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Curves For Him: 10 Delicious Tales

Page 79

by Aubrey Rose

  Padding across her bedroom, she stretched her tight muscles on her way to the closet. She didn’t care how sore she would be today; she would never regret what had happened. Even if it was just this once.

  The view of herself in the full-length mirror on the door halted her movements. With Marc and Aidan, she hadn’t thought even once about her plus-size body. They’d admired and worshipped her all through the night, not once making any reference to her figure except in the most positive light. They’d genuinely enjoyed every inch of her. She spied splotches of slightly pinkened skin where their overnight stubble had rubbed her. Just the memory of those sensations sent goose bumps skittering across her flesh.

  Feeling on cloud nine, she searched through her closet for the perfect outfit, something to catch the eye of a certain couple of men she hoped to tempt all over again. Despite the mess and cleanup that faced her in the kitchen today, she chose a hot pink, knee-length skirt, matching tank top, and a short brown sweater with an open weave so the pink would show through. The clothes would make her feel very feminine.

  To complete the outfit, she slipped on white lace panties and brown knee-high boots. They were her favorites, which was a good thing, considering the expense and time she’d gone through in finding boots that fit her calves.

  Taking one last glance in the mirror, she was pleased with the look she had created and was ready to face the cold light of the day? Would they regret what had happened? What would happen now? Would they all go back to the way things were yesterday?

  Jayde gulped a few calming breaths and headed for the door. She had to focus, because more was at stake here than simply hot sex. It was past time to get downstairs and figure out what to do about the bakery she’d inherited.

  As soon as her boots hit the landing at the top of the stairs, voices carried up to her. Lots of voices. What the hell?

  She hustled down the steps to find a long line of people winding from inside the shop. “Excuse me.” She pushed her way through the throng of people to find Beth and Aidan standing behind the counter, ringing up purchases. In the glass case in front of them were plates and plates of her fudge squares. For a few minutes, she stood dumbfounded, watching the chaos around her. Beth couldn’t box up the fudge fast enough before the next customer was demanding theirs.

  Jayde couldn’t help but wonder what rabbit hole she’d fallen into...

  “Oh my God, Jayde!” Beth had finally spotted her and came running over, then pulled her into a tight hug that pressed her extended belly into Jayde’s stomach. “Oh Miss Jayde, thank you so much for this. You really have no idea how much I needed this.”

  “Beth, what exactly is going on here? Why are so many people lined up? Is this normal? We’re supposed to be closed.”

  “No, it’s definitely not normal.” She whirled at the familiar masculine voice and came face-to-face with Marc. And he did not look happy to see her. Her heart sank as all the good energy from last night faded away. Thinking she might cry if he continued to scowl at her, she turned her back on him and continued questioning Beth. “How did all these people get into my bakery?” Not only was the place packed, but the crowd was getting a little aggressive, by the looks of things. Insults could be heard over the excited chatter, and occasionally, she caught from the corner of her eye a shoulder edging someone out of the way.

  “I came back this morning to see if I could help you out and found all your new, magnificent fudge all over the kitchen. I tried a piece, and oh my, it was the best thing I’d ever tasted in my life.”

  Mortified beyond belief, Jayde bit back the angry comment she wanted to hurl at the girl for being so presumptuous.

  “The thrill of excitement took over, and I started moving the serving platters into the presentation cases out here. I had planned to go upstairs and wake you, but a knock on the outside door stopped me. Mrs. James had seen me through the window setting out the new goodies and was desperate for a tray of them for her brunch party in the garden. I didn’t think it would hurt, I swear I didn’t, so I opened the shop to customers.”

  “But this?” Jayde motioned toward all the people crammed inside. “How did it turn into this? And why?”

  “I don’t know. One customer led to another, and then another, and before I knew it, they were packed in here, taking every available spot. The fudge is almost gone. That’s the last of it in the case, there.” She pointed to the small case where Aidan still stood helping customers. The shelves were already half-empty. “Can you make some more?”

