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Poison Candy - Book 2: Behind Closed Doors Series

Page 9

by H. H. Fowler

  “Were you able to identify the numbers on those plates?” he asked her.

  “Yes, but very strange. The license plate number I’d written is connected to someone named Msv Stoffin, spelled, MsV. The ‘v’ is capitalized. The other plate is under Gregory Beaufort’s name.”

  “Msv Stoffin? Sounds like a business to me.”

  “It’s not a business,” Karissa said. “It’s a woman’s name. The description says ‘female’. But that is not what’s baffling me at the moment.” She gestured to the limo that was still parked on the side of the road. “If that is the same limo that was parked in front of the Beaufort’s gate, something is wrong, because I am certain I wrote down that number correctly. How did that license plate number end up being something different?”

  “It is strange,” Richard commented. “Unless Gregory has another limo we know nothing about and has registered it under someone else’s name.”

  “I think we need to pay the bishop another visit,” Karissa said. “Because this doesn’t make sense to me.”

  “Let me call him first,” Richard suggested. “I don’t want it to seem as if we are interrogating him. He might hire a lawyer this time and we certainly won’t get anything out of him then.”

  Karissa shrugged and repeated to Richard one of her favorite lines. “It’s your call, big guy.”

  “Cool. I’ll go and let these guys off the hook for now.”


  Dallis swung her car into the parking lot of the police station and parked it as close as she could to the entrance. She carefully surveyed her surroundings, as she waited for her racing heart to return to normal. What a day it had been for her and yet it felt as if it was just about to begin. Between surviving the chase from St. Elmo’s Valley to the near miss of running into that flatbed truck, Dallis didn’t know of which she was more shaken over. She needed to relax, but her heart continued to pound steadily against her chest.

  The quietude only lasted a brief moment before she heard her cell phone vibrating in the passenger seat. Her poor heart suffered another jolt of fear when she saw that she had received a text from Anwar. It simply read:

  I will call you from a pay phone. I don’t trust this line to communicate; it may be tapped. But I am in serious need of your help. Please don’t turn your back on me, Dallis. I need you. And don’t mention to anyone that you’ve spoken to me. It’s for your own safety.

  A loud thumping sound was heard on her window. Dallis was certain another scare like that would send her to the emergency room for cardiac arrest. She looked up and recognized the man to be her father. A feeling of relief washed over her as she opened the car door to get out.

  “Why are you still sitting in this car?” Gregory inquired. “Don’t you know how dangerous this is? You said you were being followed.”

  Dallis greeted her father in spite of him ranting. She knew he was doing it out of love. She released him and said. “I am okay now. The limo was stopped by an off-duty officer a little ways back.”

  “Well, thank God! I was so worried about you.”

  “I’m fine now…I think I want to go home.”

  Although Gregory had his own fears of going to the police, he was surprised by the way Dallis was responding to the situation. But he was glad for the turnaround, because he’d had time to calm down since arriving at the station and was also feeling differently about revealing all to Richard. There was no way he could tell Richard anything without implicating himself. The secrets were too great. However, he would allow his anger to explode on his men, as soon as he caught up with them. Things were getting too far out of his control.

  “You are not going to make a statement to the police?” he asked guardedly, but it was only for a show. He already sensed that Dallis had made up her mind. “You do know that this could have ended tragically.”

  Dallis managed a little smile to hide her nervousness. “I am exhausted from today’s events,” she said to her father. “The only thing I want to do right now is take a shower and go straight to sleep.”

  Gregory tilted his head toward her. “Are you sure?”


  “Okay, if you insist. Get into your car and I will follow you home.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. I really appreciate you coming all this way to see if I’m alright.”

  “I love my family very much and I will do anything to protect all of you. Don’t you ever forget that.” Gregory opened his arms, offering a fatherly smile. “Come and give me hug.”

  Dallis walked into her father’s embrace, but her mind was vacillating over Anwar’s text. Was she even sure that it was from him? Regardless of her decision, she had been warned not to say anything to anyone. This alone kept her trembling in her boots.

