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Unexpected Guest--(Behind Closed Doors 3)

Page 5

by H. H. Fowler

  Chapter Eight

  Richard spread out a map in front of Karissa that showed the coordinates of the area around Station 61. It was a rest stop frequented by early commuters using the main highway into town. Although the legal population of Bliss Haven was just over seven thousand, the island had evolved into a powerful hub of economic exchange. With its free Wi-Fi access and its cozy seating arrangements, dozens of business persons had made Station 61 a meeting spot. But once dark began to settle in, the sedulous atmosphere of Station 61 began to lose its buzz and a period of lull nestled in against the empty walls.

  Three years ago, the detectives had established that Gregory went missing from Station 61 between the hours of one and three Tuesday morning. They had no eyewitnesses, no leads and no statements, except for the one they’d gotten from Izaiah Cahoon. He was the last one to see Gregory before he’d disappeared. The detectives had revisited that spot more times than necessary, hoping to stumble upon a clue that they may have missed. However, after a discouraging stretch of weeks passed, it was apparent that they weren’t going to find anything. It was a dead end; they needed to accept it.

  According to the data they’d collected on Ms. V and the secret organization during the raid, they’d learned that the House of gods had numerous sites set up throughout most of the fifty nations of the Unites States, along with dozens of others outside of the U.S. All locations appeared to be shrouded in a secrecy so complex that it would take an insider to reveal to the detectives any of its operations. And ever since the location in Bliss Haven had been destroyed, it appeared as if the House of gods had strengthened its security measures across the board. The detectives already had a hard time figuring out what was meant by the cryptic codes that had obviously been embedded into the information – even before the detectives had gotten their hands on it.

  Karissa leaned back in her chair and then folded her arms. “So, we did not find the car that Dallis told us about. What do you think happened to it?”

  “I don’t know…” Richard paused, as he was still engrossed in studying the map in front of him. The coordinates did not match those of the GPS. It appeared as if a new road had been inserted somewhere around the area of Station 61.

  “But you know what I think?” Karissa began to say after Richard had not continued with his thoughts. “That car was given a new paint job and probably was stripped of those expensive rims. Because there’s no way on a small island like this that car could be hidden so well. I can envision the House of gods behind this.”

  “Well, it’s a better theory to hold on to than to think that Dallis may have been hallucinating,” Richard said. “I don’t think she was. We just have to keep looking for the car. In the meantime, we are going to pay a visit to the Ministry of Works.”

  “Okay…I figure this has something to do with that map. Basically, you’ve been ignoring me the entire time.”

  Richard moved his eyes away from the map and then relaxed into his chair. He flashed Karissa a smile of apology before beginning to elucidate his thoughts to her. “I need to establish if a new road has been paved within the last five years behind Station 61. Certain coordinates on the map are not registering in the GPS. I’ve been experimenting by inputting different directions. Last night the GPS led me in a completely different path. I ended up in an unpaved cul-de-sac. I immediately pulled into an information booth and grabbed a map to confirm my suspicions.”

  “I think I’m onto your analytical mind,” Karissa said. “It is presumed that Gregory disappeared around the area of Station 61. We’ve had this place checked out at least a dozen times, but your intuition tells you that we are walking past the unseen. Maybe that cul-de-sac is not really a cul-de-sac. Which means, it has been used as a means of escape for Ms. V and her men.” She paused and pinned Richard with a smirk. “How did I do so far?”

  “Good – very good, actually. I hadn’t thought that cul-de-sac could be something different from what meets the eye. A means of escape…” Richard paused in his musings to compliment his partner. “What brilliant perception you possess, detective. This could really lead to something.”

  “You see? You need me.” Karissa gushed. “So, the next time you go pussyfooting on one of your little secret missions, let me in on it, okay? I have already proven myself to be invaluable.”

  Richard chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  While Richard was still laughing, the chief inspector poked his head in Richard’s office door. He was short in stature, but somehow he carried a commanding presence that immediately got the attention of those he led.

