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Unexpected Guest--(Behind Closed Doors 3)

Page 17

by H. H. Fowler

  “We were able to catch up with Mr. Black and his wife,” Richard said. “But there is some good news, as well as some bad news. Which do you want first?”

  Everyone’s eyes were glued to Dallis, as her expression flip flopped between varying degrees of concern. After several minutes, she disconnected from Richard, allowing the receiver to dangle in her hand.

  “Why the hell are you keeping us in suspense? Candi lashed out. “Tell us what is going on!”

  “Mr. Black and his wife have both been killed.”

  “They deserved it,” Candi said. “We are concerned about what happened to Anwar.”

  Dallis’ solemn expression suddenly morphed into a huge grin. “He’s being taken to the hospital for observation. He suffered a contusion, but according to Detective Shelby, he will be fine.”

  Rose slid out the chair to her knees, hands held high in the air. “Praise Jesus! From whom all blessings flow!”

  Everyone laughed and celebrated the joy of that moment. But for Dana, even though she was grateful for the good news about Anwar, it was a sharp reminder that Gregory was gone forever. Maybe it was time for her to say good-bye.

  For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.

  – T. S. Eliot


  Two Weeks Later

  In a full-length mirror, Dana stood, assessing the navy blue dress she’d chosen for Gregory’s memorial service. Her daughters, along with everyone else were already in a limo, waiting to take them to the church. But Dana needed a few moments alone to deal with being officially declared a widow. Outwardly, her tears had stopped, but she continued to bemoan how close she came to seeing Gregory again. Only Dallis had had the chance to glimpse his face.

  At fifty-two, Dana knew she was too old to expect to be swept off her feet by another man. She hadn’t any desire to look for a new man anyway. It was too much of a risk with her heart, especially because of the recent incident with Montgomery. A safer route would be to remain a single woman and bury herself in the Women’s ministry of the church. A sigh escaped her as she gave herself one final look in the mirror. Well, this is it. Life without Gregory official starts today. Time to move on. God, I’m fully at Your service. You know what is best for my life and I trust You to take care of me.

  There was a knock on her room door. Thinking it was one of the girls, she yelled, “I will be out shortly. Give me a few more minutes!”

  “It’s me, boss lady,” Miss Rose yelled back. “There’s a man by the name of Frank Dubbin down in the foyer to see you.”

  Dana frowned. “Frank Dubbin the preacher?”

  “That’s the exact way he describes himself.”

  “What does he want?”

  “Don’t know. Come downstairs and see.”

  Dana’s puzzled expression showed through while she slipped on a pair of four-inch heels. Reverend Dubbin was always on the radio speaking his mind about the spread of corruption in the church. She had never met the man, so his visit was strange in itself. However, Gregory had been a popular man in Bliss Haven and maybe Reverend Dubbin had simply come to pay his respects. And even that was strange, because she was not aware of any personal connection between him and her husband. She touched up her makeup and then left her room to settle her curiosity.

  When Dana arrived at the base of the stairs, she was greeted by her daughters. They had tears in their eyes, but for some reason it did not seem as if they were crying because they were unhappy. Miss Rose was pacing the floor slowly, trying to maintain an indecipherable look, but Dana saw right through it and immediately knew that she was hiding something. She did not see Anwar and Izaiah and wanted to believe they were somewhere tying up loose ends for Gregory’s memorial. By then, of course, Dana was on the verge of panic, as she could not decipher what was going on with everyone.

  “Mrs. Beaufort? Grace and peace be to your home.”

  Dana turned toward the direction of the voice as Frank stepped out from behind the staircase. He didn’t give her the opportunity to for small talk. He simply handed her a piece of paper that had been rolled up like a scroll, a beautiful gold ribbon neatly tied around it. It gave Dana the distinct impression that a royal announcement was about to be made.

  “Your husband wanted you to have this,” he said.

  “I don’t understand,” Dana frowned in response. “It’s been three years since I last saw my husband. And if indeed he did leave instructions to give this to me, why is it that you’re just now getting it to me? As a matter of fact, I am on my way to his memorial service.” She stared at her daughters questioningly. “Is this the reason why everyone has tears in their eyes?”

  “I advise that you read what’s on the paper,” Frank probed. “My assignment is just about complete.”

