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Prairie Storm (Cowboys of The Flint Hills #4)

Page 11

by Tessa Layne

But she was going to get over that tonight, or at least try. Taking a deep breath, she approached Martha and stuck out her hand. “Hi Martha, I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality. I’ve been meaning to come up the hill and say hi, but things have been a bit crazy.”

  Martha smiled warmly and pulled her into a hug. “I know you’ve been avoiding me dearie, it’s written all over your face. I’m glad you’re here, and Hope tells me you’re keeping Axel busy.”

  Warmth bloomed in Haley’s chest. Maybe from embarrassment, maybe from surprise. She couldn’t tell. It felt vaguely disconcerting to have the mother of whatever she and Axel were welcome her like a long-lost lamb. Had she misjudged Martha too, ten years ago? Martha waved at a sideboard piled high with fresh baked goodies. “I did a little baking this afternoon. Be sure to help yourself.”

  Haley’s stomach sank to her toes. Martha’d spent the afternoon baking for a ladies get together? If Axel expected her to be like his mother, he was in for a disappointment.

  Mama June had made sure that Haley knew how to make coffee, eggs and biscuits, but not much else. “You can always live off coffee, eggs, ’n biscuits, Sugar Plum. The rest you can find in a cookbook. And Mama June had made it very clear to Haley what she thought of the whole “stand by your man” nonsense. “It takes two people standing by each other to make a relationship work. You put on your own oxygen mask, Sugar Plum. Ain’t nobody in this world gonna do it for you. Understand me? Even the best man in the whole worl’ is gonna be an idiot and forget that at some point. It’s up to you to remember.”

  Martha continued. “I even made Axel’s favorite banana bread. You can bring him the leftovers.”

  Haley gulped and put on a smile. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll see him before I do.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that, sweetie.”

  What was up with all of the comments about Axel? Was Martha pinning her hopes for grandbabies on her? Martha’d have better luck with Hope in that arena. She and Axel weren’t even… what were they?

  While there were only seven women present this evening, Haley quickly learned that their version of bunco involved wine and table gossip. After mixing it up all evening, the younger women ended the night at the same table. Haley looked over her shoulder at the three older ladies across the room. They were giggling to the point of tears over a dirty joke Gloria McPherson, the organist at the Lutheran church, had shared. Haley turned back to the women at her table. “Are they always this crazy?”

  Millie’s eyes grew big. “It’s worse when they get tiddly.”


  Millie nodded. “You know, when they’ve had a little. They threw Maddie Hansen a wedding shower with pink penises.”

  Haley shot another glance over her shoulder at Martha, then over to Hope. Pink penises, she mouthed. Haley couldn’t imagine Axel’s mother doing anything that racy.

  Hope smirked and nodded. “I know what you’re thinking. And yes, I’ve recently discovered Ma has a rowdy side.”

  “That explains where Axel gets it from,” she muttered under her breath.

  “I don’t think he and Gunn know about Ma’s wild side. But speaking of, I didn’t want to put you on the spot earlier…” Hope hesitated, eyes filled with unspoken questions.

  “But you will now?”

  “C’mon, just a little dirt on my brother?” she cajoled.

  First Martha, now Hope? “Axel and I are…” Shit. The question rose in her mind again. What were they? They were definitely something. And although it scared Haley to death to admit it, she still had feelings for him. “I…” She sighed heavily. “It’s complicated.”

  Hope laughed quietly and took a sip of her wine. “I get it. I really do. Ben and I were complicated.” She flashed Haley a happy smile. “But then we realized we were making it more complicated than it was, and, well, now look at us.”

  Haley reached over and squeezed Hope’s hand. “I’m happy for you.”

  Hope squeezed back, and a lump stuck in Haley’s throat. For a split second, all the what-ifs crashed over her. What if she’d stayed? Or had been brave enough to ask Axel to come with her? What would it have been like to have a sister like Hope? Pulling in a slow breath, she pushed those thoughts back to the recesses of her mind and let go of Hope’s hand. Coulda, shoulda, woulda thoughts didn’t help anybody.

