Book Read Free

Street Banditz

Page 12

by CJ Hudson

  “You really went all out for ya girlfriend this time,” Bobby said to Red.

  “How many times I gotta tell you she ain’t my damn girlfriend?”

  “If she ain’t yo’ girl, then why you spend all this cheese on her ass?”

  “’Cause the pussy is the booomb!”

  Hank looked around and shook his head. “All this cheese for some muthafucking coochie?”

  “Coochie on call, my nigga, coochie on call.”

  “Ain’t that her over there?” Bobby asked.

  Red squinted and stared in Cookie’s direction. “Yeah, that’s her ass. I don’t know who the hell them thots are with her, though.”

  “Let’s roll ova there and find out,” Hank said. “One of them other hoes might feel like fucking.”

  As they made their way over to where Cookie, Ivory, Tammy, and Nancy were standing, Hank asked about the whereabouts of Ray-Ray.

  “He said he was going to meet us here. The nigga probably still running around looking for his dead-ass cousin,” Red laughed.

  “Damn, that was cold as fuck,” Bobby said.

  “Man, fuck that bitch-ass nigga. He lucky I didn’t torture his ass worse than I did, trying to rob a nigga and shit.” As the three of them passed the bar, Red looked over to where Cookie’s mother was sitting. She twisted up her face in an evil scowl and shot him the bird.

  “The fuck up with Cookie’s moms? She usually cool as fuck, but she actin’ like a straight bitch tonight,” Bobby said.

  “Fuck that bitch! She just mad ’cause I told her ass she can’t have none of this dick tonight!”

  Bobby stopped dead in his tracks. “You fucking Cookie and her mama?”

  “Hell yeah. Shit, I ain’t gotta tell yo’ ass everything.”

  “If that ain’t some foul-ass shit,” Hank said, shaking his head.

  “Listen, pussy is pussy,” Red rationalized.

  The minute they got close to the three women, Bobby felt something stir inside of him. He looked at Tammy and unintentionally started to stare.

  “Yo, what’s shaking, Cookie?” Red asked as he walked up to her and slapped her on the ass.

  “Nothing but ass, baby, nothing but ass.”

  Nancy’s face became flushed as she eyed Red. Her pussy got sore all over again as she remembered the pounding that he and Ray-Ray had put on her.

  “I heard that. Ay, who ya friends?”

  “This here is my girl, Ivory. She used to work at Rite Aid. You don’t remember her? She was there when you came and picked me up a couple of times.”

  “Nah, not really,” Red said as he eyed Nancy. Red slowly shook his head from side to side to subtly let Nancy know to keep her mouth shut.

  “This is Tammy, and her name is Nancy,” Cookie said as she concluded the introductions.

  “How y’all pretty ladies doing?” Red asked as he extended his hand toward the women. As he shook each woman’s hand, he made sure that he held on to Nancy’s a little longer than he should have.

  Cookie quickly cut her eyes at Ivory as if to say, “Didn’t I tell you not to bring this ho up in here if she was gonna try some bullshit with my man?”

  Ivory looked right back at her as if to say, “Hey, your man is the one holdin’ her damn hand.”

  “What’s up with you, pretty lady? You want a drink or something?” Hank asked Tammy.

  Tammy took one look at Hank and got a bad vibe from him. “No, thanks. I’ll get something later,” she said. Although she chose to ignore him, she was quite aware that Bobby was staring at her.

  “You gon’ blink?” Red asked Bobby when he, too, noticed how he was looking at Tammy.

  “What? Man, what the fuck you talking about?”

  “Muthafucka, please! Everybody standing here see yo’ ass staring at her!”

  Bobby gave Red a hard stare. He didn’t like Red putting him on blast like that and made a mental note to check his cousin about it later. “Worry about yo’ own muthafucking business,” Bobby said as he walked off in the direction of the bar.

  Tammy watched him move with swift grace as his long strides ate up the distance quickly. Her inner thighs became moist.

  “You a’ight?” Ivory asked.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m straight.”

  “Uh-huh,” Ivory said, twisting up her mouth. “It look to me like you feeling him.”

  “I don’t even know that dude.”

