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Transformation (From the Embers Book 2)

Page 3

by Jaliza A. Burwell

  I turned to Landus’s big fancy truck and climbed inside.

  My phone was ringing before we even pulled out of the driveway.

  “It’s Maura,” I mumbled and answered the phone. “How’s Cecil?”

  “We got her stabilized, and the poison stopped spreading so aggressively. It’s still going but slowed down enough to give us more time.”

  “How much time?”

  “Another week or so.”

  I swore softly, a deep weariness settling over me. “We need to heal her. She needs to get better.”

  “I know.” She sighed into the phone before saying something to someone in the room, though I couldn’t make out the words. When she came back on the phone, she sounded weary. “I have more news.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Baron’s men attacked our shields. They didn’t get in.”

  “Was anyone hurt?”

  “No one. You’re still with Landus, right? Let him know for me.”

  “I will, thanks.” I hung up. “They tried to get through the protection spells the witches set up. Didn’t work.”

  I flipped through the contacts on my phone.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, pulling onto the interstate.

  “I’m calling the mages and the vampires to see if anything happened with them. You should check in with your shifters.”

  “They’re fine. I know when an attack happens.”

  I shrugged and listened to the phone ring. I thought it was just going to go to voicemail when Mr. Sharo answered.

  “What?” Clearly something had happened if he was so irritated.

  “It’s Nyssa. I’m checking in to see if you’ve been attacked.”

  “Damn right we have. That fucker killed three of our vampires and the Queen is screaming for blood. I can’t deal with you right now.”

  He hung up on me. I stared at the phone, never having heard him talk like that.

  Landus smirked at me. “Just let them handle their own problems.”

  “And lose chances on getting my hands on Baron. Fuck no.”

  I called the mages next. Mage Thomas answered on the second ring.

  “Thank goodness, Nyssa. We’ve just been a-attacked. We lost two mages and a s-student.”

  “And you answered my question. What happened? Don’t you have new wards up?”

  “They broke them somehow. Some guy just came and lifted his hand. Our wards crumbled in seconds. They were our best ones too.”

  I pursed my lips. “Can you describe the man to me?”

  “Around s-six-two, dark brown hair pulled back in a p-ponytail, looks to be in late twenties. Nearly black eyes. Dark skin. He was a beast. He killed two of our master mages in moments and the student was collateral damage. After the attack, they left.”

  “Thank you, Mage Thomas.”

  “You need to stop this.”

  “I do?”

  “You’re strong, you can do it, if not any of us.”

  “We will solve this.” I stressed the “we” to let him know he couldn’t just push his duties off onto me.

  He grumbled and I hung up on him. Let him worry himself into an early grave.

  “Did you hear all that?” I asked Landus.

  He nodded, his grip on the steering wheel tight.

  “There is another player who looks to be just as strong as Baron at his side.”

  “He’s upping the stakes,” Landus commented, and I agreed with him.

  “Are there any special events coming up?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Like the full moon or an eclipse or blood moon or some weird star arrangement. Something that will make magic stronger. A time limit. I feel like he has a time limit if he’s increasing the stakes. He needs to do something before something happens. If we find that out, we’ll have a better chance at taking him down instead of spending our time playing catch-up. We need to be active in hunting him.”

  “I’ll look into it and fill Maura in. She has more sources when it comes to magic and rituals.”

  I nodded and stared out my window, watching the moon work its own kind of magic. The night beasts were all out and about now, enjoying their own kind of living, whether that was hunting or trickery or just messing around.

  Landus pulled into his driveway and helped me out of the truck. We walked solemnly into his house and up to his large bedroom.

  Landus pulled me into his chest and I just stood there, not really wanting comfort. He seemed to sense this and put a little bit of distance between us with his hands on my waist.

  “I won’t let him have you, Nyssa.”

  I examined his face, taking in the determination. His eyes were a couple shades darker, making promises he could definitely keep.

  “Thank you,” I said and patted his cheek, rubbing my thumb over the bristles of the hair on his jaw. “Can I just take a shower and go to bed? I just want you to hold me.”

  He smiled a little. “I can do that.”

  Taking me into his bathroom, he turned on the shower, making sure it was the right temperature. When he was happy with it, he slowly stripped me, taking care of me without making it sexual. I tried to not fidget, the experience completely different. I liked it. He made it so intimate. When he finished, I returned the favor, taking my time and enjoying the small movements, light touches, and the knowing looks.

  The shower experience was the same. We washed each other, taking our time, and never making it sexual. We took care of each other, letting the shower wash away the fight and the dark thoughts.

  When we finished, we crawled into bed. He wrapped his arms around me and drew me in, snuggling close.


  I woke up, still snuggled in Landus’s arms. I didn’t move and just enjoyed the feeling of him against me. His head was tucked into the back of my neck, his hot breath tickling the exposed skin there.

