed with Dana’s work, stretching his leg to gage the pain,
“Where did you learn to do this?”

  Dana blushed, “I sew doll clothes for extra money.”

  Jake laughed, “You girls never cease to amaze. How did we get so lucky?”

  Lucas smiled and the boys laughed too.

  “Do we look for Ian?” Matt asked, “because of what he did to Caleb?”

  “No, what’s done is done. He ran off and is on his own.” Caleb tied the tattered ends of his pants together, and then looked up at the group, “He will die on his own, that is punishment enough.”

  Moans echoed through the trees, “That was too close for comfort.” Bethann grimaced.

  “We’ve had all the rest we can afford right now.” Cody reached toward Dana and gathered the supplies that they could still use, “We need to keep moving, we need to get in front of this as fast as we can. If we stay away from the major populated cities...”

  “We can’t do that.” Caleb interrupted, “We need to get Ralph’s son, Nick, from Eau Claire. It was his last request.” Pushing up from the dirt floor, he testing his weight, “I understand if you all don’t want to risk the city but I have to try.”

  “I had forgotten that he was on his way to see his son.” Veronica nodded her head, “I’m in. Ralph sacrificed himself to save us all. I’ll help to do what I can to find his son. Do we know where we are headed?”

  “612 Bauman Ave. His name is Nick and I am guessing that the address is somewhere by the University.” Caleb replied.

  “Alright, let’s make a plan.” Jake stood up and dusted off his pants, “I think that Dana and the boys should stay out of the city and...”

  “NO! We are not splitting up.” Dana protested, “I know you worry about us but we are stronger together.”

  “Yeah! Look what Veronica did and Dana too!” Matt pointed out.

  “We’re the smallest, after Dana and Caleb, you might need us.” Colby offered.

  Jake was about to protest when Bethann stood up, “We need to stay together. End of discussion.”

  Jake could see by the look on Bethann’s face that he would not win this argument, “Alright then, we need to find wheels. It’s a two day walk from here and we don’t have enough supplies.”


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