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Cheri's New Rules

Page 4

by Markie Morelli

  “Then why am I getting spanked?”

  “You aren’t; you’re just getting a good warm-up to remind you who’s in charge. In addition, if I have to give you a real spanking shortly, I don’t want you bruising.”

  “Oh,” she sighed in defeat.

  Removing his finger from her ass, Michael took the lube and pressed the tip directly against her anus, giving a good squeeze. Almost immediately, he placed the smallest part of the dildo in place. Chéri clenched in reaction and the next smack was quite a bit more severe.

  “Open up for Daddy,” he warned sternly. “I’m trying to make this as easy on you as possible, but I won’t be denied any part of you and that includes your snug little bottom. Now push out a bit and let me get the first part seated.”

  “The first part?” Chéri squealed.

  “Yes, the first and smallest,” he replied, forcing her sphincter to accept the dildo to the first ring. Tugging gently he smiled to see it did indeed stay put. “Each part is a little bigger, longer and broader. “I’m going to go very slowly and apply plenty of numbing solution. I don’t want my baby to suffer unduly, but rest assured, if you give me any trouble, you won’t like the consequences. Tonight Daddy is finally going to take your bottom.”

  “Oh, Daddy, no,” she cried in panic. “You’re much too big.”

  “I’m certain you can do it, sweetie. Yes, there may be some pain or discomfort, but Daddy knows what’s best for us. A good bottom fucking, say once a week or so will do you a world of good.”

  “Once a week, oh God,” she cried. “Daddy, you don’t mean that.”

  “I most certainly do, and it could happen more often if I determine you need it, or if you’ve been particularly naughty. There are also many other punishments I could administer if need be.” Putting another squirt of lube on the next section of the dildo, Michael began to twist and turn the toy, gently patting her bottom until he’d worked it in to the next ring.

  “Is your egg still in place?” he asked, enjoying the whole experience immensely.

  “Yes,” she whispered on a hiccup.

  He didn’t answer, just pushed the button, letting it resume vibrating on the lowest setting. Chéri moaned. Michael smiled and palmed her ass.

  The next section was more difficult for her to accept and her feet began to drum on the couch.

  “Are you sure you want to go there?” he asked briskly, his big hand nearly covering both of her cheeks.

  She didn’t answer, but the drumming stopped as her shoulders sagged and she lifted her bottom.

  “You’re such a good little girl,” he nearly cooed in approval, nudging the egg up a speed higher. “I love having you over my knees anytime, but tonight, seeing you with your pretty ass all pink and warm, stained with my handprints is exquisite. The sight of your bottom nearly filled with a thick dildo that will soon be replaced with my cock…well; there are no words, my little love. I can’t believe all the years we’ve wasted, years we could have been indulging in this kind of play. You would have been so much happier had I taken charge of you sooner, and I would have looked forward to coming home each night.”

  “Maybe it wouldn’t have worked back then,” she replied, shivering as he again took hold of the toy protruding from her bottom.

  “It would. I would have made it work, even with the boys living here. When I recall how many times I came home to find you out of control and bitching like a shrew, how many times I longed to flip you over the island in the kitchen and paddle you good, but didn’t, it shames me. Had I been more of a man in those days, we both would have been so much happier.”

  “I’ve always loved you, Michael,” she assured him, slipping out of character for a moment.

  “And I you, Chéri,” he breathed, “but never more than now when you are submitting so sweetly to me as your man, your husband, lover and daddy.”

  “I don’t know how much longer I can be sweet, Daddy,” she admitted. “It hurts a little.”

  “And I’m sorry to say it will hurt a bit more before we are done,” he replied. “There are two more sections to go and they are each bigger than the last, baby.”

  “No, Daddy, please, no more,” she pleaded, squirming over his lap.

  “I’m afraid I must, princess,” he replied. “I need you stretched a bit more before I can fuck you properly without injuring you. You’ll just have to trust me.”

