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Kid Page 3

by Korry Smith

  “Dev? Just Dev?” I blurted out and instantly regretted it when her dark brown eyes narrowed into a cold glare.

  “It’s short for Devlin.”

  “Devlin,” I repeated.

  Although I felt stupid and insignificant standing next to her, it was a relief to see another female in this house. It put me at ease. But who was she? God, what if she belonged to Alex? It would take my slim chances down to zero, nada. Not only was Devlin beautiful, and all-woman, but there was a shameless brutality to her, and she wasn't someone you wanted to cross.

  “I’m sorry if it looked like I was creepy with your boyfriend.”

  Devlin's eyes widened. “My what?” She laughed and shoved me in the shoulder. “No, no. Oh, God no. I’m not with Alex. I’m with Len.”

  My forehead scrunched up in confusion.

  “The big guy with a joint permanently attached to his lips,” Devlin said slowly, walking me through my faded memories.

  “Oh, right. Okay.” I smiled. She stared at me. It took a second for me to catch up to what she was waiting to hear. “I'm…Mad, um—Madison."

  "How do you know Alex?"

  I glanced back at him to make sure that he was still sleeping.

  He was.

  "Um, I don't...not really."

  She raised her eyebrow. "How old are you?"

  The whole age thing was my one crutch and ultimate downfall.


  But in ninety days I'll be turning eighteen and officially be legal. It wasn't like I was counting down or anything. I'm just saying.

  "Are you having sex with him to score drugs?" she whispered.

  "No!" I shrieked. "God, no!"

  She crossed her arms over her chest. "Then why are you hanging out with Alex? This isn’t no after-school special, honey, and he isn’t a role model. He's a hardened criminal."

  "You should fucking talk, Dev," Alex grumbled from the couch.

  My eyes shot to him as my pulse quickened and my breath caught.

  Damn it; I woke him up with all my shouting, but…God, he was so freaking cute.

  Sitting up, he had his hands running through his hair, looking amazingly good, all disheveled and messy. Being shirtless didn't hurt him, either. I tried not to linger there for too long.

  "How many fucking arrests do you have under your corset?" He looked up at her, eyes still semi-closed. "Armed robbery, trespassing, assault and battery, drug possession."

  She laughed. "Yeah, yeah. We got it, asshole. But see, they never convicted me of those things, sooo..."

  He scoffed. "Hypocrisy."

  "Call it what you will, Alexis," she said. "But you'll still be the documented criminal around here."

  "What-the-fuck-ever, Saint Devlin. Why don't you do us both a favor and go unload some of these dime bags?” He waved his hand over the plethora of drugs laying on the coffee table. "Be fucking useful for once."

  "Later. I'm busy." She smiled and patted my head. "It was nice to meet you, little Madi."

  I groaned at the newest nickname and the demeaning treatment. "Yeah. You too."

  She sauntered out of the room, leaving me alone with Alex. I panicked. Shit. What do I say? Could he hear my heart? It was pounding so hard and fast.

  "God-damn hassle.” He lighted his cigarette and looked over at me. "Did you sleep okay?"

  "Yeah,” I squeaked. Alex narrowed his eyes and tilted his head to the side. Tightening my hands into fists and digging my nails into my palms, I focused on the pain and not how nervous he made me feel. Deepening my tone, I aimed for casual. “Um, sure. I guess. I must of, you know? I don't remember much about last night or how I got in that bed."

  He nodded in understanding, taking a long drag off the cigarette before answering me. "You passed out on the chair, and I carried you to my room."

  What? He had me in his arms? And I was unconscious for it? The thought of touching him gave me tingles with this sense of longing and need. It circulated through me as the heat flooded my face once again and gave away to my attraction. I was thankful that he wasn't looking at me, but my luck was running out. One of these days, I’m going to slip, and he’s going to know how much I liked him.

  What will he do then?

  I had no idea.

  "So…” I switched awkwardly from foot to foot.

  "So..." He raised his brows. "What?"

  "So, what happens now?"

  He shrugged. "Beats the fuck out of me, kid."

