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Street Banditz

Page 16

by CJ Hudson

  As an answer to her question, Hakim reached down between her legs and rubbed her love nest.

  “Hold up. I gotta go empty the tank. Then I’m gonna take a shower and come back in here fresh and clean for you.”

  Hakim slapped her on her ass as she slid out of the bed and started toward her bedroom door. While Nikki was in the bathroom, Hakim had time to reflect on what happened at his house the previous night. “I know Tammy and Mama tripping,” he mumbled to himself. Hakim then picked up his cell phone and sent his sister a text message. Then he laid his head back on the pillow and tried to figure out the best way to get his mother to see that Steve was a snake. For one split second, he thought that he might have made a mistake and that maybe Steve wasn’t doing what it looked like he was doing. He quickly slapped those thoughts to the side.

  He knew for a fact that his eyes were not deceiving him. He knew one thing. If Steve ever hurt his mother or his sister, he was going to take care of him the thug way. Hakim’s eyes got heavy as he waited for Nikki to come back into the bedroom. Still feeling slightly tired, Hakim let his eyes close, and he drifted back into slumberland. He was almost there when he felt something wet sliding up his thigh. Hakim smiled, knowing that Nikki was about to give him the ultimate treat.

  He didn’t get to enjoy her head-giving talents the night before, but if he remembered correctly, Nikki had one of the best head games in the hood. He moaned softly as she worked her magic. His toes curled as she let her tongue travel down to his balls. He damn near exploded when she took all of him inside of her mouth and sucked gently.

  “Shit, girl, you was good before, but now you a straight-up thoroughbred with the head game,” he said. With his eyes still closed, Hakim reached down and grabbed her hair. He skillfully guided her head up and down as she masterfully continued to deep throat him. Hakim tried hard to hold out, but he was no match for the professional head job that he was receiving. He smiled in satisfaction as he heard gulping sounds.

  “Damn, baby, that shit was the fucking bomb.”

  “I know damn well it was.”

  The smile on Hakim’s face was immediately wiped off. When his eyes popped open, he was shocked to see Nikki’s mother between his legs licking her lips.

  “What the fuck?” Hakim yelled.

  “Shhh, nigga, you want my daughter to hear you?”

  Hakim was shocked. In the back of his mind, he knew that when he grabbed the hair, it felt different, but he thought that is was due to her just getting out of the shower. He had no idea that it was her mother who had crawled between his legs to give him the business. And even though it wasn’t his fault, he felt like shit. He had to admit, though, that Nikki didn’t have shit on her mother when it came to the oral game. What he thought was an improvement in skills by Nikki was actually a lesson in fellatio by a vet.

  “Did you like that shit?” she asked.

  “What the fuck you doing? Yo’ daughter is right down the fucking hall!”

  “So muthafucking what? And you need to lower your damn voice before she hear yo’ silly ass. And you didn’t answer my question. Did you like it?”

  “Hell nah,” Hakim lied. “Get the hell outta here.”

  Nikki’s mother just smiled. She knew Hakim was lying as soon as he opened his mouth. His moans of pleasure while he was getting serviced were proof of that.

  “Yeah, right,” she said as she walked around the bed and grabbed his hand. “But just so you know, the pussy is much better than the head.”

  Before he could resist, she put his hand between her legs and stroked her pussy with it. Both of them jumped when they heard Nikki walking back down the hallway. She quickly ran over to the closet and pretended like she was looking for something. When Nikki reached her room, she stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Mama, what are you doing in here?” she said, adjusting the towel that was wrapped around her body.

  “I was looking for my coat,” she lied.

  Nikki cocked her head to the side. “A coat,” she repeated. “In eighty-degree weather?”

  Nikki knew that her mother wasn’t telling the truth. It would not have been the first time that her mother had pushed up on someone she was involved with.

  “Look, Marie wanted to borrow it, okay?”

  “Well, it ain’t here! Why do you keep thinking that yo’ clothes are in my room? Check your own closet!”

  “Li’l girl, you betta stop yelling at me before I fuck you up. Don’t let yo’ little friend see you get embarrassed in here,” she said as she walked out the door.

