Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 4

by Isabelle Stewart

Aodhan appeared at her side. “Mother and the other women are in the carriage and would like for you to join them.”

  She masked her annoyance. “I would like to ride to the next town with Kedryn.”

  He gave her a disapproving look. “You tell mother. I am not about to get scolded for it.”

  Lara reached over and patted his cheek. “I mean no disrespect to you or her. I would like to spend more time with Kedryn. Then I will ride in the carriage the rest of the way from Shanhold. Besides, I would like to get to know my future mother in law better.”

  He glanced at the carriage and to Lara. “I will be riding with Ruark.”

  “I will let her know.” She turned her horse around and rode to Orla’s carriage.

  Lara nearly hopped off of her horse to get to the carriage. She was in a hurry to get back to spend as much time as she could with Kedryn. Walking up to the only window that was not covered by gold velvet curtains she made her presence known. Lady Orla was seated in the middle of a cushioned bench by Fand. Tara, Serina and Kaylee were seated directly across from them.

  “Are you going to join us dear?” Lady Orla asked with her eyebrow raised noting that Lara hadn’t moved to step into the carriage.

  “Meaning no disrespect Lady Orla but I would like to spend some quality time with my son before he leaves. Aodhan plans taking Kedryn out to scout with Kory and Derrick after we leave from Shanhold. I would be delighted to ride with all of you then.”

  Lara grimaced inwardly. She didn’t know how her rejection to Lady Orla’s request would be taken. She was certain her ladyship was not used to someone saying no to her. And seriously, who would? Lara was relieved when Orla shook her head and apologized.

  “Apologies Lara, I was not thinking. I would do the exact same thing. I look forward to your company on the journey from Shanhold to Quenith.”

  “It will be an honor.” Lara said as she looked at each woman in the carriage. Backing away from the carriage Lara stepped up to her horse and swung back into the saddle. She noticed how tense she was when Jodi turned around and tried to trot past the horses. The prancing jolted her tense muscles as she tried to relax. She nudged her horse into a gallop and came to a stop next to Kedryn. He was talking to Lawler and looked to her as soon as she stopped.

  “No pampering for you on this journey?” Kedryn asked as he patted some dust off of his pants.

  “Not until we reach Shanhold. I would like to spend time with my favorite son.” Lara said as she leaned over and swept some dust off of the sleeve of his shirt.

  “And I would like to spend time with my favorite mother.” Kedryn said pushing her hand away.

  “Your only mother.” Lara said and laughed.

  She felt her horse lurch forward and watched as the men in front started to lead them out of Tralee for the first part of their journey. Standing up in the stirrups she looked ahead at Aodhan who kept glancing back at her. Lara gave him a thumbs up and he nodded and turned around. She took a quick glace over her shoulder. Lady Orla’s carriage was in line a few rows behind. The wagons with all their belongings brought up the rear.

  Kedryn turned as Lawler took his place in line beside Niall. As Kedryn watched him, Niall caught his eye and gave Kedryn a mock salute. They both laughed as Kedryn turned back to Lara.

  “I always went to the digs with you in the other countries because it always felt like an adventure. This takes the cake.”

  “Tell me about it. With this we didn’t really have a say. Unless we wanted to face what was coming for us back home.” Lara said as she readjusted her hair.

  “I hear ya.” Kedryn said and his attention was drawn to the huge stone arch that led outside the walls of Tralee.

  The procession stopped as Carrick consulted with Ruark, Eion and Aodhan for a quick moment and they moved on. Their pace was slow but General Ruark said that they would reach Shanhold by nightfall. Kedryn hoped he was right because he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched.

  Kedryn’s uneasiness traveled to Niall and Lawler and they all kept a close eye out. The only thing that distracted him was when his mother starting talking about family, friends and the situation they were in. When the sun reached its highest point the procession stopped for lunch in a small wooded area. Lara joined the women and servants in preparing lunch and drinks. Just as quickly as they stopped everything was gathered up and the procession headed out again.