  Nonplussed, Dana unfastened the ribbon and bent her head to read the contents – words written in her husband’s immaculate handwriting. Meanwhile, Gregory quietly slipped into the foyer, supported by Anwar and Izaiah. He was sharply dressed in a black tuxedo with one single red rose wedged between his fingers. He just stood there and waited for the moment when his wife’s eyes would connect with his. He had all the trouble in the world trying to refrain from yelling out her name. For so long he’d yearned to be back with his family, so that it was difficult to stand still and not cry.

  Dana’s eyes began to moisten from the moment she read the first two words: My Dana, my precious Dana. I left without saying goodbye and in such an ungodly manner. But as I review my life and sum up the multitude of sins I’ve committed against you, the girls and ultimately against God, I wonder if it has been for the best that I was not seen again by anyone. I have made many unwise decisions that have ruined the very fiber of my being and the sacredness of my marriage. I certainly do not deserve to live or to receive pardon from my family.

  “I am a man undone, not fit to live and not prepared to die. But if I must die, I will leave this world with you on my mind. Even though I have badly scarred you with my lies and deception, you continued to love me throughout my disgrace and have kept the integrity of our family intact. You nurtured my daughters to be strong, independent women. They wouldn’t have survived without your loving discipline.

  “And as I look back over these past three years that I’ve been gone from you, I realize I want nothing more than to start this journey over with you. I’ve missed you like crazy. I thought I was losing my mind. I never comprehended how much I loved my family until I was taken from you. I cried night and day and even now, I am not sure if there is sufficient grace for me to be accepted back into your lives. I am taking a chance coming here today…”

  Dana paused and lifted her head to normalize her breathing. The way Gregory wrote the letter made her feel as if he was standing right there...Gregory??? She froze as the still image of her husband began to form on her retina. From that point on, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Her lips trembled as if they had contracted the chills. Her tears fell rapidly, as it finally registered that she was not looking at a phantom of her husband.

  “Go to him,” Dana heard Asia say. “Frank’s story of how Daddy survived blew us all out of the water. That’s why we can’t keep the tears out of our eyes. This can be a fresh start for all of us.”

  Dana made the first step. Though tentative, it was a step of complete forgiveness of all her husband had ever done. But God had been dealing with her heart a long time about it. It was just so overwhelming to see her husband alive after being convinced that he was dead. He began to meet her halfway, walking with a pronounced limp. He had lost about a quarter of his normal weight. Dana could see that he was still in stages of recovery, but the only thing she wanted to do was to put her arms around him to have final proof that this was indeed her husband.

  “I am so sorry…” The words tumbled out of Gregory’s mouth when he felt his wife cradle her body against his. “If only I had known the outco
me of my choices…”

  “Just hold me,” Dana whispered to her husband. “I want to make sure that I’m not about to be tapped out of a dream.”

  “I love you,” was Gregory’s tearful response, but it capsulized everything he was feeling at that moment. He released Dana just enough to stare into her water-filled eyes. “I hoped you would have made it to the end of my letter.”

  “I couldn’t…especially when I saw you standing here in this black tux.”

  “Well, there is a reason why I’m wearing this tuxedo.” Gregory reached up and handed Dana the single red rose. “I would have gotten on one knee, but my back is still tightly bandaged from my wound…”

  “My answer is yes,” Dana beamed. “Whatever it is.”

  “But you don’t know what I’m going to ask.”

  Dana gently cupped her husband’s jaws with her hands and repeated, “Whatever it is, honey, my answer is yes.”

  “Well, this is simply glorious in the midst of the Beaufort family,” Frank cut in. “And since I’ve been chosen to officiate the renewal of vows between Gregory and Dana, let us begin this reunion with a sincere prayer of appreciation to our God.”

  On cue, Anwar found Dallis’ side, while Izaiah wound up next to Asia. Miss Rose wrapped her chubby arms around Candi’s waist. They all bowed their heads and listened as Frank released words of multiple blessings into the atmosphere. How melodious and how unified that day seemed. It was the beginning of a new life, not only for Gregory and Dana, but for everyone who was present. The next big event on the horizon would be Izaiah and Asia’s wedding, which was expected to be done in grand style.

  “Despite what trouble may arise,” Frank concluded. “God is the author and the finisher of our faith. Let us continue to look unto Him, for He alone can lead us all to a victorious future!”


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  Thank you, my dear readers, for reading the entire series of Behind Closed Doors. I hope you enjoyed it and will continue to write books that will inspire you. Please visit my website: or my blog: and leave your comments about my story. Huge appreciation to all for your support and encouraging words. I always say, without you, the reader, we writers could not be successful.




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