I Need You Always

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I Need You Always Page 9

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

Dane spun me around and pressed me up against one wall, his hands placed on each side of my head, caging me in. “Your shopper assured me these will fit. She went based on your current measurements, not the size of the clothes you used to wear.”

  His breathing was coming faster and desire seemed to pool in his eyes, scaring me. I put my hands up to his chest and pushed him away. “I need to get dressed. I’ll try the items on, but I’m not exactly comfortable with the undergarments or the shoes. I’ve only ever worn flats or low heels.”

  He stepped back, giving me room. Thank goodness! But, I have to admit that some crazy part of me wondered what it would feel like if he were closer. Would my body react to him, the way it did when we kissed? Then the words from my past, “You’re nothing but a cold bitch,” came crashing through my mind. My body shuttered.

  His face came close to mine. Dane’s voice filled with concern. “Are you all right? I didn’t frighten you did I?”

  I looked into his eyes. “I’m fine, just a bad memory. Can I please have some privacy to dress?”

  He backed away and exited the bedroom.

  I WENT BACK TO work, comparing notes on products currently offered in the gourmet shops we catered to. I wanted to ensure they didn’t already have similar wines and accompaniments to what we were sampling today. Only one of the wines would be in question, but pending the flavor and price of the wine, we might be able to talk our buyers into switching.

  I was comparing the prices the items sold for, in the local market, with what similar items might sell for in American stores, when I heard the bedroom door open and looked up, my mind went blank. Marissa stood in the doorway looking like the vixen I knew she could be.

  “I look terrible.” Her comment caught me off guard.

  My head shook. “You look fabulous. I would’ve never known it was you. You look different, more grown-up and worldly.”

  I watched as she walked, haphazardly, with her shoes over to the table and took her seat. She’d left her jacket open, where every movement of the fabric hugged her like a second skin, highlighting her best assets. I kept fighting the desire to jump up and pull her into a kiss so I could graze my hands against her ample breasts and rounded hips. But, if I moved, she’d see the wood I now sported, standing at full mast against my pants.

  “Do I have to wear these heels? While I love the design, I’m just not used to them.” She grumbled.

  “I’m afraid all that was packed were heels and sandals. We can always stop at a shop or two while in Bordeaux to see if there’s something you’d find more comfortable. But, I have to admit those shoes make your legs look killer.” I tried to smile and wiggle my eyebrows to add to the effect. Apparently it worked, because her whole face flushed a deep pink.

  We had a driver waiting for us at the airport upon our arrival. He drove us to the Chateau before driving onto Le Relais Franc’s Bed & Breakfast to deposit our bags.

  The meeting started on time at 4 PM with everyone present. Marissa mainly watched as we discussed business in French. I told her I’d translate the items discussed over dinner tonight. One of the family’s represented had a son that spoke some English and he sidled up next to her, a little too close for my comfort, and translated some of our discussion.

  I tried to keep my focus on the meeting, since that was our purpose for being there, but all my mind could see was his finger often grazing her forearm, while he translated, and my mind screaming. She’s MINE you little fuckwad.

  I managed to scowl his direction a couple of times before he finally put some distance between them. But, not before hearing, “Your boyfriend he is jealous of me talking to you, no?”

  Marissa was about to open her mouth to deny that statement, when I shot her a look that told her to stop. I raised one of the glasses. “Darling, it’s time to taste this Cabernet Franc.”

  She took a hesitant sip of the reddish wine. Not realizing it was often used as a blend for other red wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, but it could stand on its own.

  I noticed her face light up when we hit the Cremant de Bordeaux Rose sparkling wine. It was quite pleasant on the palate and paired well with the macaroon pastries, not to be confused with the coconut macaroons, but actual pastries in a variety of flavors and fillings.

  The meeting was quite promising and long. We didn’t get out of there until after 8 in the evening. I was thankful that Marjorie had the foresight to put our reservations a little later, so we’d have plenty of time to get to the restaurant.

