Starlight (Peaches Monroe) (Volume 2) Paperback – September 2, 2013
Page 11
I gripped him around the base with one hand, and he became very still, his mouth barely moving against mine. As I began to tug rhythmically, he breathed in deeply, his nostrils next to my skin cooling my upper lip with air flow.
“That feels so good,” he murmured.
“Do you want me to lick it like a lollipop?”
He groaned. “I think I have some more of those mini marshmallows. You could lick it for a bit and stick those all over to decorate it.”
I started laughing, and he held his arms tightly around me so I wouldn’t pull away.
“You act like an earth muffin, but you’re a sex freak,” I said.
“So? You act like a kitten, but you’re a tiger.”
I made an admirable attempt at purring, but the sound came out as more of a gurgle.
“Now you’re scaring me,” he said, his voice high-pitched with mirth.
“That was supposed to be a purr.”
He clutched me tighter and growled in my ear, “Get the marshmallows.”
I reached over his shoulder and grabbed the bag. When a sexy, naked man with a giant erection tells you to grab the mini marshmallows, you grab the mini marshmallows.
I got down on my knees on the floor before him and began kissing his knees, the same way he had kissed mine. He trembled slightly as I pulled his legs apart and moved into the V-shape gap. I nuzzled my face against his inner thighs, which smelled faintly of chlorine from the pool, but just musky enough to be exciting. I rubbed my chin across his sack, while watching the one-eyed tower looming above me.
I got the giggles for an instant (one-eyed tower, tee-hee), but then I ran my tongue up half the length of his shaft and got more serious. Being on my knees, looking up, I felt younger, and less experienced than I was. Feeling reverent, I lavished his cock with attention, running my fingertips gently around its ridges, and then my tongue.
I didn’t take him into my mouth, though, no matter how much his cock quivered with anticipation as I exhaled hot breath upon the head for a moment before returning to licking.
After a few minutes of this sweet torture, I nudged the bag of marshmallows at my knees and remembered them. I retrieved a handful, and then slowly started to work, like an artist making a sandcastle on the beach. The marshmallows ran up in a swirling line, starting from the base and ending at the tip.
“Wow,” I said when my masterpiece was complete. “It looks like a unicorn’s horn.”
Keith opened his eyes, looked down, and gasped. “That’s what you were doing?” He started to laugh. “I had my eyes shut the whole time. No wonder it smells like cotton candy down there.” He stopped laughing and frowned. “I’ll never be able to un-see this. I’ll be shooting a magazine spread, imagine marshmallows on everyone’s peckers, and lose it.”
“Look on the bright side. I love eating marshmallows, and the bag’s empty now.”
Smiling, he closed his eyes and leaned back against the counter.
I started at the top, engulfing him in my mouth along with the sugary treats. Candy or not, he seemed to appreciate this very much. To get the last ones around the base required deeper throating than I could manage, so I cheated them up with my fingertips.
Once the sweets were gone, I savored the salty taste of his skin, and the pulse of him in my mouth. He was so hard, so ready to burst, but he kept holding back. I wanted him to come, wanted to feel him splash in my mouth and moan as he lost control. With one hand on the base, I worked him strong and steady.
Gasping, he grabbed onto my shoulders with both hands and gently pushed me away.
I looked up at him through my eyelashes. “Come for me,” I said.
“Not like this. I want to be inside you, and I want to feel you come first.”
He slid off the bar stool, grabbed my hand to help me to my feet, and led me to the bedroom.
In there, where it was dark and intimate, with only the light coming through the doorway, he unfastened my pool-damp, black bra and held my breasts in both hands as he kissed my lips.
A moment later, we wordlessly moved to the bed. I got a condom and put it on for him as he lay on his side. Resting with his shoulders propped up on one elbow, he looked so relaxed and comfortable, so I got onto my back perpendicular to him and scooched down to lift my legs over his hips.
He nodded with approval and used his hand to guide himself into me. He used his free arm between my legs, finding my clit and working me as he stroked his length in and out.
