I Need You Always

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I Need You Always Page 8

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  I sat next to her during take off, letting her hold my hand as we raced toward the sky and to our first meeting together as a team. I’d asked if she’d flown much, but she just shook her head, not really elaborating.

  Once we reached cruising altitude, I took Marissa’s hand. “Come with me.” I couldn’t resist testing a small command and seeing if she’d follow.

  “This sofa, on the back wall, has a button you can push to turn it into a small bed. We have a double bed in the back of the plane, along with a small bathroom and shower. All of the seats can recline back so you can sleep.”

  As I led her to the small kitchen, I noticed she’d yawned. “Would you like some coffee to wake you up or some wine to help you relax?”

  She shook her head. “Thank you, but I’ll pass on the coffee. I feel like I just fell asleep when you woke me up. I keep thinking all of this is a dream; that I’m not really on a plane to France, that I’ll wake up and all this will be gone.”

  I strode toward her, as she backed up against one of the kitchen counters. Her eyes quickly went to the floor, a naturally submissive sign. I let the knuckles of my hand trace over the side of her cheek and down her neck, before cupping the side of her face and tilting it up to me.

  Her eyes sparkled like a steamy cup of cappuccino, touched with flakes of gold. I came within a hairs breath of her lips. “I assure you this is not a dream. If you were to fall asleep, I’d still be here when you wake up. We have an exciting week ahead of us with work and a chance to get to know one another on a much deeper level.”

  Marissa’s breath hitched with my final words. I pressed my body against her, as my mouth nipped the side of her lips causing her to moan and allowing me to press my tongue into her mouth.

  A spark surged through me as our tongues connected. I lost all rational thinking as her hands thrust into my hair and my arms wrapped around her holding her closer to me. Every nerve and synapse in my brain and body was firing freely. I needed her like I needed my next breath.

  She broke off the kiss, placing her hands against my chest and pushing, as she was gasping for air. “We can’t do this. I can’t feel this way. I’m too frigid.” I watched as her head fell to her chest and she began sobbing.

  My hands dropped from her. “You are far from glacial, Marissa. Who the hell said something like that?”

  She didn’t respond, so I lifted her chin. I began in my most dominant voice, “Why do you believe such a thing?” When no words left her mouth, “You’d better answer me or there’ll be punishment.”

  Her brows furrowed as she tried to understand my statement. “Punishment? But, you’re not my boss.”

  “No, I’m not and I’m thankful for that or I’d have no right to have kissed you like I did. I won’t beat around the bush on things, Marissa. I want you, all of you, for your mind, body, and soul. But, I won’t have someone I’m interested in thinking less of themselves. I won’t allow it.”

  A few moments passed as she rocked back and forth on her feet, not responding to anything I said. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer in a timely manner.”

  Marissa closed her eyes before shouting. “Fine! You want an answer, here it is. My ex-boyfriend told me I was nothing more than a frigid bitch incapable of responding to any man’s touch. I’m nothing but cold. I felt nothing when he kissed me, even less when he touched me . . .” Her body began to shake. “Please don’t make me go there. I can’t relive the . . .” Her words stalled before she pushed away from me, running to the bathroom, and locking the door.

  Wow, no wonder she lacks self-esteem. Her ex sure liked to fuck with her mind. If a Dom ever tried that at the club, he’d be thrown out. Mind games were fun when consensual. But, to try and screw up someone’s thoughts intentionally, that’s just wrong.

  I knocked on the door. “Marissa, come on out of there, let me help you.”

  “No! Haven’t you embarrassed me enough for one day?”

  Holy hell, she thought I’d done this on purpose. “I never meant any harm to you and I was serious when I said I want you. I still do. I know this is moving too fast, but I’ve been enamored by you since the first time we kissed in the elevator. I’ll back off if you want me to.”

  The crying seemed to slow at my words. “You promise?”

