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Curves For Him: 10 Delicious Tales

Page 73

by Aubrey Rose

  “Are you still coming with me to the bath and kitchen showroom this afternoon?” he asked her.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she responded.

  “Glad to hear it. You’ve been doing a great job, Claire. As a treat, why don’t I take you to lunch before our meeting with Don?


  Claire averted her gaze so Robbie wouldn’t see her eyes light up at his invitation. “I’d like that,” she said, a bit too eagerly. She pinched herself. Hard. She needed a painful reminder that Robbie’s suggestion was nothing more than lunch on the way to an appointment.

  “Great. I’m going to run home and change,” he said. “Maybe you could wear one of those sexy dresses you got delivered last week.”

  Claire’s eyes darted up in surprise. He had noticed the delivery from Lois Carlyle? “Does that mean we’re going fancy for lunch?”

  “Maybe. Or maybe I just feel like having lunch with a hot woman in a sexy dress,” Robbie teased.

  Claire laughed. “I’ll put on a dress, but only because you’re paying me to,” she responded.

  “I’ll be back by 12:30 PM to pick you up.”

  She watched him get in his truck and drive away before squealing at the top of her lungs. She raced up the stairs, threw open the closet in the guest suite, and dug through the clothing on the rack. Her hand closed around a hanger holding something perfect: a fun, flirty, and sleeveless little black dress that looked great on her pear-shaped body.

  The dress was one of those day-to-evening styles that Lois had talked about. The plus-size personal shopper told her that, for daytime wear, she should pair the dress with flats, a small handbag, and a colorful cardigan, which she also pulled out of the closet.

  With her clothing selected, she turned her attention to her hair and makeup. Using the tips and tricks she learned at Salon Henri, Claire transformed her simple work-from-home look to going-out-wow. When she slipped on the dress, shoes, and cardigan, her reflection brought tears to her eyes. She looked good. No, better than good. Fantastic. Stylish, too!

  “Claire! I’m back!” She heard Robbie call to her from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Be right there!” she called back, checking her makeup one more time before waltzing down the spiral staircase.

  “Hot damn! You look incredible.”

  Claire blushed. “Thanks, so do you. You clean up rather well, Mr. Halliday.” He looked amazing dressed in well-fitting khakis and a short-sleeved silk shirt in a bright blue color that was one shade darker than his eyes.

  He opened the front door and motioned her through. “After you, Miss Branson.”

  Chapter 7

  Rob took Claire to lunch at his favorite Italian restaurant, a cozy hideaway with delicious food and an excellent wine list. It was where he had planned to take her to dinner before she became his assistant; the dinner they never got to have. The meal was more rushed than he would have liked, but they couldn’t linger since they needed to be at the showroom by 2:00 PM. Don Hastings was waiting for them when they arrived.

  The older man offered his hand and Rob shook it. “Good to see you again, Rob.”

  “Thanks, Don. I’d like you to meet Claire Branson, my office assistant. “

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Branson,” Don said, shaking her hand, too.

  “Thanks, Don. Please, call me Claire.”

  He nodded pleasantly and turned his attention back to Rob. “Based on our conversation and the dimensions of your available space, I’ve put together a few different bathroom setups so you can get a feel for how things might fit. Of course these are only suggestions. Take your time browsing around and let me know if there’s something specific you’d like to see.”

  “Will do,” Rob responded. He offered Claire his arm and she looped her hand through as they strolled down the cement aisle. He stopped at the first mock-bathroom setup. “What do you think of this?”

  “Not impressed,” Claire said. “The shower is tiny, the bathtub is standard issue, and there’s too much wasted space in the middle here. Plus, pedestal sinks are dumb in my opinion because you don’t get any countertop space or under sink storage. Keep walking.”

  Rob laughed. “I knew I brought you along for a reason.” He pulled her along to the next setup. “Okay, tell me what’s wrong with this one.”

  Claire furrowed her brow. “It makes better use of the space. I like the look of the triangle tub in the corner, but the shape isn’t very practical. Two people couldn’t fit in that thing and one person isn’t shaped like that. I bet it uses more water than it really needs, which isn’t very environmentally friendly.”

  “What do you think of the vanity?”

  “It’s nice...but again, I would prefer more countertop. Let’s go look at that bathroom over there.” She pointed across the room.

  “Really? You don’t want to look at them in order?”

  “Nope!” This time, Claire pulled Rob along as she hurried toward the bathroom setup she was excited to get a closer look at. She stopped at the fake doorway. “This setup is perfect.”

  “Don’t you think the shower is kind of small?” Rob asked as he took a closer look at the standup stall with dual shower heads. He didn’t say it out loud, but he didn’t think two people could shower in it together.

  “Who cares about the shower when you have a tub like this!” Claire said excitedly. She slipped off her shoes and climbed into the long, rectangular, jetted tub. “Get in!” She scooted her legs to the side and leaned back against the sloped basin.

  “I don’t really need to get in. I can see that you like it.”

  “C’mon, humor me,” Claire said.

  “Really, I’m not much of a bath person.” He looked around to see if any of the showroom employees were watching his exchange with his office assistant.

