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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

Page 9

by Isabelle Stewart

  Kiara picked up her book. “I must take my leave. Be careful with this one Lady Paili has been informed that she has a death wish.”

  “Is that so.” Aalia said as she surveyed the room for any sharp objects and watched Kiara walk out and walked over to Bevin. “Please my lady. Change into this robe.”

  Bevin took the robe and Aalia turned to give her some privacy. A thud sounded and Aalia spun around to find Bevin on the floor. She rushed to her side.

  “Apologies dear. I should have seen you were exhausted.” Aalia said.

  She gently helped Bevin up and onto the chaise lounge. Placing her hands over Bevin’s cuts and bruises she thanked God that there was nothing major except for the cut and bump on her head. Aalia didn’t know how much more she could heal without exhausting herself.

  As she we being healed Bevin watched the orange glow and wondered why theirs were different than the healers she knew. It was a

  huge difference from the reddish orange hue of the Firbolg healer to a bluish white of Kaylee and Fand.

  “How do you feel dear? You may be a little weak still I am all but drained from working on the soldiers before I arrived.” she looked at Bevin curious about what had happened that had brought her here. When Bevin did not speak she took her arm and led her to the bath area. A huge crimson and golden streaked tub was sunk into the center of the room. Bevin was so weak that Aalia had to send for two other women to help her. She was relieved to see Kiara walk in.

  “Thank Goodness. Please I need some help.” Aalia said.

  Kiara sighed. “Have you seen Daveth?”

  “Not recently.” Aalia said.

  They helped Bevin to bed and watched as she immediately drifted off to sleep. Aalia motioned for Kiara to join her in the sitting area. Taking a seat in a high backed cushioned chair Aalia looked to Kiara.

  “What exactly is going on?” Aalia rubbed her forehead.

  “It seems the woman and myself have been recruited to care for Damon.” Kiara said.

  “That is a relief and ludicrous. I am assuming that they brought her back from the last raid. Gavin did not mention her. He was exhausted and headed straight to bed.”

  “Lady Paili requested three but he was only able to save one. It seems his men are less disciplined that he thought. However, killing everyone and burning the place to the ground is not a favorite of mine nor Lady Paili’s. She still has not been able to dissuade him.” Kiara said looking at the woman in front of her thinking she may have said to much.

  Aalia noticed the concern on Kiara’s face. “Do not fret. Paili and I have had the same discussions. I should go and look in on the soldiers and relieve Riana. Be well, my lady and if you need anything for Damon, please let either one of us know.”

  Kiara stood up from her chair and led the healer to the door. “I should go keep an eye on the woman.”

  Kiara walked back into her sleeping quarters and sunk into an overstuffed chair by the fire. She looked over to the bed where Bevin was in a deep sleep. Kiara watched until her eyes grew heavy and she drifted off to sleep.

  Bevin woke with a start confused by the unfamiliar surroundings. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and sat up swinging her legs off the side of the bed. Looking around the room her eyes stopped on the woman in a cushioned chair by the fireplace. She remembered

  where she had seen her likeness before, Doyle. The one who had tried to kill Kedryn.

  Kiara heard Bevin stir and sat up rubbing her eyes. She smiled at

  Bevin as she stood and walked over to her vanity and picked up a trinket box. She walked over and sat down on the bed next to Bevin. Opening the box Kiara took out a milky white lumpy crystal and put it on a stand by the bed. Kiara leaned over the crystal and whispered quietly and it started to glow a blush white filling the room. She sat down on the bed next to Bevin and turned to her.

  “That is a silencing crystal. To anyone else it looks like a lump of deformed crystal. No one can see the light nor can any spies hear our conversation through the wall. Once the light fades we must not talk of anything of the Danann or other private matters. Do you understand?” Kiara asked looking in Bevin’s eyes.

  “I don’t understand. Aren’t you one of them? Why trust me?” Bevin said as she glanced at the crystal and back up at the Seer. She had heard of the silencing crystal before. Many thought the crystal to be nothing but legend and myth.

