Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 3

by Isabelle Stewart

Aodhan walked over to his mother and gave her a hug. Lady Orla wrinkled her nose. “I would say you are in need of a bath too.”

  “How long will it take to get to Quenith?” Lara asked to really anyone.

  Ruark walked up to Tara and kissed her. “About four days time if we leave early tomorrow and will be stopping in Shanhold at the Ogham Inn. I have already sent a messenger ahead to let them know. After that we will follow the Gort road and reach Quenith in three days time, given we don’t run into any unforeseen troubles. Unfortunately there are no towns or villages we can stay after Shanhold.”

  “How about we take this inside and show all of you to your rooms?” Tara said and everyone followed her into the manor house.

  Ruark escorted the men to a set of stairs that led to the second story. Lady Orla disappeared down the hall where Lara heard some laughter coming from a room off to the side. Tara took Lara’s arm and led her down an opposite overly large candle lit hallway. Large oil paintings lined the walls and on pedestals were sculptures of every kind of art you could imagine on them. It was a beautiful private gallery. She looked down at the floor which was a light gray marble with silver veins running through it. Lara wondered if this realm had an endless supply of granite and limestone.

  Tara stopped in front of a plain light oak door and stepped through. Lara noticed that her frame pack had been placed on a bench at the foot of the bed.

  “I had the servants bring your possessions. Aodhan placed your armor in with his. I hope you do not mind. I will leave you to settle in and there is a bath that is being warmed for you through the door to the left of the bed. I believe that Dinner will be within a couple of hours.” Tara said and smiled as she walked out and closed the door.

  Lara looked at her frame pack trying to think of what to do first. She decided against exploring the house to get a closer look at all of the art and pulled out everything she needed for a bath. While she was

  setting out her things and looked at the quilt that covered the bed. It was a multicolored quilt that she recognized as a wedding ring quilt. Lara thought of hers back home that her father would not allow her to have until she was married. Her mother had at least let her sneak a peek at what her Great Grandmother had made for her. If she ever made it home she would finally be able to have it if Aodhan still wanted to marry her, that is.

  Deep in thought, Lara walked over to the door that Tara had pointed to. She stepped through into a small bathroom. Not as exquisite as Shanna’s cottage but size doesn’t matter right? The tub was made out of a caramel colored stone and was as big as a small whirlpool tub. She looked around and found some fluffy peach colored towels on a bench set outside of a small partition. A quick glance behind the partition revealed a tiny peach pedestal sink and makeshift toilet. Lara turned back to the tub and prepared her bath.

  On the second story of the house, Ruark led the men to their rooms. Eion shared one with Devlyn and Niall. Kedryn shared the another with Aodhan. Ruark and Scanlon, of course, would be staying with their wives who already had their own rooms. They all took turns with the bath and got ready for their last evening meal at the manor house.

  Chapter 5

  At the evening meal Ruark seemed on edge. A messenger had visited him earlier and he wouldn’t discuss the details with anyone until after the meal. When they finished all of the women, except Lara, left to gather in the garden behind the house. Ruark had stopped her from heading out with the rest of the women and requested that she stay behind. She gave him a concerned look and followed him into a room just off of the dining area.

  The plush leather chairs and couches in different shades of chocolate brown reminded Lara of her father’s den back home. The wood of the furniture in the room and fireplace mantle were a glossy back. She could picture her father and his friends sitting around drinking scotch, smoking cigars and talking politics. Lara wrinkled her nose at the thought of politics.

  Aodhan stood and walked over to Lara. He took her hand and led her to a couch directly across from the fireplace.

  “You grace us with a smile.” Aodhan said.

  “It reminds me of home.” she said and took a seat on the couch.

  When everyone was seated, Ruark cleared his throat to get their attention. He pulled out a piece of rolled parchment.

  “I have received a message from Lieutenant Dillon McKenna. It seems that the raids have increased along the Milesian border. Lord O’Cuinn has now stationed him at Dublaine to begin on a plan to increase protection for the border towns, villages and farms.”