  It was weird. How do you ask a stranger if you could live in their house? But more than that, the question that plagued me was, did I even want to live with Alex? I know that living out on the streets wasn't all that desirable, but I couldn’t just move in, and that be it? Could I?

  Damn me.

  All this running away business seemed simple a few months back. I didn't know what I was doing, and if it weren't for the backpack full of mementos from home to remind me, I wouldn't even know who I was.

  "Shit," I cursed and smacked my head. "I'm so stupid."

  "What is it?"

  I jabbed my fingers into my eye sockets with frustration. "I left my backpack at Tommie's."

  "You did what now?"

  "It was stupid, I know…I just…"

  Sleep deprivation was rearing its ugly head.

  He laughed. "That's a fucking understatement."

  I stopped the self-abuse and peered through my shame at him. Alex was up from the couch and putting his shirt on.

  "So, what was in it, anything worth saving?"

  "I had some clothes in there and personal items from home."

  My diary, pictures of my mom, and an expensive locket that I hoped to pawn later.

  "Yes then?"

  Alex picked up his gun from the table and pulled the clip out, glancing at it briefly. I drooled a little when he stuffed the gun in his back waistband. But through all those swift movements, it didn’t dawn on me what Alex was planning to do until he started putting on his shoes.

  "Wait. You're not thinking of going over there, are you?"

  "It doesn't look like I got a choice. You need your shit. It shouldn't be a big deal. Are you ready to go?"

  I narrowed my eyes in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

  "What's the problem?” Alex stopped to give me a quick glance over. “Do you need to eat something first? We can stop and get something on the way."

  "I am hungry, but no. That's not what I mean. I can't go back there. Tommie will kill me. Remember? That's what you said. I go back there empty-handed, and I'm dead."

  "Not with me there to protect you.” He reached down and grabbed another gun from the side table drawer. "Trust me."

  "Trust you? I don't even know you."

  He frowned, his ego wounded by my statement. "What do you mean you don't know me? I'm the asshole who could've killed you but took you into his home instead. What else is there to know?"

  "You wouldn't have killed me," I said, but glanced away from his penetrating eyes, not all that convinced.

  "No. Maybe not.” Alex walked up to me and put the gun’s muzzle to my chest. “The point is, I could have."

  The pressure was slight, and his finger wasn’t on the trigger, but accidents happened. A misfire, or a tiny slip on his part, and pow. That’s the end of my story. Fear should’ve been the most proper response from me with my life hanging in the balance, but the danger excited me.

  I tempted fate and leaned into the barrel. "Just like I could have stolen your car?"

  This movement caught him off guard, and he stared at me, unblinking, as he tried to get his head wrapped around my boldness. I watched his lips, imagining how soft they would feel pressed against mine. My rapt attention paid off as I got to see his mouth twist upright into a cocky smirk.

  The gun disappeared. “Nah, not even close.” He threw his arm around my neck and pulled me towards the door. "But I’ll teach you."

  It was noon when we arrived at the reservation. Tommie's house in the daylight showed how aged a
nd rundown it was. The concrete was cracking and falling off in big clumps. The patches of dead grass from the smoldering sun were an odd compliment to the dirt lawn. It made whatever life that grew there a miracle and a victory for mother nature.

  Sitting in the car and biting the hell out of my nails, I was rethinking this field-trip. Even though I wanted my stuff back, I didn't think it was worth risking our lives over. Alex was nonchalant about the whole thing and waved off my concerns. The guy was carrying two guns in his waistband but assured me that this shit wasn’t a big deal.

  "They're all fucking talk.”


  Somehow, that didn't lessen my worries. Not even a little.

  Alex rechecked his loaded guns and had done this about four times in the last five minutes. It must be a nervous tick or a compulsion. Each time he slammed the clip back into the handle, I jumped.

  Glancing around to distract my consuming thoughts, I saw my screwdriver lying by my feet on the floorboard. It was like finding an old friend, something that was familiar, and although it may not be much of a weapon, it wasn’t loud, nor would it accidentally go off.

  I scooped it up and wedged it down the front of my pants.