  The devil is a sly old fox!

  Chapter Sixteen

  That evening around about six fifteen, Candi walked up to the guesthouse and gave the door several small taps. While she waited for Izaiah to open the door, she looked down at herself to confirm if the dress she had on was something that Izaiah would like. But then she thought, a man was a man and if Izaiah had a healthy dose of heterosexual blood in him, he would definitely like it. The dress was a stretchy black material that clung to her curves like a magnet clung to metal. She rubbed her buttocks and felt that the material really showcased her best feature. Tonight was all about getting Izaiah to focus on her and her assets. Everything afterwards would fall in line.

  “Wow, you are on time,” Izaiah smiled. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  Candi immediately spotted that dimple in Izaiah’s left cheek and suffered a missed heartbeat. “I’m nothing like the women around here,” she said. “Women find all sorts of excuses why they can’t be anywhere on time and then don’t understand why they can’t find parking spaces. Silly isn’t it?”

  “Well, you are certainly the exception,” Izaiah grinned. “Because the women I know would say you are just putting on.”

  Candi stuck a hand to her side and gave Izaiah a little attitude. “Oh really? I would like to see if they can keep up with me. I would even run circles around the average man…I can get ready in less than twenty minutes. And that’s shower, makeup and everything else.”

  “Relax,” Izaiah said. “I was only teasing. Stay right there, let me get my coat.”

  Candi smirked, as she watched Izaiah’s behind move with masculine ease. Two perfect buns she imagined kneading with her fingers. She had been told by previous sexual partners that she had a knack for massaging. She was hoping to practice her skills on Izaiah before Asia caught sense and realized that he was still available. Right now, Asia was too consumed by hurt over Jorge’s death to pay any attention to Izaiah and Izaiah was beginning to recognize that, too. Why else would he agree to go on a tour with her at six thirty in the evening? They took the long route through the lush greenery instead of taking the back entrance through the French doors of the house.

  “Which vehicle are we going to take? Mine or yours?”

  “Whatever you feel comfortable in,” Candi told Izaiah. “I like a man to lead the way.”

  Izaiah grinned. “You have a smart answer for everything, don’t you?”

  “What would you rather have?” Candi responded tactfully. “A shy mute, or a woman who has a lot to say?”

  “Well, when you put it like that, I don’t have much of a choice.”

  “I thought so,” Candi giggled. “Think of how boring our tour would be.”

  Izaiah threw his hands up in surrender. “Okay, you win, but please have me back before nine, so I can watch the game between the Lakers and Miami Heat.”

  “Oh wow, finally.”

  “Finally what?”

  “I’ve finally found someone to watch the games with,” Candi beamed. “I’m the only one who enjoys watching basketball in this house, you know. Daddy is too busy and Dallis and Asia are always too preoccupied with girly stuff. The Lakers and Heat are my two favorite teams.”

  Izaiah chuckled. “You are
one of those who sits on the fence, huh?”

  “Well, I loved the Lakers growing up, but I’m a Heat girl now. Izaiah, you are just too good to be true.”

  Izaiah chose not to read too much into that statement, though it sounded a little off. However, he was impressed with this side of Candi. He’d always liked a girl who loved sports and had decided it would be a bonus if his future wife enjoyed sports as much as he did. The conversation continued to build as they got closer to the Wrangler.

  “It looks as if you two are going out for a night of fun.”

  Izaiah paused in his stride when he heard Asia’s voice behind him. Her tone was bland and hard to read, which could mean anything. Izaiah turned immediately to see what her expression looked like. She was sitting on the top step with her hands in her lap. If he had taken the route through the French doors, he would have bumped right into her. Asia appeared more solemn than Izaiah had ever seen her and he could only assume that she was thinking about Jorge. Candi gave a little smirk and allowed Izaiah to respond to her sister, because if she had, her sharp tongue would have won over her tolerance for Asia’s wickedness. It was subtle, but certainly in operation.

