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Ascension Page 1

by Sophia Sharp


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  End of Book Bonus: Excerpt from Chosen, Book 1 of the Seeker Saga.

  Book Description:

  Chapter One – A New Life

  Chapter Two – A Rocky Start

  Chapter Three – Traven Island

  Chapter Four – A Bit of History

  Chapter Five – Exploration

  Chapter Six – An Unexpected Welcome

  Chapter Seven – A New Meeting

  Chapter Eight – An Invitation

  Chapter Nine – A Blue Light


  (Book 3, Part 2 – Dream Realms Trilogy)

  By Sophia Sharp

  (Graced Part II)

  Copyright © 2012 by Sophia Sharp

  This entire book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, persons – living, dead, undead, or vampire – are entirely coincidental. All right reserved.

  January 2012

  Chapter One

  ~A Bitter Mood~

  A dry wind blew sand across the plain. Laura had to shield her eyes to avoid getting stung. That only helped a little. The thin cloth handkerchief that hung around her neck was not much protection against the gusts, no matter what the locals said. Still, it allowed her to breathe the arid air a little easier.

  It was not until she got here did she realize just how pure the air back home had been. After her transformation, and the sensory magnifications that came with it, she should have been more attune to it. But, for some reason, she had never really noticed. It was only here, in Egypt, did she start to appreciate how pure the air was in North America.

  There was a lot more she preferred about North America, too. Maybe it was just because of her transformation, but once she stepped off the plane onto the small, hidden airfield that Jacob somehow got access to did the assault on her senses begin. The air here scratched her throat and dried her skin. Within minutes of exposure, she felt more uncomfortable than she ever had in her life. It was the dry climate that did it, coupled with the monstrous heat. As a Vassiz, she would have thought herself less susceptible to such irritations than before, but apparently that wasn’t the case.

  At least she wasn’t alone. All the others with her had the same reaction. Alexander and Madison, Logan and Jacob, they all complained of the same ailments. The dry air was just not meant for a Vassiz.

  Yet here was where they had been since stepping foot on the parched land nearly three weeks ago. Here, in Egypt, where Rafael had told them the repository of torrial might be. And where the angels later confirmed it was. But, since the last meeting in the dream realm between Alexander, Madison, Rafael, and the angels, the angels had cut off all communication. Something had happened between them and Rafael that time. Because of it, the angels were of no help. It was only once they found the repository would the angels deign to meet with them again. It was a frustrating predicament for Laura.

  And searching for the repository, with absolutely no hints to its whereabouts, was becoming a fool’s errand. It could be anywhere in this blasted country. Despite looking nonstop, day and night, for the better part of three weeks, she and her companions were no closer to discovering it than they were the first day.

  Which was perhaps why she felt so much on edge, now. Laura picked her way across the sand dunes, angling toward the makeshift tent she now lived in. A lack of progress toward finding the repository, coupled with a dwindling hope that it would even be possible to find it put her in a sour mood. At least the sun’s rays had abated slightly since their peak a few hours ago.

  She was not looking forward to returning to the tent. It was no larger than her room at home had been once. She wouldn’t have minded it so much, were it not for the fact that the entire space was shared by four other people. Four other Vassiz, as it were. Alexander, Madison, Logan, and Jacob.

  The only solace she could find in that situation was that Jacob was not always there. After bringing them here, he flew back home so as not to arouse suspicion. But after hearing of their troubles, he returned to lend a hand. He thought he could help, and Madison seemed to trust him. Because of that, they all had to trust him, and so far, he had done nothing to betray that trust. Still, Laura felt a little uneasy discussing things in the open with him listening.

  She had thought the search would have been simple when she first made the trip. Well, maybe not simple, but entirely less frustrating than it was turning out to be. She had naively imagined they would just show up in Egypt, look around a bit, and find the repository all in the space of a few days. She snorted. It was almost comedic how far that was from the truth.

  They had been searching fruitlessly for weeks. And as each day slowly stretched by, Laura’s feeling of apprehension about the whole endeavor grew stronger and stronger. They could not hide from the elders forever, and staying in one spot made them more vulnerable. If they didn’t find the repository soon, they would be discovered. Staying in place guaranteed that. That was why they had set up the tent miles away from any form of civilization, with nothing but sand stretching in all direction. If they could avoid notice, perhaps they could stretch their luck a little further.

  It wouldn’t have been that bad, Laura thought laconically, if they at least knew the repository were close by. As it were, all they had to go on was Rafael’s vague description of where it might be. They were near Cairo, and have been searching the swelling city day and night. But as far as they knew, the repository could be in any other of the hundred towns and cities in Egypt.

  Laura suppressed an angry growl as a speck of sand flew into her eye. She blinked it out. More often than not, she had found herself feeling that way recently. Angry. A lack of tangible progress made it so, worsened only by the fact that she felt like she was hanging everyone out to dry, waiting for the elders to come along and find them.

