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Unexpected Dreams: Dream Series, Book 4

Page 28

by Isabelle Peterson

  His hands were pulling my shirt up my back and over my head. I pulled away and immediately pulled his shirt off. I pulled him into me, desperate for the skin-to-skin contact. Holding our bodies as if they were one, I navigated us to the stairs. We stepped carefully, lips never leaving each other, and hands groping and gripping.

  At some point, I’d successfully undone the button of his jeans and had his pants shoved down his thighs. God! His thighs. So powerful and strong. He kicked off his pants and left them on the stairs and he worked at getting me out of my khakis. By the time we were standing in the upstairs hallway, we were two men in underwear. That wouldn’t do. Despite the dinner we’d just eaten, I was hungry for a certain something else. I pushed Tanner against the wall and dropped to my knees, dragging Tanner’s boxer briefs down to his ankles. I gripped his cock in my hand and teased the head with flicks of my tongue, causing Tanner to groan as he wove his fingers into my hair. I knew he wanted to push my head down onto him, but I wouldn’t let him. This was my turn. And I was going to take this slow.

  I stood and shoved my briefs down over my raging hard-on. No Viagra needed for this guy. The way Tanner’s gaze consumed my body, I was ready to throw him onto the bed and fuck him hard. I was almost afraid of myself. I walked backward to the door to his room and he followed like there a powerful magnetic force was between us…connecting us.

  We got to the bed and I sat on the edge and pulled Tanner into me. My hands on his ass, I took his cock into my mouth until I was practically gagging. Pre-cum had already leaked onto the head and it coated my tongue. Tanner’s hands were busy, one in my hair, guiding my mouth, the other on my shoulder, gripping and stroking my upper back.

  I swirled my tongue around his cock and then pulled off, seeking his balls. I took one into my mouth then the other. I pulled both in as best I could, but his sac had tightened and there wasn’t much slack. I took his pulsing cock in my one hand and slipped my other hand further behind him, running my finger down the crack of his ass. Finding that dark hole, I slipped a finger in and continued to fuck his dick with my mouth.

  “Fuck me,” he growled, his grip on my hair deliciously painful. If I had thinning hair, I’d have been worried that he was going to pull it out.

  “Oh, I’m going to. You’re going to remember me while we’re apart,” I said, glancing upward into his moonlit face, his bright eyes sparkling down at me.

  I pulled my finger free then scooted back on the bed. Tanner climbed onto the bed and I think he thought that he was going to get the upper hand and flip me onto my back. Not a chance. I wanted this. And I was desperate to prove to Tanner that I wanted him.

  I grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped us so that he was on his back. Part of me wanted to fuck him from behind, but I needed to see his face when I took him. The memory of my doing just that last night wasn’t enough to hold me over.

  I reached over to the side table and grabbed the lube and condoms. I tossed the condom packet aside and squirted lube onto my fingers. Bending down, I took his dick in my mouth and slid my fingers to his backside. I loved how his dick twitched in my mouth when I breached his puckered hole. Working in tandem my finger, then fingers, and mouth I took him until I heard the noises that were now familiar to me when Tanner was close to climax.

  I slipped my fingers out, and slid the condom on then got more lube and rubbed some on my dick and more on Tanners entrance. I grabbed his thighs and pulled him closer to me and lined up, pressing my cock against his quivering, tight ring.

  Eyes locked on one another, I pressed and felt Tanner relax under me and take me in one slide, the two of us groaning and filling the room with the sounds of sex. His face was exquisite.

  My body vibrated. He was feeling the same as I was. I sat up and stared down, pressing further into him, wanting to touch as far as I could. We both groaned at the sensation, but never lost eye contact. I pulled out almost all the way and paused.

  He nodded, perceiving what I was about to do. I slammed into him, again, hitting that deepest spot. We both cried out again. “Again,” he whispered. I complied. Of course, I complied. Several times, we repeated that action. Slow and almost separated, to fast and deep.

  “Fuck me, I can’t hold back much more,” I panted.

