Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 17

by Isabelle Stewart

  “Yes my Lord.” They both said.

  “I am going to have my way with the assassin. After I wish for Lady Cyri to be brought to me.” Faolan turned on his heels and walked back in. The first thing he looked to was the scarlet scarf on his bed. As he walked over to the bed he scooped up the ruby necklace off of the table. He picked up the scarf and put it to his face one last time, inhaled and then carefully folded it. Faolan walked over to a long black marble top dresser and placed them into a drawer and sealed it with a spell.

  “Farewell, my love.”

  Lord Faolan turned and walked through the torture chamber door. There was the silent sound of the door shutting, a loud click of the lock and then a terrible scream.

  Chapter 30

  The shimmer of the barrier surrounding Pergamon changed from the deep crimson and orange of the setting sun to being filled with moonlight and stars. Everyone was seated next to the fire pit and watched as the last of the embers burnt out.

  Kedryn stood and stretched and looked to Cadmon. “Do we need to keep watch tonight?”

  “There is no need the magic holds. If there is any change I will feel it.” Cadmon said as he kicked some dirt into the pit.

  Bevin let out a yawn. “Time for bed.”

  “Agreed.” Kiara said as she gave Damon a quick pat on the back and led Bevin into the house.

  The men turned to watch them leave. Cadmon poured some dirt onto the pit smothering the fire.

  “We should catch some sleep too.” Kedryn said and he started to head to the door with Damon following him.

  “Wait.” Lawler said.

  Kedryn turned around and stopped Damon from walking through the door.

  The men turned to Lawler waiting for what he had to say. Lawler didn’t know where to start. He looked around and his eyes stopped on Damon.

  “I uh. Well. I.”

  “Yes.” Damon said as he narrowed his eyes at Lawler.

  “I’m getting to it.” Lawler said as he looked down at the ground and then to Cadmon. “I owe all of you an apology.” He looked to Cadmon and then to Damon. “Neither of you had anything to do with what happened to my brother. I have blamed all of your race for something that may have been an accident.” he looked to Damon. “Your actions are harder to forgive. I am not certain if I can forgive you but I will hold my tongue from now on.”

  Damon walked up to Lawler and held out his forearm. “That is all I can ask.”

  Lawler grabbed his forearm for a quick second and then took Cadmon’s who offered him his.

  Cadmon let go of Lawler’s forearm. “What happened to your brother?”

  “He fell in love.”

  “That normally does not kill a man.” Damon said.

  Lawler ran his fingers through his hair and looked to Kedryn as he gathered his strength to talk. He looked to Cadmon. continued on. “You truly do not know who I am do you?”

  Cadmon looked at him confused. “No.”

  “My brother’s name is Seamus. He married a woman named Cyri.” Lawler heard Damon gasp and looked at Cadmon.

  “She betrayed my family to Faolan. It was no accident. I would bet all I have that she killed your brother and Cyri is no sister of mine. If all of you thought Paili was evil, Cyri is ten times more.”

  Damon pushed off of the wall he was leaning against. “My sister was not evil. She did what she had to survive.”

  “She loved Faolan.” Cadmon said.

  “She did. Loving someone does not mean you agree with all of their ways.” Damon said.

  “Apologies. I did not mean to offend.” Cadmon said.

  “Accepted. If that is all I believe we should get some rest.” Damon said looking to Lawler.

  “Yes that is all. It will be nice to sleep in a bed for once.” Lawler said rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.

  Kedryn stepped through into the kitchen and they all headed to their rooms for a good night sleep. As Kedryn was just about to drift off he heard the creaking of a floor board.

  “Tell Bevin hi and be sure to be back before daybreak. Lawler always gets up early.”

  Damon let out a short laugh. “And I thought I was being quiet.” he opened the door a crack and looked out into the hall and quickly left.

