Book Read Free

Street Banditz

Page 28

by CJ Hudson

  “Bitch? Muthafucka, who in the fuck are you calling a bitch?”

  Camp smiled as he looked behind her.

  “What the fuck are you looking at me like that—”

  All of a sudden, Tammy felt a hard push in her back. The impact catapulted her across the room. Camp laughed out loud as Tammy hit the floor with a loud thud. Tammy looked up and saw Steve standing there in a pair of boxers and his shirt off. All of a sudden, it hit Tammy like a ton of bricks. Her mind flashed back to where she’d saw Steve before. It was in the grocery store, where Tammy and Ivory had gone the day before Ivory got fired from her job at Rite Aid. Right on a “1-800-Crime-Stoppers” poster was a picture of Steven Bowers.

  He’d changed his appearance by cutting his hair and shaving his mustache, but Tammy knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it was him. She even remembered what he was wanted for: armed robbery, drug abuse, attempted murder, and rape.

  “Time for you to take care of daddy.”

  “You’d better get the fuck away from me!” Tammy got up and went for the door but was quickly blocked from leaving.

  “Where the fuck you think you going?” Steve screamed.

  “Get the fuck out of my way!”

  Tammy tried to push her way past Steve, but she wasn’t quite strong enough. Steve roughly grabbed her and slung her onto the bed. Camp reached down and took hold of her shirt, ripping it to shreds. Steve smiled as he walked toward the bed. His dick was now sticking out of his boxers.

  “You gon’ give me some of that pussy today,” Steve said with conviction.

  Tammy was terrified. Camp held her down while Steve started ripping off her pants. “Get off of me!” Tammy screamed. She fought back as hard as she could, but no to avail. In no time at all, Steve had her pants completely off. Tammy knew right then that she’d been set up. It wasn’t her mother who had called her from that house. It was Steve. She didn’t know how he’d gotten her phone number. She’d hate to think that her own mother had sold her out. Two thoughts suddenly occurred to her: where the hell was her mother, and why wasn’t she coming to her rescue?

  Tammy fought for all she was worth until Camp elbowed her in the side of the face, dazing her. Then he pinned her arms above her head while Steve grabbed her knees and pushed her legs open. With his dick rock hard, Steve climbed on top of Tammy.

  “No. Please don’t,” Tammy yelled in panic. All the fight had left her. The thought of Steve penetrating her was making her nauseated. Just as he was about to plunge inside of her, Steve screamed out in pain. His body slumped to the side as a result of being hit on the side of the head by Hakim’s pistol.

  “Get the fuck off my sister!”

  Seeing the gun in Hakim’s hand caused Camp to release Tammy’s arms and back up against the wall.

  “Hey, man, this shit was his idea,” Camp said when Hakim pointed the gun in his direction.

  Tammy jumped up from the bed as fast as she could. On wobbly legs, she struggled to get her clothes back on. “What took you so long to get here?” Tammy had sent Hakim a text message telling him that something wasn’t right over at their mother’s house.

  Blood poured from the side of Steve’s head. Hakim walked up on him and, without saying a word, hit him in the head again. Steve blacked out instantly. Camp was scared to death. He didn’t know Hakim, so he didn’t know what the youngster was prone to do.

  “Take it easy, young blood.”

  “Shut the fuck up! Where the fuck is my mother?” Hakim yelled as he pointed the gun in Camp’s face.

  “She at one of Steve’s cribs. He told her to stay there until we got back.”

  “And where the fuck is that?”

  Camp sang like a canary as Hakim cocked his pistol. After getting the information he needed, Hakim lowered his gun. Camp thought he was home free until Hakim cracked him upside the head as well. The man slumped down on the floor and passed out.

  “Let’s get the fuck outta here, sis.”

  “But what about Mama?”

  “I’m taking you to get cleaned up first. Then we can go over there and get her.”

  Hakim found two extension cords in the house and tied both of them up as tight as he could. “Now, even if they asses wake up, they can’t get to her before we do.”

  Tammy and Hakim headed out the door. Hakim followed Tammy back to her residence. Bobby hadn’t gotten there yet, so she invited Hakim inside. That’s when she told him that she finally realized where she’d recognized Steve from.

