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Wild: Heaven Hill Generations #2

Page 5

by Laramie Briscoe

  “This doesn’t have to be crazy,” I murmur as we break apart, each trying to calm our breathing. “We can take our time.”

  She nods, her eyes somber. Addie fists the shirt she wears in her hands and pulls it off her body. My eyes immediately go straight to where her nipples strain against her bra. I want to see them, put my mouth them, and make her feel good. I make quick work of her bra and do just that as her fingers thrust into my hair, holding me to her tightly.

  When I can’t breathe anymore, I let her go. The two of us stare at each other for long moments, before I decide I can’t wait any longer.

  I tilt her head with my hand on her chin and take possession of her mouth again. It won’t take much and I’ll be addicted to this girl. Addicted in a way I’ve never been before. I’ll think about her all the time, and I’ll want her with me. I’ll want to make this work, and I’m afraid if we don’t make it work it will decimate me. Saying those words aloud aren’t an option, so I keep them locked away in the recesses of my brain where those insecurities we don’t want to tell other people about hide. I hope that these insecurities never rise to the surface.

  My tongue is dueling with hers, not leaving one part of her mouth untouched. She nips on my lip as she pulls back to dig her fingers into my hair. I’m there with her, nipping right back, chasing her lips. With a motion I’m not sure how we pull off, she loops her arms around my neck and I bend with my knees, grasping her by the ass, pulling her legs up around my waist.

  She’s pulled away from me again, and our eyes are clashing. There’s desire there, but there’s also an intensity I haven’t seen mirrored in a long time. It’s enough to make my knees weak, but I lock them as I walk us over to the bed. Carefully, I set her there and widen her thighs with my hips. Levering off her, I reach into the back pocket of my jeans, grabbing out the condom I keep for emergencies. Ripping it open with my teeth, I smooth the latex down my length, groaning roughly at how good it feels.

  I’ve covered her body with mine, enjoying the rub of every inch of my skin against every inch of hers. Our tongues are tangling in a dance as old as time, her fingers are digging into my hips as I grind myself into her. We’re naked. Clothes were taken off a long time ago, but I still haven’t entered her and she hasn’t made the move to put me inside her. I’m worshiping her and she’s worshiping me.

  My hands are on her neck, and I can feel the kick of her pulse, the slowing down and the accelerating as I do something she likes. Pulling back, I push one arm up over her head and trap some of her hair between my fingers. Her lips are red and plumped, and I feel a tightening in my gut, knowing I’m the one that made them look like that.

  I feel her hand sneak in between our bodies, and I feel her wrap her fingers around my cock. It’s hard, and it’s thick; we’ve been making out like teenagers for the better part of an hour. I’m worried that two strokes and this going to be over.

  “Wild, I want you.” She smears her lips down my neck, sucking at my pulse point before she moves her lips up to my ear. Her teeth nip at the earring I wear there. The metal warms from the heat of her mouth, and I shiver as she twirls her tongue there. I jump in her hand, and I grind my back teeth together, hoping this isn’t over before it begins.

  “I want you too. God, I want you, but I want to make this good for you,” I moan as I grind against her.

  “Take me slow.” She removes her hands from me and wraps them around my back.

  I shift my hips against hers and gently thrust myself inside of her. It’s not the plunge home that I’ve been doing lately. It’s soft, almost lazy, but that doesn’t mask the intensity. This is probably the most intense thing I’ve ever done. My eyes meet hers as I withdraw and push back in. Slowly, so fucking slowly, I inch back in and her mouth opens as she inhales deeply. Going this slow I can feel every grip of her heat, I can feel every inch as she takes me deep, and I wonder if that’s what it’s like for her. “Talk to me, Shortcake. How does it feel?” I ask, burying my mouth in her neck.

  “So big,” she moans. “God, you feel so big this way, like you fucking own me. You’re branding me as you claim every inch of me.” She clamps down on me, and I dig my teeth into her flesh.

  “You have to let me move, let me move,” I beg her.

