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Ascension Page 2

by Sophia Sharp

  But the other Vassiz had only chased after her on the orders of their superiors. Because of that, she held no grudge against them. It was not like any of them could have rejected the orders. At least, not without consequence. None of them really had a choice. But if the elders were taken down, the Vassiz worldwide would become free to make choices of their own. Laura only hoped that the kindness she saw from Alexander, Madison, Logan, Jacob, and Rafael would in the end supersede the manipulative, dark demeanor of Vassiz that she had been told to expect.

  A hand on her shoulder startled her from her thoughts. She looked over, and found Madison standing beside her.

  “Logan’s been out for quite some time,” she said softly. “Maybe you should go check on him.”

  “He’s fine,” Laura said curtly.

  Madison tsked. “You may be intelligent, Laura, but you’re also young.” She smiled to show she meant no harm. “That’s your man out there, and you’ve been ignoring him all day. I’d bet all I have he’s feeling pretty dejected right now.”

  “What?” Logan was strong, and he wasn’t one to be so prone to emotions. Was he? “He knows better than that.”

  “So it might seem to you. But inside, we’re all running on the same emotions. Each one of us is frustrated, Laura, but these are the times we need to stick together the most. Besides, I know you two haven’t had much time alone recently.”

  “No,” Laura admitted.

  “Well, now may be the best opportunity you get, while we’re waiting for Jacob to return.” Madison smiled. “There’s no harm in it, in either case.”

  “No, I guess not,” Laura mumbled, and stood up. Madison went back to Alexander, and Laura lifted the flap to go outside. It was dark, but she could see through the night as well as if it were day. However, she did not see Logan anywhere.

  She looked down to the ground, and found his footsteps leading away into the desert. The imprints were light, and barely visible. But they were enough for Laura to figure out where Logan went.

  She followed the trail away from the tent. At night, the wind seemed to always subside, and the heat wasn’t so bad as during the day. Here, nighttime was the only time Laura felt comfortable.

  She followed Logan’s footsteps up toward a sand dune, at which point they disappeared. She felt a small breeze against her skin. It must have swept over the trail he made. She walked on, topping the rise. Then, on the other side, she found Logan, sitting on the ground and looking away from her. She had been quiet following him, and didn’t think he knew she was there.

  Laura just watched him for a few moments. His dark hair had grown out quite a bit since she first met him. It looked almost like a mane, now. He stared out into the distance, not moving. While she couldn’t see his face, she could tell from the way his shoulders slumped down that he must be feeling just as discouraged with their current situation as she was.

  He turned his head back abruptly, right toward her. His eyes caught the full glare of the moon, and shone like diamonds in the dark. Laura nearly stumbled back in surprise.

  “How’d you know I was here?” she asked, picking her way down toward him. She was sure she made no noise.

  “You breathe as loudly as a cow,” he said plainly, and despite the insult, Laura smiled. At least he could still joke around.

  “And you walk heavy as an elephant,” she said. “Even a human child could have followed you here from the tent.”

  “Maybe I wanted to be followed.”

  “That’s what Madison said.” Laura knelt down behind him, and placed her hands on his shoulders. His back was tense. She started massaging it gently with her thumbs. Logan let his head fall forward.

  “I guess this isn’t quite what you expected when you made the choice to come out here, huh?” he asked gently.

  “No,” Laura admitted. “I did not think it would be this hard.”

  “Things are always hard, Laura. Nothing about what we’re doing is going to be easy.”

  “But it’s not even that,” she said. “It’s worse. You know how I feel. Every day that goes by without progress is a day lost. We can’t expect to remain here forever. And while we’re searching, the elders are getting stronger. And closer to finding us. We have to strike at them before they find us, but I’m afraid…”


  “I’m afraid we won’t find the repository in time. I’m afraid the elders will find us, first, and we’ll be helpless against them.”

  Logan turned around and caught her hands in his. He looked at her deeply. “You’ll never be helpless with me by your side.”

  She smiled weakly. “I know. But what happens when we face all the elders? What if they come at us, together? All of us – me, you, Madison, Alexander – were nearly bested by two of their hunters. And there are eight of them! Unless we find the repository soon, and have the angels on our side, we’ll be outnumbered by the most powerful of the Vassiz. And I don’t know how much our courage can do for us then.”

  Logan frowned. “When did you become so pensive?”

  “I’ve just been thinking a lot recently,” Laura answered. “About what we’re doing, about how we’re doing it. About everything.”

  “You’re not changing your mind about any of this, are you?” Logan said dangerously.

  “What? No! But I sometimes wonder if we’re going about it the right way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, look. The elders are after me, and me only, right? They don’t know about Madison or Alexander. They definitely don’t know about Jacob. And they might not even know about you.”

  “They know about me,” Logan said.

  “Fine. So they—”

  “I’m tied to you, you know.”

  Laura smiled weakly again. “I know. Thank you.”

