Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 16

by Isabelle Stewart

  Cadmon leaned next to the counter and looked at Niall and Lawler amused as they tried to hold in the laughter. “One by one I took each cat to the window and threw them out of the top of the barn. Each time there was this horrible cat screech. Each time the cat landed on its feet. My curiosity was satisfied but I had all of these cats left over.”

  “And what did you do with those cats?” Kedryn asked as Lawler and Niall burst out laughing again.

  Cadmon looked a little embarrassed. “At one time I rigged a catapult for throwing apples and other things. I hauled the cats down and sat them all in it. It took time but I finally got most of them to sit still. To my mothers horror she stepped out just in time to see them launched.”

  Niall and Lawler started laughing again and Kedryn shook his head. “So did they all land on their feet.”

  “Yes. And mostly at my mother’s feet.” Cadmon said

  Kedryn burst out laughing. “Your poor mother!”

  A whiff from the fire pit outside stopped their laughing. Kedryn’s stomach growled and they all glanced out the kitchen window.

  “I will check on supper.” Cadmon said and he walked out of the kitchen with the others following.

  The small fire pit was a few feet outside of the kitchen and when they stepped outside the aroma of the boar filled the air. The sound of the door made them all turn around. Damon, Bevin and Kiara all walked over to where they were standing. Cadmon walked over to Damon and clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Looks like it is about done.” Cadmon said

  Kiara looped her arm through Bevin’s. “We will prepare the table if you men cut the pig.”

  Kedryn gave Kiara a slight bow and a crooked grin. “As you wish.”

  Giving Kedryn a slight grin she led Bevin through the door and Kedryn watched her go and couldn’t help but grin then let out a sigh.

  He itched to get back to see his mom and Aodhan. The man had grown on him and wondered what they were going to do once this was all said and done.

  Chapter 28

  Lara sat at the large oak desk in General Carrick’s study. They had traveled to Tralee in hopes that Kedryn would arrive soon. She kept herself busy putting everything together that she had learned about the second possible portal.

  A log fell in the fire as Aodhan turned in the chair he was sitting and looked into the study at Lara. He shifted in the chair and looked down at Annie who was asleep in his arms. Shanna walked up to him and took Annie out of his arms.

  “She is obsessed about going back through the portal.” Aodhan said.

  “Wouldn’t you? Have you talked to her about it yet?” Shanna said gently shifting Annie in her arms.

  “I have not had the chance.”

  “Sooner is better than later.” Shanna said as she turned and headed to the staircase to put Annie to bed.

  “I suppose. I was hoping that she would decide to stay here with Kedryn.”

  Shanna stopped at the foot of the stairs. “Give her time.”

  “Time.” Aodhan said and glanced back to Lara who raised her head and gave him a quick grin. He stood and put another log into the fire.

  “Shanna putting Annie to bed?” Lara asked from the study.

  Aodhan walked over to her. “Yes. Find anything more?”

  “Nothing. Just more gibberish about the castle. I have a feeling in my gut that we are looking in the right place. The Fianna Fail is related to Medb. I’m thinking that the portal leads out at Rath Maeve the fort of Queen Medb in my realm. I just don’t know where to start.”

  Aodhan leaned against the desk next to her. He heard the sound of crinkling paper and stood up.

  “You are one of the most brilliant women I know. I have faith in you. There is something that I would like to discuss with you though.” He moved the paper that was on the desk so that he could lean against it.

  Lara looked up at him and moved the crinkled paper that was covering the book she was looking at. “Of course we can talk. It’s just that . . .”

  Lara glanced at the crinkled map, to Aodhan, and then back to the map. She picked it up and lifted it up to the light with the front side away from her. Lara set it back down.

  “How could I be so stupid.”

  “What do you mean?” Aodhan asked as he picked up the map and tried to see what she was looking at.

  He handed it to her and she picked up a stick of charcoal. “I hope Carrick doesn’t mind.” Lara said.