  She smiled coyly and tilted her head just so. “Please,” she said.

  He rolled his eyes and gave in. Slipping off his shoes, he climbed in, positioning himself at the other end, facing her, with their legs meeting in the middle. He was surprised by how well they both fit. And he couldn’t stop himself from thinking how hot she would look in the tub if she were...naked.


  Claire wasn’t sure what prompted her to get in the tub or practically beg Robbie to join her. Maybe it was the two glasses of wine she had had at lunch. Or maybe she was just getting into the spirit of showroom browsing.

  “Lay back, like me,” she directed. “Now, close your eyes and imagine that the tub is filled with water and the jets are going nice and easy.”

  She peeked at Robbie and saw that he was playing along. His lips were curled in a tiny, tolerant smile and she giggled. “Isn’t this an amazing tub?” she asked him.

  “Hmmm,” he murmured. His eyes were still closed and he head was resting on the basin. “The tub is a little large for a single guy. But I could see it working in my bathroom if I had someone to bathe with.”

  Claire stiffened. “You mean someone like that woman you recently met...the one you could see having kids with?” she blurted out.

  Robbie opened one eye and looked at her across the tub. “Exactly,” he said. With that one word, he completely deflated her fun.

  “On second thought,” she said, hauling her body out of the tub, “you’re probably right. This tub is way too big for a single guy. Especially since you prefer taking showers. Let’s go look at something more practical.”

  With a final backward glance at the jetted tub for two, she moved away from that setup and toward the ones with bigger standup showers.


  Rob was beginning to think that he’d never understand women in general and Claire in particular. In the blink of an eye, she went from flirting with him in the oversized tub for two to being all business and agreeing that a larger shower was the right way for him to go.

  He had ended up making his choices, but the fun was gone by the time Don Hastings wrote up his order. The drive back to the mansion
was a quiet one, but when he pulled into the circular drive to drop Claire off, he finally broke the silence.

  “Do you have any plans for the 4th of July?” he asked.

  “The 4th is Monday, right? I figured I would stay home, maybe go for a swim, watch the fireworks on TV.”

  “I was thinking about taking The Claire onto the lake to watch the fireworks. Since she was named after you, I was wondering if you wanted to come along on her inaugural voyage. We could make a day of it. Grill up some burgers, have a few Independence Day drinks. What do you think?”

  “I think it sounds like fun,” she said.

  “Cool. I’ll spend the weekend putting the final coats of sealant on her and doing some yard work. Want to come over around three?”

  “Sure. What can I bring?”

  “How about a couple bottles of Stephen’s wine?”

  “You got it, boss,” Claire said as she hopped out of his truck. The skirt of her dress slid up, giving him a view of her creamy thigh. He had to force himself not to stare.

  “Have a good weekend,” he said with a wave. She waved back before disappearing through the front door.


  For Claire, the weekend before the 4th of July felt agonizingly long. She was caught up on Robbie’s business paperwork, there weren’t any mansion chores to do, and she was tired of trying on clothes to find the perfect outfit for the holiday. She thought about inviting Robbie over for a swim but didn’t want to intrude on his downtime.

  Finally, the morning of the 4th arrived. The sun was shining when Claire woke up, so she knew it was going to be a nice day. She took an extra-long shower so she could deep condition her hair, using the time to shave her legs and exfoliate every inch of her skin. After styling her hair and applying her makeup, she dressed in a cute sundress paired with flat, strappy sandals.

  By 2:00 PM, she couldn’t stand it anymore. She put several bottles of wine in a carrycase and headed over to Robbie’s house. She’d be a little early, but not more than fifteen minutes or so. When she got to his place, she walked around back and saw him setting up for the BBQ.

  He waved her over. “You look great, Claire. Glad you could make it.”

  “Thanks. I wasn’t sure whether to bring red or white, so I brought both,” she replied, holding up the carrycase of wine.

  He took the case from her and examined the contents. “Nice. Would you like a glass now?”

  Wine at three in the afternoon? Claire hesitated and Lois’ words popped into her mind. Take some chances and start living life rather than just sitting on the sidelines. “Love some.”

  Robbie opened a bottle of white wine and poured them both a glass before putting the rest of the bottle in the cooler next to the BBQ. He handed her a glass and held his up so they could clink their glasses together. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” Claire repeated. As she brought the glass to her lips, she realized that she had never felt as happy and content as she did at this moment. Even though it wasn’t a real date, she decided to relax and pretend that the day was something more than business associates sharing a meal over a holiday.

  Unlike the weekend, when time had crawled slowly, the sunny afternoon flew by. After eating, they sat on the grassy lake shore, sipping wine and talking about everything – and nothing. When the sun set with a blaze of orange, yellow, and red, Robbie looked at Claire.

  “Are you ready to take The Claire out on the lake?” he asked.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Claire responded. “I’ve never been in a canoe before. Is there anything I need to know?”

  “Since The Claire is long and narrow, she can tip. Just don’t make any sudden moves and work with me to keep our weight evenly distributed.”

  “Got it!”