  “And no matter what happens, I will never let them do anything to you.” He took her head between his hands and knelt his forehead to touch hers. “I’m here for you, Laura, and you can’t forget that. Everything we do, we do together. There’s no turning back. And the only way forward – the only way any of us will get to live our lives as we want – is to keep going forward.”

  “That’s what we’re doing, isn’t it? Trying to go forward? But we never know if we’re actually succeeding or not. Three weeks of searching have yielded nothing. Are we really moving forward? Or are we just running in place?”

  “You can’t give up hope now. We’ve accomplished so much together—”

  “And yet done so little. We’ve managed to run away, Logan, and nothing more. We’ve delayed the inevitable, maybe. But who am I to think I can somehow influence the structure of power within the Vassiz?”

  “It’s been prophesized.”

  “I know. But that hasn’t been enough. Has it? I’m prophesized to bring down the elders. Or am I? Maybe we’ve misunderstood it all along. Maybe it’s speaking of someone else. Maybe—”

  “It speaks of you, Laura,” Logan said with immense conviction. “I am sure of it. You are the one who will lead us against the elders.”

  Laura nodded. “I hope so. But it’s just…”

  “A little overwhelming?”

  Laura nodded, and Logan laughed. “I know. You’re not going at it alone, you know. We’re all here with you. We’re all doing our best.”

  “But what if our best isn’t good enough? What if we never find the repository? What then?”

  “Then we will think of something else,” Logan replied. “And if that doesn’t work, we’ll think of something else yet again. We can never back down. You swore to the angels to seek revenge. There’s no turning back for us after that.”

  “For me, there isn’t,” Laura corrected. Then she added softly, “For you, there might be.”

  Logan stared up at her. “…What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve just been thinking. It’s me the elders are looking for, not any of you. If you leave now, maybe all of you can get to safety.”

  “You’re not se

  “I swear it.” Laura took a deep breath. This is what she’d been dreading to say, but it was time for it to come out for Logan to hear. “You’re only linked to me because you’ve been seen with me, Logan. The elders aren’t worried about you. It’s me they’re after, and every day you stay here is another day for you to get caught. For any of us to get caught. I just don’t… I don’t want to see anybody get hurt because of me. If you leave, and take Madison and Alexander with you, I can keep searching here. But at least that way, I’ll know all of you are safe. You can get on with your life, and forget about me. If the elders do find me, then I’ll be the only one to suffer. But if I am really the one prophecy spoke of, what difference will it make if I go at it alone or not? If I’m destined to succeed, I will do it anyway, and if we’re all wrong about the prophecy, well, at least that way I’m the only one who gets hurt. I will feel better knowing you’re safe.”

  “Laura,” Logan said gravely, “if you’re taken away from me… I will suffer. I don’t know what’s gotten in your mind lately, but I am not leaving you. No matter what you say. Madison and Alexander will feel the same way.”

  “I thought that’s what you’d say,” Laura said. “But think! If—”

  “No. Laura, do you understand me? No. I will not leave you here alone. None of us will. We’re all in this together. And nothing you can say will change that.”

  “I just thought—”

  “No! I’m not leaving you. Can’t you get that through your thick skull? I am staying here with you. I love you, Laura.”

  Laura smiled sadly. “And I you, Logan, but…”

  “Just stop thinking,” he said simply. “Come here.” He took her in his arms and brought her close. Being held like that, Laura felt safe. Uncertain about the future, yes, but still safe.

  “At what point do we decide we’ve searched long enough?” Laura asked after a few minutes of silence. “Maybe the repository isn’t even here. Maybe we’re just wasting our time.”

  “That could be a possibility,” Logan said slowly, “but I do not believe it to be the case. I think we’re getting closer every day.”

  “To me, it seems like we’re going around in circles.”

  “That’s not true. Today, I—”

  “Found nothing, just like the rest of us.”

  “No, that’s not true. I think… I may be getting closer.”

  “You are?” Laura exclaimed. “Why didn’t you mention anything?”

  “I did not want to raise false hopes until I was sure.”


  “And I can’t be sure until I see the repository with my own eyes. But I’ve heard some of the locals say the same thing too many times for it to be a coincidence. They all mention a building… that has stood in place for the entirety of their memory.”

  “You think that might be it?”

  “It may,” Logan said carefully. “Rafael would not lead us astray. This is where he believed it to be. So, despite how little progress you may think we’ve made so far, I think we’re getting closer.”

  “What you found makes you believe that?”

  “Yes. I’m going there again as soon as Jacob returns.”

  “I’ll go with you.”


  Laura was taken aback by the harshness of his reply. “No? Why not?”

  “It is too dangerous.”

  “Too dangerous? What are you talking about? I’ve faced everything with you, Logan, and proven my worth. I’m not afraid of what we might find there.”

  “It’s not that, Laura.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “If we go together, we can attract unwanted attention. Especially if the building is something many of the locals know about. I remember what you told me about Selaine. How she kept guard over the archive? Perhaps there are similar people watching here. And we don’t want to raise any suspicions. If I go along, I can stake out the building, maybe even get inside, unseen. And while I don’t doubt your ability, or willingness, it’s something that is just easier for me to do on my own.”

