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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

Page 54

by Uvi Poznansky

  And her clients were always satisfied, according to Luke Arnett.

  She was simply amazing.

  And when they made love...they were so attuned to each other, it was unreal. Murphy smiled with deep-seated satisfaction considering that aspect of their relationship.

  Murphy gazed towards the lake before he returned his attention to the grill. Maybe he was imagining it, but sometimes he had a strange feeling that someone was watching them – which was odd considering there were very few homes located on this end of the lake. Shrugging, he shook off his uneasiness. He and Kate had decided to cook out, when Dylan had shown up unexpectedly. Normally, Murphy would’ve been irritated, but Dylan was obviously distracted tonight, and he seemed strangely troubled.

  And Murphy had been somewhat preoccupied himself, all day – now it was time to decide what to do with his life. Surprisingly, he hadn’t had a call from Mark Ryland. He knew that’d he’d hear from him sooner or later. Murphy happened to know that Mark made more of a profit, from his design work, than from any other architect working in his firm. Murphy seemed to have a way with people, he’d been told, and he was popular with the clients.

  Mark was probably attempting to come up with a plan to entice him to return. A bigger office? Murphy grimaced. Maybe more money? Nothing that really mattered so much anymore.

  The only thing that mattered now was Kate. He’d just take everything else day by day, he decided. He’d even come up with a tentative plan after hearing a name mentioned in town the previous week.

  Brian Johnson – the architect responsible for refurbishing many of the lakefront homes and several of the cabins was here in Crystal Rock.

  Supposedly, Brian was looking for a partner. From what Murphy had heard, Brian worked with traditional concepts – and he wanted to take on an architect who would focus on contemporary design. Murphy couldn’t have asked for a job more tailor made for him.

  He’d have to find an opportunity to talk with Brian Johnson, before mentioning the idea to Kate. Although, she didn’t seem to be visibly worried on the outside, Murphy had a sneaking suspicion Kate was afraid he’d return to Chicago.

  He mentally shook himself. Not likely. He knew where his happiness lay now. He and Kate would work things out – he’d make damned sure of it.

  Thoughtfully, Murphy turned his gaze to Kate and Dylan, where they were both leaning up against the railing of the deck, and he frowned. They seemed to be pretty close. He supposed he didn’t have any reason to be jealous – Kate had revealed that her relationship with Dylan had remained platonic for the last few years. But he just couldn’t help it. The thought of Kate sleeping with another guy...well...he rolled his eyes. He’d better get over it. After all, the past was the past. There’d been other women in his life, too, even before he’d met Amanda.

  Murphy returned his attention to the grill and began flipping the burgers.


  Kate was engrossed in the conversation she and Dylan had begun, while Murphy was busy grilling the burgers. She’d been able to tell from the moment Dylan arrived that something was bothering him, and it hadn’t taken too much effort to coax the information out of him.

  “Is something wrong, Dylan?”

  Dylan grimaced. “It’s just that work is really getting to me, Kate. Something must be going on with Jim Dupree in his personal life. He’s been acting even more wacko than usual, lately. I was getting ready to patrol my regular route yesterday, when Jim insisted on switching up with me for the entire day. Usually we alternate on a weekly basis. I just can’t figure out his motives for shaking up our schedules all the time. And now he even makes me check in at the office before I’m allowed to take the boat out on the lake. It wastes a lot of time, when one of us should be out patrolling.”

  “Is there anyone else in charge you can talk to – about Jim and his behavior, Dylan?”

  He shook his head. “Not really, Kate. He’s got seniority. But I’ve come to a decision.” Dylan sighed. “I probably won’t be hanging out with you guys as much for a while.” He grinned, before staring at Murphy as he flipped the burgers on the grill. “Why do I have a feeling that you’re probably not gonna miss me too much?”

  Kate rolled her eyes but then she grinned. “So, what are you planning on doing, Dylan?”