  Aodhan gave Lara a troubled glance and leaned back. “That is a concern. I would have thought the raids would have stopped. Or at the very least slowed down considering their General is now gone.”

  “Lord Faolan will move along with his plan whether or not he has a General. He surely has appointed one by now. Has there been any word of continued raids along the Danann border?” Eion asked.

  Ruark walked over to the fireplace and looked into the flames.

  “None that I have heard of. They have faded off since the battle. It may be because they know the Lady Battle Raven is on our side. Even that will not hold them off for long. My scouts have come across some Firbolg spies nothing more.”

  Eion stood. “It seems we will have no problems on our journey. Let us gather the women and head to bed. It will be an early start in the morning.”

  Lara glanced outside a large bay window that was facing the garden. The moonlight gave the garden a eerie but peaceful glow. Aodhan stood and held out a hand to her. She let him pull her up and they all walked out to the garden. The women were in a domed rose carved gazebo.

  Eion strode up to Lady Orla, took her hand and kissed it. “We are heading in early, my ladies I suggest you do the same. Is all prepared for the morning?”

  Orla patted his cheek. “Yes. All of the carts are packed with the pavilions and our possessions. The servants will be working late tonight preparing the food and stocking the drink for the journey.”

  “You are ever so resourceful mother.” Aodhan said as he walked up to her and offered her his arm.

  “May I escort you to your quarters, my Lady?” Aodhan asked her as she let out a bell of a laugh.

  “Of course my son.”

  Lara’s eyes followed Aodhan as he walked off quietly talking to his mother. The others followed shortly after. Kedryn and Lara were the only ones left standing in the gazebo. She walked over to a wooden rose carved bench and sat down. Kedryn sat down next to her.

  “Aodhan’s mind must have been on other things.” he said.

  “Yes.” Lara said a little annoyed he hadn’t said good night.

  “I think we should head in and get some rest before tomorrow.” Kedryn said as he stood and looked at his mother who didn’t move from the bench.

  Lara felt a light breeze blow by her and she inhaled the scent of the flower garden that was floating in the air.

  “I think I’ll sit out here for a while. It’s so peaceful. Go on and head in and I promise I’ll come in shortly.”

  Kedryn gave her a light bow. “As you wish.”

  Lara watched as he made his way on the limestone path and out of the garden. She leaned back on the bench and pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. She looked up at the stars through the round hole in the top of the gazebo. Lara didn’t realize she had put her head down and dozed off until she woke to someone walking down the path. She looked up and watched as Aodhan walked up and let go of her legs to stretch them out.

  “I stopped by your room and you were not there.”

  “Guess I just needed some alone time. It’s so peaceful out here and I suppose it’s time to get in some rest. Will you be joining me?” she asked.

  “I will have to say no. It is getting harder to make good on my vow. That is why I am sharing a room with Kedryn instead of Eion. Having him around, for some reason, keeps me in line.” Aodhan said giving her a sly grin.

  “Oh. ok.” Lara said unconsciously gi
ving him a hurt look.

  She stood up wondering if that was true or if he was having second thoughts the closer they got the Quenith. Pulling her into a passionate kiss he cleared her worries away. Aodhan pulled away with their noses touching.

  “I love you. That is why it is so hard not to stay the night with you and I do not think I could control myself anymore. You know that I want to be married to you first.” Aodhan said as he released her and took her hand.

  “You are the best man that I know. I love you for it.” Lara kissed him and let him lead her to the door of her room and bid her good night. She walked into her bedroom and shut the door behind her. Exhaustion caught up to her as she walked over to the bed. Lara let herself fall back onto the bed and immediately fell into a troubled asleep.

