Acts of Congress
Page 13
At first, she was laying on her stomach with the assailant pressing all of their weight on her, but she was able to fight her way around, turning until she was now lying on her back. She immediately noticed that the assailant was wearing all black attire, with a ski mask covering their identity. She struggled to reach for the mask and trying to get a grip on it so she could reveal her attacker’s identity. As she tried to do this, the unknown assailant just laughed and their muffled voice is heard.
“Don’t you know that it over for you bitch…you can’t get away…”
When she heard the aggressor’s voice, she tried to recognize it but it's much distorted. Somehow, she was able to knee the assailant in the mid-section, which automatically caused them to roll off her. She quickly stood up and attempted to run toward the door. When she grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it but she found out that, the door was locked from the outside. She rapidly observed her surroundings while she made the swift decision to go toward the left side of the room to another exit there. She ran toward that direction, but before she could make it toward the door, another assailant tackled her, grabbing her legs, which caused her to trip and land, face first on the floor. She was now in so much excruciating pain that it caused her to fall and land on her chin, which was now bleeding profusely. She tried to kick the assailant. However, they took a knife and instantaneously sliced the bottoms of her feet, which caused her more discomfort. This made it very impossible hard for her to escape. She managed to kick the assailant once again in the face, which made the aggressor role back away from her. She tried to stand up but the pain caused by the knife wounds on the bottoms of her feet made it extremely difficult for her to run. She managed to open the door, moving as fast as she could trying to find Thom or anyone that could help save her from her attackers.
“Thom…Thom…where are you, please help me.”
Still there was not an answer. She made her way down the hall toward the service elevator. She pushed the button, trying to get the elevator to come to the floor, but it was stuck on the fourth floor. She sighed, as she heard noises coming from the direction that she had just came from. She knew that her assailants were coming for her while she ran over toward the door that was marked stairs and opened it. She took the flight of stairs down to the service kitchen where she was hoping to get something, anything to use in self-defense. When she made it into the kitchen, she had to stop because the devastating pain from her wounded feet began to take a toll on her. She looked around for the chef knives with the hope of getting one to use as a weapon. She glanced around, finally spotting the knife rack on the far left corner of the kitchen. She quickly made her pursuit toward retrieving one when suddenly another anonymous attacker tackled her again. This time, the assailant had a grip, which allowed them to press her arms under their knees, and with the rest of their weight, they pressed their body weight so hard that it kept her for kicking. The assailant laughed while he flipped her over on her stomach like a calf and then immediately the attacker he commenced to hog-tie her wrists and then her ankles together.
Just when the aggressor finished, two more assailants came rushing in, picking Caramel up off the floor while she began to squeal. As they stood her up the first assailant swung extremely hard hitting Caramel in the mouth. This caused an extremely vast amount of blood to come rushing out of her mouth. She began to cry while the assailant struck her again and again, hitting her right eye then her left jaw. She now had a large gash over her eye, which made her look like she was the loser in a middle-weight boxing match. One of the assailants then laughed as he spoke, “You see bitch…you should’ve been more careful in your shit…now look at you…you’re all fucked up!”
Before Caramel could answer back, one of the other assailants placed a gag over her busted and bloody mouth, taking her back up to the sauna room upstairs. When they returned to the sauna room, they quickly dragged her over toward an empty chair in the middle of the floor next to the Jacuzzi that she was using, which at this time the temperature was just above boiling. They forced her to sit down on the chair while the first assailant slowly strolled over toward her. The other two just stood next to her holding her down in the chair while the lead aggressor gazed down at Caramel, who was in bad shape from her recent thrashing. She slowly lifted her head to face her attackers while one of them commenced to speak, “You know something…you have a lot of people pissed off at you…they’re so pissed at you that they want you to disappear. I wonder why that is. Is it because you don’t care about nothing or nobody but yourself…using people to get what you want…yeah everybody you have touched knows that you want to get that damn sexual reconstructive surgery so you can be a whole woman…really. Well…I don’t think you’re gonna be needing that sexual reconstructive surgery beloved because after we’re done fuckin’ with your ass…all you’re gonna want to do is die.”
Caramel’s eyes grew enormous as the main aggressor commenced to laugh, while the other two assailants standing next to her quickly grabbed her by her arms and threw her to the floor. She was now lying there fully exposed to them, while the assailants glanced at each other smiling then immediately grabbing her from behind. One of them quickly took out his dick, stroking it until it was extremely hard and then he just shoved it deep into Caramel’s ass without any lubrication.
She screamed through the gag while the assailant stroked her as remorselessly as he could, hammering her asshole like it was the last one on the Earth. The tears just poured down her face while he fucked her like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly after about ten minutes of this, the other assailant pulled out his throbbing hard dick and began to slide his dick next to the other assailant’s in Caramel’s ass.
After a few minutes of this, both men were now fucking Caramel’s ass simultaneously, making her scream to the top of her lungs.