  “Ce fut une rencontre plaisir avec vous tous aujourd’hui. Je vais devoir les contrats établis et que nous pouvons les examiner demain. Bonne nuit.” Marissa trembled beside me as I spoke. I guess French was the language of love. I leaned over and whispered, “It means, ‘It was a pleasure meeting with all of you today. I’ll have the contracts drawn up and we can review them tomorrow. Goodnight.’ Just tell them “Merci et bonne nuit Merci.”

  She did as I asked and all the men shook my hand and kissed hers, before parting with an “Au revoir.”

  In the car she asked, “What did I say to them?”

  I laughed and grasped hold of her hand, testing the water to see where I stood. “You told them thank you and good night.”

  “I couldn’t understand half of what was going on in the meeting. If it wasn’t for Jean Luc, I would’ve been totally lost, though his English was lacking. He kept flirting with me making me uncomfortable. I don’t know if he meant to do that or he just didn’t understand how to translate.”

  “Jean Luc is known is these parts as a ladies man. He’ll bed anything and everything he can. So be leery of him. He wants what’s mine.” I stated matter of fact.

  Her breath hitched, but she didn’t have much time to think about things before we were at the restaurant. It was a small hole in the wall, but it had some of the best food for the region.

  We kept conversation light during dinner, mainly comparing likes and dislikes with music, food, and so forth. To my surprise, we had very few differences, the biggest one being how little she’s traveled, whereas I’ve been all over the world.

  The dinner went too quickly and we were met by the concierge, at the bed & breakfast, to give us our room keys. “Your luggage has already been taken up to your rooms. Should you need any further assistance or would like a night cap with one of our vineyard’s wine bottles, please let us know.”

  It was too dark outside to see all the beauty that surrounded us. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Marissa’s face when she woke to the rolling hills of grapevines surrounding the place.

  The elevator ride up to our room was quiet. It wasn’t until I opened the door to her room, and followed her in, that she put her hands out against my chest to block me and huffed. “What are you doing? This is my room and you’re not invited in. Plus, I don’t belong to you!”

  “I’m not staying in your room. If you glance over to the bathroom, our rooms share a bathroom. It just made more sense to point this out and go through here to get to my room. If you should need privacy, the door to the bathroom locks on both sides, just be sure to unlock my side when you’re done.”

  “We couldn’t have private en suite bathrooms?”

  I shook my head. “This place was built in the 18th Century. Be glad that it has working plumbing. I always stay here because of the daylight views and the quiet nature of the hotel. Plus, their breakfast is amazing.”

  I dropped her key on her nightstand and then turned to head toward my room. What the hell are you doing man? She’s vulnerable, out of her element, and in one of the most romantic countries in the world. Take your stand now! I paused, pondering my thoughts.

  Her voice was questioning. “Why haven’t you left? I do need to get ready for bed.”

  I turned around to face her, letting my hands come up to cradle both sides of her face. “We have some contracts to write and send to my father for approval. We’ll have to figure out the cost of shipping to the states, resale prices to the distributors, and he
lp set the highest mark on pricing, for similar items, in the U.S. So go ahead and get comfortable because we have at least a couple hours worth of work ahead of us before we can settle for the night.”

  I would be ash if Marissa had the ability to burn me with her stare. “Fine, Dane, I’ll help with the work, but I’m still not yours to own.”

  My thumb traced the side of her cheek. It was no surprise that she leaned into the caress, as I leaned closer to her ear to whisper. “I don’t know why you try to fight these feelings, love. You’ve been hurt, I get that, but I’ll prove to you that we are perfect for one another, so I’m staking my claim now.”

  I gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and walked away, closing the bathroom door, leading to my bedroom, behind me. I only glimpsed the hand that was holding the side of her face, treasuring my kiss, and the puzzled look on her face.

  Before I could even unbutton my shirt, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. “What’s the matter, love?”