  Each one of them took turns trying to call their mother’s cell phone, and each time their calls went directly to voicemail. Tammy went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. She couldn’t wait to get to her mother. If this didn’t convince her to leave Steve’s no-good ass alone, nothing would.

  While she was in the bathroom, she heard the front door close. After hearing two people yelling, she heard a gun cock. Tammy’s eyes got wide as she ran toward the living room as fast as she could.

  Bobby had pulled up in front of his house. His senses immediately went on high alert. Sitting directly in front of his house was the same Chevy he’d noticed when he left Red’s house. He hadn’t come straight home because he was angry and didn’t want to take it out on Tammy, so he decided to toss back a couple of beers at the bar. When he felt that he’d cooled off enough, he went home.

  Bobby had gotten out of his car, cocked his pistol, and hidden it behind his back. In broad daylight, he crept up to his door and let himself in. His jaw had dropped when he saw Hakim sitting on his couch. Before Hakim could even open his mouth, Bobby had pointed his gun in Hakim’s face.

  “What the fuck you doing in my house?”

  “Yo’ house? My sister stay here! Oh, you know what? Hold up a second,” Hakim said when he remembered he’d heard Tammy’s name earlier.

  “Fuck that! I know what the fuck up! Red sent yo’ ass over here to do something to a nigga, didn’t he? Well, I got a message for my bitch-ass cousin!”

  Hakim’s eyes got wide as Bobby pulled back the hammer. Tammy suddenly ran into the room, screaming.

  “Bobby, wait. Hakim is my brother!”

  “This li’l nigga yo’ brother?”

  “Yes, he is,” she said as she jumped between Bobby and Hakim. Bobby lowered his gun and stuck it back in the small of his back.

  “That’s what I was trying to tell you,” said Hakim.

  “My bad. I thought that bitch-ass cousin of mine sent you to my house to do some wicked shit.”

  “Wait, you two know each other?” Tammy asked.

  “You could say that,” Bobby said, smiling. “We used to, ah, work together.”

  “Used to?”

  “I wasn’t bullshitting when I told Red to go to hell. I got other things on my mind.” Bobby walked over to Tammy and hugged her. “What brought on this visit, li’l nigga?”

  Hakim looked at Tammy, who held her hand up. Bobby noticed the exchange between the two. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Tammy gave Bobby the short, altered version. She told Bobby that she went to her mother’s house after receiving a call from there and that she and Steve got into it. She left out the part about Steve trying to rape her. The last thing she wanted was for Bobby to kill Steve and for her to end up having to raise her baby alone. He was already pissed about Steve playing games like that anyway.

  “I need a fucking drink,” he said, walking into the kitchen.

  Hakim looked at Tammy, who put her finger over her lips, letting him know to be quiet about the attempted rape.

  “I gotta run to the store, Tammy. Come on, li’l nigga, let’s roll.”

  Hakim followed Bobby out of the door. “All this time, I didn’t know you was kicking it with my sister.”

  “Yeah, man. I like yo’ sister a lot. You ain’t got to worry about me fucking her over.”

  This made Hakim feel better. He did wonder how in the hell Bobby pulled her though, seeing that Tammy hated that he was selling drugs. As soon as they got into th
e car, Hakim spilled the beans on what went down at their mother’s house. Bobby instantly saw red.

  “And you let them muthafuckas live? What the fuck is wrong with you? You got a lot to learn about the street life. You wanna hang out in the streets, you better learn how to put in work when it’s time to put in work.”

  Bobby mashed the gas. It didn’t take him long to get to his Janice’s house. With Hakim behind him, Bobby held up his gun as he entered the house. Hakim led him to his mother’s room, where Steve and Camp were still tied up. The two men looked up in horror as Bobby walked over with malice in his eyes.

  “Which one of these niggas tried to rape Tammy?”

  “I think it was this nigga right here,” Hakim said as he kicked Steve in the ribs.

  “You like to rape women, huh?”

  “Hold up. You got it all—”


  Steve screamed as Bobby stuck the barrel of his gun into Steve’s crotch and pulled the trigger.