  “Candi has offered to take me on a tour around town,” Izaiah told Asia.

  “At this time in the evening? The scenes are better seen in the afternoon.”

  Izaiah couldn’t help himself from getting lost in Asia’s eyes – a beautiful combination of sadness, beauty and depth. “Do you want to come along?”

  “No, thank you; three is a crowd.”

  But it would be as if it’s just the two of us, Izaiah wanted to say, but he settled for, “Come on, it’ll be good for you to get out of the house. You could use a little diversion, don’t you think?”

  “Oh, leave her alone, Izaiah,” Candi said. “She doesn’t want to come.”

  Asia rolled her eyes at how transparent Candi was. It was obvious she wanted Izaiah to herself so that she could try and seduce him. But she knew Izaiah well enough to know that Candi would be thoroughly disappointed. Izaiah was a man of integrity and he would not allow Candi to push him into a corner with her seductive wiles. But then, when Asia took one look at the tight dress Candi had on and the fishnet stockings that showed off her long, chiseled legs, Asia was tempted to go along for the ride – just to spite her sister. But she was a better woman than that. If Izaiah wanted to explore a relationship with Candi, she would not stand in his way. He was an adult and would eventually come to his own conclusions about her sister.

  “Candi is right,” Asia responded. “I don’t want to go anywhere. I’m gonna sit here and nurse my melancholy until I get bored.”

  “Well, you can’t say I didn’t try,” Izaiah said resignedly. His feet moved toward the Wrangler, but his heart ached to stay with Asia. “Just don’t sit out here too long.”

  “What are you now? My father? I was fine before I saw you and I’ll be fine when you leave.”

  Those words pierced Izaiah, but he tried not to let it show. He walked away without offering a comeback. He and Candi got into the Wrangler and drove away. Several minutes into the drive, Candi broke the silence. She was not going to let Asia ruin the evening with her surly attitude. And the fact that Izaiah couldn’t hide his feelings for Asia annoyed Candi to the extreme. Here she was – a beautiful, mature woman with curves, practically throwing herself at Izaiah and he had the nerve to sit in that driver’s seat with his mouth pinned.

  “I hope this silence won’t last throughout the evening,” she said. “Because I would rather you turn this jeep around and take me back home. I could sense the negative shift in your mood and it’s very suffocating.”

  Surprised, Izaiah turned his head at looked at Candi. “Whoa, don’t mess with you, huh?”

  “Don’t take it personally. I want both of us to have a good time, but that won’t happen if one of us is a party pooper.”

  “My apologies,” Izaiah said. “I was thinking about your sister and the pain she’s going through with Jorge’s death.” Izaiah let out a little chuckle. “A party pooper? I thought we were going to tour the island. It sounds as if we’re going to a fraternity house to get drunk.”

  Candi giggled. “Well, you heard what Asia said,” she said in a baby voice. “Bliss Haven is better seen in the afternoon. I’m taking you to the hottest spot on the island and I promise after tonight, you won’t have the energy to sit and watch the basketball game.”

  “It sounds like I need to turn the jeep around and head back to the estate,” Izaiah joked. “Please remember, Candi, I’m the new youth minister of St. Donovan’s Chapel. I can’t be seen in places that might question my spiritual conviction.”

  Candi gently touched Izaiah on his arm. “I know that, silly. What type of woman do you think I am? You have no reason to feel uncomfortable with me.”

  Izaiah refocused his gaze on the road and replied humorously, “Just to let you know...those words did not console me.”

  “What are you implying, mister? You can trust me. Just because you see me wear my miniskirts doesn’t mean that I’m evil.”

  “Fair enough, Ms. Beaufort, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.”

  Izaiah had been hoping Candi wouldn’t wear a miniskirt during their drive through town. But the black dress she had on was just as sinful; only difference was the hem touched her knees. Candi was attractive and extremely confident about herself. Izaiah liked that about her, but she was not Asia, who was a whole different bundle of nerves.

  What Izaiah loved most about Asia was the way she fell in love. She put everything into it and dared anyone to question her commitment. She stood by Jorge’s side to the bitter end, going against every undesirable word that tried to derail her. That was passion in its rawest form. And even though Jorge was dead, Izaiah still felt a twinge of jealousy over what Jorge had had with Asia while he was alive. Izaiah could only imagine what it was like to be loved by a woman with such force. A healthy dose of obsession mixed with pure romance.

  “I can tell that you are thinking about Asia again,” Candi said.

  “What gave you that impression?”

  “You have slumped back into wonderland and left me to fend for myself.”

  Izaiah chuckled. “You certainly have a way with words.”

  “You don’t have to admit it,” Candi smirked. “But I guarantee you, during our little excursion you won’t have time to think of anything else...turn left, please, and then drive straight ahead to the blue building on the right.”

  Turning in the parking lot of the building, Izaiah passed a sign that read, Bliss Haven Adventure Park. Izaiah began to protest, but it was all in good fun.

  “This is where you are taking me at seven o’clock in the evening? I didn’t even know a place like this existed on the island.”

  Candi grinned. “Hang with me and I will take you places you’ve never been...and I do mean that in the most literal form possible.”

  “I see you’ve got jokes,” Izaiah laughed. Candi was a natural comedian, but he was careful not to allow himself to get caught up in the moment. Emotions were so unpredictable when two people seemed to be enjoying each other. “What time do they close anyway?”

  “Ten or so...don’t worry, we have time.”

  “Time to do what?”

  “Just wait until we get inside,” Candi challenged. “I’m gonna work your behind for giving me the silent treatment. I hope you know how to kayak.” She opened the jeep door on her side and then jumped out. “Follow me...let me see what you are made of.”

  “Kayak?” Izaiah shook his head. These Beaufort sisters are unbelievable. He had never been kayaking in his entire life. But how could he resist such a congenial display of clean fun? He hopped out of the jeep and fell in line behind Candi.

  “Why didn’t you tell me where we were going? I would have brought a change of clothing?”

  Candi held up her handbag, which was almost the size of a carry-on bag. “I don’t carry this around simply for fun
. My bags have very practical uses. I’ve packed two swimsuits, among other things.” She looked back at him and gave him a quick onceover. “With those nice buns of yours, the large might be a little snug on you, but I believe you can pull it off. I just hope you can keep up with me, sexy boy.”

  When Izaiah realized what Candi had said, he stopped and scratched his head in search for the right prayer. Lord, this is Izaiah Benjamin Cahoon. All I ask is that You give me the strength to overcome my temptations. I am twenty-five years old, a hot-blooded African American male. Without Your Holy Spirit I am bound to follow the dictates of my flesh.


  The Quad was the hangout spot, where the islanders could enjoy an array of fine gourmet dishes, comfortable dining areas and an atmosphere of clean fun. Big Fish, a popular restaurant at the Quad, was known for the best-tasting conch salad on the island. A tangy concoction of herbs mixed with fresh diced conch. It was one of the detectives’ favorites. When the waiter placed their order in front of them, Karissa didn’t waste any time digging in. The only thing that could be heard was a crunching sound between Karissa’s jaws.

  “You know there is more where that came from,” Richard teased.

  Karissa rolled her eyes playfully at him and continued to stuff her mouth. “It’s just so good – just the way that I like it.”

  “A pleasant diversion from the office, would you say?”

  “Certainly. We need to get out more often.”

  Richard chuckled. “Well, I would like that, too, but the way this case is evolving I think we will eventually spend many late nights behind the desk.”

  “Oh man, you’re making me tired already.” Karissa swallowed her food and then asked, “What’s the bishop’s story about the license plate?”

  “I didn’t call him,” Richard said. “And I don’t think that I will either.”

  “Okay…what are you thinking?”


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