  Her face emanated tension and fury. “One, I don’t feel comfortable being called ‘love’! And, two where are my night clothes? All I can find is lingerie and I can’t parade around her wearing a thong and a bra.” She opened the door wide, for me to look through her suitcase.

  I walked over to her bag lay open and pulled out a long burgundy peignoir set, complete with robe. “Here’s one of your nightly garments. There are several others right here in this section of your case.” She came over and glanced in the area I’d found the sleepwear at.

  Her eyes looked terrified of what she saw. “Where’s my night shirts, my sleep shorts; what I feel most comfortable in?”

  “I didn’t pack them. You’re too beautiful to be dressed in those hideous items. But, if you’re adamant about needing something to dress down in, I can offer you one of my t-shirts and can sleep without it.”

  Her eyes looked me up one side and down the other. She stuttered. “I-I-I think I’ll try to make due with what I have. Just be sure to put a shirt on when you come back over. I’ll leave the bathroom unlocked when I’m done.”

  I couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across my face as I headed back to my room. One battle down, several more to go, until she’s mine.

  The next several hours were a battle of wills. Marissa was even lovelier than I could’ve ever imagined in her nightgown. The burgundy worked wonderfully with her skin tone and made her look like she was glowing. We’d worked quite close to one another and every brush of her skin against mine, kept me in an aroused state. My mind kept repeating the words, “Mine.” It was all I could do to focus on the contracts.

  I’d explained what I needed her to do on the computer to help outline the pricing and showed her the research on my laptop, which showed similar wines selling at specific prices within U.S. gourmet shops.

  It took a little longer than expected, but we finalized everything on our end around three in the morning, which meant it was nine in the morning back at home. I was just thankful for my dad being an early riser.

  I ‘d been on the phone with him and turned around to give Marissa the good news that we were done for the evening, when I noticed she’d fallen asleep. I gathered the paperwork off the bed and shut down her computer system, before tucking her in and turning off the lights and heading over to my side. I left the doors open between us and a small nightlight on in the bathroom so we could see.

  I’d settled down and was nearly asleep when I heard screaming. I bolted upright trying to figure out where it was coming from. Oh, shit . . . its Marissa.

  I ran through to her room, seeing her thrashing in bed. “You’re hurting me. I thought this wasn’t supposed to hurt. Make it stop. I can’t take it anymore. Damn you!”

  I turned on the side light by the bed and reached for her shoulders, gently shaking them. “Marissa, you need to wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”

  She was unresponsive, still repeating the same words over and over. I finally sat on the side of the bed, grabbed hold of her shoulders and demanded. “You will wake up NOW!”

  Her eyes sprang open. She looked around the room in a hurry, then breathed a sigh of relief before throwing her arms around me, nearly squeezing me in two, as the tears began to pour down her cheeks.

  “Thank you.” She mumbled.

  I ran my hands up and down her back in circles, trying to calm her. “Can I ask what that was all about?”

  “No.” She shook as she said the word.

  “I have my own nightmares, from time to time. I like talking them out. Why don’t you give it a try?” I continued holding her tight, trying to will some of my strength to her, so she’d talk to me.

  “I’m sorry, Dane. I . . .” Her words drifted off.

  I leaned back, taking her face in my hands and trying to wipe away the tears with my thumbs. I looked into her eyes. “It’s okay. I’m surprised I haven’t had a nightmare for you to encounter yet, but when I do, it’ll always be about my sister.”

  Marissa’s eyes held a puzzling look. “I’m so sorry for your loss. But, why do you have nightmares?”

  “I’d needed to talk with her that night. I’d decided to break things off with my girlfriend, who was supposed to have been faithful to me. But, when I went to her place to call it off, I found her screwing my best friend. I know it shouldn’t matter, since I was calling it quits, but the idea that she’d do this behind my back hurt.”