  Michael used as much lube as the toy would hold before working the next section into her. By then she was openly crying. Turning up the egg had been a mistake. The sensation made her squeeze and tighten her muscles as she neared a climax, but it also tightened her anus. He flicked the egg off.

  “I’m sorry, little one, no more pleasure for a while. I don’t want you any tighter and apparently you can’t control yourself with that egg on. Only one more section to go, but I warn you, it will be the most uncomfortable. Once we’ve accomplished that and you’ve opened properly, I’ll carry you upstairs and make love to you fully.”

  “Daddy, please no more. I’ll take you, all of you, I promise. Just like you want me to do, but please no more of the hard thing.”

  “Do you imagine my cock won’t be as hard?” he asked with a laugh. “If so, you’re wrong. You can’t fail to feel it pushing against your tummy, as hard as steel.”

  “I feel it,” she sobbed, “but you cock is warm, and while it may be hard, the skin is as soft as silk. Please, I’ll take it, all of it.”

  Michael paused with his hand on the dildo. She had a point. The rubbery item didn’t feel at all like the real thing. Maybe she was sufficiently stretched, and if she wasn’t, it would only mean more pleasure for him. Deciding in her favor, he removed his hand but left the item in place. Carefully he helped her stand on shaking legs and rose from the couch. Sweeping her into his arm he carried her upstairs.

  He left the lube. The one he intended to use would not have anything to numb either of them. He wanted to feel every hard gained inch of her bottom. Once in her room, Michael gently set her down and placed two pillows at the side of the bed.

  “Over you go, sweetie,” he encouraged, helping her get into position. The bed was quite high, done purposely to make her feel childlike climbing in and out of it. With her tummy on the pillows, her bottom lined up perfectly for his plans. Reaching beneath her spread thighs, he made sure the little egg was still nestled between her pussy lips. In a little while he would turn it back on. He would enjoy her clamping down on his cock as she came apart, but before then he intended to take her as he’d always longed to.

  His handprints had faded and he spanked her bottom with several crisp slaps guaranteed to remind her of what would happen if she didn’t behave. He loved that she didn’t question him. If he wanted to discipline her, he could, it was as simple as that.

  “Put your arms out, baby,” he ordered softly as he moved to the other side of the bed. “Daddy wants to make sure your naughty hands don’t get you into trouble.” When Chéri obeyed, he gently tied her wrists together with the silk tie he pulled from his neck, making a bow. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, reaching to smooth her hair.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she sighed back.

  Back on the other side of the bed, Michael unbuckled his belt and took off his pants, hanging them neatly over a chair. When he dropped his boxers, his cock sprang free in relief while he stared at the dildo protruding from her ass. Picking up the bottle of super slippery lube he poured some in his hand and stroked from his balls to the tip of his dick, shivering as he made sure every inch of him was coated. He smiled. Looking at his wife with her sweet red ass nearly hanging over the side of the bed was the most stunning sight he’d ever seen. Soon, very soon he would be buried in that ass. Her childish white nightie was above her bottom, the ruffle framing her beautifully. It was heaven just to look at her, to watch her small feet fidgeting uselessly many inches from the floor. Chéri had always been his, from the moment he met her. Now she was his on an entirely different level.
She was his to love and cherish, to baby and spoil, and his to discipline and scold. Lord help her if she didn’t mind his words. He walked up behind her and trailed his big hands over her lower back and the curve of her ass.

  “Do you hurt, baby?” he asked kindly.

  “Not so much anymore, Daddy,” she answered truthfully. “What kind of lotion did you use?”

  “One for anal play, my darling, and it numbs for a bit. It won’t last forever, however, and I’ll need to move pretty quickly at first. Once I take out the dildo, I’ll be entering you right away. I don’t want to give your bottom time to close up. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she replied.

  Michael ignored the quiver in her voice. Many times she’d been opposed to what he wanted to do, but only in the beginning. Usually by the time he gained her compliance by one means or another, she was quite agreeable. Patting her reassuringly, he moved the control for the remote egg closer and made sure the lube was easily accessible.