  Dylan shrugged. “I’m just gonna keep an eye on Jim, when I have time off – follow him around a bit – see what he’s up to. Maybe if I can figure him out, I might be able to understand why he behaves the way he does.”

  Kate stared at Dylan, not bothering to hide her concern.

  Abandoning the burgers on the grill and taking a sip from his beer, Murphy began to approach them when he saw the worried frown on Kate’s face. “What’s the problem?”

  “It’s Jim Dupree – Dylan’s boss. He’s been causing Dylan some trouble at work, lately. Dylan’s decided he’d gonna follow him around on his days off, to discover what Jim’s up to.”

  “Jim Dupree. That name sounds vaguely familiar.” Murphy frowned, racking his brain. “Didn’t I meet the guy once?”

  Kate nodded. “Yeah, come to think of it – it might’ve been back on that same day we discovered the missing lumber at the campgrounds.”

  Murphy brushed his hand across his jaw. “From what I can remember, the guy is really strange.”

  Dylan agreed with a brusque nod. “I’m tired of always arguing with him. Maybe if I can figure out why he’s so hostile, I might be able to get along with him better.”

  Kate laughed outright. “Yeah – right. Good luck with that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kate sat in her new home office with plans for Callahan Construction’s next project spread out before her on the desk. Impatiently, she thumbed through her manual, gathering together costs of the particular doors and windows that’d been requested by her client.

  A knock suddenly sounded at the back door.

  Kate’s head jerked up as she glanced at the clock on the wall. Had Murphy forgotten his keys? He’d only been gone for a few minutes. Before he’d headed off into town this morning, he’d been acting mysterious. Maybe she should’ve been worried? But, no – he’d been in such a great mood.

  Jumping up from her seat, she strolled through the kitchen and into the foyer and peeked through the glass in the door.

  A lovely stranger, wearing a clinging black sundress, stood outside on the back porch. Although she seemed to be distraught, the woman haughtily raised her brow when Kate opened the door.

  Kate frowned at her. “I’m sorry, can I help you?”

  “I’m here for Murphy.”

  Kate blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

  Without asking for permission, the woman burst through the door. “My fiancée?” Studying Kate with obvious disdain, she let her eyes rove over her from head to toe. “I just discovered he was staying here.”

  Kate was taken aback. Fiancée? Murphy said he’d ended the engagement. She stared at the beautiful woman with her dark black hair and deep blue eyes, observing her abundant amount of curves.

  Just for a moment, Kate felt insecure. But why should she be? “I’m not really sure what time he’ll be home. He had some business to take care of in town.”

  Without another word, the woman turned towards the living room. Raising her brow again at Kate, she determinedly made her way through the foyer and entered the room.

  She came to a sudden halt, apparently taken aback, and her eyes searched the room with its vaulting ceiling and wall of windows.

  Inwardly, Kate smiled. The room was rather spectacular, she had to admit.

  Apparently regaining her composure, Amanda Ryland sat on the couch near the wall of windows overlooking the lake.

  Kate sighed heavily. Well, this was fun. Obviously, there’d be no avoiding a confrontation. Kate decided to return to her office, since it was located alongside the kitchen. After all, the woman wasn’t here for a social call.

  For the next few minutes, Kate attempted to conce
ntrate on her work. But when she heard the sound of Murphy’s car in the driveway, Kate rose from her desk as he pulled up inside the garage.

  Grimly, Murphy strolled in through the breezeway from the garage. He stared at Kate for a long hard moment. “I recognized Amanda’s car in the driveway, Kate. I’m really sorry,” he muttered, holding her gaze. “I never expected her to show up here.” His eyes searched the room as he stepped into the kitchen. “Where is she?”

  Kate motioned silently towards the living room.

  Murphy looked upward, impatiently rolling his eyes. Reaching over to Kate, he tapped her chin reassuringly with his finger.

  And then he grinned.

  The tension between them was suddenly eased.

  And Kate grinned back.

  When Murphy sighed resignedly, Kate grimaced, and gently shoved him towards the living room.