Wouldn’t you know it, I barely had time to look up at the ceiling, close my eyes, and I was coming. I gasped and let out some noises to let him know, in case the shuddering deep inside my pussy around his cock wasn’t a big enough sign.
He let me finish coming, and then he changed positions, pushing my legs to fold them up against my torso as he climbed on top of me. With my knees folded over his upper arms near his elbows, I had nowhere to go, nothing to do but enjoy the sensation of him sliding in and out of me. He straightened his body like an arrow, his legs straight behind him, and all of his beautiful muscles did the thing they were supposed to do—allow him to fuck me like a superhero.
My eyes rolled up into my head, and either I started to come again, or I hadn’t finished the first one.
His breathing got ragged. His body glistened with sweat. When he leaned down to kiss me, his chin was wet with perspiration.
I opened my eyes to find him staring down at me, a look of curiosity in his brown eyes. His eyelashes lowered, his face contorted, and he groaned as he thrust into me harder than ever. As he touched me deep inside, sending off more quivering waves, his cock pulsed once, twice, three times. And then he collapsed on top of me, his body weight folding my legs up so my knees were around my chin.
We were still for a moment, and then I wiggled, suddenly uncomfortable.
With a satisfied moan, he rolled off me and said, “That was worth the wait.”
“What was your favorite part?” I cooed, rolling over to face him and trace a line down the center of his sweaty chest.
“Not the marshmallows,” he said, wincing.
“Oh, please. You loved the marshmallows.”
“Fine. I did. Don’t tell anyone.”
“We’re all out of marshmallows.”
“Maybe next time, we can try chocolate chips.”
“Mmm, s’mores.”
“Stop, you’re making me hungry,” I cried.
“It’s not that late. We can watch a movie and eat some kale chips.”
I laughed. “That’s funny. I could have sworn you just said kale chips.”
“Oh, I did.” He nodded, looking very serious. “Stick with me, kid, and I’ll show you plenty of new things.”
I covered my face with my hands. “And to think, I have another week of this.”
He rolled over to me and kissed my hands and the parts of my face sticking through them. “You can stay as long as you like. Stay forever.”
I kept my hands over my face, so he wouldn’t see my expression. I didn’t know how I felt, but I didn’t want him to see my face and get any ideas before I knew.
I coughed abruptly. “Water?”
“Give me a minute to deal with this bag of expired fun, and I’ll be right back with some water, my sweet.”
After he left the room, I stared up at Keith’s bedroom ceiling, which was smooth and plain white, with a simple dome light fixture. The ceiling was dark and provided no answers.
Why couldn’t Keith live in Beaverdale and be anything other than an underwear model? Fooling around with Dalton hadn’t been nearly as dangerous, because he was larger than life, and I never thought we had a future. Keith, though, was so down to earth. Sure there was quite the difference between us as far as percentage of body fat, but his family seemed the equivalent level of crazy-normal as mine, and by the look of his things, he wasn’t I’ll-just-buy-away-my-problems rich.
Ah, but he was on the rebound.
No matter how great we were together, Tabitha
had been there before me, and I got the feeling I was just keeping him warm until he found his way back into her arms. Why else would he have kept her photo?
Keith came back into the bedroom, lugging the TV set from the other room.
“Movie night!” he said.
He got the TV set up on his dresser, and we started arguing over the remote control and what movie to watch first, just like a completely regular couple.
We snuggled. When Keith relaxed, all his muscles became softer and more snuggly. We tried out a variety of cuddling positions, settling on spooning, and it was delicious.
Wednesday morning, I volunteered to run out for bagels while Keith made some important phone calls alone in his apartment.
“Get poppy seed bagels,” he said.
“So, you do eat carbohydrates?”
He was walking around the apartment completely naked, a towel slung over his shoulder for the shower he was about to take. He slumped his posture and stuck out his stomach jokingly, then rubbed the tummy bulge. “What are you implying?” he asked. “Don’t you like what you see? You liked it plenty this morning. I was dead asleep and you just had to wake me up and get some.”
