Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 15

by Isabelle Stewart

  When it was Cadmon and Niall’s turn for watch Niall insisted that they should move on. Not eager to stick to one spot for long they all agreed. Cadmon led them on a small path with Damon and Niall trailing behind hiding their tracks.

  Damon slowed down and matched his pace with Niall’s. He decided it was time to try and smooth things over.

  “I understand if you do not forgive me. It was Kedryn, the Lady Battle Raven or my sister. If I would have failed he would have killed her.” Damon looked up ahead at Kedryn. “You two look so similar from behind. Even if I had chosen right it still is not an excuse. I do not believe my sister knew about the plan and she was furious with Faolan.”

  “I do understand your predicament. I can not forgive you now but maybe in time. You missed a spot.” Niall paused and pointed.

  Damon looked down at the ground. “Out of practice and Thank you. That is all I can ask.”

  “That is all I can do. Keep an eye on Lawler if we are attacked again he may slip.”

  “Thank you.” Damon said holding back a small sigh. His friend just may forgive him in time.

  A flash of purple and orange rose in the sky in front of them and Kedryn made out the shadow of a city gate a few miles off. Cadmon raised his hand for everyone to stop. The city was surrounded by a shimmering white light.

  “Pergamon.” Kiara said.

  “Stay behind me and do exactly as I do.” Cadmon said looking at each of them. “It could mean your life or death.”

  Kedryn watched as Cadmon led the way swerving back and forth to the gate of the city. He looked down at the ground Cadmon was avoiding and saw nothing.

  Cadmon stopped a few feet from where the shimmering light separated them from the gate. He reached his hand up and the barrier parted enough for two men to go through. A noise sounded from behind them and Kiara screamed.

  An arrow grazed Kedryn’s arm hitting Cadmon in the shoulder knocking him backwards through the barrier. Cadmon rolled to his feet

  breaking the arrow off. A Firbolg ran after Cadmon and loud hiss sounded as he disintegrated into the barrier. Cadmon ran back through to join the fight.

  “Move the fight away from the barrier.” Kedryn said as he ran forward.

  “Everyone to the right.” Cadmon yelled and whispered something under his breath. Puffs of smoke filled the air around them.

  Lethal traps appeared that would tear a limb off or cut a man in half. Some did not look that deadly until a Firbolg stepped on one and exploded.

  Lawler ran past Niall jumping over a trap and beheading a Firbolg at the same time. He headed to take on two that were coming directly at him and Niall ran around the traps to help.

  Damon stayed back by the women. He wanted to avoid Lawler as much as possible and the man seemed to be quenching his thirst for Firbolg blood.

  An assassin lunged at Damon who tripped the man up spinning him into Bevin. She managed to push him away and the Firbolg grabbed her sleeve. As the sleeve ripped her foot tangled in her skirt. Bevin along with the Firbolg fell. Damon grabbed her arm making her fall just short of the trap. The Firbolg was not as fortunate and fell into the trap severing him in half. She looked on in horror as his torso fell beside her.

  They fought until the last Firbolg was down. The ones that did not fall into traps were dead at their feet.

  “Is everyone ok?” Kedryn asked as he looked around at the carnage.

  Lawler was holding his side. “No worse for the wear.”

  “This will have to be taken care of.” Cadmon said as he held his shoulder where an arrow shaft was protruding from it.

  Bevin examined Cadmon. “As soon as we get through the barrier I will take that out.” She walked over to Lawler and examined his shoulder and wound. “This magic is unlike anything I have seen. As for your side, just a few stitches.”

  Kedryn walked up to Kiara. “You have skill.”

  “I was taught by the best.” She said nodding to Cadmon.

  Niall walked up to the barrier careful not to touch it. “Quickly Cadmon. Let’s get through the barrier.”

  Bevin wrapped Lawler’s wound the best she could and they followed Cadmon to a spot in front of the barrier. A piercing scream

  filled the air and Kedryn turned to see a Firbolg assassin rushing at him screaming.

  “You will perish this night Battle Raven’s son!”

