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Enticed by the Operative (Doctors in Danger, Book 1)

Page 21

by Lara Lacombe

  If she really had wanted him dead, why bother rushing to Bogotá? He’d been mostly out of it during the drive, but he remembered the beating his body had taken as Olivia hit every divot and ditch in the road at full speed. It would have been much easier for her to let him bleed out on the way and claim she hadn’t made it in time...

  And what about the things she’d said? It was starting to come back to him now, and he could hear her muttered voice chanting “stay with me” over and over like some kind of mantra. Not exactly the words of a woman who wanted him dead...

  Was it possible Alan was wrong? The facts were compelling enough, but maybe they had misinterpreted things.

  Or maybe, his cynical side said, you just don’t want to be wrong about another woman.

  “Do you think Avery and Mallory are still safe?” The question jerked him out of his thoughts and he glanced over to find Olivia’s features twisted with worry.

  Logan nodded. This was something he did know for sure. “We’ve still got people watching them. They’re fine.” And apparently totally unaware of Olivia’s entanglement with the cartel.

  Relief shone brightly in her eyes. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to them. I can’t wait for this ordeal to be over so my life can go back to normal.”

  Normal. Now there was a thought. Would things ever be normal for him again? Was it possible for his life to go back to the way it was before he’d met Olivia? He wasn’t sure what was worse: getting shot or finding out about her betrayal. Both wounds hurt badly, and he’d carry their scars for the rest of his life.

  “Soon,” he promised. “We’ll have you set up the meet with Carlos once we get back. You’ll be done before you know it.” The thought should have given him pleasure, but instead he felt hollow inside. This was the worst op he’d ever been on, and it was all his fault. He’d let his emotions rule his behavior and he’d gotten attached to Olivia when he should have kept his distance. Was it any wonder he felt like he was falling apart inside?

  He glanced over at the guys who were talking quietly. Alan caught his eye and gave him a thumbs-up, and Logan nodded in return. They’d decided that since Logan lived next door to Olivia, he’d keep an eye on her until she met with Carlos. They didn’t want to risk putting her under surveillance and having her get suspicious, especially at such a critical juncture in the investigation. If she realized she was now under the microscope, she might warn off Carlos and they’d lose their chance to get him.

  Logan had agreed to the plan but he still felt torn. Part of him saw it as a way to atone for the mistakes he’d made in Colombia. But another part of him still questioned Olivia’s role in this play. Was she really capable of such deception? They’d practically lived in each other’s pockets for the past few weeks, and he’d been by her side constantly. Hell, they’d even shared a bed. During all that time, he’d seen the compassion and skill she brought to her patients and her intense dedication to her job. There had been many days she’d seen patients from sunup to sundown and she hadn’t complained once about being tired or wanting a break. That wasn’t the kind of attitude a person could fake, at least not for so long. It seemed wrong to him that a genuinely dedicated physician like Olivia could also be working for the cartel.

  But she does have a lot of debt. Money was a powerful motivator, and she’d said herself she had loans to pay both from her education and her parents’ medical bills. It was possible she had been bought, but the more he thought about it, the more it just didn’t ring true.

  He closed his eyes and feigned sleep, wanting more time to think. This whole situation seemed like a Gordian knot, impossible to understand. But Logan wasn’t going to give up so easily. If he kept at it, he’d find some way to untangle the problem, to separate the truth from the lies and misunderstandings.

  The guys were closing in, getting ready to arrest Olivia and present their case in court. If she was guilty, then she deserved to go to prison. But if she was innocent...

  He shook off the distraction. He would figure out what had really happened and who was truly to blame.

  Before it was too late.


  “I can’t believe you took some guy you barely know to Colombia! I wanted to go.”

  Olivia smiled despite the disbelief in Avery’s voice. “You couldn’t get off of work,” she reminded her friend. It was such a relief to talk to her, to hear her voice and know that she was okay! Logan and his coworkers had assured her that Avery and Mallory were fine, but a small part of her had still worried about them. As soon as they’d given her the all clear, she’d called Avery to check on her. They hadn’t been talking long, but Olivia already felt so much better.

