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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

Page 131

by Uvi Poznansky

  “Well, of course, I do. The children would miss you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m their mother, of course they’d miss me. What about you? Would you miss me?”

  “Well, I…yes, I think it’s fair to say I would miss you.”

  She huffed. “Or is it my body you’d miss, not me?” She turned and stomped to her dressing room.

  Blake followed.

  “Nellie, that’s not fair. Ours was not a love match, but one of a practical nature. That we find some modicum of pleasure with each other is a blessing. That I like you is a given. I wouldn’t constantly be making love to you if I didn’t. And it’s not just your body. If I wanted just a body, I could have Maddie.”

  How was she supposed to respond to that? How do you tell your husband he’s a selfish ass, in a nice way?

  She dropped her robe and grabbed her undergarments. She let a silky chemise fall over her head and pulled it down to just past her hips, and then shoved her legs into sturdy cotton bloomers, followed by her corset and slips. Then she put on her best black skirt and crisp, white blouse with lacey front.

  “It’s obvious you’re not staying in bed like you should, with me to cater to all your needs.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “What are your plans for the day? I want to make sure you’re protected.”

  “I’m helping Cook in the garden.”

  “Dressed in your best clothes, you’re digging in the dirt?”

  She stopped looked down at herself and started to laugh.

  “Now what?” He cocked one of his perfect brows.

  “I was concentrating so hard on being angry with you, that I didn’t pay any attention to what I was putting on.”

  She took off the blouse and skirt and placed them both on hangers. Then she took her gardening dress off the hook behind the door where she kept it, away from all of her good clothes. It was brown and covered in a pink floral print.

  “Is that better?” she asked of Blake.

  “Hmm. Not better, but definitely more appropriate.” He frowned. “You are one stubborn woman.”

  “No more so than you are.”

  “I’m determined, not stubborn.”

  “Call it what you want, it amounts to the same thing. Mule-headedness. You’re being an ass.” She rolled her sleeves to the elbows and walked past him. “If you want me, I’ll be in the garden. I do recommend, however, that you dress first. Otherwise you’ll frighten the staff.”

  He heard her chuckle before she shut the door.

  “Darn fool woman,” he muttered under his breath. Then he shook his head. “Great. Now I’m talking to myself.”

  Blake dressed quickly in a three-piece suit, this one gray rather than his normal black, and followed Nellie downstairs. He found her exactly where she said she’d be…in the garden with the trowel in one hand and seeds in the other.

  “What are you planting?”

  “Corn. It would be too late in the season to plant it now back home, but Cook says the growing season is much longer here due to the mild weather.”

  “I’d like for you to come inside. We have things to discuss.”

  “I can’t imagine what.” She didn’t look up but continued with her planting. One seed poked into the soil with her finger, then covered with dirt. After she’d planted about five or six seeds, she dig a small trench with the trowel and plant a few more seeds then dig another trench and so forth. Blake liked watching her. Even doing such a mundane task as planting corn, she was beautiful.

  “Please, Nellie. I want you to tell Nick what happened.”

  “You can tell him. You don’t believe me anyway.”

  “It’s not that I don’t believe you. In all the time I’ve know her, Maddie has never hurt anyone.”

  Nellie stopped, sat back on her heels and stared at him. “How much do you know about this woman? Do you know her at all, or were you just taken with her beauty?”

  “Of course, I know her. She’s worked for me for the past four years as my manager, and before that, she was one of the girls for a couple of years.”

  “Really.” She stood and dusted herself off. “Then you already knew she’d killed the man she told me about?”

  He had his hands fisted on his hips. “That’s ridiculous. Maddie? She wouldn’t hurt a fly. She was just trying to scare you.”

  “Well, it worked. She’s scared me, this paragon of virtue you have working for you.” She stopped when she saw one of the scullery maids, lurking in the doorway. “We’d better go inside. I don’t want the staff to overhear. No reason to air our dirty laundry in front of them.”

  He swept his hand to toward the door. “After you, my lady.”