  “I’m going to remove it now. The one thing I don’t want you to do is clench your bottom. Believe me when I tell you that pushing gently out and refraining from trying to tighten your anus will be to your benefit,” he instructed as he took hold of the dildo.

  “Wait, Daddy, wait,” she cried out, tensing from head to toe. “What if I don’t like it? What if I hate it?”

  “Then you may safe word, Chéri,” he replied sternly. “I will stop immediately, but you need to remember that at some point I will take your ass and tonight you’ve been well prepared. The next time it may not be so,” he warned. “Also, if it hurts too badly, that may indicate you’ve not been cleaned out enough. A good, hot enema may be the solution in that case and it’s definitely something I will consider in the future, especially if you can’t obey me tonight.”

  She sagged onto the bed and lifted her bottom as he knew she would. His words were softly spoken, but their meaning was quite firm and Chéri would not fail to miss the warning in them. He would not be denied. If not tonight, then another night, plagued with even more preparation.

  “I’ll be a good girl,” she promised in the voice he so loved.

  “I’m happy to hear it,” he replied approvingly. After applying another coating of lube to his cock, he took the dildo in his hand and began to slowly ease it from her. Chéri was full of tiny moans and cries, but she remained as he’d placed her. It pleased him enormously and he praised her over and over.

  “You’re being such a good girl. Daddy’s so proud of his little sweetheart. I’m so happy I didn’t have to give you a hard spanking to get you to behave. I love you so much, baby.”

  He stared at her gaping bottom hole as he eased the last of the dildo out. The sigh of relief was unmistakable and he frowned when he saw her clenching her cheeks together.

  “Use your teeth to untie your wrists,” he ordered sternly. “I want those hands back here holding your cheeks apart right now. Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing, you naughty little thing and it’s a mistake.”

  Michael slapped her ass sharply several times, knowing she would obey him that much faster.

  “Ow, ow, ow,” Chéri cried as she did as he asked. “I’m sorry,” she wailed.

  “As you should be,” he replied, placing the lube at her opening and squeezing. “It’s for your own good. Maybe a hot little hind end will help you remember my instructions. Now hold those cheeks apart,” he ordered.

  Apparently she was going to behave. Stepping closer, he swiftly positioned the head of his cock and pushed forward. The first few inches were difficult. Chéri sobbed quite loudly, but he didn’t let a few cries stop him. He’d waited too long for this moment, years in fact. Once the head was in, he paused and gave her a few moments to adjust as he stroked her flaming bottom.

  “Okay, baby, hands back in front of you and no interfering,” he insisted. More lube followed as soon as she obeyed. He poured some on his cock and on her cheeks that sprang back into place. Grasping her hips, he slowly and steadily forced her to accept him.

  The incredible heat of her was the first thing that gripped him and it seemed to increase the deeper he got. Her cries were all but inaudible now and he barely heard them as her rectum clamped around him. She quivered, groaning out her pain or pleasure, he wasn’t sure which and at this point he found it hard to care. Good God, this was the most intensely erotic feeling he’d ever had. The urge to pull out and pound back into her was overwhelming and he clamped his teeth together, hanging onto his control by a thread. Ever so slowly he pulled back and eased in, gently yet firmly.

  The room was quiet but for Chéri’s sniffles and his ragged breathing. He was balls deep now and he held her there, savoring the sensations. It was all he could do not to come, spilling into her and flooding her bowels, but he tightened his spine and fought it off. Not this time, not this night, no he was going to go slowly and enjoy every second of this.

  “How are you, babygirl?” he asked as he soothed her flanks. “Daddy has his cock all the way in now. It feels so good I never want to leave your sweet bottom.”

  “I’m okay,” she whispered. “It hurts when you move, but if you stay still it feels sort of good.”

  “To me too, baby, but we both know I’ll have to move. I want to fuck you, sweetie, fuck you long and hard. I’ll be as patient as I can and I’ll make sure you climax if you keep being a good girl, but I want you to come with me deep inside you. I want you to come at the same time I’m filling your bottom with my own.”