  “Haley…” Hope took a breath like she was going to say more, then let it out, and gave her an encouraging smile. “If you ever need to talk…”

  Haley nodded. “Thanks.”


  Three days later, Haley was a bundle of jumpy nerve endings. While flirting with Axel had been fun, it had also been torture. The more she teased him, the more worked up she became herself. This morning, she’d very nearly dragged him behind a tree and kissed him silly. And now, she was lurking around the stables hoping to run into him.

  If she’d been pranking anyone else but Axel, she’d be cool as a cucumber. But this was Axel, the king of practical jokers. How could he not be suspicious? What if he found out what Hope was up to? Worse, what if he found out and was already planning to turn the tables on them?

  Haley shook out her hands. “You’ve got this. It’s just a little question.”

  “Looking for someone?” Axel’s rich baritone slid over her, setting her body vibrating.

  At the same time, she started and turned, not realizing he was right behind her, his arm braced on a support beam. “Don’t scare me that way.” Haley made the mistake of meeting his eyes. They smoldered with a hungry heat that set her pulse thrumming in her ears. Her eyes focused in on his mouth, and a bolt of awareness shot straight through her. In any other situation, she’d snake an arm around his neck and tumble him into the hay. Judging from his expression, he had the same thought.

  “Oh, I don’t want to scare you,” he smirked, voice full of innuendo. Her pussy clenched and released, throbbing with an ache that wouldn’t reside until they’d ended this dance.

  “What do you want to do?” Her voice came out breathy, and she didn’t even care. She… wanted.

  His eyebrows rose, and he stared at her a long moment. Electricity arced between them. “You messin’ with me, Coop?”

  Yes. No. Maybe a little.

  Her nipples stiffened as he held her gaze, and her breath got stuck somewhere in the back of her throat. If she didn’t do this now, she’d chicken out entirely and give in to the urge to kiss him. She gave him what she hoped was a seductive smile, full of promise. “I was thinking maybe you could show me your paint course.”

  Confusion flashed briefly in Axe’s eyes, and his mouth flattened. “Sure.” He pushed off the wall and turned, walking down the aisle and leaving her to catch up.

  Shit. It wasn’t supposed to go this way. He wasn’t supposed to be pissed about showing her the paint course. Haley hurried to catch up with him.

  When she came up beside him, he glanced over at her, face inscrutable, and kept walking.

  Oh dear. She’d upset him. She placed a tentative hand on his arm. “Axe?”

  He walked a few more paces, then stopped and turned, crossing his arms. “What in the hell is going on, Coop?”

  Double shit.

  She opened her mouth to explain and then shut it again, mind racing. She’d foolishly assumed he’d follow wherever she led.

  “Well?” he asked, scowling down at her.

  She flashed him a smile. Karma would make her pay for this. She was sure of it. Her hand went to the top button on her shirt and she flicked it open. “I wanted to go someplace where we could be… alone.”

  He made a disbelieving noise in the back of his throat. “We were alone in the stable.”

  Oh, he wasn’t buying this at all.

  She’d have to be more convincing. Haley’s heart was pounding. If she and Hope pulled this off, she’d never participate in another prank. Ever again. Scout’s honor, pinky swear… everything. She undid the second button on her shirt, letting the vee fall open to just
above her breasts. “Really alone. Like where there’s no possibility of being… interrupted.”

  His muscles tensed. “What’s wrong with right here?”

  Her mind raced. Axel was right. What was wrong with right here? She was going to blow it. She never should have agreed to help Hope. She lifted a shoulder casually and gave him her best come hither smile. “Props? Someplace new?”

  Haley turned in the direction they’d been walking, praying he’d follow. She glanced back over her shoulder. He was still standing there, eyes narrowed. She had one more card up her sleeve. If this didn’t work, she was toast. Lifting the front of the skirt she’d worn just in case she needed to take drastic measures, she hooked her thumb into the band of her panties and started shimmying.

  “What are you doing, Coop?” He asked in a strangled voice.

  Now she had him. She managed to get her panties off and over her boots without baring her ass to him – no small feat – and then turned to face him, dangling them off a finger. “Do I need to spell it out? I want to make sure that whenever you’re there, you can’t think of anything except how I blew your mind.”