“Oh, please. You started it, pawing and drooling all over me like a dog with a new squeeze toy.”
He grinned. “I sure made you squeak, though, didn’t I? Come, get in the shower with me.”
I’d already showered and was fully dressed, so I backed toward the door, pretending to be scared. I fumbled with the door handle, giggling, then ran out and across the courtyard.
A white-haired lady was reclining in the teak lounger next to the pool. She called out, “What are you running from?”
I stopped, not wanting to be rude, and said, “Emotional intimacy, I guess.”
“You must be young,” she said as she applied coconut-scented lotion to her gold-brown, wrinkled arms and upper chest. “Are you living with that nice gardener, Keith?”
“Just for another week. I’m not from here.”
She grinned, her teeth big and bright white in her wrinkled face. She had sunglasses on, so I couldn’t see her eyes, but could tell she was smiling with her whole face.
“No shit,” she said. “Now, what’s so scary about emotional intimacy?”
“Oh, I was just joking about that. I say a lot of crap. If my life were close-captioned, half of it would just be blah-blah-blah, and the close-captioning person would probably quit and go back to school to train for a better job.”
She shook her head. “The greatest lies are the ones we tell ourselves. God bless denial, and I don’t mean the river in Egypt. Now, could you do me a favor and move that umbrella over so I can read my magazine without so much glare on the page? I have sciatica, plus I just got comfortable.”
“Sure.” I grabbed the base of the standing sunshade, which was filled with sand and quite heavy, and shifted it closer to the woman. She started flipping through the pages of Small Town Life in America, which made me feel homesick.
“I’m Petra,” I said. (I use my actual name around some people, just when I sense they’d feel more comfortable with Petra than Peaches.)
“Nice to know you, dear.” She didn’t look up from the magazine, so I muttered that I’d see her around, and continued on my way.
After I left the courtyard, I noted that the woman might have been a ghost, and that was why she couldn’t move the umbrella stand. Ghosts can’t move things. Perhaps anyone watching would have seen me standing there, talking to myself. Maybe Keith was the only live human who lived in the complex, and all the other units were… like, a ghost hotel or something.
I got so engrossed in my own story, I nearly got lost on my way to the bakery Keith had given me directions for. I never had an imaginary friend as a child, but I read a lot, and if I went too long without reading a book, I’d start to make up stories. Some of my favorite tales, both the ones I read and the ones I imagined, were about ghosts acting like regular, everyday people. Ghosts in laundromats, doing laundry. Ghosts standing in line at the post office. Ghosts with their hands pressed up on the glass, watching puppies inside a pet store, not knowing they could just go in and cuddle all the puppies, ignoring the posted rules for the living.
The woman was still in the teak lounger when I returned, so there went my theory about her being a ghost. She was asleep, with the magazine on her chest. I adjusted the umbrella again, angling it so the shade would last longer as the sun moved across the sky.
Inside Keith’s apartment, I found him pacing the living room, his phone to his ear.
I whispered, “Any news on Italy?”
He shrugged. “On hold.”
I set his takeout coffee—black—on the coffee table, fixed myself up a bagel with cream cheese, and went into the second bedroom with my breakfast and mocha, closing the door to give him some privacy.
This would be our comfortable life together, I thought. Bagels and coffee.
Sure, after a few years of marriage, not to mention the stress of a kid or two, we’d have our differences, but being with Keith felt good. It didn’t feel like a rebound, but like a relationship I’d been destined to have, no matter the length.
I pulled out my phone, annoyed to see a message from Dalton: What am I supposed to do with this laptop?
He was back in LA. Today would have been our joyful reunion, if not for that stupid script.
Me: You could just shove it somewhere dark and out of the way.
He texted me back immediately.
Dalton: Like my ass? Let’s not beat around the bush. We know each other too well to not be honest.
Me: Yeah, shove it up your ass. And the blow dryer, too.