Although it was supposed to be extreme torture, she couldn’t help but to enjoy having them both in her asshole in unison. She felt herself about to explode while they continued to ram her asshole, making her bleed slightly. She quickly felt intense orgasmic spasms in her ass which seemed to jolt her throbbing hard dick when she suddenly felt an uncontrollably urge to cum. Seconds later, she commenced to shoot enormous amounts of cum all over the floor in front of her while they continued to fuck her ass profusely. She closed her eyes while she tried to figure out if this was a revengeful scheme set up by Thom to get back at her for making advances toward Ambassador Nassar, or was this payback from someone else who hated her. As she thought deeper into this situation, it just seemed out of character for Thom to do.
Not putting any thought in what he was doing one of the assailants suddenly began to shout out, “Oh yes damn it…I’m cumming yes…I’m cumming in your black ass bitch…here it cums…HERE IT CUMS!”
He released his load deep into Caramel’s asshole, but before he could finish his climax, the other hare-brained assailant busted his nut in her ass as well, shooting massive loads of jizm in her asshole. After they finished toying with her, they immediately shoved her back down on the floor next to the main assailant who now stood over her gazing down at her demented. The main aggressor immediately reached down and yanked the gag off her swollen lips. She screamed slightly as the pain became fierce. Caramel now trying to study her assailants, was still trying to decipher who would do this sort of thing to her. She knew she had pissed off many tricks on her journey, but was that damage severe enough that they became demented like this?
She sighed heavily while she spoke, “Who are you…why are you doing this to me?”
The main aggressor smiled while they responded, “Because you’re a spoiled little bitch who needs to be taught a damn lesson…yeah that’s right a lesson.”
Caramel responded with a nervous tone, “Why…what did I do that was so wrong…all I ever wanted was to be the woman that I am supposed to be. You think it’s fuckin’ exciting being born in the wrong damn body…living this secret life like this…”
Before she could
finish her statement, the main aggressor balled up his fist and struck her across the face, making more blood splatter out of her mouth.
“Shut up Bitch…you really need to stop making it sound like God made a mistake cause he don’t make mistakes…you made a choice and your damn choice has hurt a lot of people in the long run.”
Caramel sighed while she listened to the statement made by the unknown assailant while she thought, “Who is this and what do they know about me?”
Suddenly one of the other aggressors chimed in, “Look we’re spending too much fuckin’ time on this shit…let’s just get this fuckin’ over with and get the fuck out of here!”
The main aggressor turned slightly toward the other aggressors while he replied, “You just wait…I gotta get something straight first and then we can finish this…”
When Caramel heard that she knew she was in deep trouble, “Why are you gonna kill me…I don’t deserve to die for being who I am…please…don’t kill me…PLEASE!”
The main aggressor sighed heavily while he struck her once again across her face, this time she fell off the chair onto the floor.
“You need to shut up you fuckin’ fake ass bitch…”
The other aggressors quickly commence to panic while they tried to get the main aggressor to end this torture.
“C’mon now…let’s waste this bitch and get the fuck out of here…that’s what we came to do…why you waiting time…just do it now…just do it now!”
As soon as they finished their statement, the main assailant immediately pulled out a Glock 22C from their jacket pocket and pressed it next to Caramel’s right temple. She immediately started to whimper while she just laid there wondering if this was her end
Instantaneously the main assailant grabbed her by her tresses and sat her up on her knees with the gun still pressing against her head, “I’m gonna make sure your faggot ass head is plastered all in that Jacuzzi over there.”
The aggressor continued, grabbing her tresses while he now dragged her over toward the Jacuzzi until she was just over the edge of it where he made her stand up. While she stood up a fourth unknown assailant came rushing in from out of nowhere, pulled her head back and using an extremely large hunting bowie knife commenced to slice Caramel’s neck from her left ear to her right, causing an enormous amount of blood to just gush into the Jacuzzi. Caramel’s eyes were now bucked out of her head while she tried desperately to get some much-needed oxygen into her lungs. Her body just commenced to buck uncontrollably while she quickly embarked to cease her existing life. She tried to grab her throat but all she could do was fall forward into the boiling Jacuzzi while the remaining blood from her neck just emptied into the sweltering pool. Her body just shuddered for several more minutes until suddenly the bubbles from her throat ceased to escape which indicated that the one who was once known as Caramel Love was now no more.
The fourth assailant glared at the others while they spoke, “We’ve wasted too much damn time on this bitch…let’s get the hell outta here before somebody calls the crime squad.”
While her aggressors right away vacated the vicinity, Caramel’s mutilated diminutive body commenced to sink into the hot Jacuzzi tub headfirst. Her eyes still wide open as if she was scrutinizing her assassins while they left her lifeless. She was now dead and she’ll never know the reason why she was slain. If only walls could talk…they would reveal so much, but for her it was simply just too late.