  She releases her grip, and I start my grind again. It’s thorough and slow, making sure I hit every hot spot she has. Our eyes meet again and it’s so intimate. I feel like I’m totally bare against her, that she sees every part of my soul, and that shit’s scary when you come from where I do.

  “You feel so good.” I crush her body into mine and move my mouth to her ear as I plunge in and out of her, my pace picking up significantly.. “Don’t know why the fuck you walked into my bar when you did, but you’ve changed things for me. I watch for you to come in every night, watch as you make your rounds, make sure nobody’s fuckin’ with you. Think about if you’re coming in or not, hating those days when you don’t, and love those days that you do.” I want to stop this shit coming out of my mouth, but I can’t. It’s like the gates have opened, and I want her to know it all.

  She digs her fingers into my shoulders, hanging on as I thrust into her. Now she’s meeting each thrust, moaning every time I bump her clit. “I watch for you too, I walk around hoping like hell you’ll notice me.” Those words sound like they’re ripped from her throat.

  I thrust hard and deep one more time, and my orgasm surprises me, riding up my spine, spilling deep inside of her. My arms straighten out over her head, my fists grip the sheets, and my teeth clench as I grind my cock into her, meeting her eyes as I pour myself into her body. Heart and soul and everything else.

  Me getting there must get her there too. As I feel her clench against me, I feel the bite of her fingernails, and I glimpse her “O” face. All of that before I hear her breathe deeply against me, I hear the softly mumbled “Wild” before she drops her legs from around my waist.

  I roll to my side, bringing her with me, pushing her hair out of her eyes before I wipe the sweat out of mine.

  “We’re going to make sure neither of us are alone again, aren’t we?” she asks long after I thought she was asleep.

  I tighten my arms around her, not exactly sure what’s transpired in this room, but I know it’s been earth-shattering for the both of us. “Yeah, lonely isn’t something either one of us will ever know after tonight,” I tell her.

  It’s a promise that I’m making myself too. Lonely isn’t where I ever want to be again.



  “Well you look like you had a good time over the weekend.”

  I’m picking Tatum up from Cash’s shop so the two of us can go get our hair done together. I haven’t seen her in a few days, and as my eyes travel over her face, she looks like an entirely different person. I wonder if I look different to her too. Wonder if she can tell things have been changing for me, that I’ve been spending more time than I should at Mayhem, that I’m getting closer than I need to be to Wild. I’d love to tell her about what all is going on with me, but this is her time, this is her love story with Rem, I have nothing to do with it.

  When we get far enough away from the shop, she lets out the girliest scream I’ve ever heard from her. “It was absolutely amazing!”

  I face her, my eyes shining with a laughter that I’m trying to keep to myself. “I’m excited for you and so happy that the two of you got to spend time together.”

  As far as I know the two of them haven’t done the deed yet, and this is my way of questioning her. They hang out together all the time, she sleeps over with him all the time, but she’s not made me privy to their personal business in that way. I kind of have to admit that stings. She and I have always shared everything, but she’s keeping me out of a lot of her relationship with Rem. Almost like I was kept out of my own family.

  “It was one of the best weekends of my life,” she answers, happier than I’ve ever seen her.

  I can tell just by the way she’s pullin
g her lip between her teeth, the way she keeps looking away from my gaze, which I’ve tried to make as direct as possible, she’s close to breaking. “So how was it?” I ask slowly, a smirk crossing my face.

  She sighs, giving in. “Like it should have been the first time. He was so sweet, patient, hot as fuck, and everything I’ve ever wanted. I knew if we could get it together, it’d be mind-blowing, and it was. The way he kissed me, the way he touched me – just the way he did everything was perfect. It’s everything I had hoped it would be last year,” she admits softly. “And I wish I hadn’t pushed so hard, but I’m so thankful for where we are right now.”

  I can read the regret on her face, in her eyes. “You live and learn, right?”

  Carefully I pull my SUV into a parallel spot about a block down from Christine’s shop on the Square. “Nothing’s perfect all the time, and usually if it is, it isn’t real.”