  “That’s my cousin, Bobby,” Red chimed in. “Want me to introduce you to him?” Red asked.

  “Nah, I’m straight.”

  “Shit, if he wanted to holla, he would’ve stayed his ass over here,” Hank hated.

  “Damn, somebody in the hate zone tonight,” Cookie joked.

  “What the fuck eva,” Hank said, waving her off. Red started laughing his ass off. He thought it was hilarious how the whole scene was unfolding. He was just about to fuck with Hank for being a hater when his cell phone went off.

  “Hello? A’ight, I’m gonna be over there in a few seconds,” he said after listening to the caller. “Be back in a second. One of my little dudes is having trouble with security.”

  “I gotta go to the bathroom,” Tammy suddenly said. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Nancy, Cookie, and Ivory all looked at each other and smiled.

  “Guuurrrl, you know damn well she was feeling that nigga,” Cookie said, giving Ivory a high five. Nancy, obviously uncomfortable with Cookie’s use of the N word, looked down at the floor and picked at her nails.

  “You want something to drink?” Ivory asked Nancy.

  Nancy looked around as if she couldn’t believe that Ivory was talking to her. “Who?”

  “The fuck you mean, who? You!” Ivory screamed.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s cool.”

  “Yo’ ass gon’ have to loosen up if you gon’ be hanging wit’ us,” Cookie said as she turned and walked toward the bar.

  “Cookie, go ahead,” Ivory told her. “We gon’ meet you over there in a minute.”

  “Where y’all going?”

  “We going to the bathroom to get Tammy.”

  “A’ight. Just hurry the fuck up. I’m ready to get my party on wit’ you hoes.”

  Bobby posted up at the bar and watched Tammy and Ivory walk into the bathroom. He was definitely feeling her, but the company she kept left a lot to be desired. He wondered if she was a loudmouthed gold digger like Cookie. Even though Bobby was grateful that Cookie had looked out for him and Red on the jack move that Dennis was going to pull, there was no doubt in his mind that if Red were just another hustler struggling to make a come-up, Cookie wouldn’t have given him a second thought.

  That’s why he didn’t feel sorry for her, knowing that Red was screwing everything under the sun, including her mother. Bobby looked down to the other end of the bar and saw that Cookie’s mother still had an attitude. Bobby just shook his head disgustingly, thinking that she was getting exactly what she deserved. He knew that there were some trifling women around the way, but to be fucking your daughter’s man behind her back was a new low, even for the skeezers in the hood.

  Every few seconds, Bobby would look over at the women’s bathroom door. He had already made his mind up that as soon as Tammy walked out of it, he was going to spit game to her. He ordered another shot of Pinnacle vodka and sipped it as he waited for her to emerge.

  “Hey, baby,” he heard a sweet voice call from behind him. To say that he was caught off guard was an understatement as a slim, dark-skinned honey slid behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Kat, what the fuck you doing?” Bobby asked his former lover.

  “Don’t act like you don’t like it.”

  “You know what? Get yo’ fucking hands off of me,” Bobby yelled, snatching away from her. “I ain’t got shit to say to yo’ lying ass! You’re lucky I don’t put a bullet in yo’ ass for that shit you pulled!”

  “I know you ain’t still mad about that bullshit from back in the day, are you?”

obby looked at her like she had lost her mind. “You muthafucking right I’m still mad about that shit! What muthafucka wouldn’t be mad at a bitch who tells him that he has a child and then he finds the fuck out that the kid belongs to somebody else?”

  “I’m sorry about that. But I really did think that it was your child.”

  “Get the fuck outta my face with that bullshit! How the fuck did you get in here any muthafucking way?”

  “Uh, Cookie is my cousin.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what she is to you! You’ve got five seconds to get the hell away from me, or there’s gonna be a problem.”

  Kat stared at Bobby for a few seconds before she realized that he was serious. She slung her shoulder-length weave over her shoulder and stormed off. It took everything in Bobby not to run up behind her and smash her in the back of her head with his gun.

  After finishing his drink, Bobby was feeling nice. He wanted to order another one but decided against it. The last thing he wanted was for Tammy to think he was a lush. Normally, Bobby didn’t give a damn about what other people thought of him, but there was something about Tammy that made him want to impress her. Something that made him want to look good in front of her.