  The assassin dived at Kedryn pulling him through the barrier. “No!” Kiara screamed and lunged at the barrier after Kedryn. Lawler pulled her back making sure she didn’t touch it.

  Closing his eyes Kedryn prepared himself for death feeling the assassin as he melted away against him. He landed with a thud that knocked the wind out of him. Cadmon quickly stepped through and looked at Kedryn who was frantically pushing the remains of the Firbolg off of him.

  “No mere man could fall through the barrier as you did and survive. You are most certainly a special individual.” Cadmon helped Kedryn up. He returned to the barrier to let the rest through.

  “Where to now?” Niall asked.

  “To the manor house. We will be safe here and can rest for the night.” Cadmon turned and led the way.

  “Thank the Gods!” Kiara said as she curiously looked at Kedryn and then to the barrier.

  “A good nights rest would be heavenly.” Bevin said as she walked up next to Kiara. “A bath would be nice if we can manage it.”

  “I think we can work out something if the wells still work.” Cadmon said.

  The group was filthy, tired and hungry and Cadmon led them quickly through the ghost town of Pergamon. The town was not run down and decrepit which gave it an even more eerie appearance. Small houses in near perfect condition were lined with flower gardens and trees.

  “It’s as if the barrier stopped time. How is it that everything looks . . .” Kedryn asked as he was interrupted.

  “Tended to?” Kiara said as she ran her fingers along a fence lined by tiny roses.

  Cadmon looked around at a house that had once belonged to his father’s long time friend. “Honestly. I have no explanation. The magic father used was lost with him when he died.”

  Pushing through a tall iron gate Cadmon walked up to the porch of a manor house. It was made of large mismatched stones. The windows arched along the side of the tall oak doors. He stepped through

  and onto a landing set just before a small parlor. Cadmon quietly looked around at his childhood home.

  “I will take the main bedroom down here. There are four bedrooms upstairs.” Cadmon said.

  Bevin walked up to Cadmon. “First things first. Lets take care of that wound. Kiara, please patch up Lawler.”

  Kiara walked up to Lawler who tried to shoo her away. She stood her ground and pointed to a chair. “Take that shirt off and sit.”

  “Yes my lady.” Lawler said and cringed when he heard Cadmon muffle a scream. Kiara examined his wound and he flinched as she started to stitch it up.

  Cadmon walked out with his shoulder bandaged. He headed to a wide staircase and they followed. He stopped at the first door to the right. He paused in front of a whitewood door with a large swan carved into it.

  “My lady, you can have my sister’s room.” Cadmon frowned at the door.

  “Are you certain?” Kiara said as she sadly looked into the room.

  “I am. I will look for wood while everyone settles in.” Cadmon said as he led them to a room just down the hall. “Lady Bevin, you will stay here in the guest room.”

  “Many thanks.” Bevin said as she entered the room and glanced around.

  Cadmon stepped across the hall from Bevin’s Door. “Kedryn and Damon you can take this guest room.” He walked to a door across from Kiara. “Niall and Lawler you can stay in my old room. I will go and see if there is any wood around.”

  Kedryn watched as Cadmon walked back down the stairs. He stepped into the room and looked around. Damon set his bag down by a large cushioned couch and glanced at Bevin’s door.

  “You can hav
e the bed.” Damon said as he turned to walk out.

  Kedryn gave him a knowing grin. “Just don’t let Lawler catch you.”

  Damon stopped in the doorway and turned to Kedryn. “Thanks.”

  “What can I say except you two are meant for each other.” Kedryn sat his pack down.

  “How are you so certain?” Damon asked as he looked Kedryn in the eyes.

  Kedryn crossed his arms in front of him and looked him back into his eyes. “Truthfully. I can see auras.”

  “That is not the reason why you saved me.” Damon said as he removed his sword.

  “No. I saw something else.”

  Damon leaned against the wall. “What?”

  “I felt a sense of dread when Lawler was about to execute you. I had what I call a flash and saw you saving him at the camp.”

  Damon gave him a curious look. “A flash? Are you a seer also?”

  “I would not consider myself one.”

  Damon pushed off of the wall. “I do not expect for any of you to forgive me in my part of what happened to Niall.”