  Logan followed her because he loved her. And she loved him back, but they had had precious little time to themselves these last three weeks. Alexander and Madison had followed her, because… well, she wasn’t sure why, exactly. And it wasn’t that she didn’t feel thankful for the presence; rather, she felt a horrible feeling of responsibility toward them should anything go wrong. Which was somewhat ridiculous, considering how much older and more experienced they were than her. It had been their decision to come along, to tie themselves onto her in her mission against the elders, after all. Still, she was their leader.

  That thought sounded ridiculous as well. Although she thought she had started adapting to the role fairly well before they left, now her command of it was slowly slipping away. Doubt crept in instead. What kind of leader brought her followers into something so hopeless, so utterly insane? If she had been smart, she should have left everyone in Washington and gone at it alone. At least that way she wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt should anything go wrong.

  Or maybe not. She wasn’t even sure anymore. If she came here by herself, the chances of finding the repository would have been slim to none. And the others wanted to come with her. She did not think she could have stopped them i
f she tried. That did not help the fear she felt for their wellbeing.

  The only thing she knew for certain, though, was that the longer they stayed here, the more vulnerable they became. Which was why finding the repository was so important. Without it, they would have no chance against the elders, who, by the way, were still actively pooling all their resources and searching for them. Laura couldn’t hide here forever. Neither could those with her.

  It was only a sense of duty that kept her here. She had promised Gabrielle and the angels that she would seek revenge against the elders for what they did to them. Not only that, but destroying the elders was also the only way to ensure she could live the rest of her life in peace. Looking for the repository was an absolute necessity, and she would search every rock, structure, and alley here by herself if that’s what it took.

  Yet no matter how necessary she knew this all to be, the sheer frustration of the process left her on edge. She had no way of telling when they would find the repository, or even if they were looking in the right place. Or even if they would ever find it.

  No! She shook her head. They would find it, because doing so would be the only way to release the elders’ maniacal grip of power over other Vassiz. She was set to lead, and the others would not be here were it not for her. So she had to lead them well.

  She stopped to shield her face as another gust of wind blew sand into the air. The sooner they found the repository, the sooner she could get out of this god forsaken land.

  She noticed the tent in the distance and picked up her pace. Maybe somebody else would have better news than she. She was tired of wasted days.

  As she approached, she could start to make out the sound of voices inside. Despite her augmented hearing, she couldn’t quite make out what they were saying against the wind. Well, she’d find out soon enough.

  Laura quickly covered the remaining distance and opened the tent flap. Three faces turned to her. Logan smiled when he saw her, although the expression did not reach his eyes. He was just as stressed as she was. Alexander nodded curtly at her. He looked tired and drawn out. Madison was the only one who had been able to remain composed, although the way she had taken to speaking recently, with short, clipped sentences, betrayed the act.

  “Any news?” Laura asked as she sat down beside Logan. He moved to put an arm around her, but she shrugged him away. She was in no mood for displays of affection right now.

  “None,” Alexander replied sourly. “I only got back a few minutes ago.”

  “Nothing for me, either,” Logan sighed. His eyes tightened. “And I’ve tried everything I can.”

  “Well, I have made some progress,” Madison said. “Although not on the torrial front.” In addition to searching, Madison had been charged with finding out if there was some way to use the herbs they had picked up from the two hunters, Serkhol and Borrak. The mixture had been able to knock a Vassiz out cold, though Madison was trying to figure out if they could use those properties for something else.

  Since taking blood, neither Laura nor Logan could fall asleep, and so neither could access the dream realm. It was another roadblock they had to overcome: to make use of the angels’ help, they had to fight the elders in the dream realm. But unless Madison could figure out how to use the herbs to help Laura and Logan fall asleep, without sapping either of them of their powers, there was no telling when the effects of taking blood would fade away. Moreover, Laura’s first feeding had been on Vassiz blood, which was much stronger, and much more potent, than regular human blood. So it was expected that it would take much longer for the effects of her feeding to wear off compared to the effects of Logan’s.

  “Well?” Laura asked. “What is it?” In the past week, Madison frequently suggested to have made some vague sort of progress. Twice she had thought that she had perfected the formula, and twice, upon taking it, Laura discovered she had not. The first time, the thick syrup made all of Laura’s Vassiz senses fade away, but, unlike when Serkhol and Borrak administered it, it did not make her pass out. Instead, a wave of paranoia gripped her, and she spent the better part of two days convinced every shadow moving in the distance was the elders coming for her. The second time, Laura’s senses did not fade away, but she fell instantly into a deep and troubled sleep. Nightmares haunted her mind, more vivid than she could believe, but the dream realm remained inaccessible. At least that time, she had only lost a few hours when she was asleep.

  “I think,” Madison said slowly, “that I know what went wrong last time.”