  Camp’s eyes got as big as saucers when he saw the blood pouring out from between Steve’s legs. Bobby stomped Steve viciously in the head. He continued to do so until Steve was no longer breathing. “Bitch-ass nigga,” he said, and he spat on Steve’s corpse. He passed his gun to Hakim.

  “Put in work. Show me you a G.”

  Hakim took the gun and pointed it at Camp. His hand trembled as he held the cold steel in his palm. This was the first time he’d ever pointed a gun at a human being.

  “Do that shit! This muthafucka played a part in yo’ sister being hurt! For all you know, he and this other dead muthafucka here could’ve been raping yo’ mom! If you wanna be a G, then pull that muthafucking trigger!” Bobby may have liked Tammy, but there was no way he was going to let Hakim leave the house without putting in some real work. If he did that, he would be opening himself up to blackmail by the youngster at some point.

  “Do that shit! Don’t be a pussy-ass nigga! Pull that muthafucking trigga!”

  Hakim closed his eyes and squeezed. He quickly discovered that actually killing someone was totally different than just thinking about it. When he opened them back up, Camp had a hole in the middle of his forehead.

  “A’ight, let’s go.”

  “What about them niggas?”

  “Don’t worry ’bout them. I got some niggas who’ll come by here, scoop them niggas up, and dump ’em somewhere for a small fee. Let’s be out.”

  Bobby and Hakim walked out of the house, leaving two dead bodies lying on the floor.

  Chapter 35

  Tammy stood in front of the living room window with her arms folded. Impatiently, she tapped her feet while waiting for Bobby and Hakim to return from the store. What the hell is taking them so long? Tammy couldn’t wait for them to get back. As soon as they hit the door, she was going to grab Hakim by his hand, and they were going to see their mother. If Bobby wanted to come along, then fine. But if he didn’t, then that was fine too.

  Hell, if she had to go alone, then she was going to go. Tammy looked at her watch and saw that they’d been gone almost thirty minutes. She cocked her head and started to think. She knew that it shouldn’t have taken them that long. She had a sneaking suspicion of where they may have gone, but she prayed it wasn’t true. Even though Steve and Camp had tried to rape her, she didn’t want her man and her brother to do something stupid and end up having to face murder charges. After another five minutes, Tammy couldn’t wait any longer.

  Throwing caution to the wind, Tammy grabbed the. 38 handgun that Bobby had bought for her two weeks earlier, and she headed for the door. She didn’t know a lot about guns, but Bobby had taught her enough about them to protect herself. Tammy sprinted out the door and straight for the car. She was in such a hurry that she never even noticed Detective Dryer staring at her from behind the wheel of his unmarked police car.

  Dryer felt that his luck was about to change. After being sidetracked from following Tammy earlier, he’d gone to get something to eat and made a beeline right back to his stakeout spot. He’d been waiting all of ten minutes before Tammy came rushing out the door.

  Sure looks like she’s in a hurry.

  This time, there were no interruptions of cars as he got behind Tammy and followed her to her destination. When she reached it, he parked half a block away. Dryer smiled wickedly as he watched Tammy make her way up the steps of a large two-story house.

  Tammy looked at the door and took a deep breath. Although she was a little nervous about what she might see when she went inside, she was more afraid of what might happen to her mother if she didn’t. She knocked on the door twice and peeked in as it eased open.

  “Ma? Ma, you in here?” Tammy tiptoed into the living room and stopped dead in her tracks. Her mouth flew open, and she dropped to her knees. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Right there in the middle of the floor was her mother on her knees, sucking some strange man’s penis. Tammy was mortified. “What the hell are you doing?”

  The man who was being serviced looked at Tammy liked she had just stopped him from hitting the lotto.

  “Oh, my God,” Janice said as she scooted away from the man.

  “Hold up,” he said. “I don’t know who the fuck you is, but I done paid this bitch a lotta money to suck and swallow, so unless you gon’ join the party, I suggest you get the fuck outta here!”

  The man roughly grabbed Janice by her hair and yanked her head back down on his dick. Reluctantly, Janice started back to her business. After a few seconds, Janice heard a click.

  “I know damn well you ain’t pulled no fucking gun on me!”

  “Get the fuck off of my mother,” Tammy yelled, ignoring him.

