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Curves For Him: 10 Delicious Tales

Page 71

by Aubrey Rose

  “I’m Claire Branson. I’m here for a spa day.”

  “Of course. Welcome Claire! You’re Abby’s sister.”

  “Yes, I am,” Claire said, although confirmation of that fact didn’t seem necessary.

  “Abby is one of our most beloved customers, and her husband isn’t half bad either,” Jennifer said with a wink. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll get you set up in a changing room.”

  Claire followed Jennifer past a small café with a comfortable seating area, through a set of double doors, and into a larger area segmented into private changing rooms. The attendant pulled out a white spa robe and matching oversized bath sheet from a well-stocked cabinet and placed it in room number five. The changing room was actually the size of the small bedroom and had a shower, a vanity with a padded bench, and a closet.

  “This will be your private room for the day,” Jennifer explained. She handed Claire a key on a stretchy wristband. “Take your time getting changed. When you’re ready, come back out to the front desk and I will take you to the massage room. Do have any questions?”

  Claire blushed and looked around to make sure nobody could hear her. “Um, do I take everything off or leave my bra and underwear on?”

  “I take it you’ve never had a spa day before?” Jennifer asked and Claire nodded. The attendance smiled reassuringly. “I think you would be more comfortable if you take everything off. Our massage therapists and other technicians are very professional and do a great job of protecting our clients’ modesty.”

  Jennifer left the room and Claire scrambled out of her clothes, shoving them into the locker. She slipped on the robe, which fit surprisingly well and fell to just below her knees, then re-secured her hair into a tighter bun. With a nervous breath, she exited the changing room and returned to the front desk.

  “Are you ready to be pampered?” Jennifer asked.

  “Am I ever!” Claire replied with enthusiasm.


  “Dammit.” Rob swore under his breath, yet loud enough for his electrician to hear.

  “Dude, you just screwed up my rough-in. What in the hell’s wrong with you?” Dan asked, shaking his head at the work that now needed to be re-done.

  “I know. Sorry. Just put it on your invoice as a change order and I’ll take care of it,” Rob said.

  “You need to get your head back in the game, man. I don’t have time to fix your screw-ups.”

  To get his head focused back on the project, Rob needed to get Claire out of his mind. “I hear you, Dan. Look, I’m going to get some fresh air.”

  Ever since he watched Claire leave earlier that morning, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Where was she going so bright and early? Was she purposely making herself scarce so she wouldn’t have to see him?

  For some reason, she brought out insecurities he didn’t even know he still had. He was a successful, good looking guy. Most women he met practically threw themselves at him, blatantly begging for his attention. But Claire wasn’t like most women.

  On the surface, she appeared aloof and reserved. Yet underneath her detached exterior, he knew that passion simmered, like hot lava churning deep within a volcanic mountain. Last night in the pool, he had experienced a glimmer of that passion. Now he needed to turn up the heat until her desire finally erupted.

  The question was: what was the fastest way to get Claire to the boiling point?


  Claire was so relaxed that she practically melted into Henri’s chair.

  “How was everything?” he asked.

  Claire smiled dreamily. “Wonderful.”

  “Are you ready for your final transformation?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be. What did you have in mind, Henri?”

  The stylist released Claire’s hair from its bun and ran his fingers through the long strands. “I’d like to add both highlights and lowlights to give your hair color more depth and shine. The length suits you, but I’d like to take a few inches off the bottom to get rid of your split ends. I’d also like to add some layering to give your hair more movement and do some soft face-framing to highlight your nice cheekbone structure and your stunning green eyes.”

  Claire blushed at Henri’s compliments. She knew that making his clients feel special was part of his job, but she liked it anyway. “That sounds great,” she said, although she was secretly skeptical about whether he could do much to make her mousy brown hair look anything more than long, limp, and just a bit dull.

  “Excellent! I’ll go mix up the color and will be back shortly.”

