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Page 12

by Victoria Johns

  “I am. I’m going to meet your friends.”

  “Employee,” I corrected.


  Bailey threw back her tumbler of liquor and didn’t flinch. Her training and tolerance of alcohol had started at a young age, it was part of her family’s legacy and history to be able to handle and respect it. Most men would be jealous of it.

  The Uber beeped as it pulled up the driveway.

  “What changed your mind?” I asked, and watched as she artfully arranged some scarf around her top that covered her tits and gave me a hint of relief. I could do without brawling tonight because some twat thought they could look at her in front of me.

  “It’s clearly important to you.” Bailey moved closer to me, close enough that we were practically touching. “I’m… sorry.” She hesitated. “I worry that this is getting out of control.”

  “Bay, it’s fucking dinner with a bitch on my payroll and her husband.”

  There was worry and fear clashing on her face and it had the same affect it always did. I’d gut myself to see it gone. I hated the thought that what we were doing made her unhappy, especially when it was all I’d ever truly wanted in life.

  I caved and pulled her that last inch into me. This was why I also dealt with people in the same emotionless way. The minute you handled someone in an emotional state, you got an emotional response back and that was why I was the master at masking my emotions.

  “Come on. Let’s get it over with.”

  Bailey seemed relieved that I was with her, on the same page, but I pushed it aside and focused on how right the world felt again because she was in my arms.

  “I don’t know what we’re doing,” she whispered. “Lying to Jameson is killing me and I took it out on you.”

  “It’s not easy for me either.” I breathed my words into the top of her head. “But it’ll be harder if we’re not talking to each about it too.” It was getting too uncomfortable, not setting the right mood for a night out when I needed to be on my game, and I didn’t want that.

  Bailey gently kissed my throat and forty minutes later, I walked my girl into a restaurant, with our hands linked together for the first time.

  I felt like the luckiest fucker on the planet.

  Roxy and her husband, Graham were already at a table and the waitress was quick to take us to them when we arrived. I had to admit, seeing her so in sync with her husband was a shock, especially when I knew she was keeping something so huge from him. I didn’t even know what he thought she did for me. But when he turned around and looked at me, I knew he knew exactly what she did, and I didn’t like that he was playing her.

  Effectively, playing me.

  He then looked at Bailey with fire in his eyes and I wanted to end him immediately.

  The future of my operation was already in jeopardy, and I felt the rage bubble inside me at having been taken for a fool.

  Roxanne was perched forward in her seat, her pregnant belly protruding, with a look of total concentration on her face. Whatever her husband was saying, held her attention like it was the most important thing on the planet.

  I wasn’t used to seeing such a key member of my team taken with anyone else but me.

  I was the most important thing in anyone’s world, that’s how my business worked.

  Right then, I knew this was never going to work for her or me, and as soon as I could figure out how, I was going to let her go. And part of me knew she wouldn’t go quietly.

  Things were about to get messy, but it came with the territory.

  As he talked, he had a hand on her back and was massaging it gently. I hated that I was insanely jealous of their connection, of the affection they displayed. It was bordering criminal that they should appear so happy. I turned to check Bailey was okay and was pissed off to find her eyes sweeping the other diners. Her surveillance of the room irritated me, she was acting like we were having an illicit affair and shouldn’t be seen together, and it really fucking annoyed me, not least because it reminded me of her mood swing from earlier.

  “Roxanne, don’t get up.” I leaned over and placed a platonic kiss on her cheek, it was the way I greeted her in front of other staff members, so they knew that she held my favor; that was what helped her keep control of the men that worked underneath her. I didn’t care that I did it with her husband present, he needed to know that when I was in her company, I should be the most important one.

  Was I being petulant? Yes.

  Did I give a fuck? Not in the slightest.

  The only thought I did have was that if a stranger did that to Bailey in front of me, I’d be tracking them down during the dead of night and dealing with them.

  “Thanks. It’d be a challenge, unless my man tipped me out of my seat. Graham, I’d like you to meet Zane,” Rox said, a smile enveloping her face.

  Graham stood up, attempting genuine warmth as he offered his hand. “It’s finally great to put the name and face together. I feel like we’ve been friends since high school.”

  Yeah, I hated him.

  I was right to go with my instincts, how Roxy thought she was pulling the wool over his eyes was a whole other level of delusion, and I needed to know what his endgame was. He had to have one, they all did.

  “Christ, Roxy, what have you been telling him?” I joked but was genuinely curious, and then turned to introduce the most important person in my life. “This is Bailey.”

  Graham smiled and I watched as his eyes dropped to her chest again further souring my mood, while Roxy leaned a hand across clearly sizing her up as a waiter appeared to take our drinks order. Once he’d disappeared the conversation began, and it wasn’t lost on me, Roxy or Graham, that Bailey was quiet. It was the first time in years I’d seen her nervous, but I couldn’t help her right now, everyone was being perfectly friendly. It wasn’t like she was the only newbie at the table, we were all in the same boat, so she had to get over this herself.