  Her hand came up to cradle the side of my face and neck. “I walked away and told them both never to speak to me again. I called my sister and asked if I could come over and talk with her. She insisted we meet somewhere because she was feeling pent up being on modified bed rest. I reluctantly agreed, because I knew she’d be the only one to help me sort out the feelings I was having for you, along with the hurt I was feeling from my betrayal.

  “An hour passed and my sister never showed at the coffee shop. I was starting to get pissed at her for standing me up, when I heard someone talk about a massive wreck along University Boulevard. Something felt off, so I hopped in my car and drove that direction, only to find her car having been hit head on and the EMT’s giving her CPR at the site, calling in a helicopter to transport her. I felt like my life ended that night. Gabriella was my sister and best friend. We had a bond that most didn’t understand.”

  I looked up to see Marissa still crying. “Dane, you couldn’t have known the events of that night. If you did and tried to alter them, they might’ve still happened at a later time.”

  I attempted to smile. “I know, but those images, along with the ones of her hooked up to life support in the hospital, haunt me. I feel somehow responsible, though I know it wasn’t me, nor was it the person who hit her because he was a victim in all this, too. She had an undetected aneurysm, in her brain that would’ve burst at some point. Who knows how long she had left?”

  I glanced over at a painting on the wall, needing somewhere else to focus. “As for the guy who hit her; he’s still fighting for his life, after being drugged and being in the accident. I first blamed him until we received the toxicology results and discovered someone had put some form of date rape drug that interacted with some of the medicine he was already taking for high blood sugar.”

  Marissa pulled back, “OMG, you’re not talking about Ethan Mackenzie, are you?”

  I could feel my brows crease. “Yes. Why?”

  “He’s my brother’s best friend. They both went to a fraternity reunion party that night, when my brother, Nate, got a message that he was to fly out in a couple hours to a new assignment.”

  “I didn’t know your brother was there that night. I’ll give him a call later this week, to talk with the police and see if he can help put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out who’s ultimately responsible for this whole fiasco.”

  Her arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug. The smell of her lotion, a cross between vanilla and strawberries had my mind spinning with desire for Marissa.

  I pulled back a bit. “I’ve told yo
u my nightmares. Now it’s time for you to spill your secrets.”

  THERE’S NOTHING LIKE DANE putting me on the spot. My mind was still wrapped around how our lives were intermixed. If I hadn’t worked with him, I was likely to come in contact with him through my brother or with Ethan. So I might as well come clean, but how was I going to tell Nate everything. I’d still kept him in the dark about Tom.

  “My brother told me you’d both met at a club, but refused to tell me which one. So I don’t know how well you know one another. I need you to promise to let me tell him because he doesn’t know.”

  Dane held up both hands in surrender. “You have my word that no secrets shared tonight will leave this room.”

  I took a deep breath and began. “My ex, Tom Reynolds, was a controlling bastard. He came on sweet and innocent, but turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. My brother tried to warn me about him, but I wouldn’t listen.”

  I stopped for a moment, trying to figure out how best to explain things, when Dane grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze of encouragement.

  “I’d dated only a little bit, but it never lasted longer than a couple of weeks going out with someone. My life was in turmoil because my dad made some bad investments, some of his clients pulled away leaving them with little to no funds, only barely able to help me stay in school with a small amount of room and board. That’s why I took the paid internship with your dad’s company, so I could get some extra funds and stay in school until graduation.

  “I’d felt lost, trying too hard to please everyone so I could get their attention, whether it was my parent’s, boyfriend’s, or anyone. I had abandonment issues, but Tom came into the picture and seemed to take care of everything.”

  Dane lifted my chin, where he could see my eyes. “Marissa, what do you mean by taking care of everything?”

  “He showed me lots of attention, took me out to eat, bought me some clothes, and basically showered me with love, or so I thought. My friends, and brother, complained that he was alienating me from them. I disagreed and thought they were just jealous of my relationship, but things shifted.”


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