  “How did you meet him anyway?”

  Olivia bit her bottom lip. “His company was interested in investing in my trip and they wanted him to come along and see firsthand what I do there.” She hated lying to her friend, but it was for the best. She couldn’t risk tipping off Carlos before Logan and his men were able to arrest him.

  She’d already called the man, and the memory of it made her shudder. Even though she’d only spoken to him long enough to set up their meeting, just hearing his voice in her ear had sent waves of revulsion through her body. It had taken all her self-control not to gag.

  “Is he cute?”

  Olivia laughed, thoughts of Carlos dimming as she called up Logan’s face. “No,” she said, warmth kindling to life in her belly as she pictured him. “He’s definitely not cute—that’s a description for a boy. Logan is all man, and he’s very handsome.”

  “Ooh,” Avery squealed. “I want details! What happened? Are you two an item now? Start from the beginning!” Olivia heard the protest of springs and knew her friend had just plopped down on her ancient sofa. “Don’t leave anything out,” Avery commanded.

  Olivia hesitated a moment, debating on what to say. Should she play it cool and pretend like nothing had happened? Or confess everything and get her friend’s take on things? Even though Logan claimed he was feeling better, he still seemed a little off and she couldn’t shake the impression that he’d taken a step back from her ever since his surgery in Bogotá. It reminded her of the way Scott had distanced himself before finally leaving her, and her stomach ached at the thought of Logan doing the same thing. Maybe talking it over with Avery would help her understand what was going on and if there was anything she could do to make him see that she still cared for him.

  She opened her mouth, preparing to spill it all. But just then the doorbell rang, distracting her. “Hang on,” she told her friend.

  Avery groaned in frustration. “Not fair! I haven’t been on a date in ages—I’m living vicariously through you!”

  “What makes you think I have anything good to share?” Olivia teased as she made her way to the door.

  “You said he was ‘all man’ and ‘very handsome,’” Avery reminded her. “Those aren’t the words of a woman who kept her professional distance.”

  “Guilty as charged.” Olivia laughed. “Just let me get the door.”

  She opened it to find Logan standing on the stoop, his hands in his pockets. “Hi,” she said, genuinely pleased to see him.

  “Hello,” he replied. “Mind if I come in?”

  “Of course not,” she said, stepping aside so he could enter. She caught a whiff of his soap as he passed by, and the now-familiar scent lit a spark of excitement in her chest. “Avery, I’m going to have to call you back.”

  “That’s him, isn’t it?” her friend asked. “Never mind, I can tell it is. He sounds sexy.”

  Olivia stifled a laugh. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Forget about me. I’m just the friend. Go be with your guy.”

  “I will call you back,” Olivia promised, following Logan into the kitchen. “I still haven’t heard about your trip to Kansas.”

  “There’s not much to tell,” Avery said. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  Olivia hung up and gave
Logan a smile. “Sorry about that—I was catching up with Avery.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. It’s so good to hear her voice.” She let out a sigh and set the phone on the kitchen counter. “I left a message with Mallory and I hope to hear back from her soon. I know the DEA is looking after them both, but I feel better after talking to Avery.”

  Logan studied her for a moment and she fought the urge to blush. “You look better,” he commented. “You seem more relaxed now that you’re home.”

  “I feel that way, too,” she said. “Want something to drink?”

  He shook his head. “I’m just here for a quick visit.”

  She tamped down a flare of disappointment. “That’s too bad. We haven’t seen much of each other lately.” She was surprised by how lonely she’d felt over the past few days. Did he feel the same way?

  If he did, he didn’t show it. He looked amazing, especially for a man who’d recently had emergency surgery. His color was good and he didn’t appear to be in any pain. He seemed to be recovering quite nicely, and she knew most of that was due to his sheer determination to get well as soon as possible.