  “That’s it?” Laura snapped. “That’s all you have for your progress?”

  “Do not be so quick to dismiss it,” Madison said with an icy calm. “Without subjects to test it on, it takes days to figure out even the simplest thing.”

  “You’re right,” Laura sighed. “I’m sorry. I know you’ve been working hard.”

  “We all have,” Alexander noted.

  “I know. It’s just we’ve been here so long, and we haven’t actually accomplished anything…”

  “Getting here was an accomplishment by itself,” Madison said.

  “I know. But now that we have, I just… I don’t know, I would have thought the search for the repository would have gone smoother, that’s all.”

  “Even if we found it earlier, Laura,” Logan put in gently, “it wouldn’t have mattered before Madison formulated the potion.”

  “I know,” Laura sighed. “It just feels like we’re sitting ducks here, waiting for the elders to strike.”

  “They’ll have a hard time finding us in this desert,” Alexander said. “We’ve all been careful not to give ourselves away when going to town.”

  “But is that enough? What if somebody recognizes one of us?”

  “Out here?” Alexander barked a cruel laugh. “That’d be quite a feat. There are Vassiz worldwide, yes, but none that we would know. And besides, the disguises…”

  “Right.” The disguises. They weren’t much, but they made quite a difference. Her own hair was now a streaked blond, rather than the dark brown she was used to. Every time she caught a look of herself in a mirror, or some other reflective surface, she was startled at how much different she looked. Couple that with the physical changes that came about following her transformation, and almost nobody else would pin her as the same girl the elders had shown to the other Vassiz. “So, Madison, what was it that went wrong?”

  “Too strong a mixture,” Madison answered. “Contaminated with impure ingredients. Only the purest will work, I fear.”

  “Will you be able to find them here?”

  “I think I’ll be able to,” she said coyly. “And once I do, the formula will be ready.”

  “That’s good,” Laura said. “If it works, that means we’ll be ready as soon as we find the repository.”

  “It’ll work,” Madison confirmed. “I’m sure of it.”

  “Good. Now then, has anyone heard from Jacob?” He had left that morning without a word, presumably to go look for the repository on his own.

  “No,” Logan shook his head. Alexander made the same gesture. Even Madison shrugged.

  Laura dug her nails into the palm of her hand. She was always the last one to get back to the tent after a day of searching. That was what they agreed upon, because if the elders found the tent it afforded her the best chance of getting away. But now that Jacob had arrived, he had taken to staying out all day and nearly all night before returning to report his progress. None of them knew exactly where he went, either. It put Laura on edge.

  “Well, nothing we can do but wait, then,” Laura said in a tight voice. They had all agreed to come back to the tent twice in every twenty-four hour period, once at dawn and once at dusk, to report whatever progress they’d made. And none of them ventured out again before seeing the others.

  “He’ll be here,” Madison promised. “Soon.”

  Chapter Two


  They waited for Jacob in the tent. After an hour had passed, Laura had had
enough. They could not just waste time like that, while the elders were still out there looking for them. Every minute spend still was a minute wasted. And yet, she knew that she couldn’t go out again before seeing Jacob. They had to coordinate their efforts before and after every search.

  The small tent was stifling. Madison and Alexander were talking off to the side in low tones, but nothing they said concerned her. Logan had tried speaking to her a few times, but she just wasn’t in a talkative mood. Nothing was going right, and it was all her fault. An inkling of a plan began to form in her mind, and she was sure it was one the others would not like. Still, they were all her responsibility, and she had to ensure they stayed safe.

  After the fifth or sixth time Laura brushed Logan aside, he got up and stalked out into the night. She hadn’t meant to upset him, but she really had too much on her mind at the moment. What would happen if she failed? She didn’t want to even begin thinking of the consequences, but she could not avoid it. Every day that went by without so much as a hint to the whereabouts of the repository brought her closer and closer to failure.

  There were so many others relying on her. The angels, for one. They had been wrongfully imprisoned by the elders long ago, and she swore to take revenge based on that. Her family, as well. They must still be wondering what happened to her since she just disappeared from school what seemed like so long ago. Although she knew she could never see them again, she still wanted to make sure they were safe. And of course, Madison, Alexander, and Logan, all relied on her to ensure they succeeded.

  But it wasn’t just them. She had been able to get a lot of thinking done these past few weeks, and come to a startling conclusion. If the elders were taken down, not only would the other Vassiz stop chasing her, but they would also become, for the first time in their whole existence, free. Free from answering to some higher council, and free from living in fear of the elders’ wrath. Free to be who they wanted. Despite what the packs did to her, chasing her from her home, and uprooting her from her simple life, she couldn’t believe that they were all bad. Alexander and Madison, and even Jacob, proved otherwise. Logan too, of course, but he was so different from the rest that it barely counted. He was of course unlike any of the others.


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