  I tried to relax, to keep enjoying it, but then I had to go to the bathroom and got all squirmy, plus Baron was on my mind. These last two weeks had been nothing but stressful because of him, and I did so well living a stress-free life since coming out of the Woodlands. Well, mostly stress-free. I still had nightmares I couldn’t understand and jumped at shadows once in a while or kicked a few people who tried to sneak up on me.

  “Stop squirming,” Landus whispered into my ear and I stilled. His grip tightened and he pushed into me. I could feel his erection pressed against my butt. I squirmed again and he groaned. I smirked and then slipped out of bed.

  He looked at me with sleepy, needy eyes, and I had a flash of fear before lust took over.

  “Are you going to leave me here like this after squirming so much?” he asked.

  I smirked. “Not my fault you have such weak control.”

  I walked to the bathroom with a sway to my hips that I knew drove Landus up a wall. He groaned again in frustration while I closed the door. It only took me a moment to realize this was the same bathroom from when I went through the gate. The very first time I met Landus. I was out of it yesterday and didn’t bother noticing. It was still too much, definitely made with money, and bigger than my bedroom at my house.

  I walked over to the his and hers sinks and looked in the mirror, blinking a couple of times. I looked different, but I couldn’t figure out how or even why. I just knew that as I looked at my face, something was off.

  There was a light tapping on the door. “Nyssa, let me in.”

  “No,” I said.

  “Please, I really need to go to the bathroom and you’re only standing in front of the mirror. I never took you as a vain person.”

  I nearly growled as I released the lock. He came in and leaned against the sink. His gaze blazed over my body taking in all my curves and lines. I knew I was beautiful. Not in a vain way, just that men and even women have complimented me enough times. I wasn’t sure how they knew I was beautiful.

  Landus’ attention made me feel more than beautiful though. He made me feel like a fri
cken goddess, something I’d never felt. Another emotion he made me feel. I barely held back the frown.

  “Nyssa,” he whispered, sensing some of my distress. “Are you okay?”

  “Good enough.” I forced a smile.

  Slowly, his smile twisted into a smirk. “In that case, how about we take another shower, and this time I’ll take care of you in a different way.”

  His shift in emotions brought a laugh out of me. “Sorry, you’re going to have to handle it yourself this morning.” I eyed his impressive erection with a smirk. I winked and slipped out of the room. The man was a sex maniac. Which I loved. But he also knew not to push me. Which I liked even more.

  When he came back out, I was sitting on the bed with my legs crossed, the phone in my hand as I fidgeted.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I think we should set up a meeting with everyone. Shifters, witches, mages, and vamps.”

  He stiffened and stopped digging out clothes to change into.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “I know everyone hates each other, but we really need to communicate and come up with a plan. We keep reacting to him instead of being on the offense. We can’t keep doing this. He’s increasing the stakes, so we need to do the same.”

  He contemplated what I said as he dressed. After pulling on his jeans, he turned to me and nodded. “Fine, but you make the calls. I don’t want to deal with the vamps.”

  After his harsh response, he stalked out of the room. Even if he agreed with my idea didn’t mean he’d be happy about it. But something had to give. We couldn’t keep doing what we were doing now.

  I made the phone calls and was even smart enough to choose a neutral location out in Central Grove where they could all meet in the small little section that none of them had claim to. It was a little pocket their territories or areas didn’t reach. They couldn’t complain about the area and get pissy for having to allow another group on their land or close to it. I even made reservations at a nice fancy restaurant.

  I went downstairs and found Landus in his kitchen making a sandwich. “We will meet with everyone tonight, after the vampires wake up from their sleep. Around nine o’clock.”


  “Do you want to spar?” I asked.

  He finally turned to look at me. He tilted his head to the side as he tried to assess my mood. Finding what he wanted, he broke out in a smile and nodded.

  “Come with me,” he said and turned, strolling out of the room. I followed behind.

  We walked down into his basement and into a training room. Everything was matted, with weights scattered about, along with punching bags on one side, and weapons filled up the opposite wall.

  “Fancy,” I remarked, taking in all the weapons.

  “How do you want to go about it?”

  “Bare hands, no weapons. And no shifting.” It was unnecessary to add on that last bit. Landus rarely shifted, and I was pretty sure only a select few knew what his beast was. He kept it so well hidden from even his pack mates. And though I was supposedly a phoenix, I hadn’t been anything but human-shaped. I think.

  “Okay,” he smiled.

  We loosened up briefly and then began circling each other in search of weak spots. I tested the waters with some punches and kicks, and he gave nothing away as he defended himself. Then we grew serious.

  It didn’t take long for us to wail on each other, holding very little back from. We worked up a good sweat with some nice bruises and only a little bit of blood. We both breathed heavily, like we were in sync with each other. He knew what move I was going to make before I even made them, but I had the same instinct too. He would go for a punch or a kick or a flurry of complicated moves that I was able to defend against because it was like his thoughts went into me and I was able to respond to him before he did any damage.

  Finally, we separated and eyed each other warily. We weren’t getting anywhere like this. This was proof that our bond was strengthening. Did he know what he was to me? I hoped not. I wasn’t even ready to admit what he was to me.

  “You fight mean,” Landus said.

