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Curves For Him: 10 Delicious Tales

Page 87

by Aubrey Rose

  Stuart had seen that look before, a look of sheer determination, that no matter the cost they would succeed. Unfortunately, Stuart had a feeling that Mattheson wasn’t the type of man to let someone like Ellie stand up to him for too long. He would crush her and that wasn’t something Stuart wanted to ever see happen. He had no idea why but there was something about Ellie that made him want to put his fist through Grey Mattheson’s face on her behalf.

  He pulled the car to a halt and hopped out, letting the salty air wash over his face and down into his lungs as he drank in great mouthfuls of air. What the hell was wrong with him? When had he turned into the knight in shining armour? In the past it hadn’t ever been his style.

  Stuart knew who had brought about the change in him and that was Carrie. There had been something special about her, something pure that made him want to step up and protect her... But she was with David. She wasn’t for him to protect beyond what his job had demanded. However, with Ellie, Stuart found himself wanting to prove to her that he was worth it—that he was one of the good guys and she could trust him. But if he was involved with Mattheson, Stuart didn’t know if that was strictly true or not anymore.

  “So you came back, then?”

  The man Stuart had dubbed as the human mountain appeared on the top step.

  “Was I not supposed to?”

  The mountain shrugged and narrowed his eyes. He took one step down and Stuart watched as he clenched his fists at his sides.

  “You think you’re so smart, that you’ve impressed Mr Mattheson, but he knows who has his back, he knows who he can really trust... You’re a nobody.”

  Stuart smiled and moved up onto the first step, keeping his body loose, relaxing his muscles and letting any tension he felt flow out of his body and down into the ground. He took another step up, taking him to just below the human mountain Mattheson had called Wilson.

  “Aw, is that a note of bitterness I detect there, Wilson? Did I hurt your pride when I took you to your knees?”

  “It’s not my pride you should be worrying about.”

  Wilson moved fast and it surprised Stuart. He’d been slow the first time and it almost hadn’t been a challenge to put him down. This time Stuart sensed that Wilson was out to prove a point. The question remained should he let him? Perhaps if he did they could put it behind them, call a truce, and maybe even enjoy some of the male camaraderie that came from roughhousing...

  Stuart side-stepped Wilson’s first swing and took the final step that brought him up onto a level playing field with the other man. Well, as level as the playing field could be when you faced a solid wall of muscle.

  But Stuart wasn’t worried. Wilson was obviously one of those guys who only worked on building muscle. It looked impressive and in situations where intimidation was necessary Wilson would be the guy. But in a fight, a real honest to God balls-to-the-wall fight, Wilson was as good as useless. As long as Stuart stayed out of his reach and didn’t allow him to get those dinner plates for hands on him then Wilson would tire quickly.

  Wilson reached out again, his fist swinging wide and wild as he struggled to get a grip on Stuart.

  “I really don’t think this is what Grey wants...” Stuart said, dodging another swing, sliding beneath Wilson’s arm and hopping up onto a higher step. One good punch and he could end it. It would be painfully easy to send Wilson tumbling down the steps, maybe even knocking him out... But Stuart knew it wasn’t the way to endear himself to Grey.

  “Stop running away and fight me like a man, or are you too afraid of what I might do to you?”

  Wilson sneered but Stuart could hear the wheeze in his voice, each breath becoming difficult.

  “I don’t want to fight you, Wilson. I proved my point earlier and you and Mattheson know it. If I hurt you, then he’s going to be pissed.”

  “He’s right, Wilson, I’ll be extremely irritated.”

  Mattheson’s voice rang out from the top of the step and Stuart fought the urge to take his eyes off Wilson and glance up at the other man.

  “Cut it out, Wilson, he’s a better fighter than you are. Most of the men are and you know it. It’s not the reason I hired you,” Mattheson said, and Stuart detected a note of weariness in his voice. This obviously wasn’t the first time that Wilson had played this sort of childish game.

  Wilson took another step down and leaned over, planting his hands on his knees as he panted loud and hard.