  “You were forced into a situation that none of us but you and your sister can understand. You were sent to kill me twice. I should be just as angry at you as Lawler but here we are.” Kedryn held out his arm.

  “Here we are.” Damon said and pushed some hair out of his eyes and clasped Kedryn’s forearm.

  “You have proven yourself to me that you want to change. If nothing else, do it for yourself, your sister and Bevin.”

  “Count on it.” Damon said.

  “I’ll take Lawler down to gather wood and that will give you some time with Bevin. Don’t spend too much time.”

  “What will you tell them if they ask?” Damon glanced to the hallway.

  Kedryn picked up his pack and placed it on the bed. “You will be taking inventory of the food in my pack. It needs to be done anyway. Do it before or after you see Bevin.”

  “Thank you.” Damon said as he looked to Bevin’s door.

  “I suggest you stay here until we are downstairs.” Kedryn nodded to him and walked out. He went down to the room where Lawler and Niall were. They were sitting in a couple of chairs having a heated argument.

  “You can’t tell me you have forgiven him.” Lawler said and stood pushing the chair back with such force it toppled over.

  “If I was put into his situation I may have done the same thing.” Niall said as he leaned back in the chair.

  Disgusted Kedryn walked up between them. Why was he the one that always kept order between everyone? “Guys. Let’s go help Cadmon gather some wood.”

  Lawler looked at Kedryn and narrowed his eyes. “Where is the Firbolg.”

  “In the room taking inventory of the food. I think he has taken enough abuse from you.” Kedryn walked up to Lawler standing just inches away from him. “You need to lighten up. I understand your hate but you have to calm down.”

  Lawler let out a sigh. “He has proven his worth but I still do not trust him. Nor like him.”

  “I suspect he might feel the same about you. You don’t have to like each other. For now, deal with each other.” Kedryn said.

  “Come on.” Niall said as he stood and walked out the door.

  As they walked by Kedryn and Damon’s room he peeked in and Damon had food spread out on the small table. Damon glanced over his shoulder at Kedryn and nodded.

  When their foot steps faded Damon quit what he was doing and walked to Bevin’s door. Taking in a breath he held up his hand to knock. He had never loved or wanted a woman the way he did Bevin. It was so confusing and complicated with her grief. He quietly knocked and after a few heart pounding seconds she appeared at the door. His worries washed away when he saw her smile.

  Bevin looked around. “Where are the others?”

  “Helping Cadmon. Kedryn was gracious enough to give us a few Lawler free moments. How are you?”

  Bevin gave him a devious grin and grabbed his shirt pulling him into her room shutting the door behind him. She pushed him against the door. “Better now that you are here.”

  Damon leaned down and kissed her. “We do not have much time. They will return with wood for the rooms and bath.”

  Bevin laid her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck. “Come back tonight. When everyone is asleep.”

  “Are you certain? I thought you . . .” Damon stopped as she shook her head.

  “I am tired of waiting. Spend the night with me.” Bevin pulled his head down and kissed him.

  Damon pulled away from her and opened the door. “Anything for you, my angel.” he kissed her on the forehead. When he opened the door he almost jumped out of his skin. Kiara was in the hallway grinning and he quickly closed the door behind him and retreated into his room.

  Kiara knocked on Bevin’s door. When Bevin opened it she gave her a look. “May I come in?”

  Bevin blushed. “Please do.”

  “I see Damon has already paid you a visit.” Kiara crossed her arms.

  Bevin walked away from the door. “Kedryn was gracious enough to give us a few moments.”

  “He is an interesting young man.” Kiara said.

  “Young man?” Bevin said laughing. “He is more than that. Kedryn is many things. A great warrior and the Lady Battle Ravens son.”

  “I see.” Kiara said and looked down at her hands that were clinching the side of her dress at the thought of Kedryn.

  “Keep an eye on him and get to know him. He most certainly is an interesting man. I have seen many maidens glance his way. He is not much younger than you.” Bevin said as she nudged Kiara and led her to a small table.