  Through the first two courses we discussed employment and as usual I did what I always did, swerve and evade. Roxanne was also adept at this. I was the perfect listener, happy to let someone else take the limelight and when anyone pushed or tried to dig deeper, I would divert the conversation back to them. Graham attempted to bring Bailey into the conversation, and once they found out what she did, it was easy. I wondered if she genuinely thought this man was charming, even though I could sense something entirely different and I knew a call to Bishop would be scratched onto my to do list. Bailey smiled, distracting me, and it seemed like she was more at ease, so I relaxed for the first time in what felt like hours. Roxanne kept watch and I was purposeful with my affection for Bailey. A touch here and there, both on top and under the table and when I caught her smile and blush the odd time back at me, I was beginning to feel confused.

  “How long have you two known each other?”

  I was about to answer Roxanne’s question, but saw she was looking at Bailey, so I figured what the hell, this will be interesting, let them converse and see what Bailey comes up with.

  “I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know Zane,” Bailey chuckled.

  “I’ve worked for Zane for a number of years, he’s never mentioned you.”

  Graham shifted in his seat, knowing his wife, I suspected he was getting ready for her oncoming third degree. I didn’t know whether I was pissed about how nosey she was being, or disappointed that this cock couldn’t keep his wife in order.

  “We only recently connected.”

  “But he’s known you a long time? As what… friends?” Rox smiled and took a sip of water.

  Interesting. Maybe I’d taught her better than I thought, it only just dawned on me that she was sizing up the competition. In Hawaii, she was usually my go-to woman.

  It was like I could see the defensive armor click through Bailey’s spine and she appeared rigid and taller as she answered. “He’s been one of my closest friends since we were kids. More like family.”

  My rage bristled again. It b
ristled at Roxanne for prying, it bristled at Graham for being such a shady fuck and not coming clean that he knew his pregnant wife was one of the highest paid madams in the state, but mostly it bristled at Bailey. She still used that word… family.

  I’d seen Bailey under the spotlight a number of times. When her parents used to give us all shit for misbehaving, when Jameson was swooping in and doing his twin brother act to save her from making a fuck up in some way and when she was the cool, calm collected businesswoman. All of those times she was a chameleon, hiding what she really felt. Or working towards getting something she wanted, come hell or high water.

  Just like now.

  Part of me was happy that we were out, but there was a clash within me. Thinking we could make this work waged war on the other part, the part I wanted to ignore, that thought maybe Bailey was right.

  We were happy in my villa. There was no need for explanations or conversations there because we knew each other. We could survive on that and enjoy each other’s pleasure and company in the perfect Hawaiian bubble I’d created. Afterwards was the unknown.

  As the night got later, I could see Roxy was uncomfortable and not going to last much longer, she said the baby was doing somersaults inside her and according to Graham, was more active at night. I had a feeling I knew who was really active at night and I doubted it involved his pregnant wife. Finally, he threatened to drag her home if she didn’t get up of her own free will soon. She played possum with him, but it was just a game. What a fucking shame there was a baby in the middle of it. Roxanne was going to be so disappointed when she figured out that she’d been played.

  “Excuse me… It was Bailey’s voice that had interrupted my thoughts and I knew when she stood up with her purse that she was heading for the bathroom.

  My eyes followed her, as did fucking Graham’s; or rather, his eyes followed her ass as she weaved in and out of the other dining tables. By the time he looked back to the table, he knew I’d caught him out. My glare should have made him bleed out on the spot, and if he didn’t cut that shit out, I’d happily see to it.

  “I’m not sure she’s right for you.”

  My head spun in Roxanne’s direction like the elastic keeping it trained elsewhere had snapped. “Excuse me,” I questioned in a dark tone at the same time I heard Graham mutter for his wife to shut up under his breath. For the first time, he looked unsure, which completely confirmed that he knew who I was.

  Would I stoop so slow as to ball out a pregnant woman in a public place? Guess anything was a possibility.

  “I just don’t think she’s as invested as you.” Roxanne looked apologetic, she knew she’d overstepped and what her words would do to me, she’d watched me shower Bailey with PDA all night.

  For once, my blood wasn’t starting to heat up with rage, it had instantly chilled.

  This woman had voiced a whole set of fears I’d been fighting to quash.

  “I’m worried that you’ll get hurt.”

  “Fuck, Rox, none of our business.” Graham intervened that time with less of a mumble and more a definite warning. Seemed like maybe she didn’t have his balls in her purse all the time. It was a question of who played who. Their marriage must have been exhausting.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” She turned on him. “Zane knows I mean well.”

  “A woman interfering never means well, more like trouble,” Graham chided, and him doing so, meant I didn’t have to do it. If I did, it wouldn’t have been so fucking polite and pretty.

  “I’m just saying, guard your heart.” She reached over and squeezed my hand with pity.

  I looked down at her hand and clenched my fist underneath it causing Roxanne to remove hers instantly, understanding she’d gone too far.

  Bailey finally reappeared and I knew she’d sensed the mood plummet to beyond sub-zero temperatures. The questioning glance lasted a fraction of a second before her shoulders pulled back square, letting me know that she knew we’d been talking about her in her absence.

