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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

Page 52

by Uvi Poznansky

  Thirty minutes later, they’d managed to make their way out from the reception and sat inside Murphy’s car in the parking lot.

  Hesitating, Murphy stared into her eyes. “I want to kiss you so badly, Kate.” He smiled ruefully. “But I’m afraid if I kiss you now, I won’t be able to stop.”

  Kate grinned delightedly and Murphy grinned back. Peering through the windshield, Murphy turned his attention to the jam-packed parking lot as he turned the key in the ignition. “Are you still living at the cabin?” he questioned.

  Kate appeared startled by the question. There was an odd tone in her voice when she answered. “Yeah.”

  He raised a questioning brow. “What?”


  “Your voice sounded kind of strange when you answered me – that’s all.”

  “Oh – it’s just that I’ve made some changes since the last time you were there.”

  He nodded distractedly, as he shifted the car into gear.

  Murphy drove through the exit of the parking lot quietly and hung a left onto the access road. He was beginning to feel really drained. After all, he’d been up the entire night.

  Kate silently studied him from the passenger seat of his Lexus.

  “What?” Murphy asked, aware that her eyes were searching his face.

  Giving him a hesitant smile, she shook her head. “It’s just that – you’ve become so successful, Michael. I’ve heard you’ve been made a partner at your company, and you have a great apartment in downtown Chicago.” She motioned with her hand. “And even this car is amazing.”

  “Maybe not for too much longer, Kate,” he said, as his eyes met hers. She definitely seemed surprised by his response. “By the way, I’m not engaged anymore, if that was your subtle way of leading into the question.”

  Suddenly, she smiled and nothing else mattered. Somehow still managing to manipulate the steering wheel of his car, he reached for her hand and squeezed it.

  Turning his car into her driveway, Murphy abruptly stepped down on the brakes, staring dazedly ahead at where the cabin had once stood. “Kate?” Astonished, he turned to her for an explanation.

  She gave him a tender smile.

  “You built my house, Kate?” he asked excitedly. Eagerly now, Murphy drove further along the driveway, pulling his car to a halt when he reached the three-car garage.

  He smiled wryly. “You changed a few things?”

  Kate grinned. “Two-car garage, three-car garage – what’s the difference? I needed a larger workshop. I even attached a greenhouse. You’re gonna love it, Michael.”

  Murphy had already jumped out of the car. He rushed up the steps of the wraparound porch and began studying the siding and materials. Enthusiastically, he peered inside through the windows as he strolled along the extended length of the deck. “Seeing it finished, Kate, seeing all the materials you’ve used – it’s not at all what I expected.”

  Kate grew quiet behind him.

  Glancing at her face, Murphy instantly noticed her disappointment. “Oh, no, Kate. I meant what I said in a good way. You’ve completed this home, just as I’d envisioned it. You took the necessary steps to make it unique – something that I’ve never been able to consider since I’ve been drawing up plans at Ryland’s. I’m never allowed any leeway, at all. Mark Ryland looks over my shoulder like I’m still an intern. In fact, after winning that contest back in college, the plans I came up with for this place have been the only original plans I’ve ever drawn up since. I’ve tried to get creative, but Mark always takes on the same old boring projects.

  “Oh, Michael,” Kate said, reaching for his hand. “I’m so sorry.”

  He hesitated, squeezing her hand. “Kate...I’ve taken a month’s vacation from work. But I’m pretty sure that, once I return, I’ll be giving Mark my notice.”

  She gave him a tender smile. “Don’t make a decision now. Whatever you decide to do, I’ll go along with it.”

  His eyes were wide as he moved in closer. “Kate?”

  In silent acknowledgement, she nodded. “Callahan Construction managed to do alright without me when I went away to school. I can do a lot of the work long distance, now.” She smiled, wryly. “I think that Kelly’s planning on taking over the financials, eventually, when she graduates from college. And Jeff’s a whiz with computers – he’s updated our system three times in the last six years.”