  “Tammy, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Me? What am I doing? What the hell are you doing? Who in the fuck is this sorry son of a bitch standing in front of you with his dick in your mouth?”

  “I’m sorry,” Janice said as she dropped her head in shame. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”

  “Yeah, I see,” Tammy said. She was getting angrier by the second. “You kicked me and Hakim to the curb so you can hang out with trash like this!”

  “Please, you don’t understand,” Janice cried out.

  “Then tell me! Explain it to me so that I understand it!” Tammy wasn’t a fool. She knew damn well that if her mother was doing this sort of thing, Steve had probably pushed her to it.

  Meanwhile, as Tammy and her mother went back and forth with each other, the man took the opportunity to ease toward Tammy. When he was sure that she wasn’t paying enough attention, he rushed her and tackled her to the floor. The gun flew from Tammy’s hand and landed over by the door.

  “I’m gonna teach yo’ ass to pull a fucking gun on me,” he screamed.

  He drew back his fist and brought it crashing down. Tammy barely moved her head in time as the punch grazed the side of her face. Pain shot through her temple as she reached up in an attempt to ward him off. The man grabbed both of her wrists and slammed them down to the floor, over her head. He went into his pocket and came out with a switchblade knife.

  “Let’s see how many niggas wanna be with yo’ ass after I carve up that pretty little face of yours!” As soon as he popped the knife open to cut Tammy, hot pain seared through the left side of his body.

  “Muthafucka, get the fuck off of my child!”

  The barrel of Tammy’s gun was still smoking when the man took his last breath and slumped to the floor. After nearly two months of wondering if her mother truly loved her, Tammy found out that she did in one breathtaking moment. Janice helped Tammy off the floor, and for a moment that seemed to last forever, they stood there and looked at the dead body.

  “Mama, we gotta get outta here,” Tammy said, grabbing her mother by the hand and pulling her to the door.

  “But what about him?”

  “Fuck him! Let’s roll,” Tammy said, pulling on her arm even harder.

  Chapter 36

  Ray-Ray sat behind the wheel of
a stolen Ford Taurus. A mask of anger occupied his face as he observed James standing on the corner serving the fiends. Knowing that he couldn’t get at Red and his crew without help, Ray-Ray enlisted some assistance to help him get revenge on the people who’d tried to kill him. Red, Bobby, James, Cedric, and Dru all had to die. It didn’t matter to him that James and Bobby weren’t even around when Red tried to have him snuffed out. They were part of Red’s crew and therefore had to be eliminated. He couldn’t believe that Red had the nerve to try to have him killed over a broad he didn’t even give a shit about. After checking the clip of his .40-caliber handgun, Ray-Ray smiled as he watched his sinister plan unfold.

  James followed the sexy vixen into the alleyway. It was hard to believe that a woman this fine could be a crackhead, but after selling enough drugs in his young life to start a pharmacy, James knew better than most that fiends came in all shapes, sizes, and colors. The woman quickly got down on her knees and started fumbling with James’s zipper.

  “Damn, baby, you don’t waste no time, do you?”

  The woman shook her head slowly from side to side. She caressed his manhood and watched as he leaned back against the brick wall and closed his eyes. “You ready for this?”

  “Oh, hell yeah,” he said with his eyes still closed.

  James started to get antsy. In his opinion, she seemed to be taking a long time to take him into her mouth. Then all of a sudden, he didn’t feel anything anymore. When he opened his eyes, Ray-Ray and Cookie were both standing there, giving him a death stare. James was so scared he pissed on himself.

  The minute he saw Ray-Ray standing there holding his gun, he knew that he was in a world of trouble. Before he could even begin to explain to Ray-Ray that he had nothing to do with the attempt on his life, Ray-Ray shot him between the eyes. Brain matter and blood painted the wall behind him like graffiti. One down, four to go, thought Ray-Ray.

  * * *

  Dryer was so tired it only took him a few seconds to nod off while waiting for Tammy to come out of the house. His head snapped up at what he thought was a gunshot. Had he been awake, he could have easily identified what it was. He looked around for a minute to see if any suspicious activity was going to happen, but none did. Dryer was getting tired of waiting. He was going to give Tammy a few more minutes, and then he was going to knock on the door and make up some bogus reason to take her in.


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