  After a few miles of dusty trail a quaint little village came into view. Cream colored Victorian houses appeared on the outskirts with patches of small gardens surrounding them. Beyond the houses stretched a road lined with small thatch roof cottages. The small village had a general store and a pub and small gothic church. Her eyes followed Ruark and Aodhan as they galloped ahead to a large dark brown Victorian house. The town was full of vibrant flower gardens and trees that surrounded all of the houses.

  Lara turned in her saddle and watched as Devlyn and Scanlon led all but a few troops to a huge barn. The wagons were changing direction and followed directly after them. When she stepped into the sitting area Lady Orla and the other women were talking with the host and hostess who were about to lead them all to their rooms. Just as Aodhan said she had a private bath and Lara took full advantage. Wanting some time for herself Lara gave herself a quick tour of the house and grounds and headed back to her room.

  As she was preparing for her evening meal Lara heard a knock at her door and she walked over to it to find Aodhan standing on the other side.

  “It seems the closer you get to home. The more you remember your manners.” Lara patted him on the cheek.

  “Mother keeps reminding me of them whenever she gets the chance. Apparently she does not wish scandalous rumors of her son and the Lady Battle Raven spread throughout the court. Would you grant me the honor of an official proposal?” he asked and saw the frown on her face and quickly changed the subject. “Are you ready for dinner, my Lady?” he asked and offered her his arm.

  “Yes.” she said and looped her arm through his. Her head was spinning about what he had said. He had mentioned it before in passing. Her thoughts went back to the maze in the back of the house. Lara smiled as she came up with a plan.

  Looking up she glanced at Aodhan as he stopped at two double doors and opened one for her. She stepped into a large dining area and was happy to see that Lady Orla had invited Kedryn, Lawler and Niall to dinner. Eion was standing in the corner looking uncomfortable as Lara walked over to him.

  “Is everything ok?” she asked.

  He glanced to Orla and straightened. The uneasiness draining from his face. “Perfectly fine, my lady.”

  “Good. Where are Kylie and Fand?” Lara asked looking around.

  “They are helping with the preparations for the trip tomorrow.” Tara said.

  “I see.” Lara said.

  Ruark motioned for them to sit down and gave the blessing. They quietly ate and as they ate dessert Lara noticed that Lady Orla kept glancing out the window to the courtyard beyond and to Eion.

  Tara dabbed at her mouth and set down her napkin. “It is such a lovely night. What do you say of meeting in the courtyard behind the house for a night cap?”

  “I don’t think . . .” was all the Eion got out as he glanced at Orla who raised her eyebrow at him.

  “That is a brilliant idea.” Serina said and took a bite of raspberry tort.

  Lara gave Eion and Orla a curious look and decided to think on it later. She had bigger plans for tonight.

  Ruark leaned back in his chair. “A little relaxation would be good for all.”

  Lara grinned to herself as she followed everyone outside. She looked at the maze and decided it was time to have a little fun. She put her arm around Aodhan and rested her head on his shoulder. He pushed some strands of her hair behind her ear. She looked up at him and melted at the adoration in his eyes.

  She gave him a devious smile and looked to the rose colored mazes. “Are you up for a little challenge before we head
to bed?”

  Aodhan let out a loud yawn. “What sort of challenge would that be?”

  “I see that there are two mazes both about the same size. I’m assuming each has an end right?” her heart began to race as she wondered if he would agree.

  Aodhan shook the sleep from his head as he looked at each maze realizing what type of challenge she had in mind. He had played in the hedge mazes at the castle since he was a child. What Aodhan didn’t know was that Lara was an expert of figuring out mazes at dig sites and gardens herself. They were on equal ground.

  “Each should have an exit on both sides. Are you challenging me to a race?” he mock hit her arm.

  “Absolutely. I think we should let your mother decide which maze each of us will enter. If you aren’t too afraid to be beat by a woman.” Lara said.

  “I am always up for a challenge. How is it you say?” he bowed to her. “Bring it on Lady Battle Raven.” Aodhan said giving her a sly grin.