  Kedryn turned over in the bed. He turned the other way and tossed and turned for a few more minutes. Finally he hit his pillow and sighed. He needed sleep but just couldn’t seem to quiet his thoughts. So many things have happened and are going to happen. They were all

  racing through his brain. He sat up and decided to go to the den. There were shelves full of books and maybe he could read himself to sleep. Kedryn quietly crept down the hall into the room and lit two lamps. Walking over to a book shelf he browsed the books and one peaked his interest. It was titled Myths of Morrigan in the old language.

  Looking around at the two overstuffed leather chairs in front of the fire place at the cushioned couch under a stained glass window. He decided on a chair and Kedryn set the book down and walked over to the fireplace. He lit the fire and stood staring into the flames. When the fire didn’t succeed in lulling him to sleep he picked up the book.

  After a few chapters he heard a soft ruffling sound behind him and he turned to see Kiara walk in. She looked startled to see him and paused. Kiara almost turned around but decided to sit down in the chair next to him. She pulled her shawl tight and sat crossing her legs underneath her.

  “Couldn’t sleep either?” he asked and set the book down on the wooden end table between them.

  Kiara leaned over and picked up the book and looked it over. “You can actually read this?”

  He let out a laugh. “Yes I can read, my Lady. I am not just a dumb brute.”

  A look of embarrassment crossed her face. “That is not what I meant. Please forgive me.”

  “No forgiveness needed.” he said and held out his hand for the book and she gave it to him.

  “How do you know this language?” she asked.

  “There is a book in my family that has been passed down though the generations. Eion told us it’s the same language used by the Morrigan.”

  “Very interesting.” she gave him a curious look and looked to the fire. This boy, man, was making her feel so awkward. She moved the subject to someone else. “Has Lawler told you why he hates Cadmon so much? There has to be a reason behind it.”

  “Yes he has. As a matter of fact he apologized to us all.”

  She looked up at him a little shocked. “To you all? Even Damon?”

  “I don’t think he will ever like Damon. He did apologize for his actions.”

  “Please tell me. Why the hatred?” she shifted in her chair so she could see him better. Then shifted back to look into the fire wondering why on earth he was making her so nervous.

  Kedryn noticed her fidgeting and continued on. “To make the story short. Cadmon’s sister married Lawler’s brother and he ended up dead.”

  “Cyri.” she said and looked into the fire with disgust. “That woman is a plague to all men. I should have switched rooms with Bevin because that may be the reason I can not sleep. Knowing the room I am in was once hers.”

  “I would suggest you going to sleep in Bevin’s room on the couch. But I believe she is occupied at the moment.”

  Kiara quickly looked to Kedryn and grinned. “Those two truly are meant for each other.”

  “That they are. He has a lot to redeem himself for. Damon want’s to change his life for the better and I believe him.”

  Kiara played with the frayed edge of her shawl. “You are very wise for your age.”

  “For my age?“ he gave her a lop sided grin “Give all the credit to my mom and family.”

  She gave him a smile. “Thank you for giving Damon a chance when no one else would.”

  “I had a feeling he would redeem himself.” Standing up from his chair Kedryn walked to the fire place.

  Kiara decided to test his knowledge of the old language. “Cuiridh aon bheart as an dui
ne gu lom, is gun bhonn fo cheill, Is cuiridh beart eil' e ann, ach a bhabhail na am féin.”

  He turned to Kiara and leaned back on the side of the mantle. “One hapless act may undo a man. And one timely one will re-establish him.”

  She stood and walked up to him. “You truly do know the old language.”

  He pushed off of the mantle and took a step to her. “It wasn’t just for show. Holding the book and all.” He smiled at her and reached out to pull the shawl up that fell off of her shoulder. He brushed her hair behind her shoulder. “An toir thu dhomh pòg.”

  “Very forthcoming aren’t you? You are truly a curious man. I have many questions for you about your powers but they can wait until

  we reach Quenith. I believe I will try and get some rest.” Kiara said as she looked him up and down. “I am tempted but am too old for you.”

  Kedryn watched as she hurried to the door. “So no kiss for your rescuer?”