  After seating herself nearby in the kitchen, Kate tried to ignore the rumble of voices, along with the pleading in the woman’s voice, as she spoke with Murphy.

  Murphy was irritable and impatient, but adamant.

  Finally, the woman stood up and made her way back through the kitchen, with barely a sideways glance at Kate.

  “I forgive you Murphy,” she said in a cold, clear voice. “When you’re finished with this...fling,” she spat out, “I’ll be waiting to return to Chicago with you.” Pulling open the back door, she glanced with disdain at Kate. Turning back to the living room, Amanda stared at Murphy. “I’ve taken a room at the Dragonfly Pointe Inn. Meet me there, when you’ve finally come to your senses.” She slammed the door behind her as she left.

  Hearing the gravel flying as Amanda sped up to the main road in her car, Kate stood gazing over at Murphy.

  Suddenly, she was feeling a little insecure again.

  But Murphy seemed only embarrassed. “Oh, Kate. What did I ever see in her?” He rolled his eyes. “She forgives me?” Running a hand through his hair, he shook his head in annoyance. “She’s the one who cheated.”

  Kate stared at Murphy with wide eyes.

  He held up a hand. “Let me get this out. Then, I don’t ever want to talk about Amanda again. Let’s sit down.”

  Kate nodded in agreement.

  Murphy reached for her hand and tugged her outside through the sliding glass doors onto the deck. After dropping down into a lounger, he yanked her into his lap.

  It took a few minutes before he spoke. “I was feeling pretty heartbroken after you stood me up that night, Kate, six-years ago. I’d just broken up with my girlfriend on the phone, right before I drove out here, you know.”

  Taking in a deep unsteady breath, Kate turned to Murphy, and nodded silently.

  Filled with pain, his eyes met hers. “There were a few women afterwards, Kate. And then I met Amanda.” He shrugged. “Need I say more? You’ve seen her. You can guess how persistent she is if she wants something – or someone.”

  Kate sighed, turning her gaze back out towards the lake. “I had every intention of being here that night for you, you know,” she said softly.

  “But, why, Kate? Why weren’t you here?”

  “Michael. Even you should’ve realized that we were just too young then.” When she turned back to him, her eyes were pleading for forgiveness. “I started thinking about it. How would we have ever made it work?”

  “I would’ve figured out a way,” he growled.

  “You had school, and your job. And I knew that I belonged here.” Tears filled her eyes. “If it’s any consolation, it about killed me to let you go.”

  Staring at her for a long hard moment, he finally nodded imperceptibly.

  “We were better off not beginning anything in the first place, then having a relationship we would’ve probably had to break off, anyway.”

  Shrugging, he sighed. “Maybe.”

  “Because of you, I went on to school Michael. I got my business degree. Took design classes. I even took some introductory courses to learn about architecture.”

  Murphy was startled. “Really?”

  She nodded. “If we would’ve made love that night, it would’ve killed me even more when our jobs took our lives in different directions. You might’ve even changed your career path because of our relationship. Imagine my guilt if you’d have given up your dreams to be with me. You might’ve ended up resenting me, too.”

  Closing his eyes, Murphy sighed, laying his head back against the chair. “Kate, you might be right,” he admitted, reluctantly. “How would I’ve ever known that it wasn’t what I really wanted, working for Ryland’s, if I hadn’t actually taken the job in the first place?” Murphy opened his eyes again. “I also thought I wanted the excitement of living and working in the city, back then, too.”

  She gave him a misty smile. “But, in the back of my mind, what we had was there – you were there, Michael, always in my thoughts.”

  “You probably knew me better than I knew myself,” he whispered. And his forehead fell to hers. “Oh, Kate, I know I haven’t said this yet, but I love you so much.”

  “Oh, Michael,” she answered softly. “I love you like crazy, too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Brian Johnson had been willing to hire him on the spot. But Murphy still wanted to talk over his job offer with Kate. Throughout the entire week, another plan had been forming at the back of his mind.

  A plan that included working with Kate.