  “So don’t,” he growled through a clenched jaw.

  Holy Shit! I gripped his hips and started to thrust like a wild animal, the two of us grunting every time I plunged forward. My eyes admiring no longer just his face, but his whole body. The body I was in control of at that moment. His huge, erect cock was bouncing on his stomach. I took hold of it and started to stroke his dick in time with my thrusts. Tanner’s grunts became ear shattering loud and together we came, erupting and shouting out. I was saying something but heaven only knows what. But what I thought I heard come out of him, shook me to my core. “fuckiloveyougreg!”

  I collapsed on top of him, the feel of his semen spreading between the two of us, gluing us together in a way, and I kissed him. I wanted to swallow those words before they disappeared.

  I wanted to ask him what he’d said, but I was afraid I had misheard him. I didn’t want him to take it back either if he had said what I thought he did. And I was more afraid to say it back, because what if he didn’t say it? Although, I was wondering if I hadn’t already said it. I was so far gone, my dick in his ass rendered my thoughts a crazy disaster. I could have said it.

  Breathing hard, we clung to one another, my arms now looped under his shoulders and continued to move inside of him, holding him tight, never wanting this to end.


  The drive back to New York was quiet. Other than Tanner talking about the game he had coming up next week, we let the songs on the radio fill the space.

  When he dropped me at the airport, we didn’t make it a long good bye. He said he’d be back in California in a couple weeks to restart his house search. I promised to take him out to dinner…in public. We hugged, and a part of me desperately wanted to kiss him, to feel his lips on mine again, but I settled for a kiss to his cheek, and I took pleasure in the kiss he placed on my cheek. I knew he wasn’t a PDA guy, and frankly, neither was I. Had we been in private, it would have been a completely different story.

  Once I was at the gate waiting for my plane, I checked my phone and laughed at myself for having let it go dead. Then kicked myself for not having packed a charge cord. I had only planned to be in New York the two days, so my five-day stay left me sorely unprepared. I went and paid a ridiculous rate and bought a replacement cord then went and found a place to plug in.

  While I waited for the phone to have enough juice, I sat and reflected on the past week. I probably looked like a moron because I had a massive grin on my face and couldn’t find the strength to hide it. I really did miss him already. Being with Tanner for the past two and a half days had really put any doubts I’d had aside.

  My phone buzzed in my hand to let me know I had enough juice to get my email and voicemails. The list of voicemails was a curious mix. Sure, a couple from Morgan and clients who had my number, but also a couple calls from Phoebe, a call from Elizabeth and three calls from my baby sister, Noelle. Three from Noelle?

  In my family, I’m number four of five. Noelle is number five. Together, we probably got away with more than our older sisters, Maria, Theresa, and Faith. Our parents were kind of worn out…or otherwise occupied with sister number two, Theresa. She was what my parents referred to as ‘the loose wire.’

  Maria was the ‘could-do-no-wrong’ daughter. Honors society and good grades; youth group leader; never dated. Still single and holding out for Mr. Right. Faith was the neat-nick of the house and basically, a mom apprentice. Always babysitting, always cooking, always cleaning…on top of decent grades. Her boyfriend in high school, and eventually her husband, was the son of the church’s deacon. She was now married for fifteen years, and had six kids.

  Theresa dated bad boys, and was an average student. She was caught sneaking out more than a
couple of times. She was two years ahead of me in school, and our parents spent a lot of time with her.

  Noelle and I kept our noses clean. The way they kept Theresa on a short leash, and the pressure our parents put on Maria and Faith was oppressive. We wanted none of it and devised a system of ‘just enough’ to fly under the radar. We weren’t bad, but we worked together to be above average, but not outstanding students. We teamed up to get our chores and stuff done. And we were always each other’s cover when we snuck out to date when we weren’t allowed to.

  Noelle’s call seemed to be the less of all the evils. I felt badly for not getting together with Phoebe again. And I was nervous about what Elizabeth may say after our conversation.

  Two rings in and Noelle answered her phone.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “About what?”

