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Tainted Blood

Page 14

by Sara Hubbard

  Sebastian holds Alexander’s wrists and hisses at him while Alexander growls. Like two animals, they fight to show dominance, but Alexander seems to be stronger. For a second, I wonder if he’ll kill his brother. I thought maybe he might be all threat and no follow through, but I’m not so sure right now.

  “You disobeyed me,” Alexander says in a low, dark voice. “And you come to her aid? Against me! Does family mean nothing to you?”

  Sebastian bends his knees and slams his feet into Alexander’s gut. Alexander loses his hold on Sebastian as he bends over and holds his middle. Sebastian takes his brother’s moment of recovery as a chance to strike back and slams his fist into Alex’s face. I hear a sickening crunch and gasp as Alex spits out a tooth. Will it grow back? Alex recovers quickly, mimicking Sebastian’s movements. Their teeth are bared, gleaming white in the chandelier’s glow.

  “I’ve always followed you. Hundreds of years I’ve stood at your side, brother.”

  “I don’t forgive betrayal.” Alexander lunges for Sebastian, and Sebastian zooms out of the way. Alex sprints after him. Their punches and kicks sound like a car whooshing by, over and over again. I can’t quite make out which fists belong to whom. I try to keep up, but my human eyes aren’t fast enough. But I see the last blow exchanged before Alexander lifts off the ground and lands on his back several feet away. He does a bridge then flips to his feet. He’s near the fireplace and snatches a black metal poker.

  “This is extreme,” Sebastian says. “Even for you.”

  They’re brothers, roughly the same human age, so they had to have turned around the same time, which means they should be matched in strength and speed. Of course, I pray Sebastian outmatches Alexander because if Alex puts the poker through Sebastian’s heart, Sebastian will breathe his last breath on Earth. And that makes me feel…I don’t know what it makes me feel, but whatever it is, I don’t like the thought.

  Sebastian glides through the air with his left foot extended. Alex tries to smash him with the poker, but Sebastian leans back, flying vertically, and Alex misses his head. Sebastian’s feet connect with Alexander’s stomach, and Alex grunts. He folds at the middle and flies through the air, to crash into the wall. Plaster falls from the ceiling to dust his blond hair. He growls and springs forward, poker in hand, and then they’re on the tiled floor with Alex straddling Sebastian’s hips and the poker held above his head. He’s about to thrust it into Sebastian’s heart, and something in me shifts rather dramatically. I feel something I can’t explain. Desperation. I have to save Sebastian. The need is so intense it almost consumes my mind and my body.

  “Stop!” I scream. I reach out, as if I can touch Alex and pull him off Sebastian. Alex’s face contorts as he tries to force the poker down onto Sebastian’s chest. He snaps his head in my direction and glares at me. Sebastian regards me with glowing red eyes.

  Alex fights harder to stab his brother, but my anger builds until I let out another scream. “You will not hurt him!” He freezes like a statue. He doesn’t even blink. Sebastian smiles wickedly at his brother before punching him in the face. Alex falls to the side, stiff, as if rigor mortis has set in.

  Is he dead? I take a step closer and focus on his eyes. He might not be blinking, but he can still manage a death glare.

  Sebastian sits up, dusts off his pants, and takes a deep breath. “Thanks for that.”

  “No problem.”

  “But I could have managed on my own.” He kicks his brother in the face. Another tooth falls to roll along the floor as blood rushes from his nose. The blood clots quickly, and as he starts to regain control of his muscles, he slowly rolls to his knees to snap his nose back into place. It’s beautiful, better than any plastic surgeon could manage, and I suspect it’s completely healed.

  “Well, that was unexpected.” Alex stares at me.

  Sebastian gets up and offers Alex a hand. Though he debates not taking it, he eventually does. When he’s on his feet, he hauls off and plants an upper cut on Sebastian’s chin that knocks him out cold.

  “Oh, my God. You killed him!” I bend my knees and put up my fists. I concentrate hard and try to find some magic inside of me to pummel Alexander, but I feel nothing. I don’t know how I stopped Alexander cold, so I have no idea how to reproduce it.