  Two hours later, Claire’s hair was colored, cut, and styled with just a bit of curl. She marveled at the transformation and couldn’t stop turning her head this way and that to admire the stylist’s creation. “Oh Henri, I love it! I had no idea that a new hairstyle could make me look different.”

  “I’m happy that you’re pleased. You were an attractive young thing when you walked in the door. But now? Now, you look just as beautiful on the outside as you do in here.” Henri used his right hand to pat his heart, which made Claire giggle.

  “I really do feel like a new woman, Henri. Thank you!”

  “Ah, but we’re not quite done with you. Marcel will be over in just a moment to do your makeup. When she’s done, I’ll meet you at the front desk.”

  Marcel magically appeared moments later pushing a cart full of makeup, brushes, and other accessories. She got to work, using various products to shade, highlight, powder, and contour. She explained everything she was doing so Claire could recreate a similar look once she got home.

  While Claire caught glimpses of herself in the mirror, it wasn’t until Marcel was finished and stepped away that she got a look at the complete effect. “Voila!” Marcel said with a flourish of her hands, as if she were a magician completing a magic trick.

  And her trick was magic indeed. Claire didn’t understand how the makeup Marcel applied could look so natural while making her skin look flawless and her eyes look bigger and brighter. Her makeup routine usually consisted of slapping on a little drugstore foundation and lip gloss. If she had something special planned, she might even brush a quick coat of mascara on her thick lashes. To look this good every day, she was willing to step up her daily grooming game!

  “Pretty and polished, wouldn’t you agree?” Marcel asked.

  Claire smiled. “Yes, very. Thank you, Marcel.”

  “You’re very welcome, Miss Claire. Come with me, please.” Marcel led Claire back to the ladies’ lounge so she could get dressed.

  With her freshly painted nails, glamorous new hairstyle, and expertly applied makeup, the simple, curve-hugging wrap dress from Lois Carlyle’s collection no longer looked understated. It looked sexy!

  After saying her goodbyes and using money from the envelope Abby left her to pay for her services and to purchase a complete makeup kit, Claire stepped out of the salon and into the sunshine feeling like a completely different person.

  The question was: would her new look be enough to turn Robbie’s head?

  Chapter 5

  Rob was loading up his truck and getting ready to head home for the day when Claire pulled in behind him in the circular drive. When she got out of her car, he whistled.

  “You look HOT,” he said, not even trying to hide his appreciation of her new look.

  She smiled shyly. Robbie’s head was definitely turned. “You can thank Abby. She treated me to a full day makeover at her salon and spa.”

  “I’ll be sure and do that. Since you’re all dressed up, maybe we should have dinner tonight instead of waiting until Thursday,” Rob suggested. He watched as Claire’s genuine smile became forced.

  “Okay. Sure. That’ll work.” She didn’t sound convincing.

  He turned his back on her to hide his disappointment at her lackluster response and pretended to rearrange the materials in the back of his truck. “I didn’t mean to twist your arm. We can do dinner some other time.”

  Claire took a few steps towar
d him, and he caught a whiff of her scent. Sweet, seductive, sensual. “No, really, tonight works,” she said.

  When she placed her warm hand on his shoulder, he turned toward her. He wanted to reach out and draw her close, but his work clothes would get her dress dirty and he didn’t want to give her a reason to change her mind about dinner.

  “Great. I’m just about done loading up. Do you mind if we stop by my place so I can take a quick shower and change?”

  “Not if you promise to give me a tour,” Claire responded.

  “Deal,” Rob said. While he finished packing up his truck, Claire locked up the mansion and set the security alarm before climbing into the passenger seat.


  Claire was surprised when Robbie pulled into the driveway of a cottage on the lake. Even though it was clearly being remodeled, the small home had great street appeal and an amazing view. His business must be doing pretty good if he could afford this kind of real estate.

  “Well, what do you think?” he asked.

  “I think it’s fantastic!” Claire responded. She hopped out of the truck to get a better look.