  Kiara sat down in a plush high backed chair. “He is certainly younger. By about five years I am assuming and that makes me an old hag to him. To answer your point I have noticed him and am grateful to Kedryn. To all of them. I would not be here if he decided not to free me. Neither would you.”

  Bevin set down a tea pot on the small table. “You are most certainly not an old hag. You do not look a day over twenty.” She let out a small sigh “I am very grateful to them. Although Paili would probably still be alive.”

  “That is Faolan’s doing.” Kiara said as she took up a tea cup and poured some tea for each of them.

  “I knew her but a short time. She had such cunning.” Bevin said as she took the cup that was offered to her.

  Kiara let out a small laugh “That was a very kind way to say it. I will miss her. She has been a large part of my life for so long no matter how she was.”

  “Damon has not even had a chance to grieve yet. I suppose there will be time later and we both have our grief to deal with.” Bevin said and stood as she heard loud footsteps sound in the hallway. She walked over to the door and opened it so the men would not have to knock.

  Lawler walked in with an armful of wood. He set the wood down looked around the room. Giving Kiara and Bevin a bow he walked back to the door.

  Kiara walked up to Kedryn who was standing looking like he did not know quite what to do. “Is there a problem.”

  “No. I just didn’t want to enter your room without you letting me in.”

  “How very polite of you.” Kiara swept past him.

  Kedryn turned on his heels and followed her. It looked as though each room had around the same set up. Beds on one side, sitting area and bath near the fireplace on the other. They all had the same contraption where the water would heat over the fireplace and when a lever is pulled it would spill through a pipe into the bath. He arranged the wood in the fireplace and took some kindling out and lit it. Kedryn noticed his hands

  shaking and looked back at Kiara who was studying him. He quickly stood up watched the fire to make sure it remained lit.

  “If you need anything please let me know.”

  Damon stepped into the room. “It seems we will be eating well tonight. Cadmon even found some wine in the cellar and requested all of the men to help and let the ladies rest.” He looked to Kiara. It was as if a dark cloud settl
ed over him.

  Kiara walked up to Damon and gave him a huge hug and squeezed him tight. “I grieve for her too.”

  “I miss her.” Damon said as he squeezed her back. He rested his head on her shoulder and let out a small sob.

  Kedryn stepped to the door. “Stay Damon. You both lost someone you loved. Take some time and come down to help when you are ready.”

  Damon walked up to Kedryn and grabbed his forearm. “I owe you my life and so much more.”

  “As far as I’m concerned we started off when we met. The past is past and no need to dwell anymore. As my mother would say. Let it gooooooo.” Kedryn gave them both a quick smile and closed the door behind him as he stepped into the hall.

  Taking in a breath he walked down to help prepare the evening meal. He was surprised and happy to hear laughter coming from the kitchen. When he walked Cadmon, Niall and Lawler were laughing so hard tears were streaming down their faces. Lawler looked Kedryn’s way when he walked in. He could see the slight bit of relief in Lawler’s eyes that Damon was not with him.

  Niall looked up at Kedryn. “Cadmon, he uh uh . . .” he burst out laughing again. “He uh told us this…” taking a breath he grinned at Cadmon. “Story about getting caught by his mother . . .” Niall hiccupped sending them into spurts of laughter again.

  The laughing was contagious and Kedryn let out a laugh. “Come on guys tell me.”

  Lawler took in a breath. “Ok. Ok. Cadmon was telling us a story about when he was younger.. uh heh heh…” he started laughing again.

  Shaking his head Kedryn looked at Cadmon who was grinning from ear to ear. “I was telling the story of when I was around five.”

  The laughter slowly died down and Cadmon continued on. “To make a long story short. I heard a tale that all cats land on their feet. No matter what.”

  “Yes I’ve heard that.” Kedryn said looking at Cadmon curious about his point.

  “I decided it would be fun to gather up all of the cats I could find. I laid out all sorts of traps. When I felt I had enough I hauled them up to the hay loft in the barn.”

  Kedryn chuckled and Cadmon grinned at him. “Please continue.”

  “After supper that night I told my mother I had plans. She waived her hand and said go play. Much to her regret and sheer horror later.”


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