  He cleared his throat and said evenly, “Excuse me, detectives, I have received some news from the Coast Guard.”

  The detectives met the inspector’s gaze with silent anticipation.

  “A yacht was found about thirty miles from here,” the inspector continued. “Appeared to have run aground atop a huge reef, capsized and suffered significant damage.

  “Wow,” Karissa blurted in her excitement. “Did they find anyone on it?”

  “No, but you can rest assured that yacht will be pulled out of the water and thoroughly investigated. There is a deserted island nearby, which the government is using as a conservation site. I’m thinking if the occupants didn’t drown or weren’t rescued, that island will be the safest place to regroup. Instructions have been given to search the island and the surrounding inlets.”

  “I don’t want to get my hopes up,” Richard said. “But my gut tells me that Dallis’ tipoff might lead to the greatest criminal apprehension this island has ever seen. I am keeping my fingers crossed.”

  “So am I,” Karissa joined in. “I’m praying the yacht will be linked to Ms. V and her men.”

  “Let’s hope so.”

  The inspector didn’t thrive on small talk. Once he was done with what he had to say, he left, promising to update the detectives with information as it came in.

  “I am so excited,” Karissa squealed at Richard. “What do we do now – in light of this interesting twist?”

  “Well…I still suggest we make a stop at the Ministry of Works – if only to establish how Ms. V and her men were able to get on and off of the island without detection.”

  Karissa stood to her feet and smiled. “I love working with you, big guy. We make an excellent team.”

  Richard returned the smile as he stood to his feet too. “Believe me, the feeling is mutual. Now, come on, let’s go and celebrate a little.”

  Chapter Nine

  Everyone seemed to be hiding whatever food item they’d snagged from the yacht before escaping. Any eating to be done was done in secret, when either Ms. V or one of Ms. V’s three men left under the guise of needing to use the bathroom. Gregory was at their mercy. The only thing he had in his possession was a pack of double mint gum, and lip balm, which still showed signs they had been submerged under water. He silently observed his captors slowly disintegrating into a state of delirium. The reality was their situation was looking grimmer by the minute as there was no indication they would be rescued anytime soon.

  Dark was drawing nigh as Ms. V and the four men sat in a semicircle around a small fire, trying to fight off mosquitoes that were sucking their skin like sweet nectar from a plant. A stifling air of distrust had begun to work on each of their nerves, for fear of dying of starvation seemed plausible. It was a very slow and painful death to which none of them were willing to submit. The hopeless silence, the mosquitoes, the sunken yacht, no satellite signals and the scarcity of food and fresh water were enough to drive anyone into delirium. But somehow, Gregory felt the peace of God abiding with him. One way or another, God would make a way of escape.

  “This isn’t going to work,” one of Ms. V’s men suddenly complained in frustration. “We’ve been stuck on this lifeless island for almost four days and there’s no telling how much longer we’re gonna be here. If we are gonna survive, we need to get rid of our suspicion and put our resources together.”

  Stashed at the bottom
of Ms. V’s brown tote bag were some Little Debbie snacks and two eight ounce bottles of water, which she’d managed to save during her flight from the yacht. She refused to share them with anyone. She would wait until she got the opportunity to be alone to enjoy her salvaged goods. But that didn’t mean she was okay with her authority being challenged. “Are you taking the lead now?” she sneered.

  “We could all die in a matter of days, Viola and you’re still concerned about who’s in charge?”

  “I am,” Ms. V said. “You can’t survive this jungle without me.”

  The man retorted humorously, “Taken from someone who allowed a little snake to rattle her so much so that she forgot to cover her white buns.”

  The silence that followed was immediately shattered by a deep throaty laugh from Gregory. He laughed even more when Viola looked as if she was reliving the experience. Soon, the other men were laughing too, almost to the point where they couldn’t control it. Enraged by her men’s impertinence, Viola jumped to her feet.