  Chapter 6

  General Gavin Tynan had recently been appointed the new General of the Firbolg army. Haven been personally trained by General Daigh he knew it was only a matter of time before he assumed his rightful position. Tynan was favored by Lord Faolan but hoped that he would not simply appoint him. If his Lord interfered he would loose credibility among the soldiers. Apparently Lord Faolan knew this and watched on as Tynan succeeded in defeating all of his competitors in the trials. He had returned from the trials elated to tell his wife about his promotion and their newly appointed home.

  After a weeks worth of training and reviewing the troops he returned home to learn that she had been summoned and returned the next morning exhausted. As the cook brought out their breakfast a servant of Lord Faolan’s appeared at his door. Tynan began to wonder if accepting the General position was wise. He looked over at his wife and gave her an apologetic look.

  Aalia playfully tugged on Tynan’s shirt and gave him a quick kiss goodbye along with a look of disappointment. She was hoping for a little time alone together. Since the baby had arrived time alone was very rare.

  “Lord Faolan could at least wait until we are settled in. This whole war business is very irritating.” Aalia said as she twirled a ribbon braided into her long black hair.

  He took her hand and kissed it. “You know as well as I that this all came to pass due to Lord Faolan’s failed attempts to gain recognition by the Danann and Milesian Lords. He would not be pressing war otherwise.”

  “Are you certain about that?” she asked quietly and looked down at her bare feet on the polished wood of their new home.

  “Yes.” Gavin said a bit too quickly and walked over to their front

  door. Tynan stopped, turned from the carved oak door that led outside and strode over to the baby’s room. His son was sound asleep and he leaned over and kissed the baby on the forehead. Aalia followed him out of the room and stopped him to get one more kiss.

  Looking at his wife he wondered if anything ever happened to him what Lord Faolan would do. Would he let his wife and son remain in the house? Or would he force them out of the little forest town of Zona? He thought of Aalia’s first reaction when she saw the large dark green house with its dark wood accents and long porch. The manor house was large enough for three families. She had wondered how she was ever going to clean it. He laughed and took her inside and introduced her to her very own staff.

  From behind Tynan heard a man clear his throat and he turned. His squire stood at attention holding the reigns of his horse. He mounted the tall black war horse and left their home behind once again to see what mission Lord Faolan was sending him on now.

  As General Tynan entered Lord Faolan’s throne room he noticed that the Lady Paili was not in attendance. She was always at his side during any meeting he attended and wondered if she was well. He strode up and stopped before the steps that led to the throne. He kneeled down on one knee and bowed his head.

  “I am hear at your request, my Lord. May I ask as to Lady Paili?”

  “You may. Rise, General Gavin. Lady Paili is resting and I have mission for you.”

  The general rose irritated that Faolan used his first name even though it was tradition. A tradition that he was bent on breaking. Everyone else called him General Tynan.

  Tynan clasped his hands behind his back. “Would that be the Dublineth mission?”

  “You hear much General Gavin.” Lord Faolan lounged back and looked upon his new General amused. “My spies have discovered that the Milesians have based their top Lieutenant at Dublineth.”

  “I see. Dublineth is further into the Milesian lands. You wish me to lead the raid there?”

  “Yes. Lady Paili would like at least three women brought back to tend to Damon.” Faolan said and stopped Tynan before he spoke. “I realize that it is a preposterous idea. However, she does have a point. Herself nor the healers can attend to Damon all day and night.”

  “As you desire. General Daigh trained the men well and they leave none alive. May I make a suggestion?”

  “Of course.” Lord Faolan knew where this was leading. He stroked his beard ready to shoot the general down yet again.

  General Tynan straightened and looked straight in Lord Faolan’s black eyes. Something few could do and one thing that Lord Faolan admired the man for.

  “My Lord. You know I am not fond of the slaughter of women and children. I would like to request that only the men be killed.”

  “Lady Paili and I have had words over the same. To show mercy is weakness. Do what I have ordered and if not three do bring back one woman alive. Lady Paili would be very much put out if you do not. If you can not control your men then I have chosen the wrong General.”