  “I...I guess I could, but it wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow.” She watched Aidan package up the last of what sat on the plates. “It’s really all gone?” Pride infused her at the eagerness with which the customers embraced her treats. Yesterday morning she’d been unable to cook, and now people were clamoring for something she’d created on her own.

  “Jayde, this is a really bad idea.” Marc again sounded so gloom and doom. “You need to listen to me. I have something important to explain to you.”

  Hurt and pride warred within her as she ignored him as best she could. If he wanted to pretend last night hadn’t happened, then so would she. “Beth, do you think you and Aidan can handle the rest of the customers while I get started in the kitchen?”

  Beth nodded.

  Jayde walked toward the kitchen and found herself being grabbed by the arm and swung around. Losing her balance, she fell forward, right into Marc’s embrace. His hands steadied her by pulling her against him, chest to pelvis. His hard body and clean male scent set her on fire all over again, and she wanted him more than breath. Sadness in that fact engulfed her, making tears spring to her eyes. She tried to hide her face, but Marc caught her by the chin.

  “Jayde, what is it?” His face softened with the question.

  She couldn’t speak. No, she didn’t want to. She shook herself out of his arms and fled to the kitchen, not looking back or looking up to see if anyone had caught the odd exchange. She needed some time alone to think, and she had a lot of work to do this afternoon.

  * * * * *

  An hour later, Marc heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, probably Aidan checking up on him and looking for answers. He turned away from the window and considered his lover. Would Aidan still understand his current thoughts? The longings for both him and Jayde together?

  Last night had stirred his cravings. He knew part of the draw to her was their role as her Guardians. History told him that Guardians and protectors of the box were connected, sometimes as mates, sometimes not. Knowing those thoughts were selfish didn’t seem to help; he couldn’t stop thinking about Jayde on her knees in front of him, sucking his cock, while Aidan played with her lush body. He needed to take her himself, claim her for his. He only hoped Aidan would understand the depth of his need, and if he was really lucky, share his desires for not just a new playmate but much more.

  If only they could get past the necklace. A demon’s magic a century ago had gone terribly wrong and tipped the scales of balance between light and dark decidedly on the dark side. Only a coven of witches more powerful than anyone suspected was able to capture the aggressive emotions that had been unleashed among the humans. The magic couldn’t be reversed but it could be contained. Jayde’s necklace in particular harbored the stone of obsession.

  Aidan appeared in the doorway interrupting Marc’s worries. “Where have you been? Are you all right? Beth and I finally got all the customers to go home by promising they could get their fudge tomorrow, but Jayde is down there working herself into a frenzy again. I wanted to go in the kitchen and comfort her, ease her need, but I thought maybe you and I should talk first.”

  “You know what’s happening, Aidan. It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen a witch who’s resisted her duty.”

  “This time doesn’t feel the same. She’s different, isn’t she? For us.” Aidan blew out a frustrated breath. “Tell me you don’t feel it.”

  Marc knew exactly what Aidan was referring to. From th
e moment they’d found her on the sofa in the shop, he’d sensed a ripple of change surrounding them all. But first things first. They had a responsibility that couldn’t be ignored any longer.

  “We have to tell her. Get her to understand who she is now and what she’s expected to do before things get even more out of control. Wearing that stone affects not only her but also everyone around her. We could end up with big trouble in this town and eventually beyond if we don’t do something soon.” Marc rubbed his face, adrenaline surging through him unpleasantly. Things were getting far more complicated than he’d hoped for.

  “Why not just steal the necklace and box from her?” Aidan asked in an undertone. “Couldn’t we just protect it ourselves?”

  “You make it sound so easy. Would be nice if it worked that way; we would never have any trouble. The curse of the damn box is totally based on free will. Whoever breaks the seal and removes the necklace must willingly return it to end the cycle of obsession. Until then, the potential for chaos reigns.” It was times like these when free will was overrated.