  “I’m updating it from top to bottom in my spare time,” Robbie explained as he unlocked the front door and motioned Claire through. “I’ve been working on it for about a year now. As you can see, there’s still a lot of work to be done.”

  Robbie’s craftsmanship was impressive, and Claire’s mind could easily imagine how it would look when it was done. “I love the modern, cozy feeling,” she marveled. “Is that a detached garage I saw out back?”

  “More of a workshop. I use it to build things.”

  “What kind of things?” Claire asked.

  “Just stuff for the house.”

  Why was he being evasive? “Can I see it?”

  Robbie hesitated. “There’s nothing to see, really. Why don’t I show you the yard instead? I think you’ll like it. It’s large with a small area of sandy beach that leads to the dock and water.”

  Claire’s curiosity was killing her. What was in the workshop that he didn’t want her to see? “I’d love to see the yard...after the workshop.”

  “You’re not going to give up, are you?” he asked.

  Claire smiled. “Nope.”

  A resigned Robbie sighed. “Fine. I’ll show you the workshop.” He led Claire through the back door of the house and over to the workshop. After unlocking the door and flipping on the light, he motioned for her to enter. “Ladies first.”

  After being out in the bright sunshine, it took her eyes a few moments to adjust to the dimmer lighting inside. When they did, she had to blink a few times to convince herself that she was really truly seeing the long, slim wooden object sitting upside down on two sturdy sawhorses.

  She cleared her throat before speaking. “You’re building a boat and you named it...The Claire?”

  “She’s a canoe, not a boat,” Robbie replied.

  “Why would you name it that?”

  “Because she’s a lot like you, Claire. Sturdy. Dependable. Beautiful. The name just seemed to fit.”

  “Wait, did you just call me sturdy and dependable?” Claire asked indignantly. When Robbie casually shrugged, her face burned with embarrassment.

  “That’s not a bad thing, you know. I’ve dated my share of delicate, flaky flowers. Believe me when I say that sturdy and dependable are traits to be admired.”

  “Gosh Robbie, you sure know how to sweep a girl off her feet.” She turned away from him so he couldn’t see that she was blinking back tears.

  “I also said The Claire is beautiful.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her toward him. “Just like you.”

  He thought she was beautiful? She wasn’t sure if that made up for the fact that he also thought she was built as sturdy as a boat. Before she could think of a snappy comeback, Robbie’s phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and checked the caller I.D. Claire got a quick look at the name. Donna.

  “Sorry, Claire. I need to take this.” He answered the phone and stepped outside, clearly looking for privacy. Maybe Donna was one of the delicate, flaky flowers that Robbie dated with regularity.

  Claire used the time she had alone to get a better look at Robbie’s handiwork. She let her fingertips trail along the smooth, polished wood before tracing the name that was painted along one side. The canoe, which looked large enough for two people, was sturdy and well-built. And, if she was being honest, it was quite beautiful, too.

  When he came back a few minutes later, he looked distressed. “That was my office assistant. She’s been on vacation and was due back tomorrow. But evidently, she met a guy and she’s not coming back anytime soon.”

  Robbie was suddenly in need of an assistant? The wheels in Claire’s brain started churning. “Um, what does your office assistant do?”

  “A little bit of everything. Types up proposals, orders materials, coordinates my subcontractors, schedules inspections, pays my bills, does my client billings. I’ve been taking care of things while she’s been gone, but I can’t continue doing that if I want to finish the Blakes’ remodel on time. I guess I need to call the temp agency and see if they have someone who can step in on short notice.”

  “I have another idea,” Claire said.

  “What’s that?”

  “You can hire me. The timing is perfect because I was thinking of starting my own business as a personal assistant.” Seeing the look of shocked surprise on Robbie’s face was like a punch in the gut. He hated the idea.

  “Your own business, huh? What made you think about that?” he tentatively asked.

  “You, for starters. I see how much you enjoy being your own boss. Plus, I like to help people and I’m really good with details. I have a lot of different skills that I could use to keep clients organized.”