Dalton: Should I unplug the blow dryer first? I’m no electrician, but something tells me that might be dangerous.
I laughed quietly to myself, my hand over my mouth. Why was it so therapeutic to threaten bodily damage to people? And why did Dalton have to go along with it and ruin all my hard feelings for him by being funny? How angry can you be at someone who jokes about putting small appliances in their ass?
Me: Stop being charming.
Dalton: Stop walking through my dreams and abandoning me when I awake.
Me: Stop quoting your dumb movie script. Now you’re just insulting my intelligence.
He didn’t reply for at least five minutes, which gave me conflicting feelings. Had I gone too far in calling his movie dumb? He probably had high hopes for it, and his career. Don’t we all, Dalton Deangelo, don’t we all.
After a long wait, a next message came in.
Dalton: You are one of the smartest girls I’ve ever known. I’m utterly intimidated by you.
Me: Puuuuuhhhhhleeeeeeze.
Dalton: What was the real problem? Was it that I borrowed a few phrases, because that’s ridiculous. Or did you just get scared and run away like you always do?
Me: I told you on the phone. The script is offensive, and you used me.
Dalton: Which of those two things was worse?
Me: Using me.
Dalton: And you didn’t use me? You didn’t leverage our relationship to get yourself an underwear line?
Me: That’s not fair. I was humiliated when those photos were published. And let’s not forget it was your weird step-daughter/step-sister who took the pictures. From your messy life.
Dalton: That’s the real problem, isn’t it? My life is too messy for you.
I threw the phone down on the bed and shook my hands at it. Huffing angrily, I pulled my hair back, twisted it in a bun, then huffed even more because of course I didn’t have any elastic bands. They were at Dalton’s house, along with my laptop.
I grabbed the phone again and jabbed back a response: We’re done and I’m already seeing someone else, so forget about trying to mess with my head and make me mad enough to sleep with you.
Dalton: You’re fucking someone else?
Me: I’m seeing someone else.
Dalton: Wow.
The last message made my
stomach lurch. Why did I have such a big mouth, even when it came to my fingers on the touch-screen? Even though he didn’t say the phrase, I felt it reverberate through my body. Fat whore. It’s the kind of phrase that’s tossed around thoughtlessly in even the nicer high schools. Not just whore, but fat whore. Every fucking time, thanks to that old classic: fat girls try harder. Oh, and big girls need love, too.
Was it true?
Was I trying harder?
I’d slept with a handful of guys, but thanks to the last few weeks, double digits were approaching. Oh, shit.
I sent a new text message, this time to Shayla: Shay, am I a fat whore? Be honest.
Shayla: You need to come home from LA immediately. Those fucking pretty boys are eating your soul. Also, I miss you.
(Notice how she completely ignored my idiotic question. That’s what the best of friends do.)
Me: I miss you too.
Shayla: The house misses you. It makes weird noises when you’re not here. The fridge is possessed. I miss your face. I looked at photos of you on my phone last night, and you’re really beautiful. Even the photo of you eating onion ring crumbs out of your food-catchers.
Me: You always know how to cheer me up.
Shayla: Now I want onion rings so bad. Or pie. Hurry home. When I pick you up at the bus depot, we’ll go straight to Chloe’s for pie. Mile-high lemon meringue. My treat.
Me: Do you really think dating pretty boys is eating my soul?
Shayla: Yes. No. I don’t know. They’re not regular people.
Me: The sex is insane.
Shayla: Sex is always insane. That’s the whole point of sex. Turn off your brain and check your sanity at the coat check.
Me: There’s a coat check for sanity?
Shayla: Yes. Don’t forget to tip the girl who works the counter. She’s got a freezer full of vegan hot dogs and nobody to smother.
We texted back and forth for the next hour, getting progressively weirder and more in-joke-y, like all the best conversations, until my phone beeped sadly, begging for a charge-up.
In the main area of the apartment, Keith was off his phone and bustling around tidying up, by the sound of it. I checked one last time for new messages and saw one.