  Michael pulled everything but the head of his cock out and squirted more lube along his length. Immediately he pushed back in to the hilt and almost staggered at the pleasure. He began a slow rhythm of in and out while holding her firmly in place. A few minutes later, he knew he was fighting a losing battle with himself. There was no way he would be able to hold out as long as he wanted.

  “Baby, I want you to take your hand and put it between your legs,” he rasped out. “Hold that little egg tight to your clit for Daddy.”

  When she lifted her bottom, he almost lost it. Releasing one hip, he grasped the remote and turned it on. Instantly he felt the difference as she clamped tighter around him. His knees shook slightly as he held still, moving the speed higher and higher until he reached the one she liked best. Then he began to move again. He could feel light vibrations, feel her tightening around him as though she wanted him to stay put, but he resisted and fucked her with a smooth probing motion.

  Chéri was moaning loudly, her ass rising to meet his thrusts even though he could hear the pain in her tone.

  “I’m going to come, Daddy,” she cried out nervously. “I can’t stop it.”

  “I know, baby, I am too. Let’s go together,” he encouraged throatily. “Now, baby, now.” He slapped her sensitive cheeks hard, and in seconds, she was over the edge, screaming out her pleasure. Her ass tightened in steadily escalating contractions around his dick. Michael let his head drop back as he roared out his own release and thrust forward as deeply as he could. There he held his position as he pumped jet after jet of come into her rectum. It was the most mind altering experience of his life and he knew he would repeat it as often as he could. His legs trembled and he fought to stay conscious. Finally, he pulled out of her with a pop that caused her to scream. Yanking the pillows from beneath her, he fell onto the bed and dragged her up next to him, wrapping her in his arms.

  They fell asleep like that. Chéri held close to his side with his come leaking out of her ass and he with what he was sure was the most satisfied smile ever to grace his lips.

  Chapter 5

  Chéri slipped from the bed without disturbing her husband and entered the bathroom, softly closing the door behind her before turning on the light. Sometimes the path her life had taken was inconceivable and this was one of those times. Leaning against the bathroom door, she gave her eyes time to adjust to the light before going to the shower and turning on the water. After taking a washcloth and towel out of the cabinet, she
let her white cotton nightgown drop right where she stood and walked into the stall, closing the frosted glass door.

  Tonight Michael had taken her outside her comfort zone once again. She was glad he was still asleep. She needed time to process what they’d done, or to be more precise, what he’d done to her. Over their twenty-year marriage he’d mentioned trying anal sex many times, but she always refused. In her mind it was not something she would ever enjoy, or even give much thought to doing. She wasn’t naive enough to believe all women felt the same way, but she wasn’t a woman who discussed private matters with her friends, and if any of them were having anal intercourse, they sure weren’t talking about it.

  Standing under the hot water, Chéri decided the pleasures of such an act were a well-kept secret. Under normal circumstances she would have refused again tonight, but when Michael was in “Daddy” mode, it didn’t leave her any options unless she used her safe word.

  When she agreed to this arrangement three years ago, she gave up certain rights, and one of those rights was the option to say no. There was no question who was in charge of what they did and didn’t do, it was Michael.

  Her husband was an authoritarian, no mistake about it. As a judge he was used to making decisions although for years he’d allowed her to rule the roost so to speak. She knew how close he’d been to ending their marriage when the boys went off to college. He’d never spoken of it or threatened her in any way to gain her compliance, but a woman sensed when there was serious trouble brewing and Chéri had felt it in every fiber of her being.

  Giving him so much power over her could have backfired. Allowing herself to be treated as his little girl caused her many sleepless nights until she began to appreciate all the benefits, and there were benefits.

  Sexually she was more satisfied than she’d ever been. His firm but loving control freed her to enjoy activities she would have classified as freakish or kinky. Her staunch, controlling nature would never willingly have let him do the highly erotic things they did now. The first time he spanked her, she wanted to cut off his hands and would have if he’d let her go. In fact, she now knew if he’d given in to her pleas and ended that spanking five minutes earlier than he did, they’d probably be divorced right now.


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