  She rolled her eyes, dropped the corn in a bucket by the door and the trowel on the ground next to the bucket, before going inside. Stopping in the kitchen, she washed her hands and rolled back down her sleeves.

  Blake waited.

  “I’m ready. When does Nick get here?”

  James interrupted. “I was just on my way to inform Mr. Malone that Mr. Cartwright has arrived. I put him in the library.”

  “Thank you, James. Please have breakfast served in there. You can make plates and bring them in rather than setting out a buffet. Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes and lots of coffee, should do it,” instructed Nellie.

  “Yes, ma’am, right away.”

  She turned to Blake. “Shall we?”

  He grinned. “Whatever you say, Mrs. Malone.”

  While she walked down the hall to the library, she asked, “Why are you grinning?”

  “Because you’re finally acting like you’re staying, like you belong here. You’re instructing the staff, working in the yard, going to market…” He frowned. “No more going to market.”

  She smiled at him. “We’ll see.”

  Opening the door to the library, she strode in like she owned the place, which she realized just now…she did. Blake was right. She had been acting like she was a guest, staying only for a short while. Well, she was staying permanently, and it was past time she started acting like it.

  “Nicholas! How good of you to come.”

  Nellie sailed to Nick, where he stood by the side bar, took both of his hands and put her cheek out for a chaste kiss.

  Nick, ever the gentleman, obliged.

  Although she could tell by the look on his face he was somewhat surprised.

  He looked to Blake, who in turn rolled his eyes.

  “Sit gentlemen, I’ve ordered breakfast to be served in here.”

  “Nellie, I don’t…” said Nick.

  She watched Blake shake his head.

  “Don’t worry, if you’re not hungry, don’t eat, but a plate will be brought for you anyway. You’ll insult Cook, not me, if you don’t eat. So, Nicholas, how are you? I haven’t seen you since the wedding…what, nearly three months ago now? My how time does fly.”

  A discreet knock sounded on the door.

  “Enter,” said Blake.

  James came in followed by one of the scullery maids.

  On their heels was Violet. She was obviously trying to sneak past, but as soon as she cleared the door, she made a beeline for Blake.


  Blake was ready. It wasn’t the first time he’d been ambushed by Nellie’s blond, green-eyed daughter. Ever since Blake had said he was her daddy, she’d been constantly in his lap or his arms, or pulling him with her to her room to play. At least as often as she could.

  “Violet!” scolded Nellie. Was she jealous that her baby suddenly wanted Blake and not her? Maybe a little, but she was also very pleased.

  The little girl stopped and looked at Nellie.

  “How are you supposed to enter a room?” asked Nellie.

  “Walk, don’t run,” said Violet. She started to put her thumb into her mouth, then looked at her mother and put her arms behind her back.

  “Very good. Now give Blake his morning kiss.”

  Blake held out his arms. “Good morni
ng, Sweet Pea.”

  Violet couldn’t stand it anymore and ran to him.

  Nellie rolled her eyes and then looked at Nick. He had the goofiest grin on his face. One of humor and longing. The idea struck her that he was ready to marry, too. She could tell by the way he was looking at Blake and Violet now. He wanted children. She’d have to work on that. The problem was, her only friends, Annie and Cora, were promised to other men. Too bad. She thought Annie and Nick would make a great couple and, if she wasn’t mistaken, there had been a bit of attraction on both of their parts at Nellie and Blake’s wedding.

  Blake’s voice brought her back to the present.

  “What are you doing today, Violet?”

  “Playing. Bertha and Cook are gonna have a tea party with me. Cook said we’d have to do it in the kitchen because she has to fix stuff to eat.”

  “So you’ve wrapped Cook around your finger, too,” said Nellie, shaking her head.

  “I would bet the entire staff is hers to command,” said Nick, with a chuckle.

  “And you’d be right my friend. This house needed children. She and Henry are a breath of fresh air. You should try it,” said Blake with a quick kiss to Violet’s forehead.

  “Does that mean they like us?” asked Violet.