  “I know it’s not the reason you hired me, Mr Mattheson, but this one is too cocky. He needs to learn his place.”

  Wilson wheezed the words out and Stuart fought the urge to smile. He moved down towards Wilson, reaching out to the other man with the hand of friendship. There had been a time when he wouldn’t have lasted five seconds in any fight and Stuart knew how much it had to sting Wilson to look as strong as he was but not have the endurance to back it up.

  “You know, with a little cardio mixed in with the weight training you could become just as good as any of the fighters... Probably better because if you got your hands on someone you could snap them like a twig.”

  Wilson reached up and grasped Stuart’s hand with his. The moment Stuart felt Wilson’s meaty hand fold around his, Stuart knew reaching out to him was a mistake. Wilson had obviously not considered the match over, despite what his boss had ordered.

  Stuart tried to hold himself back but Wilson was strong and it was like trying to fight gravity.

  Wilson swung him in towards his fist, Stuart shifted, fighting to give himself a little wriggle room away from the blow he knew was coming.

  The punch glanced off Stuart’s jaw, the blow ricocheting through his skull, rattling his brain against bone. If it had been a direct hit, Stuart was under no illusion that Wilson could have knocked his head clean off his neck.

  The world spun in sickening colours but Stuart recovered quickly. He watched as Wilson wound his arm back in preparation to deliver another blow. Moving in against the other man’s body, Stuart drove his arm upwards, ramming his fist up under Wilson’s jaw. There was a resounding snap as Wilson’s mouth closed, quickly followed by a bony crunch.

  Surprise etched Wilson’s face as he released Stuart and wheeled away, blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. Stuart massaged his own bruised jaw as he watched Wilson stagger around in front of the steps, a pained moan escaping him.

  He opened his mouth as though he was going to speak and another moan trickled from between his lips. Wilson spat blood and what could only have been pieces of teeth onto the ground in front of him. Stuart did his best to disguise his disgust. He hadn’t wanted it to come down to this but Wilson had left him with little choice and Stuart certainly wasn’t going to allow anyone to put him down.

  “Go and get cleaned up, Wilson. I need to have a word with Mr Reynolds.”

  Mattheson’s voice came from directly behind Stuart, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

  For a moment no one moved and Stuart couldn’t help but wonder if Wilson was incensed enough to argue with his boss. He stared up at Mattheson and Stuart watched as something seemed to pass between them and then the moment was gone and Wilson turned and left.

  Stuart watched as the other man left, blood dripping onto the ground, leaving a sort of grotesque fairy-tale-style trail of breadcrumbs after him.

  Mattheson didn’t say anything, choosing to move back up the steps and disappear into the house.

  Stuart sighed and rubbed his hand across his jaw, wincing as the pain lit up in his face. He knew he should probably consider himself lucky that his jaw wasn’t broken. But he had a feeling that whatever Mattheson was going to say to him would determine just how lucky he continued to be.

  Stuart followed Mattheson into the office and took up a place near the door.

  “You can have a seat, I’m not going to bite.”

  “I’m happiest here, thanks.”

  Stuart smiled in an attempt to soften his curt words.

  “Ah, always worki

  Mattheson smiled and took a seat behind the desk.

  “Something like that.”

  Stuart nodded. It was easier to agree, since the last thing he wanted to do was explain that he felt more comfortable being near the closest exit. There was something about Mattheson that concerned him, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. And it had nothing to do with what he had caught a glimpse of between Mattheson and Ellie.

  Or at least that was what he was telling himself.

  “You’re very capable, Stuart, I admire the way you handled Wilson. He can be a terrible hothead and not many men would have even attempted to put him in his place, never mind actually go so far as to break his jaw. Most men wouldn’t want him as an enemy.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing then that I’m not most men...”

  Mattheson smiled but it wasn’t a friendly look.

  “Look, I didn’t intend to break his jaw, I didn’t even want to get involved but I wasn’t about to let him put me on my ass. And if I’m honest I haven’t had my bell rung like that in a while. If he’d got me the way he wanted...”