  Groggily, Murphy turned over in the bed and reached out for her. When he realized she was already up and awake, he stretched lazily in the bed. At only six a.m., the sun was just beginning to rise.

  Kate was probably already working on plans for her current client, he decided, or out in her workshop. Kate’s mosaic design work had branched into a lucrative side business, and her unique designer accents were featured as artwork in many of her clients’ homes. She’d even taken on soldering and welding when she’d begun recycling metals to use as the framework for her tables.

  Murphy frowned. Kate was as much of a workaholic as he was. Although he’d only been away from work for a couple of weeks, he was already antsy from having too much time on his hands.

  After slipping out from under the covers and pulling on a pair of shorts, Murphy peeked outside through the window. Ah – Kate was swimming in the lake.

  Sliding open the door, Murphy slipped outside onto the deck from the master suite, and made his way quickly down the long wooden staircase.

  Reaching the lower level, he strolled along the wooden planks of the pier. Grinning, he slipped off his shorts. Taking in a deep breath, he dove from the end of the pier.

  Howling, he broke the surface from underneath the water. “Damn – that water’s cold!”

  Kate grinned, skimming the water. “Good morning.” With long smooth strokes, she swam over to greet him.

  Meeting her half-way, Murphy gathered her into his arms. Taking her completely unawares, he gave her a long blistering kiss.

  “What a fantastic way of waking up in the morning,” he finally said.

  “It is a little cold, though.”

  “Bracing,” he answered, as his eyes met hers.

  She smiled.

  And his mouth went dry. “You’re naked,” he said hoarsely. His hands cupped her buttocks as he rubbed himself against her.

  “No kidding,” she answered, sounding rather breathless.

  Enjoying the feel of her body against his, he closed his eyes and grunted.

  She snickered with amusement. “I’m surprised you’re still, so, uh...responsive.

  He grinned, opening his eyes. “Whenever I’m around you, Kate...” Heatedly, he stared into her eyes. “Speaking of which?”

  Her eyes went wide. “Here?” But then she laughed, as her eyes searched the lake. “I guess we’re alone. I don’t even see any fishermen.”

  Murphy’s mouth was already covering hers. All hot and needy, he kissed her longer and harder and deeper when her mouth answered his. His heart began hammering in his chest. She ta
sted like the warmth of the sun and the crisp morning air.

  Making a small hungry sound deep in the back her throat, Kate wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him even closer. Her feet covered his under the water.

  Their blistering kiss continued as Murphy slowly steered them back to stand in the shadows of the boathouse.

  Kate deepened her kiss and the heat of it melted away the last rational thought still left in his head.

  He made a choked sound, and his mouth crushed harder into hers. Her body melted into his, as her lips opened wider under the strength of his kiss. For years, he’d thought about having her like this – her yielding body beneath his, the hard beat of her pulse visible under the pale skin of her throat.

  His hand was shaking when he finally broke away to cup her breast. She was lovely as her strawberry-blonde hair glistened under the light of the rising sun. Staring into her blue, blue eyes, he whispered, hoarsely, “You’re so beautiful, Kate. I dreamed about you like this, you know – after I left here.”

  “Oh, Michael. I was never the same after you left, either”.

  He drew the nub of her nipple into his mouth. Wickedly sweet, it hardened instantly. He wanted to draw her essence into himself – to absorb the warmth and femininity that he’d craved since the moment they’d met.

  When she moaned and crushed herself against him again, he felt the pounding of her heart under his hands. Her fingers slid into his hair, and she stroked her fingers through it again and again.

  He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Turning, Murphy pinned Kate up against the dock.

  Reaching down, she began to guide him into her, and her hot inner muscles clamped around him like a fist.

  Her eyes were closed, and Kate’s movements were slow at first. But her head fell back when Murphy began thrusting, faster and harder, as if she was savoring each of his deep, strong strokes.

  When she climaxed, a cry came tearing out from her throat, and Murphy abruptly came with her, fast and hard.


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