  Lust flared in his eyes, and he stalked over, snatching her panties and jamming them into his pocket, before grabbing her hand and pulling her along toward the course. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I’ll see your panties and raise you a shirt.”

  “Wh-what do you mean?” Adrenaline coursed through her. Just like that, he’d suddenly seized control of the game. She should have been prepared. She should have known better than to try and pull one over on the prank master. He’d ferret her out in a hot second.

  He picked up his pace, and Haley began to see paint splotches on some of the trees. They burst into a large clearing. On the far side, six targets were set up. Hay bales and other obstacles littered the sides, and a large wagon stood in the center. He let go of her hand and started unbuttoning his shirt.


  He brought his gaze to hers, eyes full of challenge. “Maybe you’re not the only one who wants to do some mind blowing.”

  Her heartbeat kicked into high gear as he shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it aside. Then his hands went to his fly. If Hope didn’t act soon, he’d be… oh shit. “Wait, Axel… don’t,” she called out. But it was too late. He’d toed off his boots, and in a smooth swift motion dropped his pants and kicked them out of the way. “Change your mind?”

  Her mouth went dry as she took him in. He was magnificent, standing proudly in the dappled afternoon sun. Like a fine Greek sculpture – all hard planes and ridges. She itched to run her hands down the length of him. But it was his cock that captured and kept her attention. Heaven help her, but she couldn’t stop staring at his… arousal. She licked her lips, forgetting for a moment that this was a set-up and there were–

  “COWABUNGA!” A yell exploded from the wagon, and Hope, Emmaline, and Millie stood, armed with paint balloons and super-soakers. All aimed directly at Axel. His eyes widened in surprise a fraction of a second before the paint stream from his sister’s super-soaker hit him square in the chest, splattering everywhere. By the time the second stream hit, he’d dived away, rolling and coming up crouched, just in time for a paint balloon to hit him in the shoulder.

  Haley covered her mouth in shock. The ladies in the wagon dissolved in peals of laughter.

  “Uncle,” he yelled, standing slowly with his hands up, astonishment across his face.

  “Where the hell are your clothes, Axel?” Hope hollered, then turned to Haley, grinning. “You weren’t supposed to get him naked. But high fives for the added bonus.”

  Axel placed his hands on hips, eyes going between Haley and the ladies in the wagon. “I hope you like what you see, ladies.” He grinned unashamedly and gave them a little pose. Greek sculpture, indeed. Leave it to Axel to not be embarrassed one iota. “You don’t happen to have a towel in there, do you?”

  Emmaline crouched and tossed him a tightly rolled wad. Axel caught it, shook it out and slowly wrapped it around his waist.

  How was it that even half covered in paint, he still managed to look so yummy?

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of this… ambush?” He gave his sister a lazy smile.

  “Oh, I think you know,” Hope answered.

  “Let me guess. This was you waiting in the tall grass?”

  “Something like that.”

  He clapped at the ladies in the wagon and bent his head. “Bravo ladies, but you should fire Coop here.” He gestured her direction. “She’s a terrible accomplice.”

  “I am?”

  Axel turned the full force of his gaze to her and slowly crossed the distance between them.

  Oh, no.

  He was going to exact his revenge now. She knew it. A little thrill ran through her. Axel stopped right in front of her. So close, she could see flecks of paint caught on his closely trimmed beard.

  There was a hint of laughter in his voice when he spoke. “You’re out of practice. Shenanigans were written all over your face.”

  “Wait. So you knew?”

  “I knew you were up to something. But I… ah… misjudged.” He gestured to the towel.

  “You’re not mad?”

  He shook his head, then grinned wickedly at her. “Not at all. But I will enjoy the payback.”

  Why did that make her stomach flop in anticipation?

  “Oh just kiss her, already, Axe,” Hope called from the wagon. “We can tell you want to.”

  His hand rose to cup her head, and he leaned in, angling his body so that she was shielded from the women in the wagon. “Have dinner with me.” His voice pulled at something deep inside her.

  She shouldn’t say yes. It would just encourage more… shenanigans. “When?”