  “Yes, Sweet Pea, we like you very much. All of you,” he looked straight at Nellie. “Your mama included.”

  Nellie’s heart beat a little faster. He liked her. He admitted it to Violet and in front of Nick. He really liked her. That was a start. Soon, if she had her way, he’d love her.

  James put the breakfast plates on the side bar. Nellie was ravenous and picked up one of the plates. She dug into the eggs and was taking a bite of bacon when the nausea hit her. The sensation was immediate, and she ran to the waste can at Blake’s desk. There she heaved up her guts. There was nothing delicate about it. One moment, she was sick. Then she felt fine.

  “Nellie!” Blake gave her his handkerchief. “Are you all right?”

  She sat back on her heels, sighed, and then smiled. “Oh yes, I’m fine.”

  “But you were just sick, how can you be fine now?”

  “I always get morning sickness.” She couldn’t believe it. She was going to have a baby. A sense of calm followed by excitement settled over her. She pressed a hand to her belly. Hello, little Malone. I can’t wait to meet you.

  “Morning sickness? What the devil?” said Blake.

  “I don’t think the devil had anything to do with it,” said Nick, drolly.

  Nellie took a deep breath and met his confused gaze. “Blake, you’re going to be a father.”

  “I’m already a father…you mean…” His eyes widened. “Oh, a baby?”

  She nodded.

  “Shouldn’t you sit down?” Blake said as he slid an arm around her shoulders. “We don’t want you to wear yourself out.”

  “I’m already sitting, but maybe you should sit. You look a little green. Violet, go get Henry please and Bertha. Bring them back here with you.”

  The little girl ran out of the room.

  “What do you need them for?” asked Blake.

  “I want to tell them myself before the news becomes scuttlebutt among the staff, but it won’t be until tomorrow. Violet will forget what I asked her to do, she always does,” said Nellie. “Now please help me up.”

  Blake helped her to rise and she dusted herself off.

  “Congratulations, my friend,” said Nick coming to Blake and shaking his hand. He laughed. “Maybe you had better sit.”

  “Yes, sit,” said Blake, dropping into the chair behind his desk. “I never thought, I mean I never…I don’t know how this happened.”

  “Think about it, old man, and I’m sure it’ll come to you,” quipped Nick.

  “Well, I mean I know how it happened, but I just…I was…am…unprepared, that’s all. It’s a surprise,” said Blake.

  “It shouldn’t be,” laughed Nellie. She slammed her hand over her mouth and sure she was beet red, she shook her head at the turn in the conversation.

  “No,” said Blake with a chuckle, “I guess it shouldn’t be. Now sit down, Nellie, please just accommodate me without argument.”

  “Only because you’re currently in shock. You’ll get used to it as I become more and more like a whale,” snipped Nellie.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Blake waved her off with a casual flick of his hand.

  “When she learns I’m with child, Maddie is going to try to kill me again,” stated Nellie. It wasn’t a prediction, it was a fact and she knew it.

  “Whoa, wait, someone explain, please,” said Nick. “Maddie tried to kill Nellie? Is that what happened to your face. That scrape and the bruise?”

  “Yes, Maddie tried to kill me, but Blake doesn’t believe me,” huffed Nellie.

  Nick shook his head. “That makes no sense. Maddie is one of the gentlest people I’ve ever met.”

  “Until you cross her,” retorted Nellie. “Then she’s your worst nightmare.”

  “Nellie said she was pushed in front of the carriage that nearly killed her day before yesterday and she says Maddie did it,” explained Blake.

  “Start from the beginning, please,” implored Nick.

  Nellie reiterated the story, and why she believed Maddie was the one who pushed her.

  “Don’t you see? She believes Blake is hers, and I’ve taken him from her by marrying him. She says that he’s not keeping to the plans they made for them to be together after he married me. So if I’m out of the way she’ll have Blake back.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I was never anything but honest with Maddie. I told her that if I got married, that she and I were through. At that point I didn’t know if you and I were going to get married or not.”