  “Shut up, you incapacitated dimwits! How dare you disrespect my authority in this manner! Do you know what I can do to you?”

  “Sit down, Viola. You don’t have any power out here. Besides, we are the ones holding the guns. That means, from this point on, you will do as we say.”

  “You must have lost your mind! You had better shoot me between the eyes!”

  “Well, that can be arranged.”

  “You bloody traitors! I will have you all castrated when we get off this –”

  The man waved the gun in Viola’s direction, his eyes sick with disgust. “Don’t make me do it, Viola. Sit down and shut that annoying trap.”

  The color drained out of Ms. V’s face as anger, shock and humiliation gripped every muscle in her body. She never dreamt in a million years that she would have ended up in such a degrading position. She was one of the most earnest guardians the House of gods had ever seen – the most powerful woman to have ever been promoted. How could her future come to this?

  The man continued his rant, keeping the gun trained on Ms. V. “Don’t you think we are tired of you bossing us around and speaking to us as if we were the village idiots? For years we have done everything you asked of us. Not once did we seek our own agenda. You used us all as sex toys, gratifying yourself at our expense. We are simply objects to you, not people.”

  Ms. V smirked. “You signed up for it, so get over it and stop complaining like a sissy. Next time keep control of that disgraceful member between your legs and you won’t end up such a fool.”

  The man returned the smirk, but instead of retorting to Viola’s nasty sarcasm, he commanded Gregory to get Viola’s brown tote bag from between her feet. With extreme caution, Gregory approached Ms. V. She was known to be quick and resourceful. He had even heard a rumor one time that she’d had expert training in taekwondo. He would rather a quick death than a swift kick to the face, which could cause him immeasurable pain.

  “Gregory, darling,” Ms. V purred. “Don’t let these scumbags turn your mind against me. It won’t be long before we are rescued by the organization. I will spare your life and let you go back home to your family. Isn’t that what you want?”

  Gregory slowly raised his head and stared at Ms. V. A rush of repulsion took him unaware, but it was only by God’s grace that he didn’t lash out at her. He could see through the deception of her slithery tongue.

  “Don’t listen to her lies,” the man said. “For years, she has strummed you like strings on a guitar. What makes you think this witch is gonna grant you your wish?”

  “But at least I kept you alive,” Ms. V said to Gregory, her voice as smooth as caramel. “Everyone else wanted to kill you, including this fool who’s pointing this bloody weapon in my face. Who are you going to trust? The one who saved your life? Or the ones who want you dead?”

  “Bring the bag to me!” The man spat at Gregory. “You don’t have a choice but to trust us. Viola has played us like idiots far too long. Her tyranny won’t work on this deserted island, which ain’t so deserted with all these wild animals running around.”

  Finally Gregory complied and grabbed the bag, handing it over to the man with the gun. He tossed Ms. V’s bag to another man, who quickly turned it upside down and emptied it of its contents. The Little Debbie food snacks piled on top of each other, while the bottles of water rolled away a short distance. The men picked up the snacks and began eating, knowing their actions added gasoline to Viola’s rage.

  “I will see to it that you renegades are punished for double-crossing the organization’s agenda,” she threatened. “You all will die a slow, agonizing death.”

  “We’ve heard that one before, Viola and sad to say, it doesn’t have the effect you were hoping for. You were gonna hide and eat all of these delicious goodies by yourself, weren’t you? Shame on you. Now be a good little girl and get us some more branches for the fire. Darkness is about to fall.”

  Ms. V tossed her head back and laughed. She sat back down and casually leaned back onto her elbows. “You men don’t intimidate me! You will get your blithering sticks without me lifting a finger to help.”