  “Marc, please don’t tell me what’s going on between the three of us is all to blame on a cursed box and a pretty bauble.” Aidan nipped at Marc’s shoulder with his teeth. “Sure, she makes me horny, so hard I hurt, but it’s not just sex with her. Like you, she is special. I really like her. Please don’t tell me you don’t feel that. I’m not sure I could take it.”

  Marc turned his body to face the other man, surprised by Aidan’s confession. “It’s definitely more, my love.” He pushed his hips forward to rub his cock against Aidan, seeking his hardness. His hands slipped underneath the hem of Aidan’s shirt and rubbed the heated skin there, the sprinkling of hair tickling his palms.

  Aidan groaned. “Do you have a plan?”

  “You mean, besides getting you to strip down for me?” He chuckled. “I tried to talk to her earlier, but she ran from me. I still don’t think she’s ready, but time is ticking, and she may have to face it sooner than she wants to.” He lowered his head and nipped at Aidan’s lip. Aidan moaned, and he slipped his tongue inside, seeking the heat and connection his lover gave freely every time they were together. “Bed first,” he said firmly, pushing Aidan into the mattress. “Worrying later. Jayde needs time to think about last night.”

  Chapter Seven

  Exhausted yet exhilarated from her latest baking spree, which had again yielded hundreds of fudge delights in a dozen different flavors, she thought back to the crowd and the strange way everyone had behaved over getting some of her sweets. It didn’t make any sense for them to be so crazed over something she’d just learned how to make. Despite the euphoria of her success, her body had betrayed her all night long by clamoring for Marc and Aidan. She missed them. She’d glanced at the door repeatedly all evening, half expecting one of them to come after her. The waiting and hoping had left her tightly strung, and irritable to boot.

  Jayde turned out the remainder of the lights in the shop and trudged up the stairs, her footfalls echoing around her in the quiet house. All the way up, she fought an overwhelming urge to knock on Marc and Aidan’s door and jump their collective bones. She’d seen no one since she’d disappeared into the kitchen, only to emerge hours later, after everyone had gone home, still in need of two certain men, who wouldn’t leave her thoughts no matter how hard she tried.

  At the top of the stairs, she approached the door with the intention of pounding on their door until they face to face told her what the deal was. Stopping in mid air with her hand hovering about to knock, she realized she knew exactly what they wanted, and it wasn’t her. She’d been a fun diversion in the midst of a sensual episode. She rested her head on the door, wishing for something she couldn’t have—not in the long run. From what she could tell, the two of them were completely devoted to each other, sharing a bond she had no intention of breaking.

  Forcing herself to move, Jayde turned from the door and shuffled across the hall to her own room. She slipped inside so they wouldn’t hear her and removed her shoes and clothes, one piece at a time, as she crossed to her bed. Naked and lonely, she collapsed onto the homemade quilt and snuggled in deep, her last thought before drifting off to sleep being of Marc and Aidan pressed against her the night before.

  A sharp sizzling sound somewhere in her room caused her eyelids to fly open in alarm. Twisting her head around, she found the two men she’d been dreaming of again standing next to the bed. Dark, hungry gazes staring down at her. Eager to have them any way she could, even if it was just for now, she spread her legs and invited them to join her on the bed. She eased herself back on the pillow, so damned desperate to feel them touching and stroking her one more time. Who could blame her? They’d given her the most exquisite pleasure she’d ever experienced. In the distant back of her mind she wondered when she’d become such a wanton woman.

  As Aidan’s dark head dipped to the apex of her thighs, her breath hitched in anticipation of the first touch to her sensitive heat. A smile for Marc played across her lips as his fingers followed a trail of lust up her legs alongside his lover to her saturated curls. Surely she would die if they didn’t do something about the aching hunger inside her. The instant Aidan’s tongue lapped at her clit, a scream tore from her throat and her door burst open. Aidan and Marc pushed through the doorway, and the men between her legs dematerialized. Disappeared.

  What the hell?