  “I am a prisoner just as you are now. I am entrusting you with something that could send me to the altar. Please know that I am not your enemy.” Kiara said giving her a firm look.

  Bevin studied Kiara for a moment. “What other choice do I have.”

  “None.” Kiara said flatly as she looked into Bevin’s eyes. “There are only two silencing crystals that exist that I know of. Paili has the other. Only the two of us know the other has one. Now you Bevin McKenna I trust you will keep it secret?”

  Bevin looked down at her hands and touched her wedding ring. “I swear that I will keep it secret. It seems I have little choice and for this moment I will trust you. Until you give me reason not to.”

  “Fair enough. We do not have much time. It will take another day for the crystal to be of use again. We are both captives of the Firbolg and I have had a vision of the descendant’s son coming to rescue me. Do not do anything foolish and we will both make it out of here alive. Also, there is more to Lady Paili and Damon than I can tell you at this time. Paili does have a very dark side but there is light and hope in her also. The same is with her brother.” she glanced at the door when she heard a servant enter the room. She gestured for the servant to leave and turned back to Bevin.

  “You are here to take care of Damon and we will both do that together. Swear to me that you will live and not try to take his or your life. Do you know what it means to swear to a Seer? That it will bind your soul to that promise?”

  “Yes.” Bevin thought of Dillon’s last words and looked into the Kiara’s eyes. “I swear to the Seer that I will live and do no harm to Damon.” she looked at her ring and let out a sob as tears rolled down her face.

  Kiara put an arm around Bevin’s shoulders and let her cry. After the sobs turned into sniffles she spoke. “It breaks my heart of your loss. You must stay strong and we will both survive.”

  “His last words to me were I love you, do not despair and live life” Bevin started to cry again.

  Kiara let her cry a bit longer and then released Bevin. She scooted off the bed. “We should go.” she walked to her vanity and picked up a kerchief handing it to Bevin.

  “Thank you. I will do what I can for Damon.” Bevin said as she wiped the tears away.

  “Thank you. Lady Paili just might loosen the reigns a bit especially if you do well with Damon.” Kiara looked to the crystal and saw that the light was fading from around them. She picked it up and walked over placing it back into the trinket box.

  “Are you well enough to walk?” Kiara asked as she stood.

  “I think so.” Bevin stood and took a few steps. “Steady enough.” she followed Kiara out of her chambers. As they stepped out the guards followed them down the corridor.

  Kiara led her down the corridor passing by two large black doors with a wolf carved onto them. Bevin’s hairs stood up on the back of her neck and she shivered. She swore she could feel the evil magic emanating from the chamber. They turned down a narrow hall where at the end was a large square door with a falcon carved into it. The guards followed them into through a sitting room and into Damon’s sleeping quarters. Lady Paili was kneeling at her brother’s side examining the wound and stood when she heard them enter.

  “I am pleased you have arrived. I have other matters to attend to and did not wish to leave him alone. He has just fallen asleep and there is food and drink by the fireplace. Guards you may wait outside by the door.” Paili said giving them a stern look.

  “Yes, Lady Paili. You only need to call if you need us.” The guard said as both bowed to her, then to Kiara and left th
e room.

  Paili looked to Kiara who nodded. She reached into the side of her gown and took out a crystal. Almost a twin to the one that Kiara had taken out earlier except for the color. It was a yellowish orange in color.

  “Please ladies. Let us sit for a moment.” Paili said as she looked around and said a few words to the crystal and it started glowing surrounding them all.

  “Has she sworn to you?” Paili asked.

  “Yes, my lady. No harm will come to herself or to your brother.” Kiara said.

  She pointed a slender finger at Bevin. “I must tell you that my brother and I have a plan to end this reign of terror. I love Faolan with the whole of my heart. However, when he started slaughtering innocent women, children and when Damon landed at my feet bleeding to death. The line was ultimately crossed.” she brushed some hair behind her shoulder and sighed.

  “Damon was much relieved to hear that Niall survived. Faolan has used both of us as leverage against each other but no more. When the descendant’s son comes for Kiara please leave with her. If you can please convince him to take Damon with. He should be recovered enough to leave.”