  He gave her an apologetic smile that sent zings of sensation through her limbs. “They’re keeping me busy at the office,” he said. “But I wanted to stop by and make sure you’re all set for tomorrow’s meeting.”

  The reminder chased away Olivia’s lingering enjoyment from her conversation with Avery. “I suppose,” she said. “There’s really nothing new to it, is there?”

  Logan shook his head. “Not really. We’ll have the same setup—you in your office, surveillance teams on the street and in the waiting room. Only this time, once he’s inside your office, we’re going to move in.”

  That was the part that made her nervous—she’d never been involved in something like this before. “Are you sure the other people in my office will be safe?” What if Carlos had a gun and started shooting? What if one of her coworkers or a patient was injured? She’d never forgive herself if more people were hurt because of her.

  Logan dismissed her concerns with a wave of his hand. “We’ve cleared your schedule. It won’t be an issue.”

  “If you’re sure,” Olivia said. She crossed to the fridge and opened it to retrieve a bottle of water. “I don’t mean to question your plan. It just worries me, that’s all.”

  Logan moved to stand next to her. “I understand. And it’s natural for you to feel anxious about it. But I told you once I’d keep you safe. I’ve kept my promise.”

  She met his eyes, trapped by his deep green gaze. “Yes, you have,” she murmured.

  “Trust me to see you through tomorrow safely, as well.”

  “I do,” she said honestly. His proximity was almost intoxicating, and Olivia wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around him, bury her nose in the hollow of his throat and stay there for days. He had become her addiction, and she wanted more.

  He nodded and glanced away, as if preparing to leave. She felt a sudden bolt of panic at the thought—he’d just arrived! Surely he could stay a little longer? Just a few more minutes, then she could let him go...

  “Logan,” she blurted out. He turned back to give her a questioning look. “Ah, can you stay for a bit? Just to catch up?”

  He lifted one brow in amusement. “It’s only been two days,” he pointed out.

  “I know, but I miss you.” She bit her lip, wishing she had the gift of eloquence. Instead, she sounded like a desperate woman.

  His eyes softened and he nodded his head. “All right. Just let me call the guys and tell them I’ll be late getting back.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “Mind if I step into the other room for a moment?”

  Olivia shook her head, unable to stop the smile from taking over her face. “No problem. Want me to make some coffee?”

  “That sounds nice.” He ran his hand down her arm on his way out of the room, and her insides quivered in response to his touch. How long would he have this effect on her? Would she ever be able to see him and not want to be near him? Could they ever go back to being just neighbors again?

  No, she decided. That wasn’t an option. Like it or not, she’d fallen for Logan Murray. Her heart saw him as her future. Now she just had to find out how he felt about her.

  * * *

  “She doesn’t suspect anything.” Logan ran a hand through his hair and started to pace, careful to stay on the rug so his steps would be muffled.

  “Notice anything suspicious?” Alan asked. They had agreed to give Olivia details about the meeting tomorrow as a test—would she contact Carlos and warn him? Alan had asked for authorization to set up a wiretap, but the judge had said they didn’t have enough evidence to justify it. All they could do now was wait and watch...

  “No. She seemed happy to see me.” His heart tightened a bit at the memory of her face when she’d opened the door and seen him standing there. She’d looked both thrilled and relieved, a combination that mirrored his own emotions. The more he thought about her and her actions in Colombia, the bigger his doubts grew. The Olivia he knew could not willingly be involved in this mess. He just had to figure out how to prove it.

  “That’s good,” Alan said. “Hopefully she just thinks you’re there on a social call.”

  “I’m staying for coffee.” He hoped Alan didn’t ask why. He didn’t want to explain his thoughts on the matter, or the way his heart rate had jumped when Olivia had confessed she missed him. He felt the same way, but he didn’t want to admit it just yet. There was still a vanishingly small chance things were not as they seemed, and he didn’t want to surrender to his feelings until he knew for sure Olivia was innocent. Bad enough that he’d fallen for her. If she was guilty, at least he’d still have his pride intact.