  Holding the map up to the stain glass window she made an outline on the back side. Lara then marked a circle on it where the cave that the portal is. She then turned the map over and traced the mark for the cave and drew where Blarney castle would be. Lara set the map down traced side up in front of Aodhan who was giving her an annoyed but curious look.

  “If I remember correctly the Hill of Tara is here. Half a mile south of it is Rath Maeve the fort of legendary Queen Medb.” Lara marked the spot of Rath Meave with an X and whispered X never, ever, marks the spot. She let out a laugh and turned the map over and turned to hold it against the window again.

  “What are we looking at?” Aodhan said as he helped her hold the map against the window again.

  “I cant believe I didn’t think of this. But seriously, no, that would make too much sense.” Lara laughed and looked at Aodhan as he gave her an impatient glare.

  “Ok. Ok. If you look at the map the Druids cave is on the same spot as the cave in the mountain side here. Why wouldn’t it make sense that it would be the same with the other portal?”

  “I see where you are going.” Aodhan said as he watched Lara turn the map around and mark where the spot would be on the map side for his realm. He studied it and looked at her.

  “Where was the castle of the Morrigan thought to be?” she asked ignoring the strands of hair that fell in her face when she looked at the paper she was writing her notes on.

  “Eion believes it is somewhere hidden under the ruined city of Yule. In his travels he never found anything.”

  Lara marked the map and turned it over. “It seems I am wrong about Rath Meave. It looks to be around the Hill of Tara still.”

  “Then that is where we shall start. Just keep in mind we can’t stay there looking forever.” Aodhan reached up and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  She grinned at him and pulled him into a kiss. Lara almost pulled him on top of the desk and stopped herself letting him go. “It seems to get harder and harder.”

  Running a finger down her arm Aodhan looked her in the eyes. “You have no idea.”

  Lara kissed him and said against his lips. “Oh yes I do.”

  There was a slight knock and someone cleared their throat. “Everyone is retiring for the night.”

  Lara walked over to Eion and kissed him on the cheek “Feeling left out?”

  “No my dear. The woman I feel in love with I let slip through my fingers.” Eion said and looked at Lara’s puzzled look.

  “I must not be myself I have said too much. Good night.” Eion said and walked out.

  Lara crossed her arms and turned to Aodhan. “Do you know?”

  “I believe we should get some rest.” he said avoiding the question taking her arm as he led her through the house.

  As they stepped through the main doors Lara stopped Aodhan on the porch. “Are you going to tell me or just leave me hanging?”

  “The past is past.” he said and raised an eyebrow at her.

  Lara poked him in the side and gave him her best pout. “Please.”

  “I will tell you this much. Eion made his choice to leave and train as a Druid and left all he loved behind. She married his best friend.”

  Lara pulled him to her and stared looking into his eyes. “Truly? Did they stay friends?”

  Aodhan gave her a sad look. “Until the end.”

  Lara slid her arm around his waist. “Who was she?“

  He let out a sigh. “You will not stop until I tell you. Will you?”

  Lara crossed her arms. �

  “I will tell you but just keep it to yourself. I would not exist if Eion choose differently.” He pulled the pins out of her hair and watched it fall.

  “Orla? Your mother.” Lara said and felt Aodhan’s hand slip over her mouth.

  His other went behind her head as he ran his fingers through her hair. “Do you remember the maze on Shanhold?”

  Lara ran a finger down his chest and gave him a devious look. “Now that is the most ridiculous question.”

  He let out a laugh. “Yes I suppose so. That is where Eion told mother about choosing the Druid path over her.” Aodhan said started walking her on the small path to the cottage.

  “Now it makes sense how he was acting when we were there.” Lara said and turned to him as they stopped at the cottage door. “As soon as Kedryn returns we should do a little expedition. Just the three of us to this Yule place. Maybe your mother could stay in the cottage here while we are gone. It probably would do no good for her to stay all alone right now when she has friends here.”