  Bevin looked at Lady Paili stunned. Take the man who almost killed Niall with? She really did not believe any of the men would agree to it. What would Liam think? She looked into Paili’s eyes and saw that she might reduce herself to begging if she had to.

  “I will do my best to convince them. I make no promises.” Bevin said glancing at the man on the bed.

  “That is all I ask.” Paili said and watched the light of the crystal fade. As soon as the light faded Paili put the crystal back into the side pocket of her dress.

  “My Lady, your brother will be attended to. You should see to your duties before Lord Faolan comes looking for you himself.” Kiara said.

  “Take care to remember. No harm to him or yourself.” Paili narrowed her eyes at Bevin.

  “Yes my Lady.” Bevin said and curtseyed to Paili who gave her a nod as she walked out of the room. Bevin turned to Kiara who started to head to Damon’s side.

  “Please take some rest and I will see to Damon.” Bevin said as she walked over to the table by his bed and inspected the healing herbs and concoctions on it. “I will need some comfrey, nettle, agrimony and rowan.” Bevin said.

  “You truly were honest about your knowledge. I shall call in a servant to fetch them. Caitlin! Please come. I am in need of you.” Kiara said and Bevin watched as a small horse trotted into the room.

  “Please have Rainia fetch me some comfrey, nettle, agrimony and rowan.”

  Bevin watched as the servant bowed to Kiara and left the room. “How is it that this one takes the form of a yearling? The others are so . . . monstrous.”

  “The pooka are indeed a strange creature. The better you treat them. The more pleasing the form. Rainia will be in soon with what you need. Wake me if you need anything. I watched as long as my eyes stayed open last night to make sure you did not attempt anything foolish.” Kiara said and moved over to the small couch curled up.

  Turning and placing a hand on the back of a chair by Damon’s bed. Bevin stood undecided what to do. She stepped to the edge of the bed to examine the wound. Damon was on his stomach with his face turned away from her. The wound was scarred over with scabbing and she could tell where the most recent bruising was where Lord Faolan had struck him. He let out a moan when she examined the deeper area.

  “How deep was the wound?” Bevin bent down closer to look at it.

  “It severed his spine. He was lucky he landed at Paili’s feet. She almost killed herself trying to save him.” Kiara said quietly and let out a loud yawn before she fell to sleep.

  Bevin touched the top of his scar near his shoulder. She had always wondered how much power the healers had and this amazed her. She ran her finger down the side of the wound to the end on the opposite side just above his hip. She looked at his back and sighed. He was more tan and defined than any man she had ever seen. She started to think of Dillon and ran her fingers lightly over Damon’s back. Bevin jerked her hand back when Damon turned his head. Her face turned red when she realized what she had been doing.

  Looking into his steel gray eyes she noticed they were the same haunting color as Paili’s. Bevin looked closer and saw hints of blue. Like the sky clouded over before a storm. He pushed himself over to his side and groaned. Bevin reached over and pushed his straight black hair out of his face curious about it. He kept it short in back and was longer in front. Nothing like she had ever seen on a man. He was a handsome devil, she’d give him that. Damon reached out and grabbed her hand looking at her confused.

  “I would ask if I am in heaven but I do not believe that God would take me. Are you an angel or a beautiful demon here to spirit me away?”

  Bevin gently took her hand out of his. “I am neither. Lady Paili said you had just fallen asleep. Get some rest. I have asked for some different healing herbs that should stop the pain and speed up the healing. Please turn back on your stomach so you do not re-open your wound.”

  He looked at her resigned, moved to his stomach and turned his head. As she watched him her heart melted. She felt something stir in her that she had not felt before with any man when she looked at Damon. Not even Dillon.

  Disgusted with herself she turned and picked up a small round bowl off of the table next to his bed. Bevin sat down in the plush chair next to it and started to roughly crush what little herbs were in it. She stopped short when she heard Damon speak.

  “God should have let me die. I do not deserve to live.”