  Stuart trailed off knowing that Wilson’s intention had been to cause major injury. He was just lucky that he’d escaped with an aching jaw.

  “Don’t worry, Stuart, I won’t hold it against you this time. I can’t say the same for Wilson but that’s something you’ll have to work out between you.”

  “So the meeting isn’t so you can tell me to get lost?”

  “Of course not. Your brother couldn’t have recommended you more highly. He seems to believe that you’re the best out there and after the way you handled Wilson I can certainly appreciate his point of view. I just need to know what your connection is to Eleanor Blair?”

  “Eleanor? What has she got to do with any of this?”

  Grey dipped his face and Stuart watched as he seemingly studied the surface of the desk. He sighed, not one of frustration, but more a sigh of deep sadness and Stuart stood a little straighter against the wall.

  “I’m under no illusions, Stuart. I know you saw something unfortunate pass between me and Miss Blair today. The fact that you raced out of here after her says quite a bit about your relationship.”

  “Let me stop you right there, Mr Mattheson...”

  “Please, Stuart, call me Grey.”

  “Fine, Grey. I don’t have a relationship with Ellie. I saw she was upset and well...”

  Stuart spread his hands wide in front of himself as though to show Grey that he wasn’t hiding anything. Of course the less Grey knew about Stuart’s real thoughts about Ellie, the better.

  There was something about the man behind the desk that told Stuart to pretend indifference. Mattheson no doubt had a mean streak a mile wide, he would probably take great pleasure in torturing Ellie if he knew that Stuart had more than a friendly interest in the curvy brunette.

  Grey studied Stuart, his look hard and calculating.

  But this wasn’t the first time Stuart had been forced to play silly mind games with a narcissistic tool and it probably wouldn’t be the last.

  Grey’s expression changed suddenly, a wide smile beaming across his face.

  “Well, then that’s wonderful. I wouldn’t want to see you getting involved with someone like Eleanor. The poor girl has had a rough time of it and I’m the one she blames for everything that’s gone wrong in her life.”

  “So what happened between you today?”

  Stuart couldn’t resist asking Grey. As far as he was concerned it wasn’t a question that should raise any sort of red flags with Mattheson.

  The smile remained on Mattheson’s face but there was a dimming in his eyes and Stuart knew the other man had taken his question as being a sign that there was more than idle curiosity on Stuart’s behalf.

  “Nothing. We had a disagreement. She lashed out... It happens, particularly with someone as unstable as Eleanor.”

  Stuart smiled and pretended that what Mattheson had just said was something he could believe.

  “Well, I suppose I should check your references, and as long as they come through, which I expect they will, you can start work tomorrow.”

  Stuart nodded and turned, Mattheson’s voice halting him as he placed his hand on the door.

  “I really do hope your interest in Ellie is nothing more than curiosity, Stuart. I wouldn’t want to see someone like you—with such a promising future—to get caught up in her lies.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about me, Grey. I’ve heard you loud and clear.”

  Stuart pulled the door open and stepped out into the hall as Grey’s laughter followed him.

  Of course it was a lie, it all was. As far as Stuart was concerned, figuring out what was going on with Ellie and Grey was his number one priority.


  “Please, Tony, I need the extra shift, it’s important.”

  Ellie fought to keep the whining tone from her voice. She wouldn’t beg, but if her boss didn’t allow her to work more than her contracted hours then Ellie had no idea what she would do.

  Work in Breaker’s Point was already scarce and this was her final hope.

  “Ellie, you know if I had the work I would give it to you but there are other girls here too that need the hours just as much.”

  Tony’s voice was filled with sympathy and Ellie shook her head in an attempt to keep her tears from falling. The last thing she wanted was for Tony to start pitying her; it would be the last straw and Ellie knew she wouldn’t be able to take it.

  “Ellie, tell me what’s wrong? I’ve never seen you this worked up.”