Present Day…
We now revisit the opening act where we first started this whole account as we now find ourselves across town in one of the Longworth House Congressional office buildings; the television was broadcasting the evening news while two familiar and distinguished gentlemen watched it vigilantly.
“Congressman Thomas Whetstone has always been a major figure in politics since the mid 1970’s, but recent controversies are beginning to overshadow that legacy as we have just learned that the body of a young African-American woman was found dead in his Washington D.C. villa early this morning. Although the Congressman was now present when the body was discovered, we have not been able to get a statement from him or his camp as of this time...”
The newscaster continued with the breaking news while the Congressman’s page quickly strolled into his office with a fresh pot of coffee, sat it down on the service counter and then quickly strolled out of the office. He sat there at his desk while his most trusted administrative assistant of twenty plus years; Jake Towson tried to console him and make sense of all of this.
“Look know this doesn’t look good...why’d you let that crazy ass bitch stay at your apartment while you were away? Could this be the work of some idiot that’s trying dreadfully hard to get your Congressional seat in the upcoming election? Hell Thomas…this doesn’t look good for us at all…shit.”
The Congressman sighed while he stood up and immediately commenced to pace the floor while he continued to watch the story unfold on the television. He glanced at Jake as if he received an epiphany, which immediately made him blurt out senseless jargon, “I don’t know how to explain this one...I just...”
Jake promptly interrupted him, “Look...we just got out of some deep shit with those allegations of you taking large amounts of your campaign contributions and using them to travel to the Caribbean two years ago now this fuckin’ problem all of a sudden surfaces...we’ve got to think fast Thomas…we must think about this.”
He turned toward Jake while he responded, “You’re damn right we need to think fast…Isn’t that what I pay you for…to fuckin’ think fast?”
As soon as he said that, the office telephone began to ring off the hook. Jake sighed as he responded; “ the fun begins…who the fuck is that?”
The Congressman glanced at the caller ID and immediately noticed that it was his darling wife of thirty-five years.
He sighed heavily as he thought about how he’d explain this dilemma to his wife and his daughter who were presently vacationing in Europe. He knew it would be a matter of time before the news reached her there and he wanted to protect them from the media but it was too late as he hinted to Jake that it was his wife Abigail on the phone. Abigail Hiltson-Whetstone, daughter of an extremely influential business tycoon who made his money during prohibition wasn’t new to this kind of rumormongering. For years, she knew that her husband’s sexual appetite was extremely elevated for younger women and this incident was not a surprise to her. Thomas sighed as he slowly positioned the receiver to his ear.
“Hello…Abigail my dear. How are you doing sweetheart?”
Before he could go on with his pathetic declaration she commenced to speak firmly into the telephone, “Well Thomas…I guess your cock has finally gotten you in a fix this time huh? I told you if any of your bullshit got out and tarnished my family or our daughter’s reputations that I’d leave your for sure…what part of that statement didn’t you understand?”
While he rapidly tried to explain his position, he was completely unsuccessful because all he could now hear was the intonation of the dial tone ringing in his despairing ear. He gazed over toward Jake with a pitiful expression on his face while he spoke, “We need to fix this shit and we need to get it done before I have to make a statement to the press.”
Jake sighed heavily then replied, “Look Thom…I told you that you were getting to close to that fuckin’ whore when you started that relationship….don’t you remember that?”
The Congressman sighed heavily while he sat down on the couch, putting his hands on both sides of his face.
Jake gazed at him when he asked the ultimate question; “Now I need you to come clean with me on this Thom…I really need you to tell me the truth on this one.”
The Congressman stared at him dumbfounded while he replied, “What the fuck are you talking about Jake? What truth?”
Jake sat down on the couch directly in front of him and unhurriedly lit a cigarette. He inhaled the smoke and then seconds later he exha
led it through his nose while he answered him, “I need to know if you want my help with this Thom.”
Thomas glared at him as raised his head and replied, “If I want your help…of course I want your help! You said you needed to know what…what are you asking me Jake?”
Jake looked him square in the eye whilst he responded, “Did you fuckin’ kill her Thom? I need to know the truth. Did you kill Caramel Love?”
Meanwhile across town at the gruesome scene of the crime, the Forensic Team was gradually going through the residence, dusting for prints and searching for any corpus of evidence that could possibly give the investigating homicide detectives any leads that could help solve this high profile case. Sergeant Patrick Briscoe, a twenty-five year Special Victims Unit veteran with the Metropolitan Police Department strolled into the scene of the crime. He was slowly strolling around the apartment, looking for anything that could help decipher what went on there. He gradually wandered around the Jacuzzi and noticed the temperature was set to 212°, which was the boiling point. He sighed shaking his head as he continued to look around the scene where he noticed dirty boot prints on the floor. He stooped down to get a better look and he noticed that the boot prints were of different sizes. He quickly noticed on the carpet that there was a large sticky stain right next to the Jacuzzi just below where the victim was standing.