  He absentmindedly brushed invisible lint off of his clothes as he got up to go over and wait by the ladies’ bathroom. The moment his eyes zoomed in on Tammy, he clicked the safety off of his gun and power-walked over to her defense.

  Just Ten Minutes Earlier

  “What’s the damn problem over here?” Red asked. He was quite annoyed that he had to leave the party to see about some dumb shit like a couple of his little workers not being able to get into the party.

  “This dude tripping, Red! Talking ’bout he don’t recognize us so he can’t let us in.”

  “They straight, man. Come on in, li’l niggas,” Red said as he turned around and led them into the party center. The two young thugs mean-mugged the huge bodyguard as they made their way inside. The bouncer simply looked at them and smirked. He couldn’t care less who got inside the place as long as he got paid.

  Once they got inside, Red tuned to both of them and held out his hand. “A’ight, cough that dough up. I know damn well y’all done made a killing out there this week. Give me my cut and show me that I can trust y’all.”

  Both of them dug into their pockets and pulled out knots of money. They each peeled off $2,500 and handed it to Red.

  “That’s what’s up! Now I ain’t got to kill you niggas about my cheese,” Red said, laughing. “Oh, and tonight I’m introducing y’all to my partner, Bobby. We the only ones you answer to, got it?” Like lost little puppies, the two juvenile delinquents nodded their heads.

  “A’ight, cool. Go ’head and have fun, but don’t be on no bullshit tonight,” Red said, pointing at the shorter of the two, knowing that he had a quick temper. Red walked away and left the two of them standing there like two scolded children.

  “I’m about to go to the bathroom and fire this weed up,” the taller one, whose name was Cedric, said.

  “Lead the way, my dude, lead the way,” his partner in crime said. They started walking toward the men’s restroom, but in order to get there, they had to go past the ladies’ restroom. They were just about there when they almost bumped into two young ladies coming out of the women’s bathroom.

  “Well, look what the fuck we have here,” Dru said as he eyed Tammy and Ivory.

  “Excuse me, do we know you?” Tammy asked. Because she was so focused on her brother earlier, she didn’t really look at Dru when she approached Hakim.

  “Oh, so now you bitches don’t know who the fuck we is, huh? After talking all that bullshit earlier, now you hoes wanna get amnesia!”

  “Nigga, who the fuck you calling bitches and hoes? What I said earlier today still goes, muthafucka! I’ll still slap the shit outta yo’ li’l short ass,” Ivory screamed.

  It took a minute for Tammy to realize that Dru was the same guy Hakim was hanging out on the corner with earlier. “Oh, you’re the dude my brother was with earlier,” she said.

  “You know what? Seeing that you my dude’s sister, I’m gonna give you a pass, but this other bitch is gonna have to be taught how to respect a G.”

  “Ay yo, we got a fucking problem ova here?” Bobby asked.

  “Who the fuck is you?” Cedric asked.

  “I’m asking the muthafucking questions up in this bitch! Now, like I said, do we got a fucking problem over here?”

  “What you need to do is mind yo’ punk-ass business before—”


  Before his sentence was completed, Cedric crumbled to the ground as a result of being smashed upside the head with the butt of Bobby’s gun.

  “You want some?” Bobby shouted to Dru.

  “What the fuck is going on ova here?” Red yelled as he made his way through the crowd that had started to form.

  “I don’t know who the fuck this bitch-ass nigga is, but he need to learn some fucking respect,” Bobby said.

  “Get the fuck off me,” Cedric yelled as Dru tried to help him up. “Yo, Red, I’m about to blow this muthafucka’s brains out!”

  “You ain’t gonna do shit but stand there and bleed,” Red said in a calm voice. He wanted to laugh but didn’t want to embarrass the youngster more than he already was.

  “This punk muthafucka hit me with a gun, and I’m s’posed to just take that shit? Fuck that shit!”

  Bobby raised his gun in the air again. He was about to hit Cedric in the head again, but Red grabbed his arm. “Be easy. I got it.”

  Bobby lowered his weapon and tucked it into the small of his back. “Y’all a’ight?” he asked Tammy and Ivory.