  Nikki looked back Hakim, who was now covered up from head to toe. She wanted so badly to ask him if her mother had come on to him in any kind of way, but she didn’t know if she honestly wanted to hear the answer. Instead, she crawled into bed with him and gave him her goodies. Hakim dug deep into her core, secretly wishing that he was test-driving her mother.

  * * *

  Red stood in front of the commode, trying to control the stream of piss that was rushing through his penis. He was hard as a rock and ready for round two with one of his old flames from the neighborhood, whose name was Beverly. Cookie was so drunk after her party that she couldn’t put out if she wanted to. So after dropping her off, Red made it his business to visit one of the after-hour spots in the city, and he ran into Beverly. One thing led to another, and the two of them ended up in the same bed for the umpteenth time.

  Beverly had sexed him from the time they got into the bedroom until they fell asleep. Still horny, Red went back into the bedroom and got between Beverly’s legs. She moaned softly as he started doing his tongue thing. They were so into it that they never heard Cookie coming into the room.

  “Oh, hell nah!” she screamed. “What the fuck is going on up in this bitch?”

  Red jumped out of Beverly’s vagina as if it were on fire. “Oh, shit,” he said as Beverly grabbed the covers and tried to hide her naked body.

  “Nah, bitch, don’t try to cover yo’ nasty-looking ass up now,” Cookie yelled as she headed toward the bed.

  “Bitch, who the fuck you calling—”

  Beverly couldn’t even get the last word out of her mouth before Cookie slapped her in it. Cookie then reached for a handful of her hair and dragged her to the floor. The two women punched, scratched, and kicked each other for what seemed like forever before Red stepped in and broke it up.

  “Get off me, Red! Get the fuck off me,” yelled Cookie as she tried to get at Beverly again.

  Knowing that Cookie had gotten the best of her, Beverly was hesitant to continue the fight. “Yeah, you better hold that bitch,” she said half-heartedly.

  “Beverly, you need to roll out,” Red said to her.

  Beverly headed for the bedroom door but couldn’t resist getting one good verbal dig in on Cookie before she left. “Thanks for the dick, big daddy. Whenever you want some good pussy, instead of that dry-ass shit you been getting, just gimme a call.”

  Cookie became enraged. She picked up a lamp from Red’s table and slung it toward Beverly’s head. Beverly had just closed the door when it smashed up against it and shattered.

  “Girl, what the fuck wrong with you, coming up in here and tearing up my shit like you fucking crazy?”

  “The fuck you mean, what’s wrong with me? Nigga, what the fuck wrong with you, bringing some bitch up in here and fucking her in the bed where me and you get busy? What kinda fucked-up part of the game is that?”

  “Ay yo, you need to calm yo’ ass down up in here, yelling like you ain’t got no damn sense!”

  “Calm down? What the fuck you mean, calm down? I catch you in here fucking another bitch and you tell me to calm down? Fuck that!”

  Before she could stop herself, Cookie hauled back and slapped the taste out of Red’s mouth. For a very long minute, Red just stood there stunned. But as the shock began to wear off, Cookie knew that she was in trouble.

  “I know you done lost yo’ muthafucking mind now, putting yo’ fucking hands on me like that!

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Red screamed as he backhanded her to the floor. As soon as the seat of her pants touched the floor, Cookie bounced back up and headed toward the stairs.

  “Nah, bitch, don’t try to run now! You wanted to act like a muthafucking man, so now I’m gonna beat yo’ ass like a man!”

  “Get the fuck away from me,” she screamed as she started down the steps.

  “Fuck that shit! I’m gonna show yo’ ass what happens to wannabe tough bitches who think they can handle a nigga like me!”

  Cookie ran for the door as fast as her legs could carry her. Red was right behind her with fire in his eyes. He was so mad that his light skin had turned his namesake.

  “Come back here,” he yelled. Just as Cookie opened the door, Ray-Ray came through it. Cookie almost knocked him down as she sprinted for her car.