  She stopped in the doorway and turned. He gave her a crooked grin as she blew a kiss and disappeared around the corner.

  Letting out a sigh he picked up the book and placed it back on its shelf. Kedryn felt his ears grow red when he realized he just asked a woman for a kiss that he barely knew. He could picture his mom shaking her head at him and stifle a laugh. He let out a huge yawn and felt a heaviness roll over him. Finally, he thought and sluggishly walked out of the den, up the stairs and to his bed not realizing how tired he was until he got to the door of his room. It took all he had just to make it to the bed.

  A loud thump sounded and woke Kedryn up. He looked up from the bed and saw Damon on the floor. Damon let out a laugh. “Apologies. I tripped.”

  Kedryn looked down and saw one of his shoes in the middle of the floor. That was about all he managed to get off before he collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.

  “No. My fault. I was so tired last night I didn’t realize that I left my shoes in the middle of the floor.”

  Damon sat on the couch and yawned.

  Stretching Kedryn sat up and swung his legs over and sat up. “Get any sleep?”

  “Some.” Damon said and looked to the floor with an embarrassed grin.

  The smell of something cooking floated through the air. Kedryn scooted off the bed and walked to the door and opened it. “Is someone actually cooking breakfast?”

  “Bevin mentioned something about her and Kiara preparing the rest of the meat from the boar. It smells like eggs too.”

  “Lets go see.” Kedryn said and grabbed his boots.

  Damon yawned “Ok.” and followed him down to the kitchen to find Bevin and Kiara at the stove.

  Damon walked up to Bevin from behind and hugged her. He quickly released her and looked around.

  “He is not up yet.” she said.

  “Where did you find the eggs?” Kedryn asked and walked up to Kiara looking over her shoulder.

  “We followed the sound of the rooster that woke me up this morning. There is a very full hen house just to the side of the barn.” Bevin said as she flipped an egg.

  Kiara backed into Kedryn “Excuse me young man. I will have your morning meal ready on the table shortly.”

  “I am not that much younger than you.” he said and walked over to the table. He pulled out a chair and sat down and started to put on his boots.

  Bevin let out a giggle as she looked from Kiara to Kedryn. “Kedryn, could you please wake the others. Cadmon is sleeping in the room across from the sitting area on this floor. You know where to find Lawler and Niall.”

  “Yes maam.” he said in his best Texas accent.

  “I will go too.” Damon said and followed Kedryn out.

  He heard her say “men” under her breath as he walked away. Bevin turned to Kiara. “Quit it with the age thing. I really do not see he has a problem with it. Just you.”

  “I will stop. I suppose five years is not much but he is merely seventeen.”

  They both quieted up when the sound of heavy boots sounded on the stairs. Bevin set out the rest of the food and some drink on the table. Damon held the chair out for her and Kedryn walked in and did the same for Kiara.

  Leaning over Kiara’s chair he whispered in her ear. “The years do not matter to me.”

  She leaned back and looked at him. “I will think on it. I make no promises.”

  He took the chair by her and they all sat down to eat. Lawler stood and looked around at the group.

  “I would like to thank these two lovely young women for our morning meal. May God bless it and our journey home.” Lawler said and sat.

  “Saliante” They all replied.

  “Where do we head to next?” Niall asked as he took a heap of eggs and handed the platter to Cadmon.

  Cadmon set the platter down next to him. “To the wine cellar.

  Mother had it built to hide the tunnel I found that leads through the mountain. It comes out onto a ledge not far from Fairmore. There is a path that winds to the other side that overlooks the whole Firbolg land. I

  have been there many of times when I wanted to get away as a child. It is not a long side trip. I believe it is necessary to look over the army that Faolan has collected.”

  “Damon and I will go check it out. The rest of you can journey on and we will meet you at the Estate where we hid the horses.” Kedryn said and turned to Bevin as she cleared her throat.

  “Sounds easy enough. I hope the journey is just the same. Eat boys, I am certain all of you are anxious to get back home as am I.” Bevin said.