  “I’m fine. Thanks,” Tammy said.

  “Yeah, we good,” Ivory said, noticing how Bobby seemed to be talking more to Tammy than to both of them.

  “First of all, li’l nigga, you need to start learning who the fuck you be talking to. This here is my cousin Bobby. The one I’ve been telling yo’ ass about.”

  Cedric’s mouth fell open. “Oh, shit! This the Bobby you been telling us about?” Cedric asked while still holding his head.

  Bobby turned his head and faced Dru, who was giving him a sinister sneer. Bobby quickly locked eyes with him, showing the young thug that his heart didn’t pump Kool-Aid. A speedy knot had already begun to form on the right side of Cedric’s forehead. Dru and Bobby stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Red intervened.

  “Let’s take a walk,” Red suggested as he draped his arm around Dru’s shoulder. “Look,” he said once they got out of earshot, “I know you tight about my cousin slapping yo’ homie with his hammer and all. I would be pissed off at that shit too. But the last thing you want to happen is to blow making all this easy paper with us because of a little misunderstanding. Feel me?”

  Dru nodded. He was mad as fuck about what happened but didn’t want to let his temper stop him from potentially making large paper. Red and Bobby were blood cousins, so if it came down to it, Red would have no problem cutting Dru loose. So, because of that circumstance, Dru decided to let it slide. But he swore to himself that he would never forget what Bobby had done.

  Bobby stared at the back of Dru’s head as Red hauled the youngster away. There was something about the way Dru carried himself that made Bobby want to aim his pistol and put a bullet through the back of his skull. He got a bad vibe from the youngster and, therefore, didn’t trust him.

  Hank, who had been at the bar trying to talk his way into the pants of a sexy redbone, came walking up cracking his knuckles. After breaking Dennis’s jaw earlier, he was itching to show off more of his pugilistic skills.

  “I heard some niggas at the bar talking about a commotion, and I just knew you niggas was involved,” he asked Bobby.

  “Nothing I can’t handle. Some li’l BG got outta line, and I had to tighten his ass up.”

  “You okay?” Hank asked Nancy, who had been quiet the entire time.

Yeah, I’m okay.”

  “You sure? ’Cause you looking kind of shook right about now. Come on. Let me buy you a drink.” Before she could say yes or no, Hank had her by the wrist and was pulling her to the bar. After being shot down by the redbone, Hank was more determined than ever to dig into some fresh pussy.

  “I hope that nigga don’t think that he gon’ buy her ass a drink and not get me one too,” Ivory stated as she hustled off to catch up to Hank and Nancy.

  “Thanks again for helping a sister out,” Tammy said. Someone had to break the ice, and since he’d stepped up and stopped Dru from attacking her and Ivory, she figured that she owed him one, so to speak. She normally didn’t care for guys who wore braids, but Bobby’s were nice and neat, which made him even more attractive in her eyes.

  “Don’t worry about it. I couldn’t let that nigga mark up a pretty face like yours.”

  Embarrassed by his kindness, Tammy started to blush. There was something about his rough but gentle nature that appealed to her. She wasn’t a fool, though. She knew that anyone hanging around Red had a bad side to them. Even though she had only seen Red a couple of times, she was well aware of who he was. She couldn’t ever remember seeing Bobby, though.

  “What’s ya name, pretty lady?”

  “Tammy. What’s yours, handsome man?” she asked, trying to embarrass him back. It didn’t work.

  “My name is Bobby,” he said as he took her hand and gently kissed it. “Nice to meet you.”

  Tammy was amazed at how Bobby had gone from a head-splitting gangster one minute to a soft-spoken ladies’ man the next. She definitely wanted to find out what was lurking beneath the surface of his rugged exterior.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  “A little.”

  “Cool. They got all kind of wings and chips and shit over there on the snack table.”

  When they got over to the table, the servers tensed up. They, too, like everyone else, had seen Bobby hit Cedric upside the head with a gun.

  “Be easy,” he told them. “We’re just here to get our grub on, that’s all.”

  Bobby smiled at them, and they relaxed. After their plates were filled, they went to a nearby table and sat down. They started talking and sharing things about each other’s lives that strangers normally didn’t share with each other.


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