  I didn’t want to back off. I felt a connection with her that was soul deep, but in the interest of saving face, I’d step back for her sake and see if I couldn’t get more details on what happened. Whoever that bastard was, he had hurt her and I was ready to find him and punch him.

  “Yes. I promise.”

  The lock clicked and the door opened. Her eyes were puffy and tear streaks stained her face. But, even with all the crying, her face was still so beautiful. She was my Italian goddess.

  I reached for her hands and held them in both of mine. “I’m not going to try any more moves on you, for now. My apologies for being so forward, but you make me feel things I’ve never imagined before.”

  Marissa managed a half smile and looked into my eyes, for the first time on her own accord. “Thank you for your kind words, but you don’t have to lie to me.”

  I pulled her to me quickly and swatted her ass with the back of my hand. “That’s offense number one . . . calling me a liar. You should know that I never lie.”

  She seemed surprised by the motions, but quickly issued an apology. “I’m sorry.”

  I grabbed a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses, along with a cheese and fruit tray from the fridge. I walked us over to a couple seats with a table, so we could eat and talk.

  Her eyes followed my every move and she seemed tense from the moment she’d apologized. I let the silence surround us for a bit, because I wanted her to have some wine to relax and some time to think.

  I handed her a glass and lifted mine so they clinked together. “Here’s to your graduation, your new job working alongside me, and to a future full of possibilities.”

  I watched as she took a sip. “Mmm. This wine is amazing.”

  “I agree. It’s from one of the vineyards we do business with in Italy. It’s one of my favorite red wines.” I took a sip for myself and then grabbed a small sliver of cheese.

  “Can I ask you a question Marissa?”

  “I guess so.”

  She was still challenging me. “There is no guessing, either a yes or no answer will suffice.”

  “Yes.” Her voice was soft with a hint of trembling.

  “Did you feel anything when I kissed you a moment ago?” I rolled the stem of the wine glass around in my fingers as I stared at her, awaiting her answer.

  Marissa took another sip of her wine and began to fidget, focusing on the floor, rather than looking at me. It seemed like an eternity had passed when she finally responded. “I’m not sure.”

  “Again, there’s either a yes that you felt something, no matter how small, deep within you, or no, you felt nothing. Which is it?”

  I could see her mind wrestling with the decision. “I felt something, but I don’t know if I’m just caught up in everything because I feel it’s a dream or that I actually feel something for you.”

  I leaned forward and kissed the side of her cheek. Her hand came up and touched the area I’d kissed, which showed me she did have feelings. “Bella, look what you’re doing right now. You’re treasuring my kiss. For someone who’s frigid, you’d have no emotional response to that. Who made you believe all this?”

  I could see her body physically vibrate before her face changed to an indifferent mask and she shut down. I moved us over to the reclining seats and wrapped her in a warm blanket and threw an arm over her shoulder, pulling her in close to me. “I’ll respect your need for quiet, but some day I’d like to hear your story. I’m still interested in you and you should know,” I leaned close to her ear, letting my voice drop to a deep and sultry smother, “Whatever I set my mind to, I get!”

  A small tremor went through her and I could see the flush of her face. My words had affect
ed her on a sensual level. I could live with that for now.

  I held her close as her breathing began to even out and eventually turned to a light snore. I hit the controls to call the co-pilot to put the food and wine away for us and dimmed the lights so we could gather a little sleep as we ventured closer to France.

  I AWOKE WITH A start, hearing the tap of some keys on a keyboard. “Sorry to wake you, Marissa. But, I need to review the products we’re going to be looking at today, plus do some research.”

  He stood up from the table across the aisle, where he was working and came over to help me right my seat. “I have some coffee and pastries in the back. We have a few hours left before we have to change and ready ourselves for the meeting. You might want to review the France folder Marjorie put into your briefcase and I can answer any questions you might have.”