  Alex wrinkled his brow in displeasure. "What are you doing?"

  "What does it look like I'm doing? I need something to, you know.” I made a stabbing gesture with my hand into his dashboard. “Just in case.”

  "And you're going to use that thing?"

  “I don’t know.” I wavered between an indecisive shrug and a resolute head nod. "I might."

  "No, you're not.”

  Alex reached into my pants and pulled out my screwdriver. Our skins touched for the first time, and it was quick, barely even nothing, but felt like everything to me. He scoffed at my weapon and tossed it into the backseat. I was still hyperventilating from the earlier proximity of his fingers to my panties when he flipped over my hand and placed a gun in it. My eyes were wide as I stared down at the cold piece of metal in my possession.

  "You know how to use one, right?" he asked.

  I shook my head slowly as a lump formed and lodged itself in the back of my throat.

  "Just aim it at some fucker’s head and pull the trigger."

  This situation could be very bad. Oh, so very bad. Nothing good was going to come out of this, but still, I wouldn't refuse Alex. I sat there, gripping the handle firmly and wrapping my fingers around the trigger. It felt right. My hands were no longer trembling.

  "Hide it in your pants.” Alex ducked his head down and peered out my side window.

  Doing as told, I concealed the weapon in the front of my jeans. It was bulky and noticeable, and I was barely able to cover the handle with my shirt. He said a few choice words about some guys, and I followed his gaze towards the house. Two of Tommie’s henchmen were sitting on the front porch. They stared back, pointing at us, and hollering to someone inside.

  Alex smiled, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Let's go."

  When we got out of the car, Alex made sure to walk in front of me. He kept one of his hands on my waist, protectively, and led the way through the narrow dirt path. As we moved in closer, I recognized the two men as Nate and Chad. I’m not sure if they knew who I was, or who Alex was, but their once relaxed stances soon became tense and territorial.

  "Hey, fellas," Alex greeted, uncharacteristically bright. "I'm here to see Tommie."

  Nate, a thick, bouncer-like dude, crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "He's busy."

  "This will only take a second.” Alex took another step towards the house and placed his hand on Nate’s shoulder.

  The gesture wasn't hostile. It was friendly. Alex was right. Nothing was going to happen, and everyone was all talk. We could leave there unscathed.

  I spoke too soon.

  Nate’s face scrunched up in anger, and he shoved Alex backward. I put my hands up to break his fall, but he didn’t need my help. Everything after that became a blur.

  Alex had his gun cocked and pointed to the guy's neck within a second flat. "Don't fuck with me, man. I’m not in the mood."

  Nate, stunned and slack-jawed, hadn't expected Alex to pull out his gun so quickly and didn't even have time to reach for his weapon. He was frozen stiff with his eyes wide. There was nothing he could do and entirely under Alex’s mercy, but damn the asshole if he didn’t try.

  “Chad,” he called over his shoulder, seeking back-up.

  It was too comical how slow Chad was. He’d been there the entire time, watching the shit go down right in front of him, but he was having problems withdrawing his pistol. Alex was miles ahead of him and had already removed the gun out of my pants.

  He pointed it directly at Chad’s head. "Don't even fucking think about it, asshole.”

  Blood was pumping through my veins and heightening my senses. The overwhelming feeling of thrill and chaos was building and building until it was an intense prickle on the back of my neck. The power and dominance Alex exuded were electric, and my attraction and need for him overshadowed my fear of death. Every fiber of my being was tingling with excitement as the future became fuzzy and unclear.

  "What the fuck do you want, Alex?" Nate asked through his gritted teeth.

  "I want to talk to Tommie."

  Nate didn't want to give in to his demands. I saw the stubbornness in his dark eyes. Alex responded to the defiance by pressing the muzzle of his gun deeper into Nate’s carotid artery. It pulsed under the barrel.

  "Call him," Alex said, tone concise and deadly.

  "Fuck you!" Nate spitted in my guy’s face.

  "Call him, or I'll unload a bullet into your God damn throat."

  Nate gulped nervously as his eyes flitted over to me. "Chad. Go get him."