  I smirked. “I fight dirty. I fight to ensure that I’ll win.”

  “Because of the Woodlands?”

  I nodded and pursed my lips for a moment as I thought about one particular moment that nearly got me killed early on. I shook the memory away.

  “Plenty of beings in Teragona think they’re hot shit, but once I see them, I know. They wouldn’t survive a day in the Woodlands.”

  “Am I one of them?”

  “You know you are. And I agree. You can survive out there.”

  He smiled. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “That’s a big compliment coming from you.”

  I sniffed. “Well, if you weren’t as good as you are, I wouldn’t be here with you now. I don’t like weak people or those who aren’t at least on par with me. They just become cannon fodder.”

  “Is that because you like to run into danger?”


  “Then why is it so important that I’m as strong or stronger than you?”

  I glared at him, letting a little of my fire show. “Because then I know you won’t die so damn easily. In any situation. You’re almost as much a survivor as I am. You know how to handle yourself in dangerous situations.”

  “And that is important to you.”

  I nodded and looked at the floor. “I can’t really say why I feel like that. It’s just how I feel.”

  He nodded. “I understand. Do you want to go another round?”

  I smiled up at him and nodded.

  Chapter Four

  I remember a woman standing in front of me, giving me her back. A wind blew her dark hair every which way, and still she stood strong. I remember how rigid her body was, the way her hands were clenched at her sides. She was facing something, protecting me. Putting herself in danger to keep me alive.

  —Nyssa’s Journal

  Landus found a dress for me to wear. How he had a dress that fit me perfectly made my hackles rise. I wasn’t one to dress up, and I didn’t like others buying me clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and any annoyance I felt toward Landus melted away. I looked fricken awesome. The dress dipped low in the back, giving everyone a nice view of my skin. Straps tied around my neck to hold up the front end, which showed just enough cleavage without risking me falling out. There was also the tease of some side boob action if I moved just right. After checking for five minutes, I came to the conclusion that it was only a tease. They’d never get to see the real deal.

  “You’re beautiful,” Landus said, coming in while trying to fix the cuffs around his wrists. He was absolutely breathtaking, and I took a moment from wiggling around in front of the mirror to examine him. The suit was tailored to fit his frame. The fabric looked soft and very expensive. I sauntered over to him, letting my eyes devour him before helping him with the cufflinks.

  “You know women’s clothing very well.”

  He just returned the smile. I shrugged it off, burying my curiosity, and went downstairs where Slade was waiting, in his own suit.

  “You look grumpy.” I laughed. He looked so uncomfortable in his suit. Slade was truly a man of jeans and t-shirts. Even when he went to the art gallery, he dressed down, wearing black jeans and a nice button up shirt, but today he was completely decked out in a three-piece suit.

  “I feel itchy.” He pulled at his tie, wanting to loosen it and knowing Landus would probably only make him tie it tighter if he did. “Why did you have to choose the most expensive restaurant for this meeting?”

  “Because no one wants to meet each other and that was the only place willing to risk money to get even more money. They’re going to make a fortune off of us tonight. Besides, I kind of want to see everyone trying to outdo each other. Should be fun.”

  “You’re acting like you’re an outsider.”

  “I don’t care about how the gr
oups feel about each other. Not my business.”

  “So you don’t care about us at all?” Slade challenged with a raised eyebrow.

  “I don’t care about the groups. Now individuals are a different story. I like you and Landus. I like Cecil and even Maura on her good days. I even like Mr. Sharo, Jamal, Aaron, Mage Thomas. As you can see, I like someone from all the groups, but I hold no allegiance to any of them. I only hold allegiance to myself.”

  “So why are you so determined to play nice and meet with everyone.”

  “Because even though I like you guys, I love Cecil, and she’s barely alive. I selfishly want to get Baron and tear him apart for what he’s done to her. Otherwise, I would wish you guys good luck or charge you for my services. I could be making a small fortune off of all you with the way things are.”

  Slade shook his head. “You’re kind of unbelievable,” he muttered.

  “I feel the same way,” Landus said as he came down the stairs, even more decked out than Slade. His hair was slicked back away from his face, and a red cloth hung from his chest pocket to add a splash of color. Yeah, tonight was definitely going to be fun.

  After some arguing, I got Landus to let me drive myself to the restaurant. Afterward, I wanted to head over to check on Cecil anyways and wasn’t a fan of him playing chauffeur. I was sure the Alpha of Teragona had more important things to do than drive around a sweetie.

  Holy shit. I was a sweetie.

  My insides boiled with the thought, a weird mixture of happiness and trepidation fighting with each other. I had never been anyone’s sweetie.

  I shivered and shifted in my car seat, uncomfortable with the thought.

  The parking lot was full when I pulled in and parked between Landus’s massive truck and a Mercedes-Benz. Apparently, the shifters weren’t the only ones who spent money on pointless things. In fact, the whole parking lot was full of Benzes, Lincolns, Ferraris, and other over-the-top cars. My little car stuck out. Definitely not my kind of place.


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