  “Bay, Roxanne needs to get home and rest up.” I looked at Graham, confirming in no uncertain terms he was taking her home before she overstepped the mark again and that this double date disaster was well and truly over.

  “Great to finally meet you, Zane,” Graham said, less helping his wife up and more hustling her to her feet before she could make any form of protest.

  The man wanted away from this as much as I did, but I suspected for different reasons. Anyone who had a brain in their skull sensed the Teague blood that flowed through my veins like a radioactive material about to explode. You could sense it a mile off and right now it was telling him to steer clear and get the fuck away from me as soon as possible. The rage radiated like an aura around me. I wanted to break something, someone, the need to destroy something nearly too much, I couldn’t even blame all of this on Roxanne, she’d only voiced what I’d been avoiding all along. This rage I was feeling should after all, be directed at the beautiful, but brutal person next to me who had caused it.

  I tore my Amex from my wallet and threw it on a passing waiter’s tray, causing them to jump when I barked, “The check, please. I’ll settle up tonight.”

  Wisely, Graham still had a grip of Roxanne who hadn’t uttered another word. The atmosphere wasn’t just awkward, it was seriously uncomfortable. Graham went to argue and offer to split the bill but was too much of a pussy to insist and poke the rage inside me further.

  Bailey was still stood up, so I joined her to say our goodbyes and Roxanne did her best to hug me with an apology I could see deep in her eyes. If she didn’t get her hands off me soon, then this whole thing would really go sideways, and no apology would ever come from me for that.

  I didn’t do apologies. I received them, then usually still killed you for thinking that an apology would make things better.

  This was not how any of us saw the night ending and I needed to get my mood in check quickly before Bailey really did get the brunt of it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Bailey’s silence in the Uber ride home told me she knew something profound had gone down while she was in the bathroom.

  My silence in the seat next to her was something entirely different.

  I was in full business mode. Assess the situation, look at every angle, every option, and weigh up the consequences of each decision you make.

  No matter how I tried to spin it, there were two things staring me in the face.

  Firstly, it was looking more and more likely that Roxanne had to go, and if she didn’t go quietly, then so be it.

  Secondly, I couldn’t fucking shake that she’d only verbalized every ugly thought I’d been desperately pushing down since Bailey had arrived at my Hawaii bolt hole.

  I knew the reason for this. It was because I wanted it, us, badly.

  Finally, she broke the silence. “You want to talk about it?”

  “In front of a fucking Uber driver?” I watched as the driver’s eyes slid my way in the rear-view mirror.

  “He’s just an Uber driver.”

  Uber drivers were never just Uber drivers, especially when I was in town and using them. I’d never discuss my business in front of anyone, maybe Bailey didn’t know me as much as I’d convinced myself. When he pulled up in front of my house, I threw a fifty at him before he’d fully stopped the car. “Keep the change.” But he didn’t move.

  “Can’t do that,” he bit out.

  I looked at Bailey. “No point in us both waiting for change, you go ahead.”

  She climbed out of the car and I waited for what I suspected was coming.

  “You need to see the boss before you leave the island,” the driver said, eyeing me again through the rear view.

  I knew who he was referring to and the fact that he thought I would answer to another boss was ludicrous, but whatever, if I was expecting the Yakuza to traffic my girls, then I also knew how to play the game.

  “You gonna give me my change?”

  “Fare’s on the house,”
he replied and then looked away sharply, before tossing the fifty back. Like him, I ignored it as it dropped to the floor.

  He might have worked for a rival gang in Hawaii, but we had peace, a tenuous one that was built on money and mutual respect. If they didn’t disrespect me, I could kill their fake Uber driver, who happened to catch me on a particularly taxing night out.

  But the lesson always remained the same.

  No one was ever who they claimed to be, including this guy and I didn’t want a war on my hands. Falling out with my operation’s cargo wagon and having to get rid of Roxanne at the same time was a risk too far right now.

  Climbing out of the car, I breathed in the sea air, praying for a calmer approach to the rest of the evening as I walked into the house.

  My keys clattered onto the side table in the hall next to the vase concealing my gun and the usual bliss and serenity I felt at stepping over the threshold of sixty-seven steps to heaven didn’t happen.

  That pissed me off, completely negating the calm approach I was going for.

  One thing was clear, it was time to go back to the real world, before being here too long really burned it for me. But before that, I needed to deal with her.


  The nemesis taking up residence in my heart and shredding it.

  “Roxy thinks you’re not into this.” I had my back to her and busied myself with a bottle of Scotch, just like I did a few hours ago. I wanted to turn around, but I was scared about how much it would hurt to see her lie straight to my face.

  “She got that from a couple of cocktails?”

  I threw some ice in a glass for her. “Apparently.”

  “I don’t want a drink. I want you to dance with me.” Bailey’s voice was smooth and seductive, telling me just what kind of dancing she really wanted.

  Maybe this was how I had to convince her that we were good together. I could forget Roxanne’s words. In that moment they weren’t important. I needed to hear what Bailey had to say instead. Roxy’s words would be nothing compared to Bailey’s when she finally admitted what we both knew, how we both felt.


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