  “Damn, girl, what the fuck is going on here?”

  “Ask ya boy! And while you at it, ask him about your—”


  Cookie ran face-first into an elderly woman walking down the sidewalk with a bag of groceries in her arms.

  “You better run! I’m gonna beat yo’ muthafucking ass when I catch you!” Red tried to run past Ray-Ray and get to Cookie, but Ray-Ray grabbed him and put him in a bear hug. “Get the fuck off me! I’m gonna beat the brakes off that ho!”

  “Damn, Red, calm down. I know you ain’t trying to go to jail fo’ beating yo’ bitch up.”

  Listening to Ray-Ray talk seemed to calm Red down a bit. “You right. I ain’t got time to be paying money to get out of jail for putting the beat up on a bitch. Let’s just go in here and smoke one.”

  The two friends walked back into the living room as Ray-Ray took a blunt out of his pocket. “What the hell went down up in here?”

  Red cracked a slight smile. Five seconds later, the smile turned into a full-blown laugh. “ I was up in here putting the dick on Beverly like only a nigga like me can, and Cookie’s crazy ass bust up in here and start acting all loco and shit. She put the beat up on Beverly something terrible.”

  Red fell back on the couch and held his stomach. He was laughing so hard that Ray-Ray started laughing by association. A sudden thought flashed through Ray-Ray’s head as he was giggling.

  “What the hell was Cookie talking about when she told me to ask you about something?”

  “I don’t know what the fuck that crazy-ass broad was talking about. Hurry up and pass that blunt.”

  Ray-Ray tried to get the thought out of his mind, but something deep inside of him told him that Cookie had something to say that he might have been interested in hearing about. The strange look on Red’s face when he asked the question gave him the impression that Red was not telling him something. He decided right then that he was going to use the fact that Cookie was pissed off at Red to get to the bottom of the situation.

  Chapter 20

  Dryer gingerly eased up the steps leading to the police station. His ribs were hurting him so badly he could barely breathe. He wasn’t a doctor, but he could tell that they were severely bruised, if not broken.

  “Damn, Eugene, what the hell happened to you?” one of his fellow officers asked.

  Dryer, in no mood to answer questions about the incident, snapped viciously at his comrade. “None of your fucking business,” he growled.

  Stunned at his abrasiveness, the officer gave Dryer the finger. “Fuck you then, fat motherfucker. That’s what I get for being concerned about your Krispy Kreme–eating ass.”

  Dryer contemplated apologizing but quickly decided against it. He knew from prior experience that an apology would have surely led to an inquisition of the incident. Shooting an unarmed African American was sure to bring mayhem to not only Dryer, but the entire Cleveland Police force as well.

  The only things stopping that from happening were that Hank didn’t know that Dryer was a cop and that Dryer had left the scene so quickly after it happened. This time it worked in the police’s favor that no one wanted to get involved.

  When Stone spotted his partner limping into the precinct without the box of doughnuts, he knew immediately that something was wrong. He silently cursed himself for not following his first mind and going with Dryer in the first place. Before anyone else in the busy station could see Dryer, Stone ran over to him and ushered him into his office.

  “Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to you?”

  Without answering, Dyer took a deep breath as he plopped down in a chair. Stone quickly closed the door to keep nosy onlookers away.

  “I need . . . a glass . . . of water,” Dryer said, coughing. As Stone rushed out into the hallway to get his partner something to drink, Dryer sat there seething. He took out his cell phone, got up, and slowly limped over to Stone’s computer. Then he connected his phone to the computer and uploaded the picture that he had taken of Hank after hitting him in the head. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he’d recognized Hank’s face when the two of them were tussling.

  After he was done uploading the picture, he ran it through the database and clicked known affiliates. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as Bobby’s and Red’s faces popped up. Knowing that he had shot one of Bobby and Red’s associates gave Dryer a sick sense of satisfaction. “If I had known that you were a part of Red’s crew, I would’ve killed your ass, nigger,” he mumbled to himself. He sat back and smiled as he thought about the ear-piercing scream that Hank let out after being shot.