  “I’m sure you do, Claire, but starting a business is a lot of work and a big commitment.”

  “That’s why it would be great if you were my test client. Working for you would let me see if I like being my own boss. You wouldn’t even have to pay me!”

  “That’s a generous offer, Claire, but I wouldn’t feel right taking advantage of you like that, and I wouldn’t want to interfere with your housesitting responsibilities.”

  She wasn’t going to let him off that easy. “Making sure the housekeeper, gardener, pool cleaner, and contractor show up as scheduled isn’t exactly a full time job. Besides, working for you would only be temporary since I’ll be heading back home once Abby and Stephen return. At the very least, it would give you time to look for a permanent replacement.”

  “I don’t know, Claire...”

  “What’s not to know? I could work in the small den off the kitchen, which would make it easy to handle both jobs at the same time. And I’d be right there, on your job site, if you needed me to do something.”

  She didn’t understand his hesitation; this was a win-win proposition. Why was he on the fence? “Look, Robbie, just be honest. If you don’t think I’m capable of doing the job, just say so and I’ll drop it.”

  “That’s not it, Claire. It’s just...”

  “It’s just, what? If there’s another reason why you don’t want my help, please, tell me what it is.”


  Rob looked at Claire’s hurt, questioning look and wasn’t sure what to say. He had no doubt that she could do the job – based on her work history, she was probably more than qualified. The problem was, he wanted her back in his life, but not like this. Not as employer-employee. Yet he couldn’t tell her that working with her every day would put a serious kink in his plans.

  Claire put her hands on her hips and started tapping her foot. “I’m waiting,” she said.

  He didn’t see an easy way out. Besides, she seemed really excited by her business idea and he didn’t want to crush her dream. It wasn’t that long ago that he was in her shoes and his business had taken off. She deserved encouragement, not discouragement.

  He threw up his hands in defeat.
“There is no reason. Claire Branson, I would like to secure your services as my temporary office assistant, but only if you let me pay you a fair hourly rate. When can you start?”

  Her luscious, pink lips carved into a satisfied smile. “How about tonight?”

  “Tonight?” His voice was strangled. “What about dinner?”

  “There’s a ton of food at the guesthouse. We could head back over for a quick bite to eat and then you could help me get my office in order.”

  He was disappointed that the romantic dinner he had planned wasn’t going to happen, but he liked seeing this animated, take-charge side of Claire. Her excitement was catching and he smiled. “Let’s do it!”


  Claire was relieved that Robbie showered and changed in record time. It didn’t take long to pack up his paperwork and business computer. She wanted to get things set up before he had a chance to change his mind about working with her.

  “I know you’re excited, Claire, but can we eat before getting your office in order? I’m starving.”

  For once, food wasn’t on the forefront of Claire’s mind. But now that Robbie mentioned it, she was hungry, too. “Sure. How does beef stew and breadsticks sound?”

  “Like music to my ears,” Robbie responded with a lick of his lips.

  In the guesthouse kitchen, Claire put the stew in the microwave and the breadsticks in the oven before setting the small table for two.

  “Do you think Stephen would mind if we drank some of his wine?” Robbie asked, holding up a bottle of Merlot he had pulled from a rack.

  “I doubt it,” Claire responded. “He has an entire cellar full of wine. He keeps the really good stuff in a locked, climate-controlled cabinet down there.” Stephen Blake wasn’t just a gourmet foods mogul. He was also a wine connoisseur. She handed a wine bottle opener to Robbie and pulled out a couple of red wineglasses out of the cupboard.

  Robbie opened the wine, poured a bit into his glass, and swirled the dark purple liquid around and around before taking a sip. “Wow. This is really good.” He poured a splash into Claire’s glass and handed it to her.

  She didn’t know much about wine, so she mimicked Robbie’s swirling before bringing the crystal stem toward her mouth. The wine was rich and smooth with a lingering, buttery aftertaste. “That is good!” She held her glass out for Robbie to refill.


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