  Still holding Murphy’s hand, Kate led him around on the deck of the house until they reached the lakefront.

  Murphy stilled, taking in the view. “Oh, Kate – this is perfect. It’s just as I imagined it.” The deck was huge and extended over the roof of the brand new boathouse, built to encompass the shore. A wall of windows opened up to the deck from inside. A discreetly hidden staircase climbed up alongside the house providing access down to the lake from all four floors.

  All the while, Murphy couldn’t take his eyes off Kate. Her hips swayed invitingly as she stepped across the porch in that sexy blue dress.

  From the moment he’d seen her today, he’d had exactly the same reaction as he’d had nearly seven years ago. And he was becoming increasingly aroused by the second. “Show me inside, Kate,” he asked hoarsely. He needed to touch her – and to hold her. He just couldn’t wait any longer.

  Silently, she unlocked the front door. Reaching for his hand, she tugged gently and pulled him inside to the foyer.

  Pushing shut the door, Murphy dropped her hand as he turned and stared at her. Before Kate could utter a word, he yanked her into his arms, his mouth hotly, hungrily covering hers.


  Michael’s kiss was everything she remembered – and just so much more. The kiss swirled down and around her like fiery heat, satisfying places inside of her that’d longed for him, for what seemed like forever.

  Just as abruptly, Murphy suddenly surprised her by easing her back against his shoulder. His gaze was intense, but thoughtful, as his hand glided soothingly over her shoulder. Their bodies touched at intervals where the pressure of him was warm and hard, yet reassuring. His hand was gentle as it brushed across the side of her face.

  “I want our first time together to be special, Kate,” he said, softly.

  “Don’t you realize that every time we’re together it already is special, Michael? This entire day has been extraordinary from the moment you showed up to stop the wedding.” She sighed contentedly, as a flood of desire filled Kate’s heart and invaded her senses. “This has been a day I’ll remember for the rest of my life.”

  His hand moved through her hair, cupping the back of her head, angling her face towards his. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion, Kate thought suddenly. It was all just so unreal.

  And when Murphy’s mouth covered hers, her every sense was invaded again by that sizzling spark of fiery heat. Kate closed her eyes, sinking into the kiss, letting herself do nothing but feel the fire.

  Keeping her wrapped tightly within his arms, Murphy finally broke away from their kiss. “I’m so tired, Kate. I was driving all night.” Smiling wryly, he gazed back into her eyes. “And I’ve hardly slept all week – because I was so upset about the fact that you were, supposedly, getting married.”

  Kate grinned wryly.

  Murphy laughed, before grimacing and wrinkling his nose. “Plus, I could really use a shower.”

  Kate laughed softly. “Really?” She shook her head dazedly. “I never even noticed.”

  Murphy smiled enigmatically.

  Kate smiled back as she rolled her eyes and reached for his hand. “C’mon.”

  Kate led him through the house. Murphy vaguely took in the details of the interior as she pulled him up the staircase into the master suite. The colors of the walls and finishes were lovely, in muted shades of blues and greens.

  “You added an extra floor, too?”

  “Yeah. One flight of stairs leads down into the family room, and there’s access into the boathouse. I decided on two flights of stairs leading up into the bedr
ooms as a safety precaution in case of a fire.”

  “Good idea,” he muttered.

  Kate continued, “And I turned the entire fourth floor into a master suite. I needed a larger walk-in closet and bathroom than your original plans allowed for. Plus, I really wanted a soaker tub, too. Some nights, I’m pretty tired and sore when I’ve been working on site.”

  When they finally reached the top of the staircase, Murphy stared with amazement at the open, airy suite. “A skylight?” Murphy grinned. “This is great.” He searched the room, taking in all the details. The colors of the fireplace surround were contemporary and vibrant, in blues and greens, and were carried on into the master bath. After stopping and staring for a minute, Murphy stepped past the fireplace and headed towards the entrance of the bathroom. “Did you do all of this tile work, Kate?”