  His temporary joy came to an abrupt end as he suddenly realized that his daughter was probably sleeping with the enemy. Dryer became nauseated as visions of Nancy getting screwed by a black man ran wild through his mind. He almost threw up at the image of her being on her knees, giving an African American a blowjob. And if that weren’t enough to make him pass out, the thought of Nancy getting pregnant by a black man would surely do the trick. Pain exploded throughout his side as a result of Dryer slamming his fist down on the computer desk.

  “Eugene, what the hell is going on with you?”

  Dryer was in such deep thought that he never heard Stone reenter the room. “Nothing.”

  “That’s horseshit,” yelled Stone. “You leave talking about going to get some damn doughnuts but come back looking like you’ve been in a damn bar fight! Everybody out there, including our fucking boss,” he said, pointing toward the door, “was wondering where the hell you were with the damn doughnuts! Now you can either tell me what the hell is going on, or I can just call the captain in here, and you can explain the shit to him! I’m your got-damn partner, for Christ’s sake!”

  After Dryer broke down and told Stone what had happened, Stone just shook his head and stared at Dryer.

  “I know, man, I know. It was a stupid-ass thing to do,” Dryer conceded.

  “First things first,” said Stone, placing his hand on Dryer’s shoulder. “We need to get you to the hospital to see about those ribs. It looks like you’re having a helluva time breathing over there.”

  Stone walked over to Dryer and helped him up. He would just call his boss and make up a lie that would cover for both of them later. After Stone helped Dryer to the door, the two of them stood there and waited until the coast became clear. When they were sure it was, Dryer and Stone snuck out the back door.

  * * *

  “The fuck you keep asking me the same muthafucking questions for? Didn’t I already tell yo’ ass what happened?” Hank snapped at his girlfriend. He was so pissed at Dryer for shooting him and at Nancy for not letting him in afterward that he wanted to do nothing more than murder both of them. After Dryer hit him in the head with his pistol, Hank was dazed.

  He figured that, after finding out that Dryer was Nancy’s father, the best way for him to keep himself among the land of the living was to pretend that he was unconscious. As soon as Dryer left, Hank started banging on Nancy’s front door. Two minutes passed before he realized that she wasn’t going to open the door. With his foot ble
eding badly, Hank had no choice but to call his girlfriend and tell her to come pick him up. By the time she got to him in his car, Hank was only semi-conscious.

  “I don’t know why you keep hanging around with Bobby and Red anyway,” his girlfriend, April, said to him. “They ain’t nothing but trouble.”

  “Look, when I want yo’ muthafucking opinion on who to hang the fuck out wit’, I’ll give it to yo’ ass! Now bring me another damn beer!”

  “Beer? You know damn well you ain’t supposed to be drinking no—”

  “Stop badgering the fuck outta me, and bring me a fucking beer!”

  “Fuck it then. Drink yo’self to death!”

  April stomped off without saying another word. Based on the lie he had told her, April was under the impression that Hank had been running an errand for Red and got robbed. He may have treated her badly, but Hank was no fool. April wasn’t a beauty queen by any stretch of the imagination, but the fact that she had Section 8 and was living rent-free was right up Hank’s alley. And as long as he kept food in the house and slipped her some dick two or three nights a week, April put up with the mistreatment.

  Hank wasn’t about to take a chance on letting her know that he was screwing around on her, though. She’d always told him that if she ever caught him, that would be it. There was something in her eyes that told Hank that she meant what she said as far as that was concerned.

  “Yo, bae, get the door,” he yelled into the kitchen at the sound of a knock on the door. April mean mugged him as she passed him and set his beer on the table. Hank laughed at her and slapped her on her ass as she passed by.

  “Quit fucking hitting me!” She rubbed her right cheek on the way to the door, trying to see if she could push away the stinging sensation. She opened the door and caught an instant attitude. Red and Ray-Ray ignored her usual eye-rolling and lip popping. Both men smirked as they walked past her without so much as a hello to her. They knew they were being disrespectful, but they honestly didn’t give a damn.

  “What the fuck happened to you?”


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