  You’re not dreaming about your job. You’re on a flight headed to France and will be arriving soon. Did I dream about him and that kiss? I looked up at him and smiled. He returned a half attempt of a smile before heading back to his seat and continuing to work.

  You must be dreaming. Wouldn’t he have kissed you if you hadn’t? My conscience was right. But, why was one of my butt cheeks tender? Did that really happen or was it an erotic dream. I shrugged everything off and got up to try and wake myself by splashing water on my face and having a cup of strong coffee.

  I looked over the file on the Chateau we’d be visiting. We were going to be given a tour of the vineyard, an explanation of its workings, a sampling of the various wines offered, and samples of select pastry and cheese shops in the area.

  My mind began to wonder if I’d bitten off more than I could handle. I hadn’t a clue as to what the various wines were, only what I liked. My palate was very bland in nature; never having experienced world travel unlike Dane.

  Dane was fast at work with a serious face. I didn’t know whether to interrupt him, but he seemed to sense I was staring at him. His face had a lack of emotion. “Did you have a question¸ Marissa?”

  I shrugged, not knowing how best to convey my concern. “I don’t understand why I’m here. You have knowledge about wines, foods, and places that I can’t begin to comprehend. What’s my purpose here?”

  He looked perplexed on how to answer.

  It suddenly dawned on me. “Did I get this job all because of that damn kiss in the elevator? Did you hope by getting me close that you could lure me in with your charms? Or was I to be pitied because I’d been taken advantage of by Conner, who stole my ideas, or by Mr. Heath who threatened to fail me and prevent me graduating, or was it my ex who probably trashed my car and clothes?” I slammed my fist down on the table we were working at making the coffee cups rattle. “I don’t need anyone’s sympathy damn it!”

  Dane’s eyes darkened, as he closed the lid to his laptop and stood. Oh, shit. I was in for it.

  He stalked over and placed his hands on both sides of my chair, leaning down into my face so I wouldn’t miss the heat and fury emanating off him.

  I tried looking away, but he grabbed hold of my chin and forced me to look at him. “I should take you across my knee for talking to me in such a manner, but I promised you I’d back away for now, so this talk is strictly business and will be handled as such. Do you understand?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  His mouth drew in grim line. “You want to change that answer?”

  “Sorry. Yes, sir.”

  “That’s better.” His hand caressed the side of my face, but he didn’t’ back away from me. “My father was intrigued by your flare for statistics and the ideas you first had at the company. He’d praised your name and wanted to hire you almost immediately. However, when you started becoming withdrawn he decided to wait and see if your personality would re-emerge. He likes people with bright minds and determination to go after what they’re wanting in life. So, NO, you being hired wasn’t because of pity. You’re talented and I need someone to help guide me in the data side of things to help our company grow. But, more importantly, I need someone to help me learn other areas of the business, which you seemed to be equally knowledgeable, so I can, one day, take over for my father. Over time you’ll come to understand the process we go through in procuring imports and creating agreements with the various companies around the world.”

  I felt my heart pounding out a fast rhythm from his proximity. The explanation helped to ease my mind, but I was still left with a few questions. “But, why was I hired as your equal and not your subordinate?”

  He swallowed hard as his face neared mine. His lips were but a hairs breath away from my own. If I moved the wrong way our lips would be sealed. “The kiss in the elevator wasn’t just enlightening to you, but to me as well. As a result, various factors played into my decision to have you placed as my equal. I’ve made no reservations in stating my interest in you, wanting to see if what we’ve felt is more than just a one time thing. But, as promised, I’ll keep my distance until you can feel more comfortable around me.”

  Dane ran his nose up against mine while the hand, still cradling my face, drew me closer. My heart rate and breathing increased and I felt a tingle in my stomach, along with a strange sensation in my girly bits that I’d never encountered before. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

  “I’m going to go ahead and grab a quick shower. You might want to grab a bite to eat. When we land, we’ll be taken right away to the Chateau for the meeting and probably not get a bit of food until late tonight. You’ll need some sustenance on your stomach to handle the amount of alcohol we’ll taste.” His tone was authoritative and his look told me that I didn’t dare argue.