  “And my Dillon deserved to.” Bevin said as a tear ran down her cheek and onto her shaking hands.

  Chapter 20

  While Aodhan was learning about the fate of Dublaine, Cadmon was leading the small group through the dense forest to Fairmore.

  “I believe we have pushed hard enough and the night draws near.” Cadmon said and heard the sighs of relief from the men around him.

  After several nights of straight travel with very little sleep they all were happy that Cadmon stopped them for the night. All were on guard but nothing had happened during their journey so far.

  “Thank the Gods. I will scout the area and maybe there will be a stream. Lawler, want to come with?” Niall asked.

  Lawler jumped at the chance and left his pack on the ground. “I am right behind you!”

  Kedryn shook his head as he watched them walk away from where they were to set up camp. “We will set up the fire pit.” Kedryn said as he started to clear out an area. He looked up when he saw out of the corner of his eye that Lawler had stopped and turned.

  “You sure you will be ok?” Lawler said as he eyed Cadmon

  Kedryn turned irritated. “Get going.”

  Cadmon gathered up some sticks and placed them in the ring of rocks. “I know that many of the Firbolg are not to be trusted. Lawler seems to hold much against me. A man he knows nothing about.” Cadmon said as he broke a branch apart and threw it in the pit.

  “Give him some time. There must be more to it.” Kedryn said as he watched Lawler and Niall disappear into the shadows. Kedryn took out a match and lit the fire. “I will keep watch if you would like to get some rest. I noticed a flat rock just up the hill hidden by some brush. Send Niall up when they get back. Right now you could use some rest.”

  “Thank you.” Cadmon said as he wrapped himself into the blanket and rolled facing away from the fire.

  Making his way up to the rock he had seen earlier Kedryn’s eyes scanned the area for any movement. The night grew long and the moon had moved across the sky with no sign of Lawler or Niall. Looking up at the stars he adjusted his leg that he was sitting on. It would do none of them any good if they were attacked and his foot was asleep.

  Kedryn couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. He let the others know but no one had spotted anything. He was sure if it was human that one of them would have caught sight of the man or woman. No one is that good except for maybe Scanlon
. Taking another sip from his canteen Kedryn heard a rustle of brush next to him. He looked down to see a young wolf sit next to his rock and looked up at him and he noticed the eyes.

  “You must be the one that has been following us.” Kedryn said as he reached over to the bag next to him and the cub flinched away.

  “A bit touchy are you?”

  He slowly pulled out a slice of dried jerky and held it out for the cub. It sniffed at the jerky and snatched it quickly with it’s sharp pointed teeth and placed it on the ground. Kedryn reached over to scratch its ears and the cub flinched again but did not move away. He rubbed the cubs head and sat back up. The reddish orange eyes of the cub stared up at him and it picked the jerky back up and headed out.

  The pooka was so squeamish that Kedryn wondered how Damon had treated it as he fingered the falcon amulet. He decided he would have to learn more about the power in order not to misuse it. Kedryn let out a sigh and looked at the mountains reflecting in the moonlight.

  “One day to reach Fairmore, one more to the mountain then through the caverns.” Kedryn whispered to himself repeating what Cadmon had told them earlier. Lost in his own thought Kedryn nearly jumped off the rock when Niall came up through the thicket.

  “Planning on staying out here all night?” Niall asked as he watched Kedryn stand and stretch.

  “No. It’s good you came. I was starting to get lost in thought. That is not a good thing for someone keeping watch. I also discovered our little watcher and it is a Pooka. My guess is that’s it’s the one that the amulet I’m wearing controls.”

  “A Pooka? What amulet?” Niall asked.

  “It’s a long story and I’m tired. I’ll tell all of you as we head out tomorrow. If you see a wolf cub leave him be. Find that stream?” Kedryn grinned.

  “Nope.” Niall said.

  Kedryn walked out of the thicket and back down to the camp. He grabbed his blanket out of his gear pack, rolled up in it. When Kedryn woke he saw that Cadmon had already packed up and had the horses ready to go. He quickly hopped up grabbing his blanket and sword and walked over to his horse.


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