  Her blood froze in fear. Her chest constricted as panic seized her from the inside out. Is this what a heart attack felt like? Was she dying? Was she already dead? Yes, she had to be dead.

  “Jayde, are you all right? What happened?” Aidan rushed forward and grabbed her arm as she scrambled across the bed to find the sheet to cover herself.

  “What the—Oh dear God... What is happening?” She clutched at the edge of the blanket, but it was tangled underneath her, and no amount of tugging would get it free. Her frustration boiled over, and tears sprang to her eyes.

  “Jayde, look at me.” Marc’s voice called to her, so soothing and calm.

  She swept her gaze in his direction, still fighting with the blanket.

  “Let go of the covers and relax.” He grabbed her arm and stilled her movements. “No, Jayde, don’t turn away. Focus on me, baby. Trust us to take care of you.” She let her white-knuckled grip on the blanket go and forced her body to loosen, but it did little to soothe her mind.

  She didn’t know what was going on around her, but it couldn’t be what she was thinking. Had she hurt herself? Had she hit her head? Had she been dreaming?

  “Can you tell us what happened? What you remember?” Aidan whispered.

  As her head sank back into the pillow, she eased her eyes shut, willing herself to remember.

  “A noise, like a sharp scrape or something, woke me up. And when I opened my eyes, you and Aidan were here. I thought I recognized hunger in your eyes, a sexual invitation that I eagerly returned.” She shivered as Aidan picked up a quilt from the end of the bed and pulled it over her nude body. “You were both here, touching me, and then you were gone and charging in through the door. How is this—Am I going crazy?”

  “Incubus,” they said in unison.

  “Wait.” She lifted her head and focused on Aidan. “What did you say?”

  “Incubus, Jayde. You’ve just had a visit from a couple of nasty incubi,” Aidan repeated.

  “Incubus?” She rolled her eyes. “As in ancient sex demons that visit people in their sleep?” She looked between the two, certain she’d hit her head and suffered a concussion. What else could explain this insane situation? “Is this some kind of joke? Because I’m not laughing.” She glared at them. Playing games in the middle of the night was not her idea of fun.

  “It’s no joke,” Marc said. “Just because you haven’t seen something before doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

  Her lips twitched at Marc’s words. She’d heard enough. “What time is it?” She swiveled around, looking for the bedside clock, which read 5:30
a.m. She groaned. She’d only been asleep for two hours. “This is absurd.” She rolled onto her side, tucking her legs closer to her body and pulling the blanket over her head. “Go away and leave me alone. I need more than a couple of hours of sleep and a boatload of caffeine before I play games with the two of you. Seriously. Go.”

  “Jayde, don’t be a child,” Marc said.

  “A child.” She threw the covers back. “Are you fucking kidding me? Do I look like a child to you?” Annoyance vibrated through her at their words. With a fair mixture of irritation and satisfaction, she watched Marc’s gaze travel down her body, lingering on her breasts before wandering down her rounded belly and full thighs to the dark curl-covered sex that clamored for him even now.

  “No, you do not look like a child. What you look like is a sexy yet unbelievably stubborn woman, who won’t even listen to what we have to say without interrupting the conversation.”

  Jayde listened to Marc’s sweet insult and wanted to implode. Whatever was going on, she couldn’t take it. Strange dreams, her desperate need for sex, ghosts in her room, a newfound ability to cook incredible fudge, and two men she could not stay away from—it was all more than she could handle.

  “I can’t take any more right now,” she whispered. “Please go away.”

  Marc stood there for several long minutes, looking at her with cautious and sympathetic eyes. “Okay, Jayde, for now. But either Aidan or I need to be with you at all times, even here in your room. Is that understood? We simply can’t take chances.”

  She took a deep, hopefully calming, breath before finally nodding her head. She didn’t want to admit she was a little frightened. Despite her last pleas to be alone, when Marc turned and left the room without another word, she felt the loss deep in her soul. She wanted him. Needed him to touch her. Hold her. Be inside her.


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