  “Bring it on Tracker boy.” Lara said as she took the pins out of her hair and tightened the bun and stuck them back in.

  Lady Orla looked at them both amused. “Lara, you take the left. Aodhan, you take the right. Lawler please find the end of Lara’s maze. Niall you can take Aodhan’s. Yell when each has finished. The starting point is the edge of the gazebo. What are the stakes? If any.”

  Lara walked up to the edge of the gazebo and turned to Orla. “If Aodhan wins he gets what he want’s. To officially propose tonight and announce our engagement. If I win and we wait until Kedryn gets back.”

  “I am soooo winning this.” he said and strutted over next to her.

  Orla motioned to Lawler and Niall and they walked around the corner of each maze to find the exits. Each yelled OK when they found them.

  “Lady Orla. Please signal when.” Lara said as she gave her a wide grin.

  Lara and Aodhan readied themselves to race. Lady Orla stood up from the stone bench she was sitting on. She walked over and stood in front of them, pulled out her kerchief and raised her arm. She let the kerchief drop.


  Lara and Aodhan both sprinted to the entrance of each maze. As Aodhan entered Lara stopped at the entrance and let out a laugh. She listened to him rush through the hedges. Walking over to the edge she

  waved for Lawler to join her. He gave her a strange look, walked up to her and followed Lara to where Lady Orla and Tara were sitting. Ruark let out a laugh and they looked to him. He shrugged his shoulders.

  Lara sat down, picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. She looked at Lady Orla’s raised eyebrow.

  “I was going to let him win anyway. Might as well make him work for it.” Lara said.

  That sent Lady Orla and everyone else around into spurts of laughter. Shortly after they all heard Niall yell “Finished!” and a hoot of Victory from Aodhan was heard. Everyone watched as Aodhan strode to the benches where they were all sitting. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Lara sitting by his mother.

  “What is this?” he asked annoyed looking at everyone trying to hold in their laughter.

  Lady Orla gave him an amused look and stood up. She took off a small diamond band from her finger and placed the ring in his hand. Aodhan’s annoyance turned to confusion.

  “You looked annoyed my dear. Never fear, you won, please proceed.” Lady Orla said as she moved to the side and gracefully swept her arm indicating Lara who was now sitting on the bench blushing.

  Instead of heading straight to Lara. Aodhan walked over to where Kedryn was standing. “There is something I would like to ask of you.”

  Kedryn leaned back against a post and crossed his arms. “What would that be?”

  Aodhan nervously shifted his feet looking at Kedryn. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Your mother’s father, your grandfather, is in a different realm.” Aodhan paused looked down and up at Kedryn and shifted feet again. “What I am trying to say is. I would like your permission to marry your mother.”

  Kedryn felt tears prick at his eyes. He looked at his mother and knew what her answer would be. Kedryn concentrated on them both and saw that their colors were now the same, a deep emerald green. His mom truly has chosen Aodhan.

  “It would be an honor to have you as my father.” and he clasped forearms with Aodhan and gave him a huge bear hug.

  Lara couldn’t help it and a tear slid down her cheek. She watched as Aodhan slowly walked over to her looking her in the eyes the whole time. He held out his hand and she took it and stood. Aodhan bent down

  to one knee and opened his other hand. It held the small ring that his mother had given him.

  “My heart. I fell in love with you the minute I barged through your door and you clocked me on the chin. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and an honor fighting by your side. Would you give me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She looked down at him and held back the tears the best she could. Lara place a hand on his cheek. “Yes, my heart. I couldn’t and wouldn’t say no to you.”

  Aodhan took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger. He stood up and pulled her into a kiss.

  Everyone around them cheered. Tara leaned close against Ruark and Eion stepped up to Orla and placed his hand on her shoulder. “A more pleasant memory of this place.”

  Orla turned to him. “That it will be.”

  As Aodhan and Lara kissed they both felt the rest of their walls slip away and there was nothing but pure love. To everyone’s disbelief a white feathery light surrounded them. The light feathers touched each surrounding person and they felt the love that Lara and Aodhan shared for a brief moment.