  “Matthew. Duh.”

  “Sorry, Noelle. I didn’t listen to your voice mail. Catch me up.”

  “Doesn’t matter anyway. I needed your answer four days ago. Where have you been?” The tone of that last question had my antennae on high alert. She asked it like she already knew the answer. “I’ve been trying to call you all week. Three voice mails and nothing. I even called Elizabeth to find you. She had some interesting things to say.”

  She called Elizabeth. I tensed up. Oh, this couldn’t be good. The idea of Noelle talking to Elizabeth terrified me. The two had always gotten along famously because they were pretty much the same age. But surely Elizabeth wouldn’t have said anything, would she have? Besides, Elizabeth didn’t know that I was away with Tanner.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked cautiously. “What did she say?”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me that Elizabeth was living with another man?”

  “Seriously, Noelle. This isn’t a discussion I care to have right now.”

  “Would you care to have the other discussion then?”

  “Which?” I trusted Elizabeth to respect my privacy, she wouldn’t have said anything…would she?

  “Elizabeth, or where you were for the past few days?” she shot back.

  “Neither,” I huffed flatly. “How about Matthew? What was your question?”

  “I was trying to get him to be fine with purple ties for the groomsmen. I lost the battle. They’re going with blue. But I’m choosing the blue that in certain light looks purple. But don’t tell him. Mother is having a fit because she wants the guys all in black ties.”

  “Sounds like Mom.”

  “So where were you? With a lover perhaps?”

  I stopped. A ‘lover.’ Why wouldn’t she have said woman? My head was just messing with me. “Maybe. What’s it to you?”

  “We talk minimum once a month. I listened to you moan on and on about all your flopped blind dates, then since the beginning of August—Houdini. You haven’t called.”

  “Well, you didn’t call me either.”

  “That’s beside the point. I’m calling you now. I miss my big brother. What’s going on? If you refuse to tell me, I’ll find out anyway. And if you lie, you know I’ll know.”

  She was right. Because we were so close, she would know. I guessed if I was going to start telling, she’d be probably the only one in the family who would possibly understand. I didn’t even think Theresa would understand, although she’d get the biggest laugh out of it.

  “I’m waiting,” she said.

  “I have a lot going on right now,” I said, kicking myself for being a big, fat chicken.

  “Liar. Just tell me.”

  “What? I’m in New York for Phoebe’s birthday.”

  “That was Monday. It’s Friday. Elizabeth said she thought you were flying back to Napa on Tuesday. I’ve not been able to reach you Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. I was seriously considering putting out a missing person’s report. And you sound off. Spill.”

  “So, fine. I was with someone. We took a few days and got away.”

  I held the phone away from my ear while she whooped and hollered.

  “About time. Tell me all about this lover of yours. Where did you meet? How long have you been together? Was it a set up or chance meeting?”

  “Hell, that’s a lot of questions, Noe.” So… Do I tell? Or don’t tell. I knew that she wouldn’t go running to Mommy & Daddy…But would she give me shit? No. Not likely. But it was still hard to say.

  “E-hem,” she said.

  Shouldn’t I be telling my own kids this first?

  “Listen, Greg. You’ll always be my favorite sibling. Just tell me already.”

  She sounded a bizarre mix of annoyed and bored. So, how do I say this? I’m gay. Or maybe, I’m seeing a guy. Maybe, His name is Tanner.

  I cleared my throat and swallowed the growing lump in my throat. “So, it’s been an interesting month.”

  “Do I need to brew a pot for this story or can I have the CliffsNotes?”

  “Geez. You are pushy today. You must be on the rag.” As that came out of my mouth, I realized another advantage of dating a guy. No ‘lady days’ bullshit.

  “Hardy-har-har. Continue.”

  “I’m kinda seeing…No, I am seeing…Fuck.” I wished Tanner was here with me. I closed my eyes and saw his face. I took a slow breath in and let it out. “His name is Tanner.”

  “Well thank fuck for that.”

  What did she just say? “What?” I asked.

  “Took you long enough.”