  His mouth brushed oh so lightly across hers. In spite of herself, she leaned in, aching for more pressure from his mouth. But he pulled back, and she bit back a frustrated sigh.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Can I have my panties back?”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners. “What do you think?”

  That would be a definite No.


  At seven o’clock sharp, Axel paused outside the door to his bunkhouse. Well, Coop’s bunkhouse. But he still thought of it as his. His gut did a little jig as he raised his hand to rap on the door, then dropped it.

  Holy hell.

  Was he nervous?

  He never got nervous about anything. Excited, maybe. But nervous? “It’s just dinner,” he muttered quietly.

  Only it wasn’t. This felt a lot bigger than dinner. He shook out his hand and raised his arm again. The door swung open. “You gonna stand there talking to yourself all night?”

  Haley was… breathtaking. His heart forgot to keep beating and just… stopped. Along with everything else in his body. He didn’t think he’d ever seen her this dressed up before. Certainly never this girly. The dress wasn’t clingy, but it showed her curves. It seemed to be made of a silky, flowy material. The kind that would easily slide off her body. Or up her leg in a booth at the restaurant. His cock sprung to life at that idea.

  But what stunned him, kept him speechless, was the diamond solitaire that lay just below the hollow at her throat. He zeroed in on the necklace, as mesmerized by its brilliance as the first time he’d seen it in the jewelry shop in Kansas City. He could still remember the expression on her face when she’d opened the box on her twenty-first birthday. Full of wonder and surprise. Knowing what little he did of her childhood, he supposed maybe it was the first time someone had given her something special. The fact that she still had it punched him straight in the gut, and a tiny ember of hope sprung to life deep inside. That gift had meant something to her. He had meant something to her. Enough to hang onto it for years.

  She must have realized what he was staring at because her hand flew to it, as if checking to see if it was still there. He met her eyes, equally shocked by the uncertainty he enc
ountered there.


  This was a whole helluva lot bigger than dinner.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said when he finally found his voice. Beautiful didn’t do her justice. A horse running across a pasture might be beautiful. But Haley was so much more than that. Stunning? Dazzling? There wasn’t a word that came close to describing the vision before him. For the first time in his life, he wished he had a car instead of a work truck. Something a little nicer and more… worthy.

  “You look pretty good yourself,” she said appreciatively, drawing his focus to her mouth. Her lips were darker than usual. Shiny, and utterly kissable. A picture of her with those shiny lips wrapped tightly around his cock sent a jolt so powerful through him that he reached for the door jamb. A second thought, on the heels of the first and only slightly more appropriate, was that he wanted to kiss her mouth until her lips were dark and shiny, and the makeup was rubbed off from his efforts.

  One way or another. Tonight, there would be kissing. He could guarandamntee it. But maybe sustenance was a good idea first. And a little seduction.

  He pushed off the door jamb and opened his hand. “Ready?” She slipped her hand into his, tangling their fingers. As they walked up the little hill to where the trucks were parked, he matched his steps to hers and steered her to the vintage ’52 GMC. He’d washed it before he’d cleaned up. The truck was still pretty beat-up, but it was the cleanest of the bunch. And besides, with the bench seat, Coop could slide up next to him. At least he hoped she would.

  She brightened as he opened the door for her. “Ooh, fancy. I don’t recall your dad ever letting you take this out before.” She slid in, admiring the interior, but Axel stayed put, one hand on the door, the other on the roof.

  “Gunn and I aren’t exactly hell-raisers anymore.”

  “Oh?” She gave him a saucy smile. “What are you then?”

  “Undeniably attracted to you.”

  Her eyes widened at his confession. Damn. That wasn’t supposed to pop out of his mouth. Too late to take it back, not that he wanted to. What did Dottie always say? In for a penny, in for a pound? “I really want to kiss you, Coop.” He swallowed. He’d never laid his cards on the table this way before. But judging from the light in her eyes, maybe she liked it. “But I don’t wanna mess up your make-up.” Lie. “Actually, that’s not true,” he grinned sheepishly. “I really wanna mess up your make-up.” And run his fingers through her silky hair.


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