  "I'm here," Tommie said, stepping out from behind the screen door and onto the porch. He rested his hand on Chad's shoulder and nodded for him to go inside.

  Chad stumbled backward with his hand inches from his exposed gun. Alex never wavered and kept his aim on Chad's forehead until it disappeared inside. Then, without missing a beat, Alex shifted his barrel towards Tommie.

  Tommie smiled comfortably, enjoying the tension. "Relax, Alex. We're all friends here."

  "Friends?" He laughed. "Is that why you tried to steal my fucking car?"

  Tommie’s head jerked back, and his jaw fell open with exaggeration. "Someone tried to steal the Chevelle? No kidding?"

  "Cut the bullshit. We’re here for Madison's stuff."

  "Madison?" Tommie questioned confused, and this reaction was genuine.

  In the scheme of things, I was nothing in his world.

  "The girl you sent to steal my car," Alex answered.

  "Oh, yes. The cute little taco.” He looked around Nate's stocky form to where I was standing and waved. "Well, by all means.”

  "Madi," Alex called.

  I walked up to him, and he gestured me forward.

  "Not so fast.” Tommie stepped into my path. "Will you please remove your gun from my brother first?"

  "Oh, sure," Alex said with a benign smile and lowered his weapon. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Go get your stuff."

  “Okay,” I said and tucked my chin into my chest.

  All three men stared each other down as I squeezed past them and went inside. This mission of mine would be a quick recovery. My backpack was in one of the bedrooms. Assuming it’s still by the bed where one of Tommie’s guys threw it last night.

  Navigating through the small house, I saw five people congregating in the living room. Chad was pacing, looking like a caged animal, anger and vengeance radiating off him. The rest of the goons, stoned out of their gourds, were sitting motionless on the couch and followed my movements closely.

  I moved faster.

  Flinging the door open, I rushed into the dark room and pulled back the curtains. As the light flooded in, I spotted my bag in the corner. Taking a second to check the pockets, I was relieved to find that everything was still there, even my

  Slinging it over my shoulder, I ignored the zombies in the living room and hustled back outside before the men started killing each other. But to my surprise, no one had moved. I don't even think they talked while I was gone. They just stood there in silence with hatred and distrust in their eyes.

  "I got it.” I ran up to Alex and got as close as I could get to him. It was nuts how much I craved to be within his orbit. “We're good."

  He gave me a nod and kept his guns pointed at Nate and Tommie as he walked back towards the car. "Well, fellas, I would like to thank you for your hospitality.”

  "Try not to split the taco in two your first time out with her,” Tommie said and gave a suggestive wink.

  Alex moved in front of me to block their view. “I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  Tommie laughed as he waved us off.

  I was disgusted by his insinuation. It made my skin crawl. I’m grateful that he never tried anything with me. I'm pretty sure that the word 'no' would have never stopped him from taking what he wanted.

  It wasn't until we were in the car, with doors locked, and driving away did my body relax.

  "Well, that was fun,” Alex said.

  "What?" The comment stunned me. "You call that fun? They could have killed us back there.”

  He scoffed. "Those assholes are a bunch of pussies."

  "Then why pull your gun out?"

  "Just to watch Nate shit his pants. Why else?"

  I gaped at him, not believing my ears.

  "You're completely unhinged, do you know that?"

  He smiled proudly. "Yeah, I know. But so are you."

  "What? No, I'm not."

  "Bullshit! When I put my gun in your hand…" His gaze roamed over me and landed on my breasts. It stayed there for a good seven seconds before glancing back up at my blushing face. "I saw the way your body reacted. It excited you."

  "It…it did not," I stammered, but my lies were becoming less and less convincing.

  "Deny it all you want; you can't hide the truth from me. Face the facts, kid. We're all criminals in one way or another."

  I folded my arms over my chest and slouched in the seat. "You're wrong."

  "Okay, fine. I'm wrong. I guess there's no point in taking you out shooting."

  I sat up straight as if the thrill sent a bolt of electricity through me. I couldn’t hide my cheerful smile. Alex was testing me. He knew what I wanted before I did.


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