  He grabbed a suit and shoes from the closet and placed them in the bedroom before entering the bathroom and locking the door.

  What the hell was that? So you got the job based on your skills and can learn what you don’t know along the way. He wants you to train him, while he trains you, but is he talking about just business or something more? There seems to be an underlying tone to everything.

  I shook my head, dismissing my mind’s thoughts and headed toward the kitchen to see what was available for breakfast. There was an array of standard American doughnuts, a couple of croissants, bagels, a variety of condiments, along with some smoked ham and salmon. I looked around the kitchen to see if there were any other offerings, only to realize that the plane must not have the capacity to toast or cook anything, because all the items in the mini-fridge were premade and wrapped, with dates on them.

  I spotted an orange juice, so I grabbed one, along with another cup of coffee, and a bagel with some cream cheese and smoked salmon. I’d been so used to just having coffee for breakfast that this was a treat. My conscience seemed to be doing cartwheels over some of the perks so far, but warned me to be careful.

  I was busy in thought, updating the current stats on sales projections for some of the buyers who purchased through Prescott International, when I heard, “It’s your turn, hon . . . Your turn, Marissa.”

  Had he almost called me honey? Hmm, so much for backing off from his pursuits. I looked back and almost stepped on my lower jaw. He was dripping wet and steamy from his shower and shave, with only a small towel hanging low around his hips. OMG, he’s sin on a stick!

  I refocused my mind and headed toward the bathroom as he headed to the bedroom to get dressed. I was surprised to see some of the vanity items he’d purchased for the house, already out and awaiting my use in one of the mounted bins on the counter.

  The shower was small, but the water felt heavenly as I washed away the sleep and anxiety of the night. This would be my first meeting and I needed to look the part of his co-worker. My only complaint was that shaving one’s legs in a shower stall that size was near impossible, but somehow I accomplished it and was thanking the pilots for no bouts of turbulence during the process.

  It wasn’t until I dried off, blow dried my hair, and put on my makeup that I’d realized how hasty I’d been to get into the bathroom. I hadn’t s
elected any attire to put on and didn’t even know what was packed, or where. Damn girl! You should’ve thought this through. You’re going to have to hope that he’s kind enough to put out some clothes for you or you’re going to have to walk out of here in just a towel and hope for the best.

  My hand rested on the handle as a knock came at the door, making me jump. “Are you almost done in there, Marissa?”

  “Yes, but I have a small problem.” I had to deal with things head on, so why not go ahead and admit my mistake.

  “What’s wrong?” Dane’s voice was laced with concern.

  My voice shook. “I was in a hurry and didn’t think about picking out anything to wear and don’t know where my items are anyway.”

  I could hear him laughing. “Open the door for me, I have to see.”

  “Don’t you dare laugh at me.” I tried to play the part of the damsel in distress. “I’m scared here and you’re acting like a dark knight.”

  His laughter stopped and his voice boomed. “Open this door, NOW, Marissa.”

  I would’ve normally told him to go to hell, being spoken to like that, but something about Dane made me want to follow his orders. I made sure the towel was wrapped tightly around me, leaving nothing to his viewing pleasure and opened the door.

  He had one hand on his hip and the other on the doorway. I watched as his eyes took in the full length of me, twice. The hand on his hip came out to grab mine and opened the door to the bedroom, ushering me inside.

  I was surprised to see a dress, with a fitted jacket, was already lying on the bed, along with some racy lingerie, accessorizing jewelry, and a pair of black peep toe Jimmy Choos. Everything looked amazing, but the sizes on the attire and the few scrap pieces of lingerie frightened me.

  “I can’t possibly fit into some of these items? I’m much bigger than the sizes here.” I balked.


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