  “Our parents seem perfect,” she argues.

  I pull my jacket closer to my body. The almost-February wind is damn near frigid. “I’m sure if we asked them, they would be honest. It feels like it’s perfect now, but I bet when their love was brand new, it wasn’t easy. You know my mom is a rape survivor. That couldn’t have been an easy thing to overcome.”

  Tate continues, pushing her hands into her jacket pockets as we hurry down the sidewalk. “And my mom had twins by another man, who were teenagers. Maybe you’re right.”

  “See,” I point out. “I don’t think anybody had it perfect from the beginning. It’s how we learn to compromise with one another and accept the faults of our significant other that makes it perfect. They aren’t perfect people, but they’re perfect for us.” I’m hit hard with how an image of Wild flashes through my mind.

  “You’re so much like your dad it’s scary, Addie. You know you’re only eighteen-years-old, right? You aren’t supposed to have this much knowledge about the world and people. You’re supposed to be fucking up like the rest of us.”

  Oh going to Mayhem, and flirting with Wild is a good primer in fucking up. “Don’t worry, Tee. I’m fucking up enough for the both of us.”

  As we get to Christine’s shop and she opens the door for us, I slap on my fake smile. A look from Tee tells me she knows it’s my fake smile, and she wants to question it, but she doesn’t. For that I’m thankful.

  “C’mon in ladies,” Christine pulls us in, shutting the door against the cold weather.

  Christine is the wife of Travis Steele, the communications/IT expert for Heaven Hill, and the sister of Jagger. She’s about as deep into Heaven Hill as you can get without being born into the fold. Not only is she an awesome person through and through, but she also does amazing hair, and lately she’s been taking chances with hers. Neither one of us have seen her in a month or so.

  Tate squeals as she gets a good look at the purple and black she’s got in her locks today. “I love that!”

  “Wanna do something like it?” Christine looks at the both of us.

  We both come up with excuses which Christine says is understandable. Putting us in two seats next to each other in the back of the salon. “Who wants to go first?”

  “Tate can,” I point at my friend. “She’s going dark.”

  “Are you?” Christine puts a cape over her and starts running her fingers through her hair.

  My mind wanders as the two of them talk about hair. I run my hands down my thighs, massaging them slightly. I’m sore in the best of ways, and I’d love to talk about it with Tee, considering where she was this weekend, but I don’t know what to call Wild, don’t know how to explain him to anyone else. My mind is too loud, so I go over to the counter to turn some music on as Christine starts mixing colors.

  “So what are you two ladies doing tonight?” she asks as she starts portioning off sections of Tate’s hair.

  “I think we’re gonna hang at the clubhouse, it’s been a while and Dad’s on my ass about it.” I have a seat and cross my legs. “He can’t stand when I don’t check in.”

  “Tyler Blackfoot has to know everything that goes on.” Tate deepens her voice, making fun of Dad.

  “Totally true,” Christine laughs at the two of us.

  “He was giving me shit the other day, telling me I don’t come around enough since Tate and I moved into the apartment together and he almost forgot what I looked like.” I roll my eyes. “And that Caelin is being extra douchey because I’m not around to knock him down a peg or two. Basically everything is my fault.” I grin.

  “Okay let’s be honest,” Tate shoots me a look. “Your little brother is a douche because he’s sixteen and looks like a man. I heard a rumor that he and a teacher got it on, and I don’t doubt that – at all.”

  Behind us, Christine agrees. “I don’t either, he’s the spitting image of your dad.”

  “My brother is too pretty and too manly for his own good. He got the best of each of our parents. I would kill to look like him.”

  “Your gorgeous in your own way, Addalynn,” Christine’s voice is soft.

  “Yeah I guess,” I shrug, admitting something I’ve never said out loud before. “But I’ll never look like them. Hell, I don’t know who I look like.”

  “You’re exotic, Ad; you’ve got light eyes, olive skin, and the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen. It looks good in literally every color. You’re perfect the way you are, so stop talkin’ trash about my best friend.”