  “I will mention it to Shanna and mother when Kedryn returns.” Aodhan opened the door for her.

  “Eion might enjoy her company too.” Lara gave him a devious grin.

  Aodhan shook his head “Do not get any ideas. Eion choose his path and so did mother. Eion would never think of mother than more than a dear friend. He would never disgrace my father that way.”

  Lara gave him a stubborn look. “But . . .”

  Aodhan kissed Lara to quiet her and moved her inside the cottage. “Good night my heart.”

  Lara moved even closer to him. She put her hands on his chest and slowly slid them to his waist. Pressing herself against him she leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “Are you sure you want to wait.”

  Aodhan croaked out. “Yes.” and fled out the door.

  Chapter 29

  In the throne room Lord Faolan listened to the Firbolg assassin’s report of what happened at Pergamon. As the man groveled at his feet the assassin dared to look at him as he stood up from the throne. Faolan stepped down from the platform and the assassin quickly diverted his eyes to Faolan’s feet as they appeared on the step before him.

  “My lord. They were too much for us. We were too few in numbers.” the man shifted and Faolan stomped him down.

  “I did not say move you filth.” Faolan looked to at General Tynan who was pacing at the front of the stairs below him.

  “My Lord. You should have allowed me to oversee this mission. These men may have been the best however, their plan was not thought through. If only I was there.” Tynan stopped when Faolan lifted his hand for quiet.

  “I had more important tasks for you at the time. We have a grand army and even though the assassins failed. The army will not.”

  “I would not have failed.” Tynan said and then quickly corrected himself when he saw Faolan’s eyes narrow at him. “Yes my Lord. Are we to give up on the assassination of the Battle Raven and her son? What of the Druid?”

  Faolan reached up and rubbed his beard. “It seems Eion and I will meet in battle as foretold.”

  “As foretold?” Tynan asked as he placed a foot on the back of the assassin who was attempting to inch away again.

  “There was a seer who foresaw that Eion and I would meet in a great battle. Also that the Battle Raven would be there. I tried to stop the vision. It seems even though I believe we create our own destiny this vision will come to pass.”

  “This I did not know.” Tynan said as he glanced down at the assassin who was soon to be drawing his last breath.

  “The seer reached un unfortunate demise before she could tell anyone.” Lord Faolan said as he stroked his beard.

  “Why concentrate on the descendant knowing about the vision?” Tynan asked.

  “Visions are like ripples in water. If one knows what is going to happen you can change the waters course. Eion traveled through the portal to protect her and I traveled through to kill her.” He walked down the few steps from the platform and kicked the assassin in the head. “It seems I am surrounded by filth. Take him beyond.”

  Two guards walked over and picked up the assassin and drug him through to the torture chamber. Tynan looked to Lord Faolan concerned and started to pace.

  Lord Faolan sat back on the throne. “Is there something else you wish to discuss General.”

  “Yes.” Tynan said and paused to choose his words carefully. “Your activities of late have increased tenfold. Please do not take offense but since the servants have all but expired you have moved onto the troops.”

  “And?” Lord Faolan said giving Tynan a piercing glare.

  Tynan did not waiver at the glare. “We need as many men as possible. Your activities are lessening our numbers.”

  Faolan leaned to the side put his head on his hand. Tynan did not know what he should do and had never seen Lord Faolan look vulnerable. He patiently waited for his Lord to speak.

  “I will stop. It would be what Paili wanted.” he reached over and picked up the blood red ruby necklace off of the arm of the throne. “She was not fond of human torture. Please relax general.”

  Tynan relaxed his stance. “It was a proper service that you performed for Lady Paili. Aalia said that you truly did love her and showed it by honoring her memory.”

  Faolan let out a long breath and stood. “Your wife is correct. I will always love Paili. My one regret is that I never told her and I will have my revenge.” he realized how vulnerable he made himself look in front of his general and straightened up.

  Tynan stood pretending not to notice. “There is something else I would like to ask my Lord.”