  They all did as she suggested and when finished the women cleaned up and the men packed their bags and brought them into the kitchen.

  “Where is Cadmon?” Kedryn asked looking around.

  Setting down her rag Kiara looked through the window. “Paying his respects to his parents before we leave.”

  Kedryn walked over to where she stood and looked out the window. Cadmon was kneeling before two grave markers. They watched as Cadmon stood, bowed and turned. When he walked in they picked up their packs and Cadmon led them down to the cellar. It was immense with racks of wine and barrels decaying from disuse.

  “Look at all of this wine.” Bevin said as she picked up a couple of bottles. “Such a fine vintage. I see your family were collectors as well as made their own.

  Cadmon walked up to a wine rack and removed a couple of bottles. The rack swung inward and he handed the bottles to Bevin. “Do not over load your pack but take what you will.”

  “Thank you.” Bevin said and she motioned for Kiara to pick out a couple of more bottles.

  Fresh air filled the cellar and then a breeze blew by them. “The passage exit must not be blocked anymore.” Cadmon said as he grabbed a torch off of the wall. Kedryn handed him a match and he lit the torches looking into the damp tunnel.

  Chapter 31

  General Tynan glanced through the crack in the double doors that led to the throne room and turned to Firnir.

  “Has he gone mad? She is an asp of a woman and will do nothing but take down everything that we have built.”

  Firnir shrugged as he looked at the ground hunched over. “Lord Faolan takes his amusements where he can find them. He wanted a woman to sit by his side. She was next in line and very persistent.“

  “I am most certain she was.” Tynan said as he walked away from the doors. He heard the heavy chain mail of the guard walking their way through the throne room and hurried on with his conversation.

  “Does Lord Faolan believe that a woman who betrayed and murdered her family can be trusted?”

  Firnir sighed and straightened. “I believe that would be the point general. She is ruthless, heartless and will do what it takes.”

  “She will do what it takes all right. However, she is no Paili.” Tynan said.

  Firnir pushed Tynan to the side out of sight of the thrones as the doors opened.

  “Be wary of Cyri general she is a mistress of manipulation and deception. You are correct she is no Paili.” he realized he was not playing hi
s role and looked to Tynan.

  Giving Firnir’s shoulder a rough squeeze Tynan gave him a grim look. “I always had a feeling you were more than you seem. Which is good Lord Faolan will need all who are loyal to him with that woman at his side.”

  “Thank you general.” Firnir said and hunched himself over and looked at the ground. He shuffled his way into the throne room with General Tynan following behind him.

  As the general walked to the platform he studied the man before

  him. There was no trace of the vulnerability he showed the other night. Faolan sat stone faced and cold on his throne. He looked to the woman sitting next to Faolan. There was no mystery to this woman. She radiated cruelty and smugness and certainly was no Paili. Lady Paili had a mysterious nature about her that was even more dangerous because one would never know what she would do. This woman, Cyri, let it be known by her body language and glare.

  He reached the bottom step and went down on bended knee before Lord Faolan. “You requested my presence.”

  “Rise general. My lady Cyri has requested a banquet for all those to see that she is by my side.”

  Tynan rose. “It will be done my lord.” He turned to Cyri and bowed. “My lady, what do you wish for entertainment? I will have it prepared.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “I will take care of the preparations for entertainment. You do not need to bother yourself with them.”

  “As you wish my Lady.” He turned to Faolan “My Lord. I will let it be known preparations of the banquet room should begin. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”

  “That will be all general. Dismissed.” Lord Faolan said.

  Tynan gave a short bow to Lord Faolan and to Lady Cyri. He turned on his heels striding to the double doors. As he passed through the doors he heard Cyri say to Faolan. “I dislike him. Get rid of the general.”

  Firnir’s voice echoed in the hall “My Lord. I believe . . .”

  The doors shut behind Tynan before he could hear the rest of what Firnir was going to say or Lord Faolan’s response. He thanked God that he sent Aalia and his son away.


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