  Robbie pulled the canoe to the edge of the water. He tossed in a blanket, a waterproof emergency kit, and a small cooler that held another bottle of wine before guiding it into the water. “Slip off your sandals and climb in,” he said.

  “Are you expecting an emergency?” Claire asked nervously.

  “It’s just a precaution,” Robbie replied. “There’s a flashlight in there if we need it and a few other things. Safety first when you’re out on the water.”

  His Boy Scout grin put her at ease, and he held The Claire steady while she climbed in and got settled. Then, he climbed in facing her and paddled toward deeper water. She was still a little nervous and had a death-grip on the sides of the canoe, but Robbie looked completely relaxed as he moved the canoe effortlessly through the water. When he found a spot away from the other boaters, he put the paddle onto the bottom of the canoe.

  “This should be a great spot to watch the fireworks,” he said. “More wine?”

  “Okay,” Claire said. The relaxed, tipsy feeling she had from the wine they drank that afternoon was gone, and she was hoping to get it back.

  “They start the fireworks at 10:00 PM, so we don’t have long to wait. They’ll go off over there.” He pointed in the direction behind Claire. “Are you cold?”

  “A little,” she said as she rubbed the backs of her arms to warm them up.

  Robbie grabbed the blanket. “Turn around and sit in front of me. That’s it, nice and easy.” The canoe wobbled, and Claire froze in fear. She didn’t want to tip them over!

  “You’re doing fine, Claire,” Robbie said in a soothing tone. When the canoe was steady, she moved again, slower this time, and repositioned herself so her back was to Robbie. He wrapped the blanket around her shoulders.

  All that separated them was a thin strip of wood that went from one side of the canoe to the other. Her pulse quickened, but she wasn’t sure if it was from the rocking boat or his nearness.

  “Ohhh!” Startled by the fireworks, which began with a boom, her surprise soon turned to glee at the show that played out before their eyes.

  Robbie leaned in close. “Pretty cool, huh?” he whispered behind her.

  She let herself relax against him. “Yeah,” she sighed. “Living on the lake definitely has its advantages.” She had never experienced fireworks like this, so close to the action and with the water as a backdrop.

  As the light show continued, his arms reached out and encircled her waist, and he caressed her curves in an almost absentminded way that felt comfortable, natural. She let herself sink further against his chest as the fireworks grew in intensity, leading up to the grand finale.

  In rapid succession, rockets of light and color launched into the dark sky. “Claire,” Robbie whispered behind her. She swiveled her body and looked up at him, seeing the fire that burned in his eyes, which was just as bright at the fireworks above them.

  Their faces were just inches apart, and he slowly lowered his lips to hers.


  When Rob uttered her name and Claire turned to look at him, he knew that it was now or never. Just like he did all those years ago, he kissed her. But unlike the boy from before, he was no longer awkward and inexperienced. And neither was she. Their lips danced, tentatively at first, exploring, tasting, and testing before going deeper. He ravished her mouth and she met him with equal hunger, like two starved souls who had finally found the nourishment they had been looking for.

  “Claire,” he whispered, her warm breath setting his body on fire. “Stay with me tonight.”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “Yes.” She managed to turn around so she was facing him and let her fingertips trail across his cheek and down his chest. He fumbled at the bottom of the boat, trying to find the paddle that would take them back to shore.

  With his lips still locked on hers, his fingers closed around the smooth, cylindrical wood. Reluctantly, he pulled away from her succulent mouth. He put the paddle in the water, rowing with long, deep, smooth strokes. First on one side of the canoe, then on the other. Stroke, stroke, stroke. In and out, in and out. In and out.

  Claire buried herself against his chest, nuzzling his neck, flicking her tongue out to tease the sensitive skin at his throat. He groaned in reli
ef when the canoe finally touched shore. They got out and he pulled it hastily onto the grass, dropping it with a thud so his hands could be put to better use.

  He kissed her again and his fingers tangled in her long hair, which felt like silk against his rough palms. He let his hands roam down her arms, over the curve of her waist, around to her rounded backside. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her against his hardness. Without words, he demonstrated just how much he wanted her.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” she responded, her voice as confident as her hands, which had found their way under his shirt and were exploring every inch of his chiseled torso in a way that sent urgency surging through his veins.

  He had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted Claire. Had never needed a woman like he needed her in that moment. He took her hand, pulled her into the house, and guided her up the stairs, nearly tripping them both in his haste.

  When they reached his bedroom, she moaned as he guided her over the threshold. In one swift motion, he pulled Claire’s dress over her head and used his foot to close the door behind them.


  The next morning, Claire woke up with a smile on her face. She reached out and stroked Robbie’s bare back. She expected him to roll over and take her in his arms for another round of lovemaking. Instead, he rolled away, pulled on his boxers, and got out of bed.

  “I’m going to get the coffee going,” he mumbled without even looking at her. She pulled the covers up to her chin and stayed that way for a while. He must regret sleeping with her. She was almost afraid to get out of bed, but she knew she couldn’t stay there all day.

  Pulling the sheet around her naked body, she grabbed her clothes and locked herself in his half-demoed master bathroom. After splashing cold water on her face and finger combing her hair, she got dressed, took a deep breath, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.


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