  “Glad to hear it,” Alan replied. “Keep your eyes and ears open and let me know if you notice anything.”

  The faint chime of the doorbell drifted into the room and he frowned. Was she expecting someone? “Will do,” he said distractedly. He hung up before Alan could reply and slipped the phone back into his pocket. Then he moved to the doorway and stood to the side, out of sight. He was being paranoid, he knew, but Olivia hadn’t mentioned another visitor.

  He heard her steps as she walked to the door, and the click of the lock as she flipped it open. He was starting to feel a little foolish listening in, but something kept him glued in place...

  She opened the door and gasped, then there was a solid thud as the door met something hard, probably a foot or a hand.

  “Dr. Sandoval, is that any way to greet an old friend?”

  “You are not my friend. What are you doing here?” Her voice was heavy with fear and Logan’s heart sank as he realized he’d been played for a fool.

  Carlos was here, ahead of schedule and in the wrong location. Olivia must have been expecting him, but at a later time. No wonder she sounded scared—she’d just been caught in a lie.

  Betrayal burned hot and bright in his chest, making it hard to breathe. Logan pushed aside the hurt and glanced around the room, looking for a way out. He could climb through the window and into her backyard, but then he’d miss hearing valuable information they needed to make the arrest.

  In the end, his desire for justice trumped his concerns for his own safety.

  He removed his phone and sent a quick text to Alan. Carlos is here. Come now. Then he slipped the phone back into his pocket and took a deep breath, focusing his thoughts on the job ahead. Later he’d take the time to agonize over his misplaced trust. Now he needed to block out his emotions and do what was necessary to end this once and for all.


  Carlos waltzed into her home like he owned the place, trailed by his silent, menacing bodyguard. His smug confidence sucked up all the oxygen in the room—or at least it felt that way to Olivia. She put a hand to her chest, struggling to breathe in the wake of his appearance. Why was he here?

  Her next thought was of Logan, still in the other room.
Had he heard the doorbell? Please stay away. If he were to walk out now, there was no telling what Carlos or his henchman might do.

  “Why are you here, Carlos?” she asked, a little loudly. Maybe Logan would hear her and could text for help before things got out of hand. The thought made her feel a little better and helped steady her nerves. Logan would do his job. She just had to distract Carlos until the DEA arrived.

  “I’m here for my merchandise.” Carlos raised a brow, his expression clearly indicating that he found her question ridiculous. “Did you think I had forgotten?”

  Olivia shook her head and fought the urge to look at the door of her study, where Logan had gone to make his call. “No. But we had agreed to meet tomorrow.”

  Carlos smiled, a thin, cruel slant of his mouth. “We had. But I do not trust you.” He took a step forward, and his bodyguard followed suit. They were trying to intimidate her, and Olivia was ashamed to admit it was working.

  She swallowed, trying to stall. “I’ve given you no reason to doubt me,” she said, her voice only a little shaky.

  Carlos tilted his head to the side, studying her the way a cat might a mouse. The look in his dark eyes made her stomach twist and she felt the burn of bile in the back of her throat.

  “Where is your friend?” he asked softly.

  Olivia held her ground and met his gaze. “Which one?”

  He snorted softly, apparently amused by her response. “Let us not play games. I know your potential financier is not who you claimed.”

  His words made her blood run cold. He knew. Somehow, Carlos had discovered the truth about Logan’s identity.

  Her denial was automatic. If she admitted the truth, Carlos would likely kill her on the spot. She thrust her chin up and took a step forward, determined to sell her bluff. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Now he laughed outright. “I don’t know if you’re brave or merely stupid.” When she didn’t respond, Carlos grabbed her arm and squeezed hard. Olivia tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he pulled her up to him and shoved his face in hers.


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