  She plastered a smile across her face, pretence being the only tool she had left in her arsenal.

  “It’s nothing, really. I was just hoping for a few more hours is all...”

  She widened her smile in the hopes that he would give up on his line of questioning. Tony was a nice guy but he’d never been particularly interested in anyone’s personal life. That and of course the fact that it was ridiculously easy to throw him off track.


  Kelly poked her head in through the kitchen door, her smile lit up by the candy pink lipstick she wore.

  “Can I speak to you for a minute?”

  Tony nodded and turned back to the kitchen and what he had been doing before Ellie had asked him about the new rotas for the week.

  She followed Kelly out into the main diner and down to the empty end of the restaurant.

  “I couldn’t help but overhear that you were looking for more shifts here.”

  “Kelly, I really don’t...”

  Kelly instantly cut her off.

  “Don’t get mad, I didn’t mean to listen in but it happened.”

  Ellie didn’t say anything, biting down on her tongue in an attempt to keep her temper in check.

  When she didn’t argue, Kelly smiled and leaned in towards her, whispering conspiratorially.

  “I know how you can earn some extra cash.”

  “Kelly, I...”

  “Hear me out, OK? It’s nothing you need to worry about. I do a little waitressing up at some of the parties for the folks that live out along Cliff Road.”


  Kelly nodded. “Yeah. The parties are very exclusive but I think I could get you in, if you’d be interested...”

  Ellie grinned. “Kelly, if you could do that for me, I’d be forever grateful...” Ellie paused, unsure what to even think. This could be the answer to her prayers if Kelly came through for her.

  “It’s no problem, doll. I know you’ve struggled with caring for your mom and all...”

  A lump formed in the back of Ellie’s throat and she fought to swallow past it. Ellie flung her arms around Kelly’s neck, surprising herself as much as Kelly as she dragged her into a hug.

  In Ellie’s mind this was a lifeline. This morning after the letter she’d been drowning—everything had seemed so much more difficult. And now, out of nowhere, to have Kelly offer her an
opportunity to at least keep the wolf from the door for a little while longer? It was almost too good to be true.

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself. I have to run it past my boss.”

  Kelly’s practical attitude cut through Ellie’s excitement, instantly sobering her. She released the other woman and took a small step back, schooling her features in an attempt to disguise some of her relief.

  “I’ll let you know as soon as I have the details...”

  “Thanks, Kelly, I really do appreciate this.”

  “Well somebody’s persistent.”

  Kelly glanced over past Ellie and she turned to see who she meant.

  Stuart stepped into the diner, a frown on his face as he scanned the faces surrounding him. Ellie caught his eye and his expression instantly softened, making Ellie’s heart quicken.

  What the hell was wrong with her? She’d been over it a hundred times in her mind. She didn’t have time for someone like Stuart who would do nothing but complicate her already out of control life.

  “I’ll serve him,” Ellie said, a smile creeping across her lips as Stuart waved and took up his place in the booth he’d had the day before.

  Kelly turned and shrugged, moving back towards the kitchen to pick up her next order.

  Ellie moved across the room, pausing only once she’d made it to him.

  He grinned up at her, and it was then she became aware of the bruising beginning to appear on the side of his jaw.

  “What happened to you? Did Grey’s men do that to you?”

  Ellie’s anger at Grey instantly resurfaced. It washed over her, filling her veins with a white hot fury that threatened to steal the air from her lungs.

  “What? This?” Stuart indicated his jaw. “It’s nothing, an accident is all...”

  “But if Grey or one of his men did...”

  Stuart shook his head, cutting her off.

  “Seriously, it’s fine. You should have seen the other guy.” He grinned, his bright smile lighting his face and filling his eyes.

  It was a good smile, a very good smile and one that Ellie found difficult to resist.

  “So, what can I get for you?”

  She dropped her attention to the notepad that she struggled to pull from the pocket in the front of her small apron. It was easier to focus on something else—anything else—that would take her mind away from the handsome man sitting before her.


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