  “Relax. He’s not dead. Not permanently. I did break his neck, though. Did you hear it snap?”

  He scoffs at me before adjusting the collar of his shirt. With a wave in my general direction, he says, “I’m not going to kill you. Not today. You can put those big fists of yours away.”

  I gasp and run over to Sebastian’s side, keeping my eyes on Alex. Although he’s calmed down and doesn’t appear to want to kill me this very second—or he’d have been on me already—I can’t turn my back on him.

  “Vampires don’t stay dead long unless you want to grab a silver-tipped stake and drive it through his heart. And if that’s the case, I won’t stop you.”

  “He’s your family, and this is the way you treat him?”

  Alex opens his arms. “He knew how I’d respond. And he did it anyway.”

  “You’re a monster.”

  He picks a glass up from the floor and the decanter of scotch that somehow managed to get knocked from the table but land on its side on the hard floor without breaking. He uncorks it and pours himself a full glass. In one swift swig, he downs the whole thing, breathing out through his lips as they form a hard circle.

  With my heart beating out of my chest, I bend down and slap him on the cheek, but he doesn’t budge. I’d check for a pulse, but then, that’s not going to do me a whole lot of good. He looks so peaceful in death and mighty handsome too. As soon as I think that, I curse at myself.

  “What happened at Justine’s? And I’d think long and hard about lying to me. Your sister might be the perfect person to fill Cassandra’s shoes.”

  I glare at him. Monster. “She removed a cloaking spell.”

  “I assumed as much.” He pours himself another drink and holds an empty one out to me. “Scotch?”

  I make a face. That stuff burns like kerosene. And if he thinks I’m going to forget the last five minutes and drink with him after he killed Sebastian and tried to kill me too, he’s insane. Plus, knowing him, it’s probably poisoned. I doubt regular old poison would do squat for him.

  “Your sister is home. Safe and sound. You’re a powerful witch again. And my brother went behind my back. How do I fix this mess?” Alexander takes a long drink of his scotch and breaths out slowly with his mouth open. “What incentive do you have to help me now? Huh? How do I keep you hidden? Any attention you call to yourself also leads to me and…” He points to Sebastian. “Him.”

  “You just tried to kill Sebastian. Don’t pretend you care about whether people want to kill him or not.”

  Sebastian stirs, a slight moan escaping his lips.

  Thank God. I play it cool and try to be confident. “Maybe I don’t need an incentive. Maybe I keep my word, regardless of whether people hold things over me or not. Killing a vampire is what I was meant to do, after all. And I want to do it, especially if this Markus vampire is killing innocent people.”

  He mumbles at that. “Hmm. You’re just going to go along with the plan without trying to betray and kill me when the time is right?”


  He doesn’t believe me.

  “And before you threaten my sister again, let me tell you something. I’ll do this because I said I would, and I keep my promises, but if you so much as go near her, the deal is off. I will kill that vampire anyway, and then I’ll kill you.”

  The fire in his eyes stokes until they burn orange-red, and his aura matches their color. “Don’t threaten me, little girl. You might have your magic, but it remains to be seen if you have enough control to use it to kill me. If you take a shot at me, you’d better make it count, or I won’t merely kill you; I’ll kill everyone you’ve ever known, loved, cared about, or even had a conversation with. Understand?�

  Sebastian sits up and shakes off his death, cracking his neck and rounding his shoulders. He focuses on his brother with an icy stare. “Feel better? Prick.”



  “That’s it? He was going to kill you, and now you’re both going to go on like it never happened?” I snap back at them.

  They glance at each other and then me, both shrugging their shoulders.

  “Well, it’s not like it’s the first time.” Alexander holds a hand to the side of his mouth.

  “And it won’t be the last.” Sebastian pushes himself off the floor to stand tall beside me. Wordlessly, he looks into my eyes, as if reassuring himself that I’m okay.

  “I’m fine,” I say.

  Alexander sighs and rolls his eyes.