  “I’m sorry. What?”

  “Hey, nothing wrong with Elizabeth. She’s awesome. And God only knows how she was able to put up with you for as long as she did. I thought she left because you told her you were interested in men. So you’re actually dating one. Cool. What’s it like?”

  “Huh? This … Are you….What?”

  “I’ve always thought you were better suited to a man.”

  “Now you’re lying.”

  “No. I’m not. You’re much too good looking to be straight. And you were always a terrible boyfriend. I’m convinced your support of that ridiculous Prop Eight was a way for you to further deny yourself. I mean I get it…the way Mom and Dad are about gays. I want to throat punch them. How Elizabeth put up with you I’ll never know, but—”

  “Why did you never say anything?”

  “I couldn’t tell you that you were gay any more than you could tell me I’m a bitch, which I’m not. I’m assertive. There’s a difference.

  She started to laugh.

  “What the fuck is so funny?” I asked, completely incensed. “I never should have said anything. Fuck you. Goodbye.”

  I started to hang up, but she screamed, Wait! No!!! That got my attention. “What?” I growled.

  “Sorry I laughed. I was just thinking about Suzie. You two never got along. I cannot imagine what her reaction will be.” Yeah…like I hadn’t thought of that already. “Joking aside, are you happy?”

  I smiled to myself. “Yes. Very. Scared, but Tanner makes me very happy. I can’t explain it. Listen, Noe, you are one of a few people who know. I have to find a way to tell the kids still.”

  “Mmmm. Tanner. Sexy name. Well, I can only imagine what Elizabeth will say,” she added. “I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that!”

  “Elizabeth knows.”

  “What?!” she screeched, nearly blasting out my ear drum.

  “Yeah. She actually spied Tanner and me at a restaurant…long story, but she knows. And…” I swallowed the emotion that was about to render me unable to speak. “She’s amazing. She’s not mad. She’s actually very understanding… and supportive. I guess because she’s so happy with Jack, she’s able to be happy for me. Having an older sister who’s gay probably also helped; that she understands it’s not a choice. I’m still trying to process all of this.”

  “Well, I’ve always known that she was a stand up woman. And you are one lucky-assed bastard. Okay, Big Brother, I have to go. It’s almost nine and I have a meeting in an hour and I still have to assemble the slides. And Greg?”

bsp; “Yeah.”

  “Thank you for telling me. I’m here for you.”

  “Thank you. Love you, kiddo.”

  “Love you, too Geggy.” Her baby nickname for me always made me cringe, but I knew that she only meant it as a term of affection.

  Hanging up the phone, I felt a little better. Shocked. But better. I knew that of my family, Noelle would be the one to be the most supportive. I also knew my parents would probably stop talking to me, probably write me out of the will if I didn’t ‘take it back’ and ‘choose’ to be straight, but I was a forty-five year old man. I didn’t need their ‘permission’ nor did I need their financial support. As for their emotional support? Sadly, we weren’t the closest family, and I’d like to say it didn’t matter, but I knew it would hurt. As for Maria, Theresa, and Faith…well, who knew? I didn’t. Like my parents, I wasn’t close to those three.

  My kids were the next ones I’d have to tell. Definitely would have to be sooner than later, but when? Maybe I could get them all together and tell them all at once?

  The flight home was long and I made all sorts of plans… Instead of trying to have a vacation with the kid’s hectic schedules, I figured it would be easier if I went to them. One-on-one. So, I made plans to visit with each of them on separate weekends, and have father-offspring time to talk about it. Somehow breaking this news to the kids one-on-one instead of en-masse seemed easier. Of course, that meant I would have to say it more than once, but the more I ‘practiced’ the easier it would get, right?

  As for my friends…Jim and Marc mostly, since Aaron already knew…I felt like the friends would be the hardest ones. Marc not so much, but Jim…? Step One, show my acceptance of the overturning of Prop 8. Step Two, make gay friends and introduce them to Jim, and get Jim to see that they don’t try and make you gay. Step Three…break the news?


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