  I want to cry as those words come out of Tate’s mouth. The way I’ve been feeling lately, alone and forgotten – to hear those words, they’re almost too much.

  “Damn, Tate,” Christine gasps as she lifts the hair off her neck. “How hard did Remy suck on that piece of skin? Are those teeth marks?”

  I giggle as Tate’s face goes beet red. I hop up from my chair and come over to inspect. “Damn girl!” I give her a high-five.

  “Can we please not talk about this?” She covers her face with her hands. “He did things to me I’m not sure I can ever talk about without going to hell.”

  “But Tate, those are the best kind, baby.” Christine giggles behind us. “I’ve always wondered about him because he’s so quiet and so cute. Sometimes he gets this look of determination and you wonder if that’s what he looks like as he’s going to town on a woman.”

  “Christine!” Tate giggles. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “What? He’s younger, but he’s not that much younger. He’s turned into a hottie. I mean, I’m married, but I can look.”

  “He is pretty hot,” my friend concedes.

  “Oh my God, look at her.” I fan her face. “You’ve got it so bad, Tate, just admit it. You two are finally where you’re supposed to be.”

  “We are, and I’m happy.”

  “That’s all anyone wants for you,” Christine finishes the color and then moves Tate to the dryer. “And maybe some concealer before your daddy sees that hickey and bite mark on your neck.

  “Anybody else want anything?” Tate asks as I take my spot in the chair. She’s running down to Harper’s bakery to get us snacks.

  “Hot chocolate.” Christine tries to offer her money, but she’s waved off.

  “I got this. Want anything, Addie?”

  There’s one thing from Harper’s bakery I love besides sausage biscuits. “Apple tart if she’s got any in the case.” I smack my lips together. “Cause those things are divine.”

  “Be back in a minute.” Tate waves as she exits, leaving just me and Christine.

  “So what are we doing with your hair?” She runs her hands through the natural curls I get from somewhere.

  “Just a trim I think, maybe a deep condition. I’ve been using that oil you gave me and it’s doing wonders for the frizziness.”

  “We can definitely do that. Trimming it a little will give you that bounciness back and will also make it easier to straighten if you want to do that.”

  I wonder what Christine sees when she looks at me. Do I look like my dad to her? My mom? Because I’v
e been around them for so long, or do I look like someone foreign, I want to ask, but I’m also afraid the answer will break my heart. So I don’t. “Sounds great. Maybe next time I come I’ll get some highlights, closer to summer.”

  “I meant what I said Addie. You’re beautiful the way you are. No matter what you’ve ever decided to do with your look, you’ve rocked it.”

  Tears pop behind my eyes and I almost want to cry at the sincerity in her voice. “Thank you.”

  We’re quiet for a few minutes as she sections off portions of my hair, just like she did with Tate. When she stops and her sparkling eyes meet mine in the mirror, a slow smile spreads across her face. “What?”

  “I might have said something about teeth marks to Tate, but who gave you yours?”

  My face flames, I’m not ready to tell anyone about Wild. “It’s new.”

  “Must be brand new, and must be someone none of us know. Oh Addie,” her voice positively trembles with excitement, “does Tyler know?”

  “Fuck no!”

  She giggles, making a few cuts to the ends of my hair. “Oh girl, this is gonna be so much fun.”

  For the first time I wonder how in the hell Christine got so evil.



  “I’ve gotta go make this payment, and then I’ll be in to work,” I tell Skunk as I grab my wallet and cell phone, along with my jacket. “I shouldn’t be too late.”

  “Take your time, I got it if you are,” he answers from where he lays on the couch, blowing smoke toward the ceiling. I’m still amazed by how much this dude smokes.

  “I’ve gotta go out to their clubhouse, you think I’ll make it back in time?” I have directions, but since I’m not completely familiar with Bowling Green yet, I’m not sure what kind of drive time I’m looking at.

  “Depends on how fast you can take those roads, some of them are curvy. Just plan on being late. Not a big deal dude.”


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