  “There you see you did make plans, at least in her mind.” Nellie paced in front of the fireplace while Blake and Nick watched. “You don’t casually mention that you might be with a woman if things go wrong with the woman who may be your wife. She assumes that things will go wrong because how could they not when you don’t even know who your wife is. Do you understand?”

  Blake nodded and begrudgingly admitted, “Maybe I don’t understand women. I admit it, but that is still no reason for you to think she might kill you.”

  “I don’t know, I think given everything that Nellie said, about Maddie killing the man who bought her, it’s entirely possible that she’d try and remove Nellie from the picture,” said Nick. He stood with his elbow on the sidebar

  Blake ran his hands through his hair. “Well, I can’t fire her and keep an eye on her at the same time. What would you have me do?”

  Nellie stopped pacing. “Keep her working with Nick. At least this way, he can keep an eye on her. Although, you may find that she really has traded places with Trixie. Poor Trixie wouldn’t know not to trade back, she’d just be happy to be with Nick again. Let her know that you’re staying with me, if that’s what you want. She’ll try again, I know it. I want you to hire men to protect my children.”

  “And you,” added Nick.

  “Yes, and you, too.” Blake came over and hugged her close. “Especially now that you’re with child I won’t let anything happen to you, Nellie.”

  Now that I’m expecting he wants to keep me around. What if I wasn’t? Would he let Maddie do me in? Would he care?

  Chapter 10

  “So you believe me about Maddie?” she asked Blake. “And what about you Nick? Do you believe me?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I think, but what you and Blake think,” said Nick. He went to the sidebar and poured himself a brandy.

  “A brandy? Really Nick? It’s,” she checked the clock on Blake’s desk. “It’s ten o’clock in the morning.”

  “Nellie, I’ve been working all night. For me this is the evening and after this I’m headed to bed.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m still not used to this twenty-four hour working thing.” I’m at the point I might join him for a drink, breakfast time or not. “S
o have I convinced you?”

  “No,” Blake admitted. “I don’t think she tried to kill you, but I do believe in being prudent and since you feel so strongly, then I must take those feelings into consideration.”

  “I don’t understand you.” Her knuckles turned white as she fisted and unfisted her skirt in her hands. “I’ve told you what she said to me and you still think she’s harmless as a kitten. Well, that kitten has claws and she’s used them before. If I stay married to you she’ll use them again.”

  Blake was in front of her, taking her by the shoulders.

  “No more talk of us not being married. You’re my wife and you’ll stay my wife.” He kissed her hard, punishingly. “There will be no divorce. Ever.”

  Once Nellie got her breath back, she tensed as her anger returned.

  “You expect me to have faith in you, when you have none in me.” Her voice was almost a shout and she didn’t care. She was tired of always being proper.

  “Yes. I’ve told you I’ll take care of you and the children.” He bent down so he connected with her gaze. “You have to believe that. Against anyone who wants to do you harm and if that’s Maddie, then against her, too.”

  Nellie took a deep breath, closed her eyes and regained her calm. He would protect her and that was all she could ask. He’d known Maddie longer, even though she’d hoodwinked him for all these years, and there was where his loyalty lay. Not with Nellie, who was his wife, but whom he didn’t know.

  “Alright. I leave it up to you to protect the kids as they rarely go out. Forgive me if I look to my own safety.”

  “What do you mean? What are you going to do?” asked Blake.

  “I’ll start carrying a gun. If I see Maddie anywhere near me or my children, I’ll shoot her.” She pointed at him. “You tell her that. Maybe that will keep her away from me.”

  “There is no need for you to carry a gun.” Blake stared at her with his arms crossed. “You could hurt yourself.”

  “Or her, isn’t that what you mean? You’re worried I’ll kill your lover, then what will you do?” Nellie shook her head. “I guess I’m done here. Until you believe me, we have nothing more to talk about.”

  She stalked out of the room, up the stairs to her bedroom, and locked the door. Standing with her back to the door, Nellie waited, expecting Blake to come after her, but he didn’t, and that hurt her more than she thought it would. He must love Maddie.


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