  “Fine,” Laura grumbled. “But be careful. You’ll go tonight?”

  “That’s the plan. And then if I find anything, I’ll be back to report it in the morning.”

  Chapter Three

  ~A Little Drink~

  Jacob hadn’t returned by the time Laura and Logan got back to the tent. While that was somewhat worrying, Laura was thinking more about Logan’s potential discovery. What if the building he found actually contained the repository? All the weeks of frustration and futile searching would be made worthwhile. And they would know as soon as the morning.

  Despite the rule of waiting for everybody to return before setting out again, Laura let Logan go before Jacob came back. There was no point in waiting now that they may have found the repository. Either way, the sooner they knew definitively whether or not that was the case, the better.

  A few minutes after Logan left, Laura nearly succumbed to her desire to trail after him. It didn’t matter that he made her promise not to do it – for her, the anxiety of not knowing was too much. But, after a watchful look from Madison, Laura thought better of it, and remained in place.

  So it was her, Madison, and Alexander together in the tent, waiting for Jacob to return. Usually, such inactivity would have driven Laura crazy, but she knew that Logan was on the best lead they’ve had since getting here. If anybody could find the repository by himself, it would be him.

  Laura wondered what would be in the repository. Based on what Rafael said, there would be torrial there. Torrial, the mystical devices that drew upon the powers of the dream realm to grant the user supernatural power. Laura had used one herself, before she even knew what it was, when she opened the vault door together with Alexander in the mines. It was only later, when Rafael showed them his single torrial, did she realize the danger that came with using them unguided. The torrial formed a connection with its user, but if something untoward happened, whoever was using it risked losing their mind forever. It was not a pleasant thing to think about.

  But using the torrial was essential. Without the devices, Laura knew they would have no chance against the elders. With the devices in hand, they stood a chance at victory. A small chance, but it was there.

  The uncertainty, of course, was in not knowing what kind of torrial they would find. What kind, or how many. It was entirely plausible that even if Logan found the repository, none of the torrial inside would be of use. Or, even worse, nobody would know just how to use them, or what for. They were searching for a mystical weapon that might not even exist.

  But the repository did exist – Laura was now sure of it. If it didn’t, why would the angels insist on holding off meetings in the dream realm before the repository was found? In fact, the angels seemed to know where it was, but, alas, could not bring any of them to its location in the dream realm. To travel wide distances like that, one had to know the destination perfectly, and since none in her group had ever been to the repository, travelling it in the dream realm would have been impossible. Although, Laura sometimes wondered if they wouldn’t have been better served by conducting the search in the dream realm itself. Time flowed differently there, and it would have eased the pressure she felt by taking advantage of that quality. A week’s search in the dream realm may have only resulted in a day’s passage in the real world.

  Of course, that option was outside the realm of possibility for both her and Logan. Madison and Alexander could have done it, but Laura would not have felt right leaving them both asleep, and vulnerable, while she and Logan continued the search in the human world. No, the way they had gone about things was the right way, Laura knew. It was just the frustrations of the past three weeks getting to her that made her question herself.

  But, now that they were potentially so much closer, Laura could wait. There was nothing else to do. So she sat in the tent patiently, waiting for both Logan and Jacob to return.

  The sun had s
tarted to climb out from the horizon when Laura’s ears picked up the sound of someone approaching. She sprang out the tent in an instant. In the distance, she could see two shapes approaching. One looked like Logan, and the other… Jacob? But he was leaning over strangely, using Logan’s shoulder for support.

  “What do you see?” Alexander asked beside her. He had come out right after her, but his vision was not as sharp as hers. Neither was Madison’s. Laura had the best eyesight, and the most highly tuned senses, because of her recent feeding.

  “It’s Logan,” she said. “And Jacob’s with him. But it doesn’t look like he can walk on his own.”

  “Is he hurt?” Madison asked, worry filling her voice. Jacob had been like a father to her once, which is why she trusted him with her life. She also cared deeply for him.

  “No, it’s not that,” Laura said slowly. Now that the two figures had gotten closer, Laura thought she had a better understanding of what was going on. Jacob was leaning on Logan for support, yes, but the way he walked was not like somebody injured. Rather, it was like… like somebody drunk! Jacob stumbled from side to side, and could barely keep his head up. He kept motioning with his free hand at something in the distance, and Logan looked like he was struggling to keep Jacob on course. “He looks like he’s had too much to drink!”

  Alexander stepped beside Laura. “Yes, I think you’re right.” He squinted once, looked over to Madison, and gave a curt nod. “Yes, that’s definitely Jacob. I would recognize him in that condition anywhere.” And with that, he turned around and promptly entered the tent.

  “What was that about?” Laura asked curiously.

  “Never mind,” Madison said. “Come on, Logan looks like he could use some help.”

  Madison hurried over to meet the two men, and Laura followed after her. When they were within earshot, Logan gave a cruel laugh.


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