  “She’s useful,” Sebastian says. “More so now than before. At least now, she stands a chance against Markus if he suspects what she is.”

  “Why would he suspect her?” Alexander says, irritated. “We all agreed the last hunters were dead centuries ago. He would have tasted her and died like others have in the past. She didn’t need magic to kill him. Now, we have a powerful witch who might be bold enough to try and use it against us.”

  “Haven’t you listened to a word I said? I keep my promises.” Heat rises somewhere deep in my chest, and I feel sparks in my fingers, but when I look down, I see no difference. “Can we just kill the damn vampire so I can be done with this and go home already?”

  “Not yet.” Alexander drops onto his velvet perch.

  “Then when? Am I just supposed to live here indefinitely until you decide to take him out? That doesn’t work for me. I want to get back to my sister.”

  “I’ll let you know.”


  “Excuse me?” His tone is ice.

  “I want a date. A time. I won’t be your prisoner forever.”

  He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. When he flashes them open, he addresses Sebastian. “Get her ready. I want her gone as badly as she wants to leave.”

  Sebastian nods.

  The thought of hunting does strange things to my body. Before, I was both nervous and curious, but now, the thought of hunting causes my body to respond. Every muscle flexes as a surge of electricity travels through my veins. I have a desire to hunt. Today. Now. And I want it badly. I almost don’t recognize myself when excitement makes me almost bounce on my heels. Is this how it’ll be now? Killing vampires an itch I want to scratch? It surprises me, and I can’t decide if I like these instincts—a thirst for blood. I’m like the vampires. I need to leave. To think. I turn on my heel but stop and wait for confirmation. “Can I count on you not to kill me in my sleep?”

  Alexander eyes me before offering a small nod. “I shall not rip your throat out while you sleep. Happy?”

  “Not even close.”

  It’s amazing to think a few days ago, I was a normal girl with a normal job, just trying to get by in life after a shitty year of struggling without my parents. I lived through my books because they allowed me to escape. Of course, I never dreamed the fiction I love might be true, although I often wished it were. Now, anything is possible because vampires exist, and I believed them to be fantasy. And I’m a witch. Witch. Even as I say this in my mind, it sounds surreal. How will it feel when I can do everything I’m capable of?

  Justine said my powers would come, and they’d be there when I need them. But I’d feel a whole lot safer knowing what I can do from the start, especially since I’m about to start killing vampires on purpose. And Alexander? Though he seems to be over his urge to kill me, how long will that last? And what about Sebastian? I heave a sigh. What about Sebastian? There’s another detail of my new life that brings a whole lot of uncertainty. He stood between Alexander and me to save me. Because of Penelope? Because of his other interests I can’t pretend to know? I have a feeling there is something else there, though he’s not likely to tell me.

  But it doesn’t change the fact that I know he wants to help me. Is believing I’m his dead girlfriend enough motivation for a guy like him? I’m not sure, so I still can’t trust him. If I knew his motives, at least, I could figure out how to deal with him. I’m at a loss because while I feel suspicious, I also feel grateful and maybe a little something else—a connection of some sort, a shred of a feeling I can’t explain. That feeling makes me uncomfortable in more ways than one.


  I haven’t seen the vampires all day, which surprises me since Alexander told Sebastian to get me ready—whatever that means. The staff putters around, smiling and nodding at me politely, but they do their work and otherwise ignore me. It’s lonely here. I’m used to living with my sister. She’s full of energy and stories. I swear trouble finds her wherever she goes. I could call her, but I think it’s better to give it some time. I don’t want to confuse her, not when she’s content with the ideas Sebastian put in her head, though I still feel guilty for altering her mind. If she knew, she’d likely have a hard time forgiving me.

  Late in the afternoon, I go into the library and explore Alexander’s vast collection. All of the books are leather bound, expensive looking, and worn with age. But they smell earthy, and heaving in their scent comforts me because it reminds me of home.