  General Tynan bowed to Faolan hiding his irritation “As you wish, my Lord. Is there anything else you wish to discuss? I would like to gather the men for the raid.”

  Faolan studied his General. The man may have his own ideas but he was loyal. More loyal than Daigh was. “No General. You may take your leave. And General Gavin. Do not disappoint me.”

  Tynan hesitated before turning around. “My Lord. What of the Lady Battle Raven?”

  “I have reports that she is not in that area. She is the least of your worries General.” Lord Faolan said as he stood and stroked his beard at the thought of the descendant.

  The General gave a sharp bow to Lord Faolan. He turned on his heels striding down the steps and out of the throne room. As he walked down to the armory he thought of what his wife had mentioned before he left. He believed in Faolan’s cause but to what extent. Tynan had dreamed of being a General his whole life and now he could provide comfortable quarters for his wife and son. He wasn’t too thrilled of Aalia and Paili’s friendship but how could he possibly put an end to a friendship that started in childhood. He let out a sigh as he stepped into the armory. The man in front of him set down his sword.

  “Lieutenant Shea. You may as well pick that back up. Gather the men and we have another mission. We leave as soon as the men are assembled.”

  “Yes sir. I have a matter to attend to. May I see to it first?” Lieutenant Shea said and picked up a dagger.

  “Very well. Be quick about it. Tell each man you see to prepare to leave.” General Tynan said.

  The lieutenant’s face turned to grim determination. “It will be done.”

  Tynan watched him leave and hoped Lieutenant Shea’s personal matter did not involve something that would eliminate the him before the mission. His defeat in the sparring ring a few days ago was a surprise to them all. This was not a time to settle a grudge. Tynan let out a sigh and headed to gather the troops praying the spies were correct that the Lady Battle Raven was nowhere near during the raid.

  Chapter 7

  Lara woke to the fumes of coffee, bacon and eggs. Aodhan walked to her bed and she sat up cross legged watching as he sat the tray in front of her.

  “Careful. I might get used to this.” she said and pulled her hair back.

  Kicking his boots off Aodhan sat on the bed next to her. He pulled the tray up to them and they started to eat. “I see you are dressed and ready to go?”

  Lara looked down and realized she hadn’t even taken off
her boots. She was dressed in her brown cargo pants and a light blue t-shirt. Old habits die hard. Lara had skipped past the clothes Gobnait made for her and put on something that reminded her of home. The only thing she wore from this realm were Badb’s necklace and hair pins. Her dagger and belt with sheath were neatly placed on the small nightstand near her bed.

  “Guess I was more tired than I thought. I suppose everyone else is ready. I can always take a bath at the Inn. It does have a bath area right?”

  “I believe the Inn has a separate bath for each room. Nothing but the best for the General and his wife. Not everyone is ready yet and they were all finishing up breakfast when I left.” Aodhan said as he looked at her confused and annoyed look.

  “I planned this with mother. That is why you were not informed about breakfast if that is what the look is for. We will be meeting by the stables and I’ll make sure your horse is ready.”

  Aodhan hopped off her bed and gave her a peck on the cheek as he picked up the tray. He walked to the door and winked at her as he left the room. Lara scooted off the bed and grabbed her gear pack. As she walked though the halls of the house Lara took her time. She looked at each piece of art work she could find.

  “These artists could give Van Gogh, Picasso and Michelangelo a

  run for their money.” she said studying a painting of a multicolored sunset before her.

  Her all time favorite still remained “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt. Lara finally decided it was time to quit browsing and go. If they really were in a hurry she was sure that Kedryn or Aodhan would have come to fetch her. As she walked up to the stables Kedryn strode up to her.

  “Taking your sweet time? Let me guess, you were looking at the paintings.” he said as he walked over to his horse and swung into the saddle.

  “You know me too well.” Lara said as she swung herself onto the saddle of her horse and turned when she heard a horse gallop up to her.


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