  “I thought that the interior needed these pops of color.” She hesitated. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. It’s absolutely beautiful.” He yawned, suddenly exhausted. “God, what we could do together.” And then, with realization dawning, his eyes met hers. “That’s it. Kate,” he mumbled wearily.

  But taking him in hand, Kate slowly began removing his shirt. Relishing the look of approval in her eyes as Kate slowly began stripping away his clothes, his mind went blank on everything but the feel of her hands on him.

  When he was naked, Murphy offered her a lazy grin. With consternation, she was staring down at his jutting arousal. He cleared his throat. “Some parts of me aren’t as tired as the rest.”

  Kate laughed, rolling her eyes upward. She reached into the shower to turn on the water.

  Murphy continued to stare at her intently. “You’re gonna join me, I hope?”

  “Somebody’s gonna have to soap you up.”

  Murphy’s jaw dropped. Suddenly, he felt a little less tired. “Turn around, Kate. I’ve been dying to get you out of that dress since the moment I first saw you in it.”

  She grinned and complied.

  When Murphy began tugging down her zipper, Kate peeked over her shoulder, still grinning.

  But Murphy’s mouth went dry as her skin was slowly exposed. “Ah – no bra?”

  “It’s not as though I actually need one,” she announced, dryly.

  He gave her breasts a heated glance. “Ah, Kate. Your breasts are perfect. If you only knew how many times I’ve thought about those breasts over these last six years,” he admitted wryly.

  Grabbing her hand, he yanked her into the shower with him.

  Propping himself against the wall of the shower, he closed his eyes, and sighed, as Kate ran her hands over his back and shoulders, exploring and becoming familiar with the textures of his skin.

  He opened his eyes reluctantly. “We’re gonna wait, and make love later – since I’m so tired. Once I start, I don’t wanna have to stop.” He grinned. “No way, is our first time gonna be a quickie.” He cleared his throat. “But I’m gonna have to do something about this right now, Kate,” he added wryly, glancing downward.

  Her eyes became huge. Silently, her mouth formed an ‘o’. But then she grinned, stepping out from the shower. “That’s fine, Michael. I’ll...err...get the towels? Since I’ve waited this long for you already,” she glanced over him appreciatively from head to toe, “I think I can wait just a little bit longer.” Her eyes lingered obviously on his arousal before Kate frowned, glancing back at his face. “You really do look tired.”

  When Murphy eventually stepped out from the shower, Kate took over, quickly drying and wrapping a towel around his waist. God, he was so exhausted.

  She tugged him by the hand into the bedroom. Pulling down the comforter, she lightly shoved Murphy into the bed. He felt the soft gentle touch of her kiss on his lips as his exhaustion immediately took over. Within moments, he was sound asleep.


  After Michael had fallen asleep, Kate realized it might be a little more difficult for her. She still couldn’t believe he was here.

  Moving into the bathroom, she scooped up the gown she’d worn to the wedding and returned it neatly into her closet. She grinned. At least it wouldn’t require dry cleaning – she’d only worn it for about four or five hours. Picking up Michael’s clothing, which was scattered all over the bathroom floor, she returned to the bedroom and laid his shirt and jeans over the back of the chair near the fireplace.

  Ah – what the heck. Still wearing her robe, she slipped under the covers and settled in snugly next to Michael, wrapping an arm around his waist.

  Kate must’ve been more tired than she’d realized. When she awoke to the touch of a finger running gently along the side of her face, she was momentarily startled. It took only seconds for her to remember – Michael was here.

  “Just a minute.” Kate pulled down the comforter. “Let me get rid of this robe.”

  Silently, Murphy crawled across the bed. Pulling her into his arms, he covered her mouth with his. “I can’t believe I’m here,” he whispered, when they finally surfaced for air.

  She fell back onto the bed after Murphy helped her remove her robe and tossed it down onto the floor. Every point of contact was hot as Murphy caressed her, dragging his hands and mouth along from her lips and on to the smooth soft hollow of her throat, before moving down to sip at the nipple of her breast.