  “Another request? Careful General I give out very few.”

  Tynan lowered his head. “Yes my lord. Aalia has been grief

  stricken ever since Lady Paili has passed on. With your permission I would like for her to be able to cease with the healing duties. Until the battle starts, of course. I would like to send her to spend some time with her sister and newborn niece.”

  Faolan looked at Tynan and his eyes grew black. “Permission granted general. She may visit her sister as long as she returns when she is needed.”

  Tynan gave him a deep bow. “Thank you my Lord. She will return within six weeks time.” he straightened back up.

  Faolan stood and filled his heart with hatred. He would never show his weakness again. “You also have my word that I will take no more of your troops. The assassin and a few nobles will satisfy me until the impending battle. I should have started with them in the first place and it will keep them in line. When will the troops be fully ready to strike?”

  “In full force. Eight weeks time my lord.”

  “You may take your leave. Give my greetings to your wife and son.”

  “I will. Thank you, my Lord.” Tynan said and strode out of the room.

  Torches flickered in the passageway as he shut the door. Tynan let out a long breath that he did not realize he was holding in. He nodded at the guards outside the door and noticed Firnir who was glancing around the corner.

  “You may go in now Firnir.” Tynan said and walked away.

  Firnir lowered his gaze and shuffled past the guards and through the door. Once the door was shut he straightened and walked to the steps just below where Lord Faolan was lounging on the throne fingering a ruby necklace.

  Faolan looked up. “You were listening I presume.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” Firnir said as he knelt before Faolan.

  “Rise. Follow me to my chambers.” Faolan stood.

  Firnir followed him out of the throne room and looked sadly at the rose carved doors as they passed.

  As Lord Faolan stepped to his chamber he motioned with his hand and door to flung open. Faolan walked to a table piled with food and sat. He looked to Firnir who kept glancing at the roast on the table.

  “Are you certain letting Lady Aalia travel to visit her sister is a

  good idea?” Firnir looked at the table as his mouth started t
o water. He silently cursed himself for not eating earlier.

  Taking a sip of wine Faolan smiled. The wine was dry, bitter and

  warm. Just the way he liked it. “She will return. I paid her a visit before Tynan arrived and if she does not return to the palace in six weeks time the child will die.”

  “How did you?” Firnir asked and Faolan gave him a devilish grin. “I see. Does the general know this?”

  “If he did. Do you truly believe he would still be here? Please Firnir, there is plenty for two. Join me.”

  “Thank you my Lord.” Firnir sat down and quickly helped himself.

  A knock sounded at the door and Firnir jumped up and ran to the door. He listened to what the guard had to say and shook his head no. An angry woman’s voice sounded and was muffled out as he closed the door. Firnir turned and looked at Faolan amused. He walked back to the table and continued with his meal.

  With a full mouth and a crooked grin he looked to his Lord. “She will not stop you know.”

  Faolan slammed his knife down. “No woman can replace Paili.”

  “Of course not, my Lord. However, it may be good for you to at least take a woman from one of the higher houses. Lady Cyri is no Paili but she is ruthless and shares your love of torture. She almost bested Lady Paili for you and from what I hear knows the seductive arts of . . .”

  Faolan held his hand up. “No more. I will not hear another word of Lady Cyri, not for tonight.” Faolan pushed his plate away. “If you are finished I believe I will retire for the night.”

  Firnir took a quick sip of his wine. “I will retire to my room. I will have your morning meal prepared at the usual time.” He said and gave a deep bow and walked out.

  Faolan sat in his seat for a moment and stood. He looked around the room casting an isolation spell and walked over to the bed. He sat down reaching under his pillow pulling out a crimson shawl. Bending over he placed the shawl over his face taking in a deep breath. It still smelled like her. When he sat back up he looked at the shawl that was wet with tears. Disgusted with himself withdrew the spell and threw the shawl aside. Faolan strode to his door and the guards gave him a deep bow.


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