  In the space of time it took for the men to decide what to do with Ms. V, the sound of a chopper broke in and could be heard in the surrounding proximity. The suddenness took the men by surprise, forcing them to scramble for cover in the nearby shrubs. They sensed that the chopper belonged to the police of Bliss Haven and that they had probably come to search the island. Ms. V was already barking orders, despite no one taking heed to her fanatical cries. She was convinced that it was someone from the organization who had come to rescue them. This was payback time where she would be reaffirmed as the leading power.

  Gregory was overcome with hope as the sounds of the chopper drew near. His freedom was finally within his reach and he owed divine orchestration to God alone. There was no doubt in Gregory’s mind that he was about to be rescued and taken back home to his family. It was enough to make him cry. Thinking quickly, he broke free from the group and ran as fast as his fifty-four-year-old body could carry him. The chopper came into view, which prompted Gregory to wave his arms as if they were caught on fire.

  Right after, a single gunshot was fired and Gregory collapsed to the ground, writhing like a dog in agony.

  Chapter Ten

  Candi, a commercial banker and Asia, a student counselor, practically collided into each other almost every morning, racing against the clock to beat the work traffic. Especially now that the roads were being broadened to accommodate the rapidly increasing growth of the population. Izaiah would play his decisions by ear, as his office hours at the church were flexible enough to leave whenever he wanted. The maid would retire to her quarters until time for the next thing on her schedule of duties. So, by seven thirty in the morning, the Beauforts’ house was unusually still, which left Dana to submerse herself into quiet times with her painting, but never before spending time with her Creator.

  It brought Dana peace to be able to sup from heaven’s table on the very couch she had last spoken to her husband, though she remembered their conversation being extremely confrontational. And even now, after three years, Dana had trouble forgetting much of what was said, simply because the issue of her husband’s secrets and lies had never been settled between them. Their quarreling ended with her having to be rushed to the hospital for a minor ruptured brain aneurysm. It was also at that time she had been recovering from a gunshot wound that was intricately connected to the same secrets her husband had been keeping from her.

  About ten days after leaving the hospital, she discovered that her husband had gone missing. At first Dana thought it was a dirty excuse for Gregory to avoid dealing with the mess he’d made of their marriage, but after Detective Shelby sat down with the family and explained the sadistic plot behind everything, Dana was more or less judgmental. It appeared that Gregory was in over his head, as he could not sever the ties from a deal he’d made with a ruthless group of sharks. By abducting
Gregory, the House of gods had sent a clear message: Gregory belonged to them and there was nothing anyone could do to rescue him from their hands.

  The scandal had since faded from the public eye and Dana wanted nothing more than to put it all behind her and start afresh. Entering her husband’s office every morning was a step of faith. She was saying to God that she was positive and eager about the safe return of her husband. She had become studious of Hebrews 11:1, holding that passage of scripture to her heart like a prized possession. Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen: it gives us assurance about the things we cannot see.

  However, this particular morning as Dana settled in on a couch in her husband’s office, a feeling of gloom suddenly descended in the atmosphere. It was so heavy that it made her look around to see if a presence was in the room. She usually did not engage much with the demonic realm, but what she felt was real and terribly alarming. Dana’s only thought at that moment was to fall down on her knees and pray, but she couldn’t help but wonder if what she was feeling was somehow connected to her husband’s disappearance. But before the first words left Dana’s mouth, a knock on the office door stole her attention. Dana watched the door push open and then her maid’s face appeared through the crack.

  “Boss lady,” she called quietly in her Caribbean accent. “Mr. Montgomery Black is in the foyer to see yuh. Should I tell him to leave?”

  Dana gave Rose a confused stare. “Why would you tell him to leave, Rose? Have you forgotten his daughter spent the night in the guestroom? Maybe he has come to pick her up.”

  Miss Rose slapped her thighs in glee and squealed, “You right, my boss lady! How could I forget Della? She’s a character, isn’t she not? She eats like a horse, even though she says my cookin’ looks like dog food. But…” Miss Rose paused as she recalled her brief conversation with Montgomery. “But him say he wanted to see you. He did not ask for Della.”


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