  Oh, how she adored the power in his incredibly muscular body. She loved the weight of him, along with the tang of his scent. When he suddenly moved off of her, she felt bereft. But then his mouth found her breast again, and she was alive with desire and sensation as his teeth pulled gently at her nipple.

  Gradually, he moved his mouth lower, over her stomach and between her thighs, tasting and stroking, letting no single part of her go untouched or unloved.

  The tension built to an incredible degree, finally spilling free with a soft explosive cry from Kate. She found such delight in touching him, running her hands up and down the length of his back and over his buttocks.

  And when he groaned, she urged Murphy closer, wanting – needing – to feel him inside of her.

  It was the ultimate connection they’d both been seeking since they’d met all those years before. And as he finally slid into her, everything in Kate’s world became completely right.


  Murphy had to search for breath. His chest felt tight as his heart started pounding against his chest. Kate’s irresistible pull had him sending his arms tightly around her waist as he helplessly dropped his mouth down on hers.

  She tasted like fire. But maybe that was the just the heat running feverishly though his body and straight to his groin. When his endlessly demanding kiss parted her lips, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth so he’d be able to taste more of her. The sweet moist curve of her mouth had him envisioning all the places he’d just had the pleasure of tasting. He’d been holding back desire until now, and it was flooding past his defenses. He couldn’t stop the need that was running through him.

  A need she obviously felt, too. She was kissing him back, running her hands around him and across his buttocks. Her fingers were firing up the heat already coursing through his body.

  He was hot and hard, and she was on fire.

  He thrust deeper, and harder, and Kate gasped, as her body arched greedily under his.

  He lifted his shoulders up a little further, enough to appreciate the way her body, all slender curves, became hotter and more flushed with each powerful thrust. Covetously, she absorbed his forceful penetration as he rode her, and filled her. Murphy watched with satisfaction as he pushed her step by step closer to fiery fulfillment.

  He felt the tension inside her coil, and felt her tighten beneath him. Her thighs gripped his as he released, held and beckoned. As her ragged breathing filled the air, it was a softer sound overlaying the rasp of his own staggered breath.

  She reached for him, and tried to pull him down to her. Without breaking their rhythm, he shifted his hips, pressing more intimately between hers. His thrusts became deeper st

  Harder still.

  Her body tightened beneath his, closing powerfully around his. The heat of her drove him on, taking him with her into the world beyond flames, into the pleasure of fulfillment and satiation.

  And intense satisfaction

  Until they fell, hearts thundering, senses energized, as their souls became one.

  “Oh, Michael.”

  “Oh, Kate,” he responded, softly. He wrapped her gently into his arms.

  So this is what it’s like to really love someone, he thought, and to be loved in return. He was at peace, at home in Kate’s arms, where he was always meant to be.


  But, as a pair of deep dark eyes peered into the bedroom from outside the sliding glass doors, Kate and Murphy were totally unaware that they had an audience. Filled with silent fury, those eyes held hatred and jealousy as they beheld the couple in the bed, lying wrapped within each other’s arms. Creeping slowly down the staircase and moving across the dock, their uninvited visitor stepped into the boat tied off and hidden near the shore. Once he was far enough away from the shore, he turned the key in the ignition. Forcefully shifting the motor of the cruiser into gear, he disappeared into the night.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The cell phone she’d left on the nightstand suddenly began to ring. Turning over and squinting at her alarm clock, Kate groaned, checking out the time. Six a.m. on a Sunday morning? She frowned. Something must be wrong.

  Reaching for the phone, she stared at the name displayed on the caller I.D. before switching it on. “Hey, Kelly.”

  “Kate, we have a really big problem. Dad wanted me to give you a call. A bunch of materials went missing last night from the Clarkson job. We’re talking about thousands of dollars’ worth of wooden flooring, along with the tile for the kitchen and bathrooms. Heck, Kate, even the kitchen sink was taken.”

  Kate groaned as Kelly continued to discuss a few more of the details.


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