  “It’s just like in the tale.” Serina said as she turned to Scanlon and kissed him nearly making him fall as he went weak in the knees.

  “Let’s head to bed, my love.” Scanlon said and they both ran back into the inn to their quarters.

  Out of the corner of her eye Lara saw Eion quickly step away from Orla and retreat back into the house. She gave Aodhan a questioning look and he gave her a don’t ask look.

  Lara kissed Aodhan again feeling the love surrounding them. “We should head to bed too.”

  He let out a sigh. “If only.” Aodhan kissed her again.

  “I know.” she said and took his hand leading him into the house.

  Chapter 8

  In the morning Lara woke to both Kedryn and Aodhan walking into her room. She stretched and sat up pushing strands of hair away that were stuck to her face.

  “Does it take two of you to wake me now?” she asked as she pushed down the covers and scooted off the bed.

  “No, my Lady. Mother sent me to politely remind you that you are to ride with her and the ladies today. Kedryn came on his own.” Aodhan ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I ordered breakfast for the three of us to have together before Aodhan and I go off scouting. Quality time you know.” Kedryn said as he walked over to her door after hearing a knock. He took a tray of food from the servant and walked over to the sitting area.

  Lara walked over to the table and inhaled the aroma of fresh coffee. They three sat down and started to eat.

  “We leave in an hour’s time. That should give you enough time to get ready doing what you women do.” Aodhan said giving her a sly grin.

  “Only an hour?” she gave him a look.

  “If you need more time?” Aodhan said and glanced at Kedryn giving him a confused look.

  Kedryn let out a laugh. “You will find mom to be very low maintenance. Unless she has to gussy up. She fusses a bit.”

  Aodhan raised his eyebrow and grinned at her. “Do you plan on gussying up for the carriage ride.”

  “Less talk, more eating. I have to gussy up boys.” Lara said and started to dig into her croissant and fruit.

  When Aodhan and Kedryn left Lara decided not to gussy up too much. She wanted to be comfortable. She pulled out the first dress Shanna had given her along with the shawl. Lara had Gobnait loosen the

  bodice enough to
be a little bit less constraining. As she French braided her hair back Kedryn walked into her room.

  He looked her over. “Time to head out. You know, out of all the dresses you’ve worn. I like that one the best.”

  “Thanks.” Lara said as she tied the belt around her waist. She was at a loss as to what to do with her dagger as she pulled on the soft brown leather boots. She decided to stick the sheath and dagger into the top part of her boot. Even though it was a bit uncomfortable it was a good feeling having it close. Lara adjusted her necklace and picked up her pack.

  “Let’s head out. This should be an interesting ride.” Lara said as she followed Kedryn out the door.

  When they reached the procession she noticed that behind Lady Orla’s carriage a smaller similar one was directly behind it. A glace at the horses showed Jodi in the lead of Lady Orla’s carriage and she grinned to herself.

  Orla gave a dainty wave to Lara. “I believe that Aodhan is waiting for Kedryn.”

  “Right, I better get going. See you when we stop.” Kedryn said and gave Lara a hug before he headed out.

  Orla led Lara to her carriage and Kory appeared by the door opening it for them. She motioned for Lara to go first and the he took her hand as she stepped up.

  “Derrick and I will be guarding this carriage as we head to Quenith, my Lady.”

  “I will feel the more safer for it. Thank you Lieutenant.” Lara said as she nodded to him and stepped up to find Lady Orla sitting directly across from her.

  Lara looked around. “Where are the others?”

  “If you do not mind on this stretch I would like to get to know my future daughter. Tara will join us after this first stop and Fand, Serina and Kaylee will stay in the other carriage.”

  “That sounds good to me.” Lara said with a slight frown on her face.

  Lady Orla noticed the frown. “Is that a problem dear?”

  Lara looked up and smiled. “No. It is most certainly not. You must be referring to my thinking face. That is the first thing you have now learned about me. When I think, I frown, not sure why, I just do. I was just wondering where I should start first.”


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