  Most of the books on the shelves are classic novels. There’s a set of pretty encyclopedias with golden spines. I slide my finger along the edge of the shelves, looking for anything to keep my interest. Only when I find a handful of books on the occult and witchcraft do I stop for a second look. I pile them in my arms. They teeter and almost fall to the floor as I hurry to the mahogany table in the middle of the room. They tumble down without a touch of grace. I quickly save one with cat-like reflexes before it slides of the table and dives for the hardwood floor. I stare at my own hand as if it belongs to someone else. I’ve never been that coordinated—or that fast.

  “Nice catch,” Sebastian says at my back. I glance over my shoulder. He stands tall in the doorframe, dressed in a black shirt with the sleeves pushed up his muscular forearms. His jeans look tailored to fit him. For the first time since I met him, I imagine the shape of his behind in that blue fabric, a thought that leaves my cheeks burning.

  My response doesn’t go unnoticed. He grins mischievously.

  I take a seat at the table. A gust of wind and he’s seated at my right. I gasp at his sudden motion. Vampires move so fast, and I know this, but every time Sebastian goes warp speed from one spot to another, he startles me.

  “I wish you’d stop doing that.” I take a book from my pile.

  Sebastian gently grips the end of the book and slides it from my hands. He flips through it and leans in so our shoulders are touching. I tense as his cold skin chills me, even through the fabric of my long T-shirt.

  “This is bullshit.” He tosses it aside. He picks up another one and hands it to me. “Try this one.”

  “Basic Spells and Potions.” I open to the table of contents. “It’s like a recipe book. Is this legit? Do the spells actually work?”

  He shrugs. “Couldn’t say.”

  “Basic Defense Spell…” I read one of the chapter titles and flip multiple pages at a time to get to the page for that spell. “This spell is for an advanced witch. It will reduce physical damage caused by supernaturals, including magical attacks. Hmph.” This sounds like something straight out of a video game.

  “Might want to bookmark that one.” Sebastian winks.

  I still and slowly close the book. After I press it to my chest I focus on his handsome face. His bright aura has a bit more sparkle to it today, in subtle shades of blue. His expression grows more playful the longer I stare at him. I want to thank him for last night, but I’m having trouble finding the words. I was determined to hate him and make him pay for kidnapping me, but I’ve somehow softened to him. I’m not even sure how he’s managed that.

  I run my finger along the smooth cover of the book and note faded color from the middle to th
e edges. “When I first met you, I never expected you’d come to my rescue, especially when it meant putting yourself in danger.”

  He licks his lips, stretches out his arm to rest on the back of my chair, drawing me into his bubble. I should shrink away and leave, but I don’t, and I find I don’t really want to. Sitting in his personal space feels intimate and safe, even if he’s a vampire. No matter how I came to be in his company, I feel an intense need to know more about him.

  “I…want to thank you. You surprised me…in a good way. I didn’t expect it.”

  He regards me warily, his eyebrow arched and his eyes searching. “You caught me on a good day.” He brushes off my gratitude.

  “Alexander almost killed you. He might have if…”

  “If you hadn’t saved me?”

  I don’t know how to respond. I guess I did do that, not that I knew what I was doing. “Justine said my magic would be there when I needed it, and I guess she was right.”

  “She usually is. It’s a rather annoying habit of hers.” He forces a smile I easily return.

  “Maybe now I’ll stand a real chance against Markus. I have you to thank for that, too.”

  He shifts in his seat, removes his arm from the back of my chair, and leans away from me. “Don’t get overconfident. You’re a far cry from your former self.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk.”

  “It’s what I do best.”

  “Then I’m seriously afraid if you’re my backup.”

  He chuckles lightly.

  “Is Alexander… Will he come after me again? I can see him getting over his urge to kill you because you’re his brother. But me? Maybe he’s just waiting for me to let my guard down.”

  “Don’t worry about him.”

  “It’s a little hard not to when I can’t think of a good reason for him to change his mind.” I slump back in my seat.

  “I understand why he’s concerned, and I probably should be too. If other vampires found out we were